There's going to be so much fallout if Roe V Wade


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I also don’t agree that every woman who goes in for an abortion has the decision made for her…. at least not in liberal states we don’t….

I got pregnant on the pill when I was 17 with my daughter. I had a full ride to Arizona University and my mother did everything she could think of in an attempt to convince me to have an abortion so I wouldn’t ruin my life. I’m not going to go into horrific details, but the clinic I was taken to had a counselor and I made the decision to not have one and the counselor agreed that I wanted my baby. Then I was taken to my priest…. and when adopting her out didn’t work, multiple family members tried to convince me to have an abortion. It is the decision of the woman, and I say woman because a minor is automatically emancipated as an adult when pregnant, to do what is right for her and her baby. I live in a “liberal shithole” but counseling is mandatory at every abortion clinic.

My daughter graduates from USC this year with her masters in film. Fuck everyone who tried to get me to abort her. Fuck everyone who thinks they get to make this decision for anyone in both directions. It is the decision of the woman what to do with her body. PERIOD.
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The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
Once it goes beyond 3 months, thats murder to me, and laziness on the part of the "parents".

There should still be exceptions made for victims of rape, incest, defomities and where the Mother's Life is in Danger.

I also think it should be made illegal for the Cristian extremists to protest outside of abortion clinics.

The violation of privacy has to stop.
Horrible.. When a woman has to make such a heart breaking decision to begin with and then has to be ridiculed for it going in the door :(.. Is horrible.. I used to go by and throw pickle juice on the protesters near a town I live :D :D :D LOL..

my opinion - it’s a woman’s right to choose. My hub argues with me about it and I know it’s wrong, but it’s for a woman to decide.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Once it goes beyond 3 months, thats murder to me, and laziness on the part of the "parents".

There should still be exceptions made for victims of rape, incest, defomities and where the Mother's Life is in Danger.

I also think it should be made illegal for the Cristian extremists to protest outside of abortion clinics.

The violation of privacy has to stop.
Horrible.. When a woman has to make such a heart breaking decision to begin with and then has to be ridiculed for it going in the door :(.. Is horrible.. I used to go by and throw pickle juice on the protesters near a town I live :D :D :D LOL..

my opinion - it’s a woman’s right to choose. My hub argues with me about it and I know it’s wrong, but it’s for a woman to decide.

You disagree with your hubby, Countess?

Y'know what the Bible sez...."Honour thy Husband." ;-)


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Once it goes beyond 3 months, thats murder to me, and laziness on the part of the "parents".

There should still be exceptions made for victims of rape, incest, defomities and where the Mother's Life is in Danger.

I also think it should be made illegal for the Cristian extremists to protest outside of abortion clinics.

The violation of privacy has to stop.
Horrible.. When a woman has to make such a heart breaking decision to begin with and then has to be ridiculed for it going in the door :(.. Is horrible.. I used to go by and throw pickle juice on the protesters near a town I live :D :D :D LOL..

my opinion - it’s a woman’s right to choose. My hub argues with me about it and I know it’s wrong, but it’s for a woman to decide.

You disagree with your hubby, Countess?

Y'know what the Bible sez...."Honour thy Husband." ;-)

I don’t think agreeing to disagree respectfully would be dishonoring your husband… I’m traditional when it comes to relationships too… so….


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
My opinion - it’s a woman’s right to choose. My hub argues with me about it and I know it’s wrong, but it’s for a woman to decide.

You disagree with your hubby, Countess?

Y'know what the Bible sez...."Honour thy Husband." ;-)

I don’t think agreeing to disagree respectfully would be dishonoring your husband… I’m traditional when it comes to relationships too… so….

I'm jes being cheeky.

The Countess has often said she's Christian and believes in God. lol
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Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Once it goes beyond 3 months, thats murder to me, and laziness on the part of the "parents".

There should still be exceptions made for victims of rape, incest, defomities and where the Mother's Life is in Danger.

I also think it should be made illegal for the Cristian extremists to protest outside of abortion clinics.

The violation of privacy has to stop.
Horrible.. When a woman has to make such a heart breaking decision to begin with and then has to be ridiculed for it going in the door :(.. Is horrible.. I used to go by and throw pickle juice on the protesters near a town I live :D :D :D LOL..

my opinion - it’s a woman’s right to choose. My hub argues with me about it and I know it’s wrong, but it’s for a woman to decide.

You disagree with your hubby, Countess?

Y'know what the Bible sez...."Honour thy Husband." ;-)

I don’t think agreeing to disagree respectfully would be dishonoring your husband… I’m traditional when it comes to relationships too… so….
Once it goes beyond 3 months, thats murder to me, and laziness on the part of the "parents".

