

Factory Bastard
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A "debate" between Unacceptable and Insufferable.


'Murica, fuck yeah.
I'll definitely be missing it. Don't want to see the weak-ass Dem canidate fumbling all over himself while trying to debate the most ridiculous candidate ever to be placed on any ballot anywhere, any time in history.


Mr. Excitement
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This old one is where he challenges a guy to a pushup contest. lol



I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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I'll definitely be missing it. Don't want to see the weak-ass Dem canidate fumbling all over himself while trying to debate the most ridiculous candidate ever to be placed on any ballot anywhere, any time in history.
I think Sleepy Joe could out discuss national policy issues with Trump all day long, if Sleepy Joe is able to get a word in edge wise over the loudly bloviating and interrupting Trump


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Did you ever notice how some people can impugn everyone and everything w/o actually having a counter-perspective?


Factory Bastard
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Mr Trump how would you deal with the homeless crisis?

He's a fucking moron and a disgrace. But the truth is, homelessness exploded starting in the 80s. What did Clinton or Obama or Biden or Pelosi or any Dem in power do to put an end to it? I know the CONs are far worse. But the Dems maintain the status quo with the decline and fall of the middle class, the rise of the billionaire class that does zip for American workers, and the inexcusable homelessness in the US. And they talk through both sides of their mouths. Both parties need to go. it will not change for the better until that happens.

Just my two cents. I know many of the Dems here disagree with me. But I am just so incredibly discouraged by the fubar that is the US. Trump is an evil asshole, but defeating him will not fix any of this other stuff. And don't get me started on SCOTUS. Look what Obama let the Cons get away with there. He should have convinced RBG to retire and he should have fought for Garland. And fucking Biden should have stacked the court.

Sign me, Appalled.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
He's a fucking moron and a disgrace. But the truth is, homelessness exploded starting in the 80s. What did Clinton or Obama or Biden or Pelosi or any Dem in power do to put an end to it? I know the CONs are far worse. But the Dems maintain the status quo with the decline and fall of the middle class, the rise of the billionaire class that does zip for American workers, and the inexcusable homelessness in the US. And they talk through both sides of their mouths. Both parties need to go. it will not change for the better until that happens.

Just my two cents. I know many of the Dems here disagree with me. But I am just so incredibly discouraged by the fubar that is the US. Trump is an evil asshole, but defeating him will not fix any of this other stuff. And don't get me started on SCOTUS. Look what Obama let the Cons get away with there. He should have convinced RBG to retire and he should have fought for Garland. And fucking Biden should have stacked the court.

Sign me, Appalled.

You're not wrong, the Democrats have failed at dealing with big social problems by any measure.

I see the problem with the religious right coming into power under the people long passed, Jerry Falwell and the Moral Majority and Ronald Reagan. They made a hard turn to the religious right and it was a backlash to the "radicalism" of the 1960s and early 1970s. The problem the right saw was the looming demographic changes. They needed a unifying focus for the average white voter in the US. God, was it. They focused on splitting white Americans from everyone else, they were still the majority and while they rammed the wedge issues, abortion, gay rights, women's rights, etc they used their power to change the SCOTUS, the laws on labor, environment, etc. They pointed the finger at all those groups I mentioned plus "immigrants" to create the enemy of the poor and working class white.

I once had a discussion with an acquaintance about it, he said that "Fundamentally, we live in a conservative country." He was a progressive and I balked at the argument at the time, remembering some of our earliest social movements, unions and the labor rights we gained from them. He just said "you'll see."

He was right, I fear.

Now the Democrats, in order to be in the game at all, have also been pulled to the right, starting with Clinton. The Republicans are clear in their goal, they want to maintain power at all costs. The Democrats, instead of trying to meet with actual working class Americans, of any demographic, and asking them what they want out of government, have chased the GOP in deciding what to manipulate people into for political gain. The Dems, also realizing that demographics were changing drastically, leaned into identity politics, wrongly in my opinion. Though, it can be easy to do that when you hear the awful shit coming out of the GOP, about women, gays, "minorities", etc.

The Dems have been playing catch up instead of working to address the needs of Americans, and that has been their major flaw.

But was my friend right? Are we/were we a fundamentally conservative nation? Maybe...I see some hope as religious institutions are losing followers.

Right now, I am not hopeful. Trump and Biden are both nominees. A true disgrace.


Factory Bastard
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Yes, and Clinton started the trend of combatting the religious right by taking the Dem party to the center, and even right of center, and full-on corporate. He helped move us to the horrible place we are in now. And Hills was right there with him, urging him on.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Yes, and Clinton started the trend of combatting the religious right by taking the Dem party to the center, and even right of center, and full-on corporate. He helped move us to the horrible place we are in now. And Hills was right there with him, urging him on.


The religious right, however, is off the charts loony that we really haven't had in our modern history. How do we combat that shit?

Look at the crazy ideas coming out of the right - the "trad" wife, Christian Nationalism, ending abortion and maybe even contraception now.

Only through young people...our current generation of older Americans is screwed. I had lunch a couple of weeks ago with some friends, one of them a baby boomer Bay Area lawyer. He said "Our generation turned out to be a bunch of phonies. We just didn't want to go to Vietnam, rightly so, so we 'agitated', and we had a lot of easy sex, drugs and rock and roll as our we got older we retreated back into the entitled, selfish people our parents raised us to be."

I thought, hmmm, there might be something to that.

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The religious right, however, is off the charts loony that we really haven't had in our modern history. How do we combat that shit?

Look at the crazy ideas coming out of the right - the "trad" wife, Christian Nationalism, ending abortion and maybe even contraception now.

Only through young people...our current generation of older Americans is screwed. I had lunch a couple of weeks ago with some friends, one of them a baby boomer Bay Area lawyer. He said "Our generation turned out to be a bunch of phonies. We just didn't want to go to Vietnam, rightly so, so we 'agitated', and we had a lot of easy sex, drugs and rock and roll as our we got older we retreated back into the entitled, selfish people our parents raised us to be."

I thought, hmmm, there might be something to that.
.. How much of that do you figure is just the pendulum swinging to the other side of gender reassignment, demographic shift due to mass immigration, permissiveness being mistaken for liberalism etc?
.Politics obeys laws of physics much as does physical objects do.
