Tell us your perception of what is left and right...


Factory Bastard
...not a trick question, but in my experience seems to be a movable feast.

Explain what your idea of left and right is?

Use the same old tired tropes, use the vendetta you once had against a Jewish white black yellow brown neighbour that did not take your green bin in that time you had to attend the emergency meeting of the grand dragons inauguration, behind the dumpster of your local Taco Bell.

Entertain us what you think communism is, socialism does, or fascism slaughters.

Take your time, I'm almost sure it will be worth reading. That is if any you have the balls to elucidate it.


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
It's a complicated issue in 'Murica by design.
The corporate media and politicians themselves often ascribe or claim affiliation with left/right, progressive/conservative, etc. to simply mean democrat or republican when in any civilized nation both of those parties would be considered right wingers.

It's why I try to avoid using such terms unless being ironic or pejorative.

I don't give any fucks about the labels placed or self-applied onto politicians. Just tell me how they vote, what they're willing to actually fight for, and who's giving them their bribes. Words are wind; actions are the only things that matter.

That's also why I don't subscribe to any particular *isms and wouldn't use one to sum up my collective positions/opinions.

Arguing about theory or historical definitions or which *ism is better than some other *ism or whether this/that is praxis is, in my view, a waste of fucking time that could better be spent on grokking current conditions, strategizing to make improvements, and then doing stuff.

Even when my government does things that arguably fit the definition of 'fascism' I prefer using terms like authoritarianism because the former comes with a lot of baggage heaped onto it in relation to past dictators and conflicts.

Using dialectic shortcuts by employing words that are almost but not quite what you really mean might feel like an economical use of language but it's really just misinterpretations and misunderstandings, real or feigned, waiting to happen.

We cling too desperately to traditional labels and descriptives at the expense of clarity and modern relevance.

We exchange ideas the same way we do everything else... shoddily and exclusively for our own benefit.


Who am I? I am over Two Billion in Saudi Cash!
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Follow the money.
It's a complicated issue in 'Murica by design.
The corporate media and politicians themselves often ascribe or claim affiliation with left/right, progressive/conservative, etc. to simply mean democrat or republican when in any civilized nation both of those parties would be considered right wingers.

It's why I try to avoid using such terms unless being ironic or pejorative.

I don't give any fucks about the labels placed or self-applied onto politicians. Just tell me how they vote, what they're willing to actually fight for, and who's giving them their bribes. Words are wind; actions are the only things that matter.

That's also why I don't subscribe to any particular *isms and wouldn't use one to sum up my collective positions/opinions.

Arguing about theory or historical definitions or which *ism is better than some other *ism or whether this/that is praxis is, in my view, a waste of fucking time that could better be spent on grokking current conditions, strategizing to make improvements, and then doing stuff.

Even when my government does things that arguably fit the definition of 'fascism' I prefer using terms like authoritarianism because the former comes with a lot of baggage heaped onto it in relation to past dictators and conflicts.

Using dialectic shortcuts by employing words that are almost but not quite what you really mean might feel like an economical use of language but it's really just misinterpretations and misunderstandings, real or feigned, waiting to happen.

We cling too desperately to traditional labels and descriptives at the expense of clarity and modern relevance.

We exchange ideas the same way we do everything else... shoddily and exclusively for our own benefit.
Too Gary Did Not read.



Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
"Left" and "Right" are labels of convenience used by people who need to reduce political dialogue to a collection of caricatures that are great for sparking and perpetuating arguments but worth fuckall for anything else.

Just my not so humble opinion.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
...not a trick question, but in my experience seems to be a movable feast.

Explain what your idea of left and right is?

Use the same old tired tropes, use the vendetta you once had against a Jewish white black yellow brown neighbour that did not take your green bin in that time you had to attend the emergency meeting of the grand dragons inauguration, behind the dumpster of your local Taco Bell.

Entertain us what you think communism is, socialism does, or fascism slaughters.

Take your time, I'm almost sure it will be worth reading. That is if any you have the balls to elucidate it.
In theory or in reality? In the US, or across the West?


Who am I? I am over Two Billion in Saudi Cash!
Site Supporter ☠️
Follow the money.
"So tell me where should I go, to the left where nothing is right or to the right where nothing is left" Itachi