There should still be exceptions made for victims of rape, incest, defomities and where the Mother's Life is in Danger.

I also think it should be made illegal for the Cristian extremists to protest outside of abortion clinics.

The violation of privacy has to stop.
Horrible.. When a woman has to make such a heart breaking decision to begin with and then has to be ridiculed for it going in the door :(.. Is horrible.. I used to go by and throw pickle juice on the protesters near a town I live :D :D :D LOL..

my opinion - it’s a woman’s right to choose. My hub argues with me about it and I know it’s wrong, but it’s for a woman to decide.

You disagree with your hubby, Countess?

Y'know what the Bible sez...."Honour thy Husband." ;-)

I don’t think agreeing to disagree respectfully would be dishonoring your husband… I’m traditional when it comes to relationships too… so….

I'm jes being cheeky.

The Countess has often said she's Christian and believes in God.

I believe she is Christian and believes in God.

I also think that we are not required to be held to every standard of our organized religious denomination and should be allow to adapt those guidelines to fit what resonates most with our logic and spirituality.


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
Liberty finds no refuge in a jurisprudence of doubt.

Overturning Roe v Wade will further polarize the US.

Liberty finds no refuge in a jurisprudence of doubt.

Overturning Roe v Wade will further polarize the US.

I’m just glad I live no where near a red state. Motherhood is not something you force on someone. The burden on society is too high.

I can’t wait to see what these shitholes turn into in the next 20 years when you have undesirable women who are having multiple abortions each year as a means of birth control being forced to start raising these unwanted, fatherless children.

I feel sorry for the public school teachers in these states who will watch in horror as these children and their mothers force them to see the dysfunction, neglect and abuse… while their departments of child protection that are already overran don’t do a damn thing and all their calls go unanswered.

I also feel sorry for the first responders who will find their lifeless bodies when these children are murdered by their mother’s umpteenth boyfriend while she watches and does nothing.

You're right, motherhood should not be forced, that would be called rape. Abortion from rape I approve of.

You know what else I feel sorry for? People who....

1) dont know how to close their legs
2) dont know how to pull out before ejaculation
3) dont know what a condom is
4) dont know about the Day after pill

.... I mean I could go on. So many options, before a baby is even started being made. No need to kill them.

Once it goes beyond 3 months, thats murder to me, and laziness on the part of the "parents".

I do agree that it should be “taken care of” early… unless it’s medically necessary.

But I also believe that health issues and medical treatment are PRIVATE and that is backed by our constitution… so it’s really none of our business.

Yup, I feel the same.

I also feel my tax dollars should not pay for abortions willy nilly like. If my tax dollars have to pay for one, it should be based on those instances of rape, a life in danger, etc., not just so some slut can get off on her cunt becoming a cum dumpster and think "oh, I'll just kill it, and wont have to pay". Shouldnt work that way. If someone wants to be a slut, they gonna pay. No tax refunds for them til its paid off.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Once it goes beyond 3 months, thats murder to me, and laziness on the part of the "parents".

There should still be exceptions made for victims of rape, incest, defomities and where the Mother's Life is in Danger.

I also think it should be made illegal for the Cristian extremists to protest outside of abortion clinics.

The violation of privacy has to stop.
Horrible.. When a woman has to make such a heart breaking decision to begin with and then has to be ridiculed for it going in the door :(.. Is horrible.. I used to go by and throw pickle juice on the protesters near a town I live :D :D :D LOL..

my opinion - it’s a woman’s right to choose. My hub argues with me about it and I know it’s wrong, but it’s for a woman to decide.

You disagree with your hubby, Countess?

Y'know what the Bible sez...."Honour thy Husband." ;-)

I don’t think agreeing to disagree respectfully would be dishonoring your husband… I’m traditional when it comes to relationships too… so….
Once it goes beyond 3 months, thats murder to me, and laziness on the part of the "parents".

There should still be exceptions made for victims of rape, incest, defomities and where the Mother's Life is in Danger.

I also think it should be made illegal for the Cristian extremists to protest outside of abortion clinics.

The violation of privacy has to stop.
Horrible.. When a woman has to make such a heart breaking decision to begin with and then has to be ridiculed for it going in the door :(.. Is horrible.. I used to go by and throw pickle juice on the protesters near a town I live :D :D :D LOL..

my opinion - it’s a woman’s right to choose. My hub argues with me about it and I know it’s wrong, but it’s for a woman to decide.

You disagree with your hubby, Countess?

Y'know what the Bible sez...."Honour thy Husband." ;-)

I don’t think agreeing to disagree respectfully would be dishonoring your husband… I’m traditional when it comes to relationships too… so….

