Up against the wall, redneck mothers...here's the word from SCOTUS


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Haha what a smug prick
Aren't most liberal eunuchs that way?
I think its funny his buddy Jake who made this thread wanted this thread on topic then his buddy starts provoking off topic content.. be sad this thread gets moved into the basement..lol

It's not my aim to question your moderating calls. I see the thread differently than you do. In my reading, the content went off topic on page one. The topic, you see, was a SCOTUS ruling about the bullshit Texas election lawsuit. No righties had anything to say about the topic, and YOUR buddy Stubby showed up on page one to start with the insults.

The topic has migrated a few times through a series of OTHER matters that piss righties off, and is salted throughout with lefties winding Stubby up and watching him spin in that special way he spins.

I've pretty much been absent from the thread from page 2 onward, for two reasons.

One, my aim was to find out how long it would take righties to derail the thread and THAT answer was quick to come. I wanted to know, in order to make a strategic decision about whether the politics subforum was seriously going to be moderated for off-topic bullshit and shitposting, because if not I will not be starting more threads on it.

And two, I chose a deliberately obnoxious title for the thread... because I wanted to see who the fake rednecks were among the members. Real rednecks understand that the title is a cultural reference and I don't think it offends them/us. But redneck wannabe's predictably went apeshit and are still doing so over a week later.

I have no problem that the thread got pitted, and really I don't even care if mods blame it on the behavior of lefty posters and ignore the behavior of righty posters while going into personalities (which you have done here.) Whatever I may THINK about that caliber of moderation I will keep to myself. Good mods are hard to find, and always underpaid.

Oh like a social experiment ,hope that was good for you

thread turns to shit it hits the pit,dem da brakes

I entered this thread cuz hell if I'd come in here of my own volition , so from that time on I monitored it as per your request.. and right out the box Duncan did a hail mary of quotes to provoke ..

so again I let it be known that any further vering and POLITICS was losing a thread, FYI any thread that veers into constant off topic banter with an abandoned OP weither its sways left or right meets this conclusion..

so I hope your experiment was a success , not sure then what your desired effect was

you said it yourself your title was meant to stir up a response so Im not getting why your acting like this is any surprise..nobodys gunna cry for you cuz it is what it is

I'm not that Political so I cant really help you with a safe space and Im the only one addressing this because you shouldnt need your hand held and be coddled just because your "committee" couldnt steer your thread in the right direction

Annnnnnnnnd Flake gets lobbed in the vagina with a garden rake :ROFL:
...and you try soo hard, honestly I don't know how you can always end up looking like such a whiny looser babby, t's not on purpose...is it?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Not that you'd know one if you saw one, clearly.
Pardon me, but do you have Bigly attached to you somewhere at the moment?
I think maybe the attachment goes the other way. I'm noticing the sob of relief from Stubby when someone ... ANYone... expresses a disdain for your posting style.

As we know, he's quite invested in painting and repainting his picture of how useless your output is to a forum, as though he and other proponents of his views are actually capable of supporting their positions with ordinary logic and facts. This is because a lot of people know how single-mindedly he has panel abused you over time, and he knows they know.

This comment is solely about Stubby, not about Oerdin (who despite his con outlook is a factual dude capable of civil discussion.)

Thank you, that is uncommonly kind of you. BTW I was a registered Democrat from 1994 to September of this year. Although I hardly liked Trump I found one party Democrat rule in my home state increasingly corrupt, incompetent, and aimed at satisfy the desires of power for the local Democrat politicians to the neglect and even out right hostility towards regular people of this state. I truly believe the state is on a bad path and that balance needs to be restored to California's policies if we want to return to the far more prosperous times we used to enjoy.

This isn't motivated by malice but a love for my home state and a desire to see it succeed once again. The first step is recognizing what the problems are and then rectifying them.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Los Angeles
Oh like a social experiment ,hope that was good for you

thread turns to shit it hits the pit,dem da brakes

I entered this thread cuz hell if I'd come in here of my own volition , so from that time on I monitored it as per your request.. and right out the box Duncan did a hail mary of quotes to provoke ..

so again I let it be known that any further vering and POLITICS was losing a thread, FYI any thread that veers into constant off topic banter with an abandoned OP weither its sways left or right meets this conclusion..

so I hope your experiment was a success , not sure then what your desired effect was

you said it yourself your title was meant to stir up a response so Im not getting why your acting like this is any surprise..nobodys gunna cry for you cuz it is what it is

I'm not that Political so I cant really help you with a safe space and Im the only one addressing this because you shouldnt need your hand held and be coddled just because your "committee" couldnt steer your thread in the right direction


No worries mang. You do Grimm, I'll do Jake. I've got my GPS working okay now.