Still braver than the Forum's Civil War Cosplayers, unarmed Mom's and Dad's stare down the Russian Army


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Melitopol. People with bare hands oppose the column of Russian occupiers



Philosopher King
Site Supporter
West Coast
No takers, eh?

Heard yesterday there was a joint transmission from the ISS, Russian & US cosmonauts agreed that Prez Zelenskyy's bawlz are so big they can see 'em from the ISS.


cluster bombs and unguided rocket salvos into cities r a bad look for putin
Not to mention the AmeriConservatives who have sided with him. Trumputinists by name.

If you are a Trump supporter, you supported Putin.
Don't try to run from it.
At least triumph (in defeat) in not running from what you have professed to believe in.

No one respects a flip-flopper.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
cluster bombs and unguided rocket salvos into cities r a bad look for putin
Not to mention the AmeriConservatives who have sided with him. Trumputinists by name.

If you are a Trump supporter, you supported Putin.
Don't try to run from it.
At least triumph (in defeat) in not running from what you have professed to believe in.

No on respects a flip-flopper.
is that how u get your opinions...consult the team?

sorry but i think for myself so im not some lockstep-lemming


cluster bombs and unguided rocket salvos into cities r a bad look for putin
Not to mention the AmeriConservatives who have sided with him. Trumputinists by name.

If you are a Trump supporter, you supported Putin.
Don't try to run from it.
At least triumph (in defeat) in not running from what you have professed to believe in.

No on respects a flip-flopper.
is that how u get your opinions...consult the team?

sorry but i think for myself so im not some lockstep-lemming
Oh so you are distancing yourself from the trumputinists now that it is convenient for you.



Who am I? I am over Two Billion in Saudi Cash!
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Follow the money.
Holliday has been drinking drain again and keeps posting about his fever dreams.
OH, IC - so you too have never supported Trump's adoration of Putin.
Rational people beg to differ.

Trump was 'almost alone' with Putin for 45 Minutes in Helsinki, this is them leaving the room after, which dude looks like the winner?

Trump has not made notes of the meeting available, why?


Holliday has been drinking drain again and keeps posting about his fever dreams.
OH, IC - so you too have never supported Trump's adoration of Putin.
Rational people beg to differ.

Trump was 'almost alone' with Putin for 45 Minutes in Helsinki, this is them leaving the room after, which dude looks like the winner?

Trump has not made notes of the meeting available, why?
Official government notes burried in secret many miles deep beneath Mar-a-Logo.

PS: Such a little man Putin is.
Do you think he has a Napoleonic complex?


Who am I? I am over Two Billion in Saudi Cash!
Site Supporter ☠️
Follow the money.
Holliday has been drinking drain again and keeps posting about his fever dreams.
OH, IC - so you too have never supported Trump's adoration of Putin.
Rational people beg to differ.

Trump was 'almost alone' with Putin for 45 Minutes in Helsinki, this is them leaving the room after, which dude looks like the winner?

Trump has not made notes of the meeting available, why?
Official government notes burried in secret many miles deep beneath Mar-a-Logo.
Probably being flushed out to sea, during late night rage dumps. (On a Gold toilet though!)


Holliday has been drinking drain again and keeps posting about his fever dreams.
OH, IC - so you too have never supported Trump's adoration of Putin.
Rational people beg to differ.

Trump was 'almost alone' with Putin for 45 Minutes in Helsinki, this is them leaving the room after, which dude looks like the winner?

Trump has not made notes of the meeting available, why?
Official government notes burried in secret many miles deep beneath Mar-a-Logo.
Probably being flushed out to sea, during late night rage dumps. (On a Gold toilet though!)
Could be Captain Nemo has secured them.
There's a TRUTH you won't find on Corporate Media.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
cluster bombs and unguided rocket salvos into cities r a bad look for putin
Not to mention the AmeriConservatives who have sided with him. Trumputinists by name.

If you are a Trump supporter, you supported Putin.
Don't try to run from it.
At least triumph (in defeat) in not running from what you have professed to believe in.

No on respects a flip-flopper.
is that how u get your opinions...consult the team?

sorry but i think for myself so im not some lockstep-lemming
Oh so you are distancing yourself from the trumputinists now that it is convenient for you.


No, you are just wrong as usual and desperately trying to manipulate people.

It's not working. Grow up.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
cluster bombs and unguided rocket salvos into cities r a bad look for putin
Not to mention the AmeriConservatives who have sided with him. Trumputinists by name.

If you are a Trump supporter, you supported Putin.
Don't try to run from it.
At least triumph (in defeat) in not running from what you have professed to believe in.

No on respects a flip-flopper.
is that how u get your opinions...consult the team?

sorry but i think for myself so im not some lockstep-lemming
Oh so you are distancing yourself from the trumputinists now that it is convenient for you.


No, you are just wrong as usual and desperately trying to manipulate people.

It's not working. Grow up.
he thinks lame peer pressure tactics worked on him, so y not everyone else


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
So what's the jist of this thread?

That American mom are chickenshit scumbags if we want our actual constitutional rights like the 2A?