I'm jes being cheeky.

The Countess has often said she's Christian and believes in God.

I believe she is Christian and believes in God.

I also think that we are not required to be held to every standard of our organized religious denomination and should be allow to adapt those guidelines to fit what resonates most with our logic and spirituality.

Actually I'm somewhat curious.

IS there any prohibition in the Bible against abortions?

do you or does anyone else know?

I know there's a Thou shalt not Kill command.

But I'm not so clear on the abortion part.

If someone could cite a passage or something, it'd be appreciated.

Or at what point Christianity recognizes it's a child or just a thing/fetus?
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Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
I also don’t agree that every woman who goes in for an abortion has the decision made for her…. at least not in liberal states we don’t….

I got pregnant on the pill when I was 17 with my daughter. I had a full ride to Arizona University and my mother did everything she could think of in an attempt to convince me to have an abortion so I wouldn’t ruin my life. I’m not going to go into horrific details, but the clinic I was taken to had a counselor and I made the decision to not have one and the counselor agreed that I wanted my baby. Then I was taken to my priest…. and when adopting her out didn’t work, multiple family members tried to convince me to have an abortion. It is the decision of the woman, and I say woman because a minor is automatically emancipated as an adult when pregnant, to do what is right for her and her baby. I live in a “liberal shithole” but counseling is mandatory at every abortion clinic.

My daughter graduates from USC this year with her masters in film. Fuck everyone who tried to get me to abort her. Fuck everyone who thinks they get to make this decision for anyone in both directions. It is the decision of the woman what to do with her body. PERIOD.

Good on you.

My mom tried to talk my lil sis into an abortion at 17 too. Glad she didnt "that time", cause my nephew is a good person. She was 2 for 2, 2 live 2 die. I was starting to wonder if her belly was some kind of Thunderdome shit outta Mad Max!! lol, only kiddin'. Miss my lil sis.

In my opinion, the "final" decision comes down to the woman, but, ultimately both "parents" should decide. It takes two to make a child, it should take both to decide to destroy it. If neither wants a child, both should take measures to prevent making a child. Its common sense. Putting all the responsibility on the woman aint right.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
gets eviscerated.

California is preparing for it.

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I wonder how it will affect the 2024 Presidential election? Or even the 2022 Congressional elections?

The Republicans might actually throw away their electoral advantage especially in swing states where they are divided on the issue.

Where it was increasingly looking like a Republican blowout in these elections, this may no longer be the case if Roe v Wade is overturned.

Many women might end up blaming the GOP for their problems.

There could be a huge blowback.

I sure fucking hope they fuck it all up.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Once it goes beyond 3 months, thats murder to me, and laziness on the part of the "parents".

There should still be exceptions made for victims of rape, incest, defomities and where the Mother's Life is in Danger.

I also think it should be made illegal for the Cristian extremists to protest outside of abortion clinics.

The violation of privacy has to stop.
Horrible.. When a woman has to make such a heart breaking decision to begin with and then has to be ridiculed for it going in the door :(.. Is horrible.. I used to go by and throw pickle juice on the protesters near a town I live :D :D :D LOL..

my opinion - it’s a woman’s right to choose. My hub argues with me about it and I know it’s wrong, but it’s for a woman to decide.

You disagree with your hubby, Countess?

Y'know what the Bible sez...."Honour thy Husband." ;-)

I don’t think agreeing to disagree respectfully would be dishonoring your husband… I’m traditional when it comes to relationships too… so….
Once it goes beyond 3 months, thats murder to me, and laziness on the part of the "parents".

There should still be exceptions made for victims of rape, incest, defomities and where the Mother's Life is in Danger.

I also think it should be made illegal for the Cristian extremists to protest outside of abortion clinics.

The violation of privacy has to stop.
Horrible.. When a woman has to make such a heart breaking decision to begin with and then has to be ridiculed for it going in the door :(.. Is horrible.. I used to go by and throw pickle juice on the protesters near a town I live :D :D :D LOL..

my opinion - it’s a woman’s right to choose. My hub argues with me about it and I know it’s wrong, but it’s for a woman to decide.

You disagree with your hubby, Countess?

Y'know what the Bible sez...."Honour thy Husband." ;-)

I don’t think agreeing to disagree respectfully would be dishonoring your husband… I’m traditional when it comes to relationships too… so….

I'm jes being cheeky.

The Countess has often said she's Christian and believes in God.

I believe she is Christian and believes in God.

I also think that we are not required to be held to every standard of our organized religious denomination and should be allow to adapt those guidelines to fit what resonates most with our logic and spirituality.

Actually I'm somewhat curious.

