Are you afraid to die?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I'm afraid of my man dying before I do.

I honestly believe he would handle my death way better than I'd ever handle his.

Ideally I would like his MS to NEVER act up....never get any worse than it is today, and for me to die first.

I'm really not all that afraid to die. I'm not planning on it anytime soon and I want to enjoy my life but my time is my time.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
For some it is....

The great unknown.

For others it is....

Not wanting the good times to end.

For others it is.....



The Prowler

Factory Bastard
I hope everyone lives forever but I know everyone I know and love will die in the next 100 years.

Brains can be kept alive.

That will allow the consciousness to live.

Immortality is possible.

The question that is being investigated now is will a virtual reality be used?....or will realistic robot "shells" that interface with the brain be used in the real world?

Obviously there are many benefits to using a virtual reality and I think that is the best solution.

Interfacing with the brain is very complicated, but great steps have been taken and it is looking very promising.

You just might know one or two of the lucky ones.

You might have "met" one online.


Ignore features are for bitches.
Southern Florida
I thinka bout killing myself when my vision gets so bad I can't read but then people are like "They might make a cyber optic nerve and you could see again in as little as 5 to 10 years!!!" and I'm like fuck man cuz I'd feel so dumb if I killed myself now at 30 then it could be fixed at 36 years old.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
I thinka bout killing myself when my vision gets so bad I can't read but then people are like "They might make a cyber optic nerve and you could see again in as little as 5 to 10 years!!!" and I'm like fuck man cuz I'd feel so dumb if I killed myself now at 30 then it could be fixed at 36 years old.


That technology is already developed. Well, not as you described it.

But you could have perfect vision tomorrow. In fact, way better vision than you are thinking. Thermal imaging. Telescopic vision. Think "The Terminator" or "RoboCop", but much more advanced.

The optic nerve is not required. The interface to the optic chiasm has been developed. Eye Cameras have been developed.

But you do not qualify.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Brains can be kept alive.

That will allow the consciousness to live.

Immortality is possible.

The question that is being investigated now is will a virtual reality be used?....or will realistic robot "shells" that interface with the brain be used in the real world?

Obviously there are many benefits to using a virtual reality and I think that is the best solution.

Interfacing with the brain is very complicated, but great steps have been taken and it is looking very promising.

You just might know one or two of the lucky ones.

You might have "met" one online.

I don't want to live a life devoid of passionate, skin on skin sex. At 43 my drive is through the roof. If I was single right now I'd be crying and comfort eating because I cannot bring myself to ho about.

I NEED a strong emotional connection.

How would that be done in a robot body?! Would we have emotions? Orgasms? Would we eat food?!

Would we just be existing or still enjoying all the things that make life exciting and worth it?

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
How would that be done in a robot body?!

A multitude of sensors and an interface to the brain.

But, this is one of the main reasons why:

Obviously there are many benefits to using a virtual reality and I think that is the best solution.

Would we have emotions?

Of course.

In a virtual reality, they would be virtual. But you would feel them just like you do now. There would be no perceivable difference.

Would we eat food?!

Same answer.

I do not think you are really grasping this. Haha!!!

Would we just be existing or still enjoying all the things that make life exciting and worth it?

There would be no perceivable difference. But the virtual reality would be programmed so that humans would tend to experience more happiness and pleasure, and less sadness and pain.

Everything you experience right now might be part of a virtual reality. You might already be interfaced. You do not know.

In fact, the idea of "erasing" any memories of the conversion from "body form" to being interfaced is being investigated. So people who are living in the VR will not know they are living in the VR. It will just be a continuation of their life from "body form" to the VR.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Some of those that know me have heard this before....

years ago when I was going to College I almost choked to death one time swallowing a health food concoction i was into at the time, a clot of brewers yeast had lodged in my throat I could not inhale or exhale.....after a increasingly panicked attempts to dislodge the obstruction including trying to heimlich myself over a kitchen chair, slamming my body against a wall, I was going out the back door in hopes of getting that neighbors attention, as my peripheral vision was starting to go and my field of vision seemed to be narrowing like binoculars....suddenly I dropped I like a rock hitting the concrete patio...I realized I did not have the strength left to get up, after moment this feeling of mildly amused peace came over me, I thought about the irony of choking to death on health food and hoped my survivors might find some humor there....

I heard this wheezing noise and realized my airway had opened a teeny tiny bit, I then forced myself to inhale a tiny bit more air and then to exhale more....

So anyway I survived.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
A multitude of sensors and an interface to the brain.

But, this is one of the main reasons why:

Of course.

In a virtual reality, they would be virtual. But you would feel them just like you do now. There would be no perceivable difference.

Same answer.

I do not think you are really grasping this. Haha!!!

There would be no perceivable difference. But the virtual reality would be programmed so that humans would tend to experience more happiness and pleasure, and less sadness and pain.

Everything you experience right now might be part of a virtual reality. You might already be interfaced. You do not know.

In fact, the idea of "erasing" any memories of the conversion from "body form" to being interfaced is being investigated. So people who are living in the VR will not know they are living in the VR. It will just be a continuation of their life from "body form" to the VR.

So like The Matrix.

I guess that would work. So long as I was still me I'd be good with it.
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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
You know, I hear people are more afraid of public speaking than of dying.
. Jerry Seinfeld noted, people would rather be the dead guy at a funeral than a eulogist.

I would rather speak to an audience thousands of people for and hour than have to grieve that man.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I'm sure werds would regret ever having been born.

Well, people actually enjoy my voice. So I've been told.

I'm just saying. I have to die first because I won't handle him dying well at all and I can't even imagine having to keep going in this world with him gone. I'd rather eat shards of hot glass. Sit in hot fry grease. Deep throat a power line.

Publicly speak.

When I think of fearing death, it's not my own I fear. It's grief. I fear losing one of my children ...I couldn't go on after that. I fear losing him, I just don't want to continue in the world with out them. I'd have a hole ripped into my being that would never stop hurting. I'd be sick with sorrow.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Well, people actually enjoy my voice. So I've been told.

I'm just saying. I have to die first because I won't handle him dying well at all and I can't even imagine having to keep going in this world with him gone. I'd rather eat shards of hot glass. Sit in hot fry grease. Deep throat a power line.

Publicly speak.

When I think of fearing death, it's not my own I fear. It's grief. I fear losing one of my children ...I couldn't go on after that. I fear losing him, I just don't want to continue in the world with out them. I'd have a hole ripped into my being that would never stop hurting. I'd be sick with sorrow.
The quality of ones voice* does not equal the quality of how one uses words.

*sound wise