US-infiltrated Canadian "Freedom Convoy" told by GoFundMe to go truck themselves.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
All the videos show a happy, jovial, and friendly atmosphere.

All the people who won't be turning up to work over the following weeks.

And then people like Admin are fucked.

The standard cycle in supermarkets is 3-4 days for shelf stable items and daily for produce and meats. That's IF the truckers are driving.

The average North American household has at best 5 days of shelf stable and refrigerator food.

That dumb cunt cc at another site has been thumbing her nose at the truckers.

I hope she starves....
But you have clearly stated as the world's leading authority on Logistics, that this truck driver temper tantrum, would not impact the flow of goods, were you lying then or are you lying now?

He didnt say anything like that at all.

The guy is a retard.
Listen up Nancy, you know you said it, I know you said it, it's in the thread not to far up above.

It's up to you how long you want play, this wicked game.

Have you ever caught your tail?

I am afraid I am not familiar with the idioms of the gay underworld,, can you rephrase that into standard American heterosexual speak?

Don't play coy.... everybody knows that admin sucks cawk..


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
All the videos show a happy, jovial, and friendly atmosphere.

All the people who won't be turning up to work over the following weeks.

And then people like Admin are fucked.

The standard cycle in supermarkets is 3-4 days for shelf stable items and daily for produce and meats. That's IF the truckers are driving.

The average North American household has at best 5 days of shelf stable and refrigerator food.

That dumb cunt cc at another site has been thumbing her nose at the truckers.

I hope she starves....
But you have clearly stated as the world's leading authority on Logistics, that this truck driver temper tantrum, would not impact the flow of goods, were you lying then or are you lying now?

He didnt say anything like that at all.

The guy is a retard.
Listen up Nancy, you know you said it, I know you said it, it's in the thread not to far up above.

It's up to you how long you want play, this wicked game.

He didnt say he was the "world's leading expert". He did say he is somewhat of an expert.

And he never said it wouldnt effect the flow of goods....I saw the exchange you are talking about. He was ripping on you for blaming the truckers and not the abusive government.
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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

Funny how the people who support the government coercing and forcing a medical intervention are actually accusing OTHER people of thinking "me me me me me me". Same people who supported burning down other peoples businesses and livelihoods and communities cuz "me me me me I'm madz me me".

And this shot doesnt stop people from spreading Covid. Even your fucking doctor will tell you this. It should scare everyone that the gov is trying to use that logic to force a shot because it's completely false.

That's actual dangerous misinfo. Vaccinated people are gonna spread it more because they think they are good.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
All the videos show a happy, jovial, and friendly atmosphere.

All the people who won't be turning up to work over the following weeks.

And then people like Admin are fucked.

The standard cycle in supermarkets is 3-4 days for shelf stable items and daily for produce and meats. That's IF the truckers are driving.

The average North American household has at best 5 days of shelf stable and refrigerator food.

That dumb cunt cc at another site has been thumbing her nose at the truckers.

I hope she starves....
But you have clearly stated as the world's leading authority on Logistics, that this truck driver temper tantrum, would not impact the flow of goods, were you lying then or are you lying now?

He didnt say anything like that at all.

The guy is a retard.
Listen up Nancy, you know you said it, I know you said it, it's in the thread not to far up above.

It's up to you how long you want play, this wicked game.

Have you ever caught your tail?

I am afraid I am not familiar with the idioms of the gay underworld,, can you rephrase that into standard American heterosexual speak?

Don't play coy.... everybody knows that admin sucks cawk..

I don’t, however most know you do