IS there any prohibition in the Bible against abortions?

do you or does anyone else know?

I know there's a Thou shalt not Kill command.

But I'm not so clear on the abortion part.

If someone could cite a passage or something, it'd be appreciated.

Or at what point Christianity recognizes it's a child or just a thing/fetus?

Well, war mongering Christians have managed to come up with the idea that killing in war is not really killing. So, for fuck's sake, abortion sure as hell is not killing.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Liberty finds no refuge in a jurisprudence of doubt.

Overturning Roe v Wade will further polarize the US.

Liberty finds no refuge in a jurisprudence of doubt.

Overturning Roe v Wade will further polarize the US.

I’m just glad I live no where near a red state. Motherhood is not something you force on someone. The burden on society is too high.

I can’t wait to see what these shitholes turn into in the next 20 years when you have undesirable women who are having multiple abortions each year as a means of birth control being forced to start raising these unwanted, fatherless children.

I feel sorry for the public school teachers in these states who will watch in horror as these children and their mothers force them to see the dysfunction, neglect and abuse… while their departments of child protection that are already overran don’t do a damn thing and all their calls go unanswered.

I also feel sorry for the first responders who will find their lifeless bodies when these children are murdered by their mother’s umpteenth boyfriend while she watches and does nothing.

You're right, motherhood should not be forced, that would be called rape. Abortion from rape I approve of.

You know what else I feel sorry for? People who....

1) dont know how to close their legs
2) dont know how to pull out before ejaculation
3) dont know what a condom is
4) dont know about the Day after pill

.... I mean I could go on. So many options, before a baby is even started being made. No need to kill them.

Once it goes beyond 3 months, thats murder to me, and laziness on the part of the "parents".

I do agree that it should be “taken care of” early… unless it’s medically necessary.

But I also believe that health issues and medical treatment are PRIVATE and that is backed by our constitution… so it’s really none of our business.

Yup, I feel the same.

I also feel my tax dollars should not pay for abortions willy nilly like. If my tax dollars have to pay for one, it should be based on those instances of rape, a life in danger, etc., not just so some slut can get off on her cunt becoming a cum dumpster and think "oh, I'll just kill it, and wont have to pay". Shouldnt work that way. If someone wants to be a slut, they gonna pay. No tax refunds for them til its paid off.

What makes you think your tax dollars pay for abortion? Your tax dollars go mostly to war and corporate welfare.


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
Liberty finds no refuge in a jurisprudence of doubt.

Overturning Roe v Wade will further polarize the US.

Liberty finds no refuge in a jurisprudence of doubt.

Overturning Roe v Wade will further polarize the US.

I’m just glad I live no where near a red state. Motherhood is not something you force on someone. The burden on society is too high.

I can’t wait to see what these shitholes turn into in the next 20 years when you have undesirable women who are having multiple abortions each year as a means of birth control being forced to start raising these unwanted, fatherless children.

I feel sorry for the public school teachers in these states who will watch in horror as these children and their mothers force them to see the dysfunction, neglect and abuse… while their departments of child protection that are already overran don’t do a damn thing and all their calls go unanswered.

I also feel sorry for the first responders who will find their lifeless bodies when these children are murdered by their mother’s umpteenth boyfriend while she watches and does nothing.

You're right, motherhood should not be forced, that would be called rape. Abortion from rape I approve of.

You know what else I feel sorry for? People who....

1) dont know how to close their legs
2) dont know how to pull out before ejaculation
3) dont know what a condom is
4) dont know about the Day after pill

.... I mean I could go on. So many options, before a baby is even started being made. No need to kill them.

Once it goes beyond 3 months, thats murder to me, and laziness on the part of the "parents".

I do agree that it should be “taken care of” early… unless it’s medically necessary.

But I also believe that health issues and medical treatment are PRIVATE and that is backed by our constitution… so it’s really none of our business.

Yup, I feel the same.

I also feel my tax dollars should not pay for abortions willy nilly like. If my tax dollars have to pay for one, it should be based on those instances of rape, a life in danger, etc., not just so some slut can get off on her cunt becoming a cum dumpster and think "oh, I'll just kill it, and wont have to pay". Shouldnt work that way. If someone wants to be a slut, they gonna pay. No tax refunds for them til its paid off.

What makes you think your tax dollars pay for abortion? Your tax dollars go mostly to war and corporate welfare.

Then why is everyone bitching about Planned Parenthood being defunded?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Liberty finds no refuge in a jurisprudence of doubt.

Overturning Roe v Wade will further polarize the US.

Liberty finds no refuge in a jurisprudence of doubt.

Overturning Roe v Wade will further polarize the US.

