The state of Israel has now destroyed itself...

The New Holliday

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The Deep Space
That's so fucked up. This part I don't understand about Islam. You don't have to be covered in most countries. I just don't get it. I was born in a Christian Palestinian family. I still wonder how that came to be. Somewhere down the line the generation took a turn.
Things always degenerate into the exoteric, dead letter as we say, forms of conservatism when inner teachings are lost or not properly understood. We have the same problem here, of course, with fundi x-tian trumptards etc. And there is always massive hypocrisy as you see with the likes of Lwhoren Boobert or that Swaggart guy. With the primitives, like ME men, I suspect they put it all on the women to cover up because the sight of a woman's hair or breast sends them all out of control impulse control because they are little more than animals.

PS: just should add here, that it is easy to forget that the human race, as it is related to the material world, is still in a process of involution and not truly evolving. One need only walk outside and interact with the other humans to be made aware of this. That is to say, that people are not much different than the beasts of the forest except that the beasts are more predictable and less apt to harm w/o cause/necessity.

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Cookie Monster

One of the cool Kids.
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TERF Island.
Fun fact.

The Palestine Mandate was the ONLY area in the British Empire that was not self policing, they couldn't even be trusted to do that without fucking with each other. I knew an old boy who was in the army there during the war. He said the mohammedians told him that when the British go they will kill all the jews.


Factory Bastard
How can you hedge your bets and camel toe the fence? Either 700,000 Palestinians were forcibly removed from their homes post 47 or they were not. Many of them murdered in the process.


Factory Bastard
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Sunshine State ☀️
How do you think they ended up in the Gaza strip or the west bank CM?
Or Jerusalem. They have removed Palestinian families out of their homes that have lived in their homes over 20 years. Here is a fun fact my great grandfather house was taken. If you are taking a walk in Israel territory and you are a Palestinian Israel homeowners are allowed to shoot and kill you honest truth.

They bulldozed homes outside West Bank where they said they were not to touch moving in to build Jewish settlements.

Israel is proposing in Gaza architect designs of ocean front property. Herman go buy you one. Gaza has the most beautiful beaches.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Or Jerusalem. They have removed Palestinian families out of their homes that have lived in their homes over 20 years. Here is a fun fact my great grandfather house was taken. If you are taking a walk in Israel territory and you are a Palestinian Israel homeowners are allowed to shoot and kill you honest truth.

They bulldozed homes outside West Bank where they said they were not to touch moving in to build Jewish settlements.

Israel is proposing in Gaza architect designs of ocean front property. Herman go buy you one. Gaza has the most beautiful beaches.

They want the land. They want beach front property to sell and the Ben Gurion canal to make billions, and that doesn't begin to address their Jewish supremacist society.

The Palestinians are in their way.


Factory Bastard
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Sunshine State ☀️
They want the land. They want beach front property to sell and the Ben Gurion canal to make billions, and that doesn't begin to address their Jewish supremacist society.

The Palestinians are in their way.

He seems to watch American media and is much worse off for it. His posts sound exactly like something a Fox News watcher would post.
You know he believes the propaganda and doesn't want to understand some of the other side of things. Just like reaper stating no such thing as Palestine. My grandparents were married in Ramallah Palestine so I wonder if that was a And my passport states Palestine...hmmm wish it didn't because I get so much shit when I travel. Maybe he knows something I don't??? I love to get that removed. I mean it never existed right??? I'm so done message boards.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
You know he believes the propaganda and doesn't want to understand some of the other side of things. Just like reaper stating no such thing as Palestine. My grandparents were married in Ramallah Palestine so I wonder if that was a And my passport states Palestine...hmmm wish it didn't because I get so much shit when I travel. Maybe he knows something I don't??? I love to get that removed. I mean it never existed right??? I'm so done message boards.

Reaper's a wannabe bad ass troll. He's a man of some Irish ancestry that whole heartedly embraces the British right-wing establishment and their inbred monarchy.

What a goof!


Factory Bastard
Reaper's a wannabe bad ass troll. He's a man of some Irish ancestry that whole heartedly embraces the British right-wing establishment and their inbred monarchy.

What a goof!

Reaper is one of the only cunts here I cannot abide. He's like sunshine on a rainy day, he's like irony explained by Alanis Morrissette, he's like a fully-kitted scuba diver refusing to go outa his depth, and sometimes when he posts his mum recites the Dead Sea Scrolls backwards and has a 52 year overdue miscarriage.


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
They are indeed sowing the seeds of their own destruction. In the process of ethnically cleansing what was once Palestine of Palestinians, they are denying their own humanity.

It is a tragedy on so many levels.

The entire situation is a tragedy… on both sides.


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
The children are praying they die because they hear there is food in heaven. I can't with this guys. This is truly hard. And of course people think if they kill the children they won't grow up to be terrorist. Yes that solves it. It's a sick dark world and time.

I saw videos of the children crying for white bread. They are surviving on a mixture of grain not even suitable for livestock.

So sad.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
I'm talking about pre 47. lol. I have no desire anymore. This is just exhausting I could really care less proving any kind of point to you or anyone.

They will twist themselves into pretzels justifying their heinous acts.

He's telling you he knew some random guy in the war that met some Palestinian that said they kill all the Jews. Bet that was some vet's made up story.

Did the old man speak Arabic? Did the Palestinian speak English? I would bet not. Some people are too stupid to analyze what they're told.

What are the chances that was a real story? Slim to none is my guess.


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
Yes, but the massive loss of life, and children's lives, is only happening on one side...Palestine's.

I’m not going against the Jews to support Palestine as much as I’m not Israel bandwagon jumping.

These groups have been fighting for nearly 100 years, which is another valid reason to remove God altogether.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Israel has been going full right wing theocracy/apartheid state since they assassinated Yitzhak Rabin. Why is it so hard for Biden to stop sending weapons to Israel.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
I’m not going against the Jews to support Palestine as much as I’m not Israel bandwagon jumping.

These groups have been fighting for nearly 100 years, which is another valid reason to remove God altogether.

They have been, but it was because the British gave Palestine to the Jews. In 1947, the Jews came to Palestine and removed 700,000 Palestinians from their lands.

Those are historical facts, Murdy. You might want to learn about the Nakba.

The man in the short video I posted is Ilan Pappe, he's an Israeli...born and bred.



Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
They have been, but it was because the British gave Palestine to the Jews. In 1947, the Jews came to Palestine and removed 700,000 Palestinians from their lands.

Those are historical facts, Murdy. You might want to learn about the Nakba.

The man in the short video I posted is Ilan Pappe, he's an Israeli...born and bred.

It’s colonization… of course the far right agrees with it SMH