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Mr. Excitement
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*This cat lived only a few hours drive away from me.

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Allan Joseph Legere was born in the Chatham Head neighborhood of Miramichi, New Brunswick. Little is known about Legere's life except for his previous work as a car salesman at Winchester before his first arrest. On June 21 1986, Legere and accomplices Todd Matchett and Scott Curtis targeted a convenience store in Black River Bridge late in the evening. After cutting the power, and while the store was being looted, the group broke into the store and attacked the elderly couple who ran it, John and Mary Glendenning. John was beaten to death, and Mary was beaten and raped by the three attackers before the group fled. Mary woke up and, after seeing her husband dead, crawled upstairs to call emergency responders who spoke with her until she was rescued. The police identified and arrested the three robbers and attackers shortly there after; while Matchett took a guilty plea to murder and assault, Legere and Curtis were convicted on their charges in court. Legere specifically was sentenced to life in prison from a conviction of second-degree murder.

On May 3, 1989, Legere was transferred from maximum security to the Dr. Georges L. Dumont Regional Hospital for treatment of an ear infection. Legere requested of correctional service personnel to use the restroom, where he pulled out a metal shiv concealed in his rectum and picked the locks in his full body shackles. Exiting without restraints, Legere threatened the personnel with the shiv and held Peggy Olive hostage to keep everyone present at enough a distance while escaping from the hospital, releasing Olive around the time Legere sped off in her car. Legere stayed on the run from numerous acts of carjacking, auto theft, and robbery. During the months Legere was on the run, yet still residing in New Brunswick, the entire region was terrified to the point of most family and friends living together for safety and trick-or-treating being cancelled that year.

On May 29, Legere attacked shopkeeper Annie Flam and her sister Nina in Chatham. Annie was murdered and Nina was beaten and raped, before their home was set on fire to destroy the scene, but Nina was rescued in time by responders. Legere went largely dormant for a couple months, and around that time, his appeal in absentia for his first conviction was shot down by the Canadian Supreme Court on October 1, as Legere was refused a ruling unless he was in custody, even in spite of five similar cases later receiving rulings from the court. On October 13, Legere broke into the home of two sisters, Donna and Linda Daughney, and raped and murdered them both before also setting their home on fire. Legere's final confirmed murder is on November 16 of James Smith, a priest who was killed in the rectory of his own church, the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church in Chatham Hill. Legere had made off with valuables from the safe in the rectory and Father Smith's car.

On November 24, Legere carjacked a taxi driver, a truck driver, and even an off-duty constable starting in Saint John and made it all the way to outside Rogersville, trying to make it to Moncton, before he was arrested without resistance by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police at a blockade they set up, until being aggressively subdued and trying to strike back at the officials knocking and pinning him to the ground. Rewards of 50 grand were given to civilians who provided information. Legere was convicted in August 1990 on escape charges and received nine more years. Legere was indicted and convicted on murder charges in November, the trial being the first time a Canadian prosecution used DNA profiling to convict, not exonerate. Legere was transferred from super maximum security to maximum security in 2015. In August 2020, Miramichi was set on edge when Legere motioned for day parole. Parole was denied at a hearing on January 31, 2021, and Legere remains incarcerated. The provincial jail Legere was in previously was turned into a science museum, where Legere's cell became an exhibit for DNA profiling in forensic investigation.

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Factory Bastard
Not as brutal as Legere but this nigga was even closer to me on several occasions and lived worked in a few towns cities I've lived in. Mainly Lindsay and Toronto. I never met him but he did work with some of my own family.. briefly but still fucked up.


Factory Bastard
I've missed of a few of this dude's channel.. Reminds me of when I get to camp.. makes me feel so at peace.



Mr. Excitement
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From the outside, Paul Bernardo and his wife Karla Homolka appeared the perfect couple — good-looking, well educated and well-employed. They were living the dream. Behind closed doors, the St. Catharine's, Ont. couple were creating nightmares, dragging women to their deaths through a hell of sex and torture. They went as far as accidentally killing Homolka's sister in a bizarre Christmas gift exchange.

The culmination of the couple's terror was when Homolka turned against her husband to save her own skin and testified against him. Bernardo remains in jail while she walked free years ago. These are Canada's Ken and Barbie Killers.
The door into the hell that Bernardo and Homolka created was opened when she showed up at a hospital in January 1993.

He had beaten her severely with a metal flashlight and stabbed her with a screwdriver. She had been hit so heavily from behind that she had a raccoon-eyes look from her brain smashing into the front of her skull.

Later that month, she contacted legal aid and a divorce lawyer. The police, however, were interested in her husband.
DNA from him had been matched to semen from an unknown person known as the Scarborough Rapist.Bernardo first abused a woman in 1984. She was 19 years old. Three years later, he sadistically raped another two in Scarborough. Five months after that, he met Homolka. They had sex within two hours of meeting.