I’m just glad I live no where near a red state. Motherhood is not something you force on someone. The burden on society is too high.

I can’t wait to see what these shitholes turn into in the next 20 years when you have undesirable women who are having multiple abortions each year as a means of birth control being forced to start raising these unwanted, fatherless children.

I feel sorry for the public school teachers in these states who will watch in horror as these children and their mothers force them to see the dysfunction, neglect and abuse… while their departments of child protection that are already overran don’t do a damn thing and all their calls go unanswered.

I also feel sorry for the first responders who will find their lifeless bodies when these children are murdered by their mother’s umpteenth boyfriend while she watches and does nothing.

You're right, motherhood should not be forced, that would be called rape. Abortion from rape I approve of.

You know what else I feel sorry for? People who....

1) dont know how to close their legs
2) dont know how to pull out before ejaculation
3) dont know what a condom is
4) dont know about the Day after pill

.... I mean I could go on. So many options, before a baby is even started being made. No need to kill them.

Once it goes beyond 3 months, thats murder to me, and laziness on the part of the "parents".

I do agree that it should be “taken care of” early… unless it’s medically necessary.

But I also believe that health issues and medical treatment are PRIVATE and that is backed by our constitution… so it’s really none of our business.

Yup, I feel the same.

I also feel my tax dollars should not pay for abortions willy nilly like. If my tax dollars have to pay for one, it should be based on those instances of rape, a life in danger, etc., not just so some slut can get off on her cunt becoming a cum dumpster and think "oh, I'll just kill it, and wont have to pay". Shouldnt work that way. If someone wants to be a slut, they gonna pay. No tax refunds for them til its paid off.

What makes you think your tax dollars pay for abortion? Your tax dollars go mostly to war and corporate welfare.

Then why is everyone bitching about Planned Parenthood being defunded?

They get $530 million from the government. That's less than $2 per person. It's a small percentage of their budget. Do you know how much of MY tax money goes to war and corporate welfare? MOST of it. And I have no say in that. Please, stfu about "funding" abortions. Worry about something that's really, really bad for the planet and the people on it.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Government spending is broken down by mandatory and discretionary spending.

The military gets about 1 trillion with mandatory and mostly discretionary spending.

Medicare, Medicaid and "Health" (mostly mandatory) is 1.6 trillion

Social Security is about 1.1 trillion

These are the largest expenditures for government (up until recent Covid expenditures)

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Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
Liberty finds no refuge in a jurisprudence of doubt.

Overturning Roe v Wade will further polarize the US.

Liberty finds no refuge in a jurisprudence of doubt.

Overturning Roe v Wade will further polarize the US.

I’m just glad I live no where near a red state. Motherhood is not something you force on someone. The burden on society is too high.

I can’t wait to see what these shitholes turn into in the next 20 years when you have undesirable women who are having multiple abortions each year as a means of birth control being forced to start raising these unwanted, fatherless children.

I feel sorry for the public school teachers in these states who will watch in horror as these children and their mothers force them to see the dysfunction, neglect and abuse… while their departments of child protection that are already overran don’t do a damn thing and all their calls go unanswered.

I also feel sorry for the first responders who will find their lifeless bodies when these children are murdered by their mother’s umpteenth boyfriend while she watches and does nothing.

You're right, motherhood should not be forced, that would be called rape. Abortion from rape I approve of.

You know what else I feel sorry for? People who....

1) dont know how to close their legs
2) dont know how to pull out before ejaculation
3) dont know what a condom is
4) dont know about the Day after pill

.... I mean I could go on. So many options, before a baby is even started being made. No need to kill them.

Once it goes beyond 3 months, thats murder to me, and laziness on the part of the "parents".

I do agree that it should be “taken care of” early… unless it’s medically necessary.

But I also believe that health issues and medical treatment are PRIVATE and that is backed by our constitution… so it’s really none of our business.

Yup, I feel the same.

I also feel my tax dollars should not pay for abortions willy nilly like. If my tax dollars have to pay for one, it should be based on those instances of rape, a life in danger, etc., not just so some slut can get off on her cunt becoming a cum dumpster and think "oh, I'll just kill it, and wont have to pay". Shouldnt work that way. If someone wants to be a slut, they gonna pay. No tax refunds for them til its paid off.

What makes you think your tax dollars pay for abortion? Your tax dollars go mostly to war and corporate welfare.

Then why is everyone bitching about Planned Parenthood being defunded?

They get $530 million from the government. That's less than $2 per person. It's a small percentage of their budget. Do you know how much of MY tax money goes to war and corporate welfare? MOST of it. And I have no say in that. Please, stfu about "funding" abortions. Worry about something that's really, really bad for the planet and the people on it.

