January 6th, "gonna be wild"


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Yep. They are using people. Infecting them with irrational hate and destroying the country the country from within.

Supporting individual liberties and rights and wanting less government and less tax burden is now extremism.

Did you ever think you would see such blatant authoritarianism in America? This is literally what Orwell wrote about.

We are never going to able to reason with them. Ever. They enjoy what they are doing. The only options are separating and we know they'll never let that happen peacefully.



I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Domestically feral
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United states

Yep. They are using people. Infecting them with irrational hate and destroying the country the country from within.

Supporting individual liberties and rights and wanting less government and less tax burden is now extremism.

Did you ever think you would see such blatant authoritarianism in America? This is literally what Orwell wrote about.

We are never going to able to reason with them. Ever. They enjoy what they are doing. The only options are separating and we know they'll never let that happen peacefully.


Well you are blind as fuck.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Yep. They are using people. Infecting them with irrational hate and destroying the country the country from within.

Supporting individual liberties and rights and wanting less government and less tax burden is now extremism.

Did you ever think you would see such blatant authoritarianism in America? This is literally what Orwell wrote about.

We are never going to able to reason with them. Ever. They enjoy what they are doing. The only options are separating and we know they'll never let that happen peacefully.


Well you are blind as fuck.

Gay and fairy as fuck too


Domestically feral
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United states

Okay so instead of ignoring this point like you always do?

You guys were not clutching your Pearl's when BLM burned shit down in DC, threatened and attacked Rand Paul, openly said they wanted to murder police, take the fight to the Senate and burn the WH.

So knock it off. We all know this is purely partisan, none of you care about any violence .....you guys are just pissed off because OTHER people demanded to be heard.

You guys hate liberal democracy, you want one party and to force your "values" on everyone.

You guys are destroying the country. Turning it into an authoritarian shit hole where if people speak against or go against the government they end up in solitary confinement for months over trespassing. That's what you are cheering for.

And you cant see how you people are being fed bullshit and falling for it.


Domestically feral
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United states

Tourist as fuck!

Should I start posting pictures and videos of the leftwing psychotic riots?

Or is all that violence and destruction okay because YOU agree with their cause and YOU think only stances you approve of are valid?

See the problem yet? You guys hate us....and believe all this bullshit (or you know its lies) that you are willing to destroy the country and create an authoritarian one party state. That you think will give you guys your utopia.

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Video in the link.

""I'm at the point where I'm ready to put these police in the f---ing grave. I'm at the point where I want to burn the f---ing White House down,” the man is heard telling a crowd in a video posted on social media. “I want to take it to the senators. I want to take it to the Congress. I want to take the fight to them. And at the end of the day, if they ain't going to hear us, we burn them the f--- down."


"I'm one that talk real s---. I talked it in New York and I'm talking it in D.C. The same way I f---ed up police in New York, I'll f--- cops up here in D.C. The same way I bust police in the head in New York, I'll bust police in the head in D.C.”

“It’s a lot of people that's on this front line. And one of the things that I always say: Don't get on this f---ing front line if you ain't going to f---ing fight. Don't get on this front line if you ain't going to take no hit. Don't get on this front line when the f---ing police push back. If you gonna be on this front line and the racist ass, nasty ass, punk ass f---ing police pushing up, you push the f--- up."

And nothing was done about this or any of that violence and it was VASTLY worse. But facial recognition is used to throw old people in solitary confinement for months over trespassing. And a partisan shit show committee is formed. And people are having their rights directly stripped JUST for being there.

And you guys call US "putanists" while you guys destroy liberal democracy by punishing people for having different views and different needs.....just like fucking Russia does. That's what you guys are supporting. ACTUAL fascism.


Domestically feral
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United states

u r teh dum

You know what's really dumb?

BLM threatening and harrassing Rand Paul and his wife yelling "say her name" when HE passed the Breona Taylor bill.

So once again you are gonna drop pictures of Jan 6th that help YOUR narrative while there are pages of pictures and videos of left wing riots, destruction and violence and unhinged hate....and you are gonna ignore that while clutching your pearls and supporting partisan, unjust and unconstitutional punishing of people because they oppose your politics.

And you are gonna just ride out being on the wrong side of history and support the destruction of the country. Because other opinions make you mad. Because no one should be allowed to vote for their own interests or have a voice in the country that opposes yours.

Right? That's what you guys want.


Domestically feral
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United states
Here is this one.

Do these scum bags ever think about serving the people? Not scamming, lying, dividing and spreading hatred and working on GOOD policies and working on making life better for average Americans? That might be a good way for them.


Domestically feral
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United states
there it is, but jic,

Total theater. Look at that ghoulish hypocrisy.

