Did anyone watch Trump's town hall on CNN?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Trump is going to have to register as a sex offender now that he’s lost a defimation of character civil suit



Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
In the 2016 election cycle the corporate media gave Trump billions of dollars of free press (at the behest of the DNC who wanted to use him as a "pied piper" candidate), making him popular and a bit of a martyr because their strategy was ham-fisted and plain to see; especially after the Wikileaks dumps.

Apparently they have learned nothing at all from that experience.

I presume they're still using the same consultants and advisors they had back then despite the overwhelming evidence of rampant incompetence. This is what happens when you abandon meritocracy in favor of cronyism and hivethink.


Factory Bastard
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New York passes a law that says for one year only (???) the statute of limitations is dropped.

Trump's accuser helped get the law passed.

The moment it goes into effect she files a civil he said/she said suit (no evidence).

The case gets accelerated preferential treatment so it can be in court ASAP

The jury finds her credible enough to award some money but rejects finding Trump liable for rape.

Corporate media begins cycling a narrative built around the context-deficient headline: "Trump Guilty".

Whether or not something happened between Trump and Carroll the way this case has been handled and spun in the media is pretty obviously designed specifically to damage Trump's reelection prospects.

The democrats and their accomplices are interfering with our elections.


So Rape is OK.


3 Felonies Hunter? Those are Rooky Numbers!
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Your Feng Shui gives me ennui.
Why do they love him, let us count the ways...


Holliday Unchained

That's the kind of myopic partisan tribalism/derangement that has landed us in this fucked up situation to begin with. It doesn't make you moral, or just, or even smart. It makes you a useful idiot in thrall to an exploitative cabal of psychopaths.

. Nah. Oh and don't think I don't appreciate you efforts to be non-partisan. As the founder of the internets anti-LibiCon movement I certainly do, but I'm not as unadornedly simplistic as you are.
.Where Trump is concerned, I wouldn't/don't advocate being fair any more that I would being fair with a lethal virus. Sidelining him and his slithering movement, showing it for what it is, and taking it's power will benefit all so how that is done, short of killing him directly, is of no matter. The fact is he is a shitty person with shitty political ideology and emblematic of the MeMeMe (conservative) culture we live in. Dirty pool has always been in politics from the beginning. Nothing new there. If you imagine a little feller like youz's moral outrage at unfairness (LoLz there) is going to change that, take a deep breath and have another thought.
..oh, and no that does not mean I think BIDEN BIDEN BIDEN YAAAY! YAAAAY DEMOCRATS!. If you imagine that it's your black and white thinking on display.


3 Felonies Hunter? Those are Rooky Numbers!
Site Supporter ☠️
Your Feng Shui gives me ennui.
That's the kind of myopic partisan tribalism/derangement that has landed us in this fucked up situation to begin with. It doesn't make you moral, or just, or even smart. It makes you a useful idiot in thrall to an exploitative cabal of psychopaths.

Imagine there's no countries, it's easy if you try....


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
Tell me you have TDS without saying you have TDS...

. Nah. Oh and don't think I don't appreciate you efforts to be non-partisan. As the founder of the internets anti-LibiCon movement I certainly do, but I'm not as unadornedly simplistic as you are.
.Where Trump is concerned, I wouldn't/don't advocate being fair any more that I would being fair with a lethal virus. Sidelining him and his slithering movement, showing it for what it is, and taking it's power will benefit all so how that is done, short of killing him directly, is of no matter. The fact is he is a shitty person with shitty political ideology and emblematic of the MeMeMe (conservative) culture we live in. Dirty pool has always been in politics from the beginning. Nothing new there. If you imagine a little feller like youz's moral outrage at unfairness (LoLz there) is going to change that, take a deep breath and have another thought.
..oh, and no that does not mean I think BIDEN BIDEN BIDEN YAAAY! YAAAAY DEMOCRATS!. If you imagine that it's your black and white thinking on display.

Yep. That'll do it.