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3 Felonies Hunter? Those are Rooky Numbers!
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Your Feng Shui gives me ennui.

Jared Kushner is back to brokering major deals with foreign governments per new reports today. We’ve already exposed his $2 billion investment fund with the Saudis, and we are pushing hard to ensure this grift gets the attention it demands. This is real corruption.

But hired Russian spies say Hunter Biden had a Laptop!


Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
Why can't we live in a world where we all talk things out?

Partly ego but I believe it's mostly conditioning.
People are conditioned to place themselves and their opinions and their wants above everything and everyone else.

We're a society of manufactured narcissists and cultivated sociopaths.

That might be just what the doctor ordered if your doctor's name is capitalism but it's a horrorshow for humanity.


Domestically feral
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United states
Partly ego but I believe it's mostly conditioning.
People are conditioned to place themselves and their opinions and their wants above everything and everyone else.

We're a society of manufactured narcissists and cultivated sociopaths.

That might be just what the doctor ordered if your doctor's name is capitalism but it's a horrorshow for humanity.

I talked about you with my republican man. And he gets you.

So do I.

MY fears revolve around the government having too much power. And the human tendency to become power hungry.

If it wasn't for that Gar we would be on the same team all the way.

No matter what happens though I know YOU genuinely want GOOD things for all of us. So do I. I think the fact we both know that about eachother makes all the difference.

And I'll take your side in a damn heartbeat. You are a good person and a good friend. ♡

I wish more people were like this. We recognize that we both want GOOD outcomes for humanity. Like if we got the government you felt was best I hope it succeeds! Because I don't care about being RIGHT. I just want things to be good.

I wouldn't want it to fail so I could be like "hur Der you were wrong! I'm right! Der der!" you know? Like I would want it to work. Show me I was wrong! I'd concede! I'd celebrate with you!
. I'm just scared of the amount of power our government would have if we did things like...universal Healthcare. It's not people have Healthcare that upsets me. It's the fucking government being in control of it that scares me.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I mean leftists say everyone should have Healthcare. I can't disagree.

But they are gunning for universal which puts the government in control of it and THAT is the issue I have.

All we are is a damn number to the government. Right now people on ACA struggle because their care is dictated by government standards.

It's not that I don't want people to have health care....I just don't want the damn government having control of our medical care.

Is that so offensive of me? Am I heartless and uncaring for that really? Because I get told that by lefties and I DO care. I care A LOT you guys. It hurts my heart ALL the time.

I hate how it's always about how heartless I am....are you kidding me? I cry about shit that people on the other side of country ha e happen.


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
As I see it the parts of government overreach and intrusiveness that bother you are directly the result of corporate capture of our governing bodies and institutions.

Profits do not have a conscience.
Perpetual growth, expansion, and exploitation is the philosophy of a cancer cell, not a civilization. Individuals become relegated to mere resources whose entire existence is defined by the "value" which can be extracted from them.

It's inhuman. Literally.
We've decided money should be the dominant form of life on this planet despite the fact that it isn't even alive.

Regardless of the makeup of our government though, having tens of thousands die every year because a lack of basic health care and more being financially decimated because of medical debt is worse than whatever corruption would exist in a universal health care system run by the thieves and liars who now hold power.

Uncoupling access to health services from employment is, in my view, actually necessary to reforming our government. That would take away one of the biggest sticks our corporate-captured government uses to bludgeon us into conformity.

That ...not cost or complexity... is why they continue denying us health care as a right instead of a privilege.

They need that stick and the threat of using it to keep us divided and afraid and apathetic.

For them it's a question of maintaining power; for us it's a question of survival and dignity.

I'd love almost nothing more than seeing that stick taken away and shoved right up their arses.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
As I see it the parts of government overreach and intrusiveness that bother you are directly the result of corporate capture of our governing bodies and institutions.

Profits do not have a conscience.
Perpetual growth, expansion, and exploitation is the philosophy of a cancer cell, not a civilization. Individuals become relegated to mere resources whose entire existence is defined by the "value" which can be extracted from them.

It's inhuman. Literally.
We've decided money should be the dominant form of life on this planet despite the fact that it isn't even alive.

Regardless of the makeup of our government though, having tens of thousands die every year because a lack of basic health care and more being financially decimated because of medical debt is worse than whatever corruption would exist in a universal health care system run by the thieves and liars who now hold power.

Uncoupling access to health services from employment is, in my view, actually necessary to reforming our government. That would take away one of the biggest sticks our corporate-captured government uses to bludgeon us into conformity.

That ...not cost or complexity... is why they continue denying us health care as a right instead of a privilege.

They need that stick and the threat of using it to keep us divided and afraid and apathetic.

For them it's a question of maintaining power; for us it's a question of survival and dignity.

I'd love almost nothing more than seeing that stick taken away and shoved right up their arses.

I know people on government health care who have horror stories

Not being able to get important diagnostics.....not getting treatment in a timely way.

But I see your point with corps. And you aren't wrong.

We can all agree the state of health care is fucked right now.