Thats 530 million that could of been used for something better.

You think I like how my taxes are spent? HELL fucking NO!!!!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Liberty finds no refuge in a jurisprudence of doubt.

Overturning Roe v Wade will further polarize the US.

Liberty finds no refuge in a jurisprudence of doubt.

Overturning Roe v Wade will further polarize the US.

I’m just glad I live no where near a red state. Motherhood is not something you force on someone. The burden on society is too high.

I can’t wait to see what these shitholes turn into in the next 20 years when you have undesirable women who are having multiple abortions each year as a means of birth control being forced to start raising these unwanted, fatherless children.

I feel sorry for the public school teachers in these states who will watch in horror as these children and their mothers force them to see the dysfunction, neglect and abuse… while their departments of child protection that are already overran don’t do a damn thing and all their calls go unanswered.

I also feel sorry for the first responders who will find their lifeless bodies when these children are murdered by their mother’s umpteenth boyfriend while she watches and does nothing.

You're right, motherhood should not be forced, that would be called rape. Abortion from rape I approve of.

You know what else I feel sorry for? People who....

1) dont know how to close their legs
2) dont know how to pull out before ejaculation
3) dont know what a condom is
4) dont know about the Day after pill

.... I mean I could go on. So many options, before a baby is even started being made. No need to kill them.

Once it goes beyond 3 months, thats murder to me, and laziness on the part of the "parents".

I do agree that it should be “taken care of” early… unless it’s medically necessary.

But I also believe that health issues and medical treatment are PRIVATE and that is backed by our constitution… so it’s really none of our business.

Yup, I feel the same.

I also feel my tax dollars should not pay for abortions willy nilly like. If my tax dollars have to pay for one, it should be based on those instances of rape, a life in danger, etc., not just so some slut can get off on her cunt becoming a cum dumpster and think "oh, I'll just kill it, and wont have to pay". Shouldnt work that way. If someone wants to be a slut, they gonna pay. No tax refunds for them til its paid off.

What makes you think your tax dollars pay for abortion? Your tax dollars go mostly to war and corporate welfare.

Then why is everyone bitching about Planned Parenthood being defunded?

They get $530 million from the government. That's less than $2 per person. It's a small percentage of their budget. Do you know how much of MY tax money goes to war and corporate welfare? MOST of it. And I have no say in that. Please, stfu about "funding" abortions. Worry about something that's really, really bad for the planet and the people on it.

Thats 530 million that could of been used for something better.

You think I like how my taxes are spent? HELL fucking NO!!!!

530 million is NOTHING. 530 million is toilet paper money for Bezos. Trillions go to war, and billions and billions and billions go to corporate welfare.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Liberty finds no refuge in a jurisprudence of doubt.

Overturning Roe v Wade will further polarize the US.

Liberty finds no refuge in a jurisprudence of doubt.

Overturning Roe v Wade will further polarize the US.

I’m just glad I live no where near a red state. Motherhood is not something you force on someone. The burden on society is too high.

I can’t wait to see what these shitholes turn into in the next 20 years when you have undesirable women who are having multiple abortions each year as a means of birth control being forced to start raising these unwanted, fatherless children.

I feel sorry for the public school teachers in these states who will watch in horror as these children and their mothers force them to see the dysfunction, neglect and abuse… while their departments of child protection that are already overran don’t do a damn thing and all their calls go unanswered.

I also feel sorry for the first responders who will find their lifeless bodies when these children are murdered by their mother’s umpteenth boyfriend while she watches and does nothing.

You're right, motherhood should not be forced, that would be called rape. Abortion from rape I approve of.

You know what else I feel sorry for? People who....

1) dont know how to close their legs
2) dont know how to pull out before ejaculation
3) dont know what a condom is
4) dont know about the Day after pill

.... I mean I could go on. So many options, before a baby is even started being made. No need to kill them.

Once it goes beyond 3 months, thats murder to me, and laziness on the part of the "parents".

I do agree that it should be “taken care of” early… unless it’s medically necessary.

But I also believe that health issues and medical treatment are PRIVATE and that is backed by our constitution… so it’s really none of our business.

Yup, I feel the same.

I also feel my tax dollars should not pay for abortions willy nilly like. If my tax dollars have to pay for one, it should be based on those instances of rape, a life in danger, etc., not just so some slut can get off on her cunt becoming a cum dumpster and think "oh, I'll just kill it, and wont have to pay". Shouldnt work that way. If someone wants to be a slut, they gonna pay. No tax refunds for them til its paid off.

What makes you think your tax dollars pay for abortion? Your tax dollars go mostly to war and corporate welfare.