I'm genuinely starting to think Admin just hates women. We are pieces of shit if we dont want men to be able to say "I'm a woman" and come into sex segregated spaces. Pieces of shit if we dont want to get raped and beaten like its 1600(back when women had no rights....and hey humanity survived so we clearly dont need rights today)

And we cant arm ourselves either. Because if I can have guns, than schools will get shot up.

And look at at those Ukrainian moms standing off with armed Russian soldiers. That's how vulnerable we have to be here.

Is that it? Have I covered it?


My intel says that Putin is 5' 6", yet he dominated Trump.
Putin previous career was as a KGB Colonel, who's job was finding foreign useful idiots.
How successful he was in America.

Think of all the Duhvs and Oderstinks across the nation.
All of the adulation - this is where it has lead.

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the breaching of sovereign borders and the murder of peaceful citizens.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
cluster bombs and unguided rocket salvos into cities r a bad look for putin
Not to mention the AmeriConservatives who have sided with him. Trumputinists by name.

If you are a Trump supporter, you supported Putin.
Don't try to run from it.
At least triumph (in defeat) in not running from what you have professed to believe in.

No on respects a flip-flopper.
is that how u get your opinions...consult the team?

sorry but i think for myself so im not some lockstep-lemming
Oh so you are distancing yourself from the trumputinists now that it is convenient for you.


No, you are just wrong as usual and desperately trying to manipulate people.

It's not working. Grow up.
he thinks lame peer pressure tactics worked on him, so y not everyone else

He has awkward level strong feelings about Putin and Ukraine.

He calls any objective critical analysis of this situation "support for Putin".

I think these gaslighting and dishonest hysterics are because it's the only way he can defend the shit bags in the government he supports who actually cause these problems. He is trying hard to shift blame when it's obvious to everyone in the world that the American government is shit.

We had peace under Trump. We have nothing but war and conflict and struggle under the establishment he supports out of misguided hatred of his own neighbors.

If his team gave a tiny fuck about us? They would assure Putin no NATO expansion.....butt the fuck out....and open up Keystone.


Who am I? I am over Two Billion in Saudi Cash!
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Follow the money.
So what's the jist of this thread?

That American mom are chickenshit scumbags if we want our actual constitutional rights like the 2A?

I'm genuinely starting to think Admin just hates women. We are pieces of shit if we dont want men to be able to say "I'm a woman" and come into sex segregated spaces. Pieces of shit if we dont want to get raped and beaten like its 1600(back when women had no rights....and hey humanity survived so we clearly dont need rights today)

And we cant arm ourselves either. Because if I can have guns, than schools will get shot up.

And look at at those Ukrainian moms standing off with armed Russian soldiers. That's how vulnerable we have to be here.

Is that it? Have I covered it?
If I could interrupt for just a moment, Imma let you finish, I was thinking of baking a pan of Chicken and Rice, do you know what sort of herbs and spices would the Ukrainian Women use? Oh and I usually use a Mushroom Soup as a base for the sauce, but would cream of celery be a better option for that Ukraine flavour?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
So what's the jist of this thread?

That American mom are chickenshit scumbags if we want our actual constitutional rights like the 2A?

I'm genuinely starting to think Admin just hates women. We are pieces of shit if we dont want men to be able to say "I'm a woman" and come into sex segregated spaces. Pieces of shit if we dont want to get raped and beaten like its 1600(back when women had no rights....and hey humanity survived so we clearly dont need rights today)

And we cant arm ourselves either. Because if I can have guns, than schools will get shot up.

And look at at those Ukrainian moms standing off with armed Russian soldiers. That's how vulnerable we have to be here.

Is that it? Have I covered it?
If I could interrupt for just a moment, Imma let you finish, I was thinking of baking a pan of Chicken and Rice, do you know what sort of herbs and spices would the Ukrainian Women use?

My mother in law is Slavic. I could ask her for you.

It will come with support of the 2A and womens sex based rights that her family immigrated here to enjoy amongst other liberties and rights not given to them in places like the Ukraine.

Just sayin


Oh and - yes - fuck the world's natural environment (we only live here) and kowtow to dictaters because power and money is what matters.


Who am I? I am over Two Billion in Saudi Cash!
Site Supporter ☠️
Follow the money.
So what's the jist of this thread?

That American mom are chickenshit scumbags if we want our actual constitutional rights like the 2A?

I'm genuinely starting to think Admin just hates women. We are pieces of shit if we dont want men to be able to say "I'm a woman" and come into sex segregated spaces. Pieces of shit if we dont want to get raped and beaten like its 1600(back when women had no rights....and hey humanity survived so we clearly dont need rights today)

And we cant arm ourselves either. Because if I can have guns, than schools will get shot up.

And look at at those Ukrainian moms standing off with armed Russian soldiers. That's how vulnerable we have to be here.

Is that it? Have I covered it?
If I could interrupt for just a moment, Imma let you finish, I was thinking of baking a pan of Chicken and Rice, do you know what sort of herbs and spices would the Ukrainian Women use?

My mother in law is Slavic. I could ask her for you.

It will come with support of the 2A and womens sex based rights that her family immigrated here to enjoy amongst other liberties and rights not given to them in places like the Ukraine.

Just sayin
You're saying Ukrainian woman practice the 2a while making chicken and rice? How so?