One of those moments.

Cookie Monster

One of the cool Kids.
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TERF Island.
You know the Tom n Jerry cartoon where a little devil and a little angel appear on each shoulder? Well i had that today.

Theres me just mooching through the mall after a bit of shopping when i spied a stall with women giving out roses to other women and it had on it international Women's day.

Devil Cookie: Go on, go and get one. Tell em you identify as a women.
Angel Cookie: No don't go looking for trouble, trouble always finds you soon enough!
Me: Carrys on walking considering it, walks parallel to the stall now and sees the word Diversity. Hmmmmm.
Devil cookie: Go on, tell them you identify as a Nigger! A female one!
Angel Cookie:Fucking hell don't listen to him just keep walking see, theres the exit.
Me: Its a nice day, i'm a bit to well known to the Old Bill round here so I'll skip it till i see a Pride stall..

Do you have any of those moments?


3 Felonies Hunter? Those are Rooky Numbers!
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Your Feng Shui gives me ennui.
The only time I think about the transgender community, is when I see a headline about crimes against children, wondering if this will one of those tranny crimes trumptards wail about constantly but it never is, it’s always a “normal” person, always.


Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
You should have done it if for no other reason than one of those ladies might know kickboxing and a bystander's video of you getting your arse handed to you could have gone viral on TikTok.

You have deprived us of some most excellent entertainment good sir, and we shall not soon forget it.
Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

One of the cool Kids.
Site Supporter ☠️
TERF Island.
The only time I think about the transgender community, is when I see a headline about crimes against children, wondering if this will one of those tranny crimes trumptards wail about constantly but it never is, it’s always a “normal” person, always.

But you read mindless propaganda pumped out by the MSM.
Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

One of the cool Kids.
Site Supporter ☠️
TERF Island.
You may have set up the board but you can't force us to play checkers if we'd rather have a game of chess.

I don't make the rules- I just break them.
Rules? Lolasauris Rex

The reason I am not banned is my internal agenda doest slap BF in the face, call that morality or cowardice I don't care as I'm here for the fun.