The Scarborough Rapist attacks led to eight attacks by Christmas of 1988, a toll that reached 12 by the time they suddenly stopped in the spring of 1990. A year later, a strikingly similar attack happened in St. Catharines. Police didn't link the cases. It was, however, Bernardo. From there, Bernardo moved to sexually sadistic murders — the so-called Schoolgirl Murders — the killings of Kristen French and Leslie Mahaffy. Mahaffy disappeared on June 14, 1991.

Videotapes found in the Bernardo-Homolka home revealed Mahaffy had been held hostage for about 24 hours, during which time she was drugged and repeatedly tortured and sodomized. Both agreed they had given her a teddy bear between assaults. Homolka said Bernardo strangled the girl with an electrical cord but failed to kill her and did it again. Bernardo claimed he was out of the room when she died.

Whatever the truth, they moved her downstairs from an upstairs bedroom and then entertained the Homolka family. Karla dissuaded her mother from going downstairs. Once the family gathering was over, the couple dismembered the body using Bernardo's grandfather's circular saw. Mahaffy's remains were found encased in concrete on June 29, 1991, in Lake Gibson near St. Catherines. Dental records confirmed her identity. French, meanwhile, was abducted at knifepoint in a church parking lot. Bernardo and Homolka held French captive for three days.

They videotaped themselves torturing the 15-year-old and subjecting her to sexual humiliation and degradation while forcing her to drink large amounts of alcohol. They murdered her on April 19, 1992. Then they went for a family Easter dinner. French's naked body was found in a Burlington side road ditch 11 days later.

Police had initially suspected another man, Jonathan Yeo, in the deaths. But when Yeo was corned by officers and promptly shot himself. Police had to face the reality that they perhaps had two sexual sadist killers in Ontario's Niagara region. It was not something they wanted to admit publicly because of the terror it might cause. However, Bernardo had long been on police watch lists — just not highly ranked. And, indeed, no one suspected whoever they were looking for as having an accomplice, never mind a female one.

A lack of coordination of police information between jurisdictions — a recurring problem in serial killer cases — was also an issue. One woman had reported Bernardo, his car and license plate in a complaint. Two sisters had tracked Bernardo to his home and taken the license plate number. Inside the house, French was enduring her last night alive.

Homolka told investigators Bernardo had abused her, and that she had been an unwilling accomplice to the murders. Consequently, she struck a deal with prosecutors for a reduced prison sentence of 12 years in exchange for a guilty plea to a manslaughter charge. It was only after Homolka's plea bargain negotiations that the role of the couple in the death of Karla's sister Tammy Homolka came out. When Karla went for a psychiatric assessment in March 1993, she confessed to her involvement in a letter to her parents. On Christmas Eve 1990, two weeks before Tammy's birthday, Karla and Bernardo fed Tammy sedative-laced booze. When she was unconscious, they raped her. When they could not revive Tammy, an ambulance was called. Karla covered up evidence of the assault.

The death was believed to have been an accident — Tammy had choked on her vomit. After Karla's confession, Tammy's body was exhumed. When the body was re-interred, it was without the Bernardo-Homolka wedding invitation that initially was in it. The deal to get Homolka's evidence against her husband horrified Canadians, who saw it as little more than a pact with the devil. Her hearing was covered by one of the most strict publication bans ever seen in Canadian history.

Homolka served 12 years in prison on two counts of manslaughter. She was released on July 4, 2005, and gave an interview to CBC that day — again to the horror of Canadians. Bernardo was convicted of first-degree murder and sentenced to life in prison. He remains imprisoned despite an application for parole in 2018.

In his book Dark Paths Cold Trails, Doug Clark describes the sexual sadist as one who gets "their kicks by inflicting physical and psychological pain, savoring the anguish of their victims and their absolute control over them, extending to their power of life and death in the end. "They lived out their deviant fantasies through domination, control, humiliation, torture, forced sex, and violence. It was all scripted, instructing their victims verbally or in writing, what to do, what to say, how to please them, often recording their suffering to relive later."

Bernardo was convicted on two counts of first-degree murder, kidnapping, unlawful confinement, sexual assault and offering an indignity to a dead body. He appealed his conviction on all nine counts but asked for a new trial only on the two counts of first-degree murder. He admitted that he kidnapped the two victims and that confined them in his house while he brutally sexually assaulted them. He maintained Homolka alone was the killer and that he was guilty only of manslaughter.
His appeal was denied.

Bernardo told his parole hearing he wouldn't re-offend, but he remains at high risk for intimate partner violence and a moderate risk for recidivism. He said he cries about his crimes. He has taken three treatment courses in prison, including for sex offenders, but shown "minimal gains." Bernardo is a “no-contact offender.” That means much of his time is in a 2.5-by-3-metre cell. He gets one hour of solitary time on the range, and his yard time is spent alone. He told the parole board he has hardly any meaningful human contact, and what little he does is "degrading."

"Being me, in prison, is hard," Bernardo told the parole board before they denied him parole.

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Mr. Excitement
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Most internet users browse content online using the surface web, a segment of the internet where sites are indexed by popular search engines and can be easily viewed using traditional web browsers. While the surface web may represent most of what the average user sees, there are many more layers of hidden content to be found on the dark web. Using a special browser known as The Onion Router (Tor), users can explore these hidden sites and engage in both legal and illicit activities under the cover of an anonymous IP address. Here's a look at how the dark web works and the many ways in which people use it, both legally and illegally.

