Free Julian Assange


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
Assange didn't steal any secrets.
Assange told no lies.
Assange published information the powerful wanted hidden which is what journalists have always done.

Assange is being persecuted for showing us the truth.



3 Felonies Hunter? Those are Rooky Numbers!
Site Supporter ☠️
Your Feng Shui gives me ennui.
It could be that they didn't care to have a self aggrandizing, rapist, Russian asset stinking up their embassy.


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
Did he release dirt on Trump ahead of the 2016 election or only his opponent? Has he released dirt on Putin? A lie may be found in what you don't do or say and much as what you do.

Assange didn't/couldn't pick and choose the information given to Wikileaks. He was a publisher, not a commentator or even an author of the content on Wikileaks. They published what had been provided to them. If you have a problem with what Wikileaks was or was not given to publish maybe you should have provided them some stuff you'd rather see.

If you have questions about what Wikileaks has or hasn't published I highly recommend going and perusing the site for yourself. There is a lot of content there that never got as much public attention as the DNC/Podesta emails but are equally as important and illuminating. May I suggest beginning with the 'Vault 7' CIA leaks? Yeah they're from 2017 but they're still relevant... just like the DNC/Podesta emails.

Free your mind and your ass will follow.


3 Felonies Hunter? Those are Rooky Numbers!
Site Supporter ☠️
Your Feng Shui gives me ennui.
Assange didn't/couldn't pick and choose the information given to Wikileaks. He was a publisher, not a commentator or even an author of the content on Wikileaks. They published what had been provided to them. If you have a problem with what Wikileaks was or was not given to publish maybe you should have provided them some stuff you'd rather see.

If you have questions about what Wikileaks has or hasn't published I highly recommend going and perusing the site for yourself. There is a lot of content there that never got as much public attention as the DNC/Podesta emails but are equally as important and illuminating. May I suggest beginning with the 'Vault 7' CIA leaks? Yeah they're from 2017 but they're still relevant... just like the DNC/Podesta emails.

Free your mind and your ass will follow.
Now that you've freed your mind, what happens next?

Alien Nosferatu

Available for Parties
Planet 9
Assange didn't/couldn't pick and choose the information given to Wikileaks. He was a publisher, not a commentator or even an author of the content on Wikileaks. They published what had been provided to them. If you have a problem with what Wikileaks was or was not given to publish maybe you should have provided them some stuff you'd rather see.

If you have questions about what Wikileaks has or hasn't published I highly recommend going and perusing the site for yourself. There is a lot of content there that never got as much public attention as the DNC/Podesta emails but are equally as important and illuminating. May I suggest beginning with the 'Vault 7' CIA leaks? Yeah they're from 2017 but they're still relevant... just like the DNC/Podesta emails.

Free your mind and your ass will follow.
:LOL3: Assange himself said he didn't "publish" dirt on Trump because he did feel the need to. He as "publisher" seems to have picked and chosen what he "published". I know what that says to my freed mind, what it means to you partisans and other conservative sorts I can not say, but given your statement it's an easy guess.
I have no dog in the race, as the Earth saying goes, but as an objective observer it is evident that "publishing" dirt on one but not another prior to an election could represent an expression of bias.

Alien Nosferatu

Available for Parties
Planet 9
Claim of a fact not in evidence.
You should have just stayed in character... that could have been fun.
Instead you've earned a ticket to *plonk*ville for wasting my time.

At this rate there won't be anyone left to read.

Perhaps toddle off to a place your time won't be wasted. A nearby sandbox maybe?