Then why is everyone bitching about Planned Parenthood being defunded?

They get $530 million from the government. That's less than $2 per person. It's a small percentage of their budget. Do you know how much of MY tax money goes to war and corporate welfare? MOST of it. And I have no say in that. Please, stfu about "funding" abortions. Worry about something that's really, really bad for the planet and the people on it.

Thats 530 million that could of been used for something better.

You think I like how my taxes are spent? HELL fucking NO!!!!

See, the thing about being a citizen in this country is that you're guaranteed freedom. That includes the right to vote. What it does not include is directly deciding what's in the budget.

I don't like everything in our budget. However, it's not about me, me, me. It's about the entire country. Get it, Blaze?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Liberty finds no refuge in a jurisprudence of doubt.

Overturning Roe v Wade will further polarize the US.

Liberty finds no refuge in a jurisprudence of doubt.

Overturning Roe v Wade will further polarize the US.

I’m just glad I live no where near a red state. Motherhood is not something you force on someone. The burden on society is too high.

I can’t wait to see what these shitholes turn into in the next 20 years when you have undesirable women who are having multiple abortions each year as a means of birth control being forced to start raising these unwanted, fatherless children.

I feel sorry for the public school teachers in these states who will watch in horror as these children and their mothers force them to see the dysfunction, neglect and abuse… while their departments of child protection that are already overran don’t do a damn thing and all their calls go unanswered.

I also feel sorry for the first responders who will find their lifeless bodies when these children are murdered by their mother’s umpteenth boyfriend while she watches and does nothing.

You're right, motherhood should not be forced, that would be called rape. Abortion from rape I approve of.

You know what else I feel sorry for? People who....

1) dont know how to close their legs
2) dont know how to pull out before ejaculation
3) dont know what a condom is
4) dont know about the Day after pill

.... I mean I could go on. So many options, before a baby is even started being made. No need to kill them.

Once it goes beyond 3 months, thats murder to me, and laziness on the part of the "parents".

I do agree that it should be “taken care of” early… unless it’s medically necessary.

But I also believe that health issues and medical treatment are PRIVATE and that is backed by our constitution… so it’s really none of our business.

Yup, I feel the same.

I also feel my tax dollars should not pay for abortions willy nilly like. If my tax dollars have to pay for one, it should be based on those instances of rape, a life in danger, etc., not just so some slut can get off on her cunt becoming a cum dumpster and think "oh, I'll just kill it, and wont have to pay". Shouldnt work that way. If someone wants to be a slut, they gonna pay. No tax refunds for them til its paid off.

What makes you think your tax dollars pay for abortion? Your tax dollars go mostly to war and corporate welfare.

Then why is everyone bitching about Planned Parenthood being defunded?

They get $530 million from the government. That's less than $2 per person. It's a small percentage of their budget. Do you know how much of MY tax money goes to war and corporate welfare? MOST of it. And I have no say in that. Please, stfu about "funding" abortions. Worry about something that's really, really bad for the planet and the people on it.

Thats 530 million that could of been used for something better.

You think I like how my taxes are spent? HELL fucking NO!!!!

530 million is NOTHING. 530 million is toilet paper money for Bezos. Trillions go to war, and billions and billions and billions go to corporate welfare.

tsk-tsk. Caint have stockbrokers jumpin' outta windows like they did in 1929.



Corporations have feelings too, LotusBud.
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Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I also don’t agree that every woman who goes in for an abortion has the decision made for her…. at least not in liberal states we don’t….

I got pregnant on the pill when I was 17 with my daughter. I had a full ride to Arizona University and my mother did everything she could think of in an attempt to convince me to have an abortion so I wouldn’t ruin my life. I’m not going to go into horrific details, but the clinic I was taken to had a counselor and I made the decision to not have one and the counselor agreed that I wanted my baby. Then I was taken to my priest…. and when adopting her out didn’t work, multiple family members tried to convince me to have an abortion. It is the decision of the woman, and I say woman because a minor is automatically emancipated as an adult when pregnant, to do what is right for her and her baby. I live in a “liberal shithole” but counseling is mandatory at every abortion clinic.

My daughter graduates from USC this year with her masters in film. Fuck everyone who tried to get me to abort her. Fuck everyone who thinks they get to make this decision for anyone in both directions. It is the decision of the woman what to do with her body. PERIOD.
In my opinion, the "final" decision comes down to the woman, but, ultimately both "parents" should decide. It takes two to make a child, it should take both to decide to destroy it. If neither wants a child, both should take measures to prevent making a child. Its common sense. Putting all the responsibility on the woman aint right.

It’s unfortunate, but the only respectable thing a man can do in this situation is ask his pregnant partner “what are you going to do?” and be supportive.