Funny how none of these people gave a single rip shit about the violence against Portland police and those racist slurs and the rape threats against women cops. And trying to burn down the precinct while occupied.

Literally none of these people cared about any of this. No tears. No "is this America". Its disgusting our tax money is being wasted on this total sham intended to punish people for their political stance.

Did any of these assholes say they wished more people would watch the Portland police talk about what they went through during leftwing riots? Nope.

Their supporters are useful idiots who are helping destroy the country. They dont care about anything until GovCo tells them what to care about.


Factory Bastard
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jan 6th is a big date now, like a sacred day
next 1/6 politicians will get shot, many lone wolf events, maybe even oklahoma bombing scale type events


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
jan 6th is a big date now, like a sacred day
next 1/6 politicians will get shot, many lone wolf events, maybe even oklahoma bombing scale type events
Lets hope they're all on the left!
i would avoid anything leftist or federal gvt on that day

ie, AOCs security detail will be getting triple $$ hazzard pay lol


Put your glasses on!
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How can you "whitewash" white history?

CRT isnt even history. You can go right to the source and see what it is. Equity education.

They just lie and gaslight. Everything they say is lies.

I really hope this Equity stunt with schools showed more people just how disgusting, dishonest and hostile these people really are.
It's an abomination, makes you really wonder what kids are being taught these days that we don't know about... It seems schools are just liberal PR camps now...

Its bad, I had to teach my son truths, fuck whatever THEY want to push at the indoctrination camp!

If he listens, he’s as indoctrinated as you. Easy to see why the wife took up a residence somewhere else.

Fuck you asshole! My wife died!

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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QAnon-Loving Ex-Marine Accused in Capitol Riot Fled to Mexico as Feds Closed In

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You know, what you are just too god awfully stupid to understand is this:

Very very few, if any of us at all, believe these rioters are innocent of crimes. They are not. What we've taken issue with is the fact that leftist riots have produced similar outcomes (with the exception of temporarily delaying a vote count) during dozens of "peaceful protests" to the ones observed on Jan 6th and yet you leftist dirtbags have absolutely nothing to say about them.

But you'll cry to high heaven about some doofus testifying that he was scared on Jan 6th


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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QAnon-Loving Ex-Marine Accused in Capitol Riot Fled to Mexico as Feds Closed In

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You know, what you are just too god awfully stupid to understand is this:

Very very few, if any of us at all, believe these rioters are innocent of crimes. They are not. What we've taken issue with is the fact that leftist riots have produced similar outcomes (with the exception of temporarily delaying a vote count) during dozens of "peaceful protests" to the ones observed on Jan 6th and yet you leftist dirtbags have absolutely nothing to say about them.

But you'll cry to high heaven about some doofus testifying that he was scared on Jan 6th
This thread is about the attempted Coup on 1/6/2021, you are welcome to my knowledge, to start your own thread to address any grievances you may have on other social issues.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter

QAnon-Loving Ex-Marine Accused in Capitol Riot Fled to Mexico as Feds Closed In

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You know, what you are just too god awfully stupid to understand is this:

Very very few, if any of us at all, believe these rioters are innocent of crimes. They are not. What we've taken issue with is the fact that leftist riots have produced similar outcomes (with the exception of temporarily delaying a vote count) during dozens of "peaceful protests" to the ones observed on Jan 6th and yet you leftist dirtbags have absolutely nothing to say about them.

But you'll cry to high heaven about some doofus testifying that he was scared on Jan 6th
This thread is about the attempted Coup on 1/6/2021, you are welcome to my knowledge, to start your own thread to address your any grievances you may have on other social issues.
...and yet again, too fucking stupid to get the point. :facepalm:


Domestically feral
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United states
You guys dont even know what a whataboutism is.

Figures you use terms like this against your own countrymen.

The treatment of Americans on Jan 6th already provided a REAL whataboutism for Putan. Russia punishes citizens harshly based on political dissent.

We cant say anything about Russia when America is doing what Russia does. That's what a whataboutism is.

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No one here ever does whataboutism. What we are doing is rubbing your faces in your psychotic and endless hypocrisy. Its cartoonish. What we are communicating to you is that we know you are liars. You dont care about any laws broken, or any riots and certainly not police. We know this because we watched you ghouls defend leftwing violence all summer.

So when you fake your outrage about Jan 6th....we see through it. We know you guys are really mad at democracy and your goal is a one party government. Its tyranny what you guys are pushing.

You just dont have the guts or integrity to admit it. You are a mindless coward pretending to be outraged by people trespassing on the Capitol on the "wrong" side of politics.

And in order for it to be a "whataboutism".....we would have to be excusing crime. Which none of us have done. We are simply pointing out the unjust and overblown treatment of those guilty of voting wrong in the minds of leftwing tyrants.