Sites on the surface web (or open web) are those visible to average users without the use of Tor or any other special browsers or software. Sites on the surface web are also indexable and can be easily found using search engines. Although the surface web is made up of many of the most popular .com, .net, and .org sites, it's estimated that it represents only around 5% of the total content available on the internet, with the rest being found on the deep web or dark web. In a classic example, the surface web can be imagined as the tip of a large iceberg whose bulk remains hidden just under the surface. Millions of regular internet users access private databases such as email inboxes and credit card accounts daily. These pages are not indexed by search engines and are protected behind security walls, authentication forms, and passwords on the deep web.

Approximately 90% of all websites are on the deep web, and many are used by entities such as corporations, government agencies, and nonprofits. What's known as the dark web exists within the deep web; it's an area of the internet that is only accessible by users who have a Tor browser installed. In general, most average internet users will never need to access content on the dark web, although it is perfectly legal to use Tor. The dark web is known to have begun in 2000 with the release of Freenet, the thesis project of University of Edinburgh student Ian Clarke, who set out to create a "Distributed Decentralized Information Storage and Retrieval System." Clarke aimed to create a new way to anonymously communicate and share files online. That groundwork was the basis for the Tor Project, which was released in 2002 and launched a browser in 2008. With the creation of Tor, users could now browse the internet completely anonymously and explore sites that were deemed part of the "dark web."

Originally used by the United States Department of Defense to communicate anonymously, the dark web has now become a hub for users wishing to remain anonymous around the world. People use the dark web for both legal and illegal purposes. It uses a technology called "onion routing," which protects users from surveillance and tracking through a random path of encrypted servers. When users access a site through Tor, their information is routed through thousands of relay points that cover the user's tracks and make their browsing virtually impossible to trace.

While using the dark web may seem suspect on the surface, it is perfectly legal, and there are many legitimate uses of Tor and anonymous browsing. For example, in countries where government surveillance may be used to spy on and oppress political dissidents, the dark web is often a place for communication that avoids government censorship and scrutiny. Despite these added layers of security, users should still be cautious using the dark web and take proper security measures, such as periodically updating their security software, browsing with a robust VPN, and avoiding the use of a standard email address.

Given its anonymous nature, the dark web is also used for illicit and even illegal purposes. These include the buying and selling of illegal drugs, weapons, passwords, and stolen identities, as well as the trading of illegal pornography and other potentially harmful materials. Several sites hosting illegal material have been discovered by government agencies and shut down in recent years, including Silk Road, AlphaBay, and Hansa. The dark web's anonymity has also led to cybersecurity threats and various data breaches over the last few decades.

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Mr. Excitement
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Every generation creates its own monsters. Folk tales tell of witches and wyrms in the woods, my TV-infused generation feared Jaws in lakes and Bloody Mary in the mirror. This generation gets its monsters from the Internet.

Slender Man is a pure product of electronic media. He appears in places we rarely frequent, these days – abandoned, crumbling halls, deep woods, a playground with a rickety steel jungle gyms. He is a suburban ghoul with his own history and his own methodology and, of late, he has become the object of controversy due to an attack in Wisconsin during which two girls stabbed another in order to appease Slender Man’s dark needs. It was a horrible story and it underlies how little we understand about the psychology of a generation weaned on the Internet and how images can morph from fiction to fact in the course of half a decade. Slender Man’s origin is surprisingly clear. Unlike most urban legends, we can trace his provenance with absolute certainty. He was born on June 8, 2009, on a forum site frequented by Photoshop pranksters. He belongs to a guy in Florida named Eric Knudsen who has a young daughter and is surprised as much as anything that his demon hasn’t yet been thrown onto the slag heap of forgotten memes. An entire history, an entire corpus, has grown up around him in a way that would have been impossible a decade ago.

He is the first pure product of the Internet, a demon spawned not out of a specific place but out of bits. Here’s some of his story. Slender Man first appeared on the Something Awful forums under a thread titled “Create Paranormal Images.” One user, Slidebite, said “You just know a couple of the good ones are going to eventually make it to paranormal websites and be used as genuine.” He was right. The first image of Slender Man- of a tall, out-of-focus figure, next to a tree – was accompanied by a bit of text that sounds like the dialogue from a badly-translated horror game.

Other posters added their own interpretations of the material, creating a backstory that stretched out to 16th-century Germany and even to 5000 BC. The creator, Victor Surge, added a few more photos, while other visitors created their own. One particularly clever image is a modified woodcut. In the original, a skeleton takes a child from its parents, perhaps into death. In the modified version, the skeleton has long arms and legs and its misshapen skull is hidden by the eaves of the house.Slenderman is a product of this century. He appears and havoc follows. He murders in undescribed ways or he compels others to murder. He is a dark god in an age of digital media and he fills the empty place between the news and the unknown.

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Factory Bastard

i woke up in the middle of the nigh and this was on youtube.. nothing special but donald pleasence is a hell of a narrator/host.