ALL my Catholic raised male childhood friends who have been faced with THIS situation did the right thing and got married… some of them to women who didn’t even deserve it.

I respect all of them for doing this.


Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
It’s unfortunate, but the only respectable thing a man can do in this situation is ask his pregnant partner “what are you going to do?” and be supportive.

ALL my Catholic raised male childhood friends who have been faced with THIS situation did the right thing and got married… some of them to women who didn’t even deserve it.

I respect all of them for doing this.

That's exactly what I did with my first long-term girlfriend, who was 19 at the time. The child wasn't even mine, but her boss's---her Tunisian boss's, I should add (she and I had been "on the outs," sexually speaking, for a period of about six months or so even though we still lived together and still considered ourselves a couple). I asked her what she wanted to do, while letting her know that I'd be okay with her decision either way. In the end, she chose to have an abortion (I suspect, against the will of her [now former] boss, who was 61 at the time she became pregnant... I mean, he already had a gaggle of other children from his several wives so I can't see he would've complained about adding another one to the mix).

Oddly (or maybe not), our union was strengthened by this episode; we were together, and I do mean "together," for six more years after that. And we've remained friends. I still see her once in a while, too, after having known her for almost forty years now. She came for a visit last summer and it was like a not a day had gone by since we'd last seen each other.

Her decision was whether to have an abortion.

My decision was whether to stand by her (especially given the circumstances).

Today, we both agree that we each made the right decision.

And now this:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
It’s unfortunate, but the only respectable thing a man can do in this situation is ask his pregnant partner “what are you going to do?” and be supportive.

ALL my Catholic raised male childhood friends who have been faced with THIS situation did the right thing and got married… some of them to women who didn’t even deserve it.

I respect all of them for doing this.

That's exactly what I did with my first long-term girlfriend, who was 19 at the time. The child wasn't even mine, but her boss's---her Tunisian boss's, I should add (she and I had been "on the outs," sexually speaking, for a period of about six months or so even though we still lived together and still considered ourselves a couple). I asked her what she wanted to do, while letting her know that I'd be okay with her decision either way. In the end, she chose to have an abortion (I suspect, against the will of her [now former] boss, who was 61 at the time she became pregnant... I mean, he already had a gaggle of other children from his several wives so I can't see he would've complained about adding another one to the mix).

Oddly (or maybe not), our union was strengthened by this episode; we were together, and I do mean "together," for six more years after that. And we've remained friends. I still see her once in a while, too, after having known her for almost forty years now. She came for a visit last summer and it was like a not a day had gone by since we'd last seen each other.

Her decision was whether to have an abortion.

My decision was whether to stand by her (especially given the circumstances).

Today, we both agree that we each made the right decision.

And now this:

That guy's points are right on the money.

And thanks for sharing your story. I think your girlfriend made a wise decision, and was lucky to have you there with her.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
It’s unfortunate, but the only respectable thing a man can do in this situation is ask his pregnant partner “what are you going to do?” and be supportive.

ALL my Catholic raised male childhood friends who have been faced with THIS situation did the right thing and got married… some of them to women who didn’t even deserve it.

I respect all of them for doing this.

That's exactly what I did with my first long-term girlfriend, who was 19 at the time. The child wasn't even mine, but her boss's---her Tunisian boss's, I should add (she and I had been "on the outs," sexually speaking, for a period of about six months or so even though we still lived together and still considered ourselves a couple). I asked her what she wanted to do, while letting her know that I'd be okay with her decision either way. In the end, she chose to have an abortion (I suspect, against the will of her [now former] boss, who was 61 at the time she became pregnant... I mean, he already had a gaggle of other children from his several wives so I can't see he would've complained about adding another one to the mix).

Oddly (or maybe not), our union was strengthened by this episode; we were together, and I do mean "together," for six more years after that. And we've remained friends. I still see her once in a while, too, after having known her for almost forty years now. She came for a visit last summer and it was like a not a day had gone by since we'd last seen each other.

Her decision was whether to have an abortion.

My decision was whether to stand by her (especially given the circumstances).

Today, we both agree that we each made the right decision.

And now this:

That guy's points are right on the money.

And thanks for sharing your story. I think your girlfriend made a wise decision, and was lucky to have you there with her.

Keep your shit in politics you dumb cunt!

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Abortion is demonic and pure evil, plain and simple.

tell that to a female college student seeking STI treatment and emergency contraception after being raped by multiple assailants at a frat party…
Wouldn't that victim be wise to avail herself of many of the rape victim options available to her by Law Enforcement? These do include immediate termination options. Options which do not fall under abortion ban I am aware of.