Seamajor and Admin....


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
I must say!

While you both may lack in the looks and brains department, you guys make up for it with courage and bravery. I am for one impressed. Even with mounting odds and the daily dog piles, you two show back up the next day and do it all over again and for that The BF Elite Guard salute the two of you.


While it may not be customary for you two to have any kind of titles of esteem or rightfully belonging to a radical halfwit "reg" group. I can see that both of you needing to be honored.

I bestow unto you, Seamajor and Admin, the titles of "The Duke" and "The Dutchess" of all things fair and noble. For these titles you both will swear an oath to me and and in times of war be my personal guard. Additionally, you will report the proper intelligence findings to The Bastard Factory Intelligence Division known as F.7.7. or The B.F.I.D.

I had requested the special color of pink for your usernames but I was rebuffed and was told quote:

"Those two dickheads are lucky they're still here."

I will keep looking for a way to get your name color changed. Meanwhile, I need both of your signatures.



*****on a technical side note, because of the special laws pertaining to titles of stature in the Ukraine which is where the BF servers and headquarters are located, titles have to include any significant others or spouses, because of that special rule both Seamajor and Admin must be addressed this way when seen in Bastard Factory Forums. The law does not set an example who should be "The Dutchess" so both parties can work that out themselves. It should also be noted that whomever is designated as "The Dutchess" must make no less than 1000 attempts at getting pregnant by "The Duke" in a span of no longer than 20 years. "Attempts" will only count if there is a successful creampie insemination.*****
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Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
admin had a really rough day today

he got caught biting down hard on some bait and got slapped across his dickhole

the one on his face



Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
so basically you're saying he'd be eager to do so otherwise

lolz... you see it too

Other things I see are you salivating on your keyboard as you type out these moronic posts about sucking cawk. Another thing I see is you being infatuated with Admin's purdy mouth.

Midget fag boi!

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Admin was biting down hard on the bait today

Does he bite that hard while he’s sucking dick too ?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
And then what happens?

Well, then you are trampled to death by a bunch of overweight homos (Aryan, Dilf, and Breakfall) stampeding their way to the latest Elton John merch and 1/2 off the meat pies at Aldi's (not necessarily in that order).
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Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Thanks, dude!

Speaking of "cool." Have you upgraded your Hyundai Sonata to a Kia Rio yet?
No. Not yet. There is no upgrade path from such a vehicle to my luxury genesis G80. Sorry