Vaxxies on Suicide Watch

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Those aren't rates, which can more accurately inform us about the pandemic.

I know you do not have a background in mathematics, so I tried to help you out with this:

The slope of the line indicates the rate. The steeper the slope, the higher the death rate.

I can try to explain this to you if you need.

Simply put, the faster people are dying (i.e. the rate of death) the faster the line that indicates the total number of deaths will go up. And vice versa.

When we see the steeper line, we know people are dying faster.

Now, with this understanding, re-read what I said here:

The highest death rate is seen in February of 2022.

It is also very high in August and September of 2022.

This is information from Australia's Department of Health and Aged Care:

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If you look at the numbers for January of 2022, you will see that most areas of Australia are over 95% vaccinated.

And those very high percentages continue to the most recent reports.

>95% vaccinate rates, yet the death rates are at the highest.

This is not what would be expected for effective vaccines. This is indicative of ineffective vaccines.

I know this goes against what you have heard reported by the MSM. But the numbers are clear.

Well after mass vaccination of over 95% of the population, people were dying of Covid-19 at a much higher rate than before the vaccine rollout.

That points to ineffective vaccines. Just saying "No" does not change that fact.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Had Covid for 8 months.

If you were vaxxed:

The "All Vaccines are Good Vaccines" group: "Good thing you were vaxxed. Otherwise, you would have died!!"

If you were not vaxxed:

The "All Vaccines are Good Vaccines" group: "Ohh!! See what happens when you do not get vaxxed!!!!!!"


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Follow the money.
I know you do not have a background in mathematics, so I tried to help you out with this:

I can try to explain this to you if you need.

Simply put, the faster people are dying (i.e. the rate of death) the faster the line that indicates the total number of deaths will go up. And vice versa.

When we see the steeper line, we know people are dying faster.

Now, with this understanding, re-read what I said here:

I know this goes against what you have heard reported by the MSM. But the numbers are clear.

Well after mass vaccination of over 95% of the population, people were dying of Covid-19 at a much higher rate than before the vaccine rollout.

That points to ineffective vaccines. Just saying "No" does not change that fact.
We get it, you’re terrified of needles, no big deal.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
I know you do not have a background in mathematics, so I tried to help you out with this:

I can try to explain this to you if you need.

Simply put, the faster people are dying (i.e. the rate of death) the faster the line that indicates the total number of deaths will go up. And vice versa.

When we see the steeper line, we know people are dying faster.

Now, with this understanding, re-read what I said here:

I know this goes against what you have heard reported by the MSM. But the numbers are clear.

Well after mass vaccination of over 95% of the population, people were dying of Covid-19 at a much higher rate than before the vaccine rollout.

That points to ineffective vaccines. Just saying "No" does not change that fact.

I'm not going to get into a math argument with you, it's not my forte.

However, you cannot prove that the vaccine caused those deaths. You have shown no evidence of it.

We both know that.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
However, you cannot prove that the vaccine caused those deaths. You have shown no evidence of it.

And I am not trying to do that.

I am providing boatloads of evidence that the vaccines were ineffective.

Providing evidence that the vaccine has caused or contributed to a lot of deaths (mostly deaths by other causes; not Covid) would take a lot more effort and I am sure would be met by a lot more skepticism. Hopefully I am wrong about the vaccines being responsible for, or at least contributing to, many recent and future deaths. The Truth will become clearer as time passes; if there is overwhelming evidence of a harmful vaccine, I suspect it will still be denied and the narrative will be controlled by the MSM.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
And I am not trying to do that.

I am providing boatloads of evidence that the vaccines were ineffective.

Providing evidence that the vaccine has caused or contributed to a lot of deaths (mostly deaths by other causes; not Covid) would take a lot more effort and I am sure would be met by a lot more skepticism. Hopefully I am wrong about the vaccines being responsible for, or at least contributing to, many recent and future deaths. The Truth will become clearer as time passes; if there is overwhelming evidence of a harmful vaccine, I suspect it will still be denied and the narrative will be controlled by the MSM.

They were not ineffective. Most people that were vaccinated survived. Most people that did die, died from the disease, Covid.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Vaccines, just like any other medicine reacts differently from person-to-person. Of course there are side effects, but it's the lesser of the two evils. Medical professionals know that a small percentage of the population will have adverse side effects and that in the end will be beneficial to most of the population.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
More than 22.6 times as many people died after the vaccines than before.




senior penor

Factory Bastard

Undocumented border crossings have dropped by almost 80% in the past year, this is clearly a result of Joe Biden's definitive efforts to combat Covid-19 and it's variants with an aggressive vaccine program.
Or it could be because southern states were threatening to make them live in an expensive-as-hell blue state.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
However, you cannot prove that the vaccine caused those deaths. You have shown no evidence of it.
And I am not trying to do that.

I am providing boatloads of evidence that the vaccines were ineffective.
He has no evidence that these people died because of an adverse event due to vaccination.
Providing evidence that the vaccine has caused or contributed to a lot of deaths (mostly deaths by other causes; not Covid) would take a lot more effort and I am sure would be met by a lot more skepticism. Hopefully I am wrong about the vaccines being responsible for, or at least contributing to, many recent and future deaths. The Truth will become clearer as time passes; if there is overwhelming evidence of a harmful vaccine, I suspect it will still be denied and the narrative will be controlled by the MSM.

It is like you are not listening.

I am providing mountains of evidence that the vaccines have been ineffective.

I am not trying to provide any evidence that the vaccines have been causing people to die. Why would I do that when even when presented with mountains of evidence that the vaccines have been ineffective, the "All Vaccines are Good Vaccines" group of people still refuse or are unable to face The Truth?


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
It is like you are not listening.

I am providing mountains of evidence that the vaccines have been ineffective.

I am not trying to provide any evidence that the vaccines have been causing people to die. Why would I do that when even when presented with mountains of evidence that the vaccines have been ineffective, the "All Vaccines are Good Vaccines" group of people still refuse or are unable to face The Truth?

No, you are not.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
And I am not trying to do that.

I am providing boatloads of evidence that the vaccines were ineffective.

Providing evidence that the vaccine has caused or contributed to a lot of deaths (mostly deaths by other causes; not Covid) would take a lot more effort and I am sure would be met by a lot more skepticism. Hopefully I am wrong about the vaccines being responsible for, or at least contributing to, many recent and future deaths. The Truth will become clearer as time passes; if there is overwhelming evidence of a harmful vaccine, I suspect it will still be denied and the narrative will be controlled by the MSM.
Oh, I see, but where’s your proof?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!

That was really relevant.

So explaining to you that the numbers reflect the overall population of those that got the vaccine is unimportant?

Just so your little mind can understand better, how about looking at it with 100 people, do you think you can comprehend that now?

20k plus deaths in Australia vs how many people that got the vaccine?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
So explaining to you that the numbers reflect the overall population of those that got the vaccine is unimportant?

Just so your little mind can understand better, how about looking at it with 100 people, do you think you can comprehend that now?

20k plus deaths in Australia vs how many people that got the vaccine?

He's saying that the vaccines didn't work because those people died. Of course, he's not going to mention that the average age of those that died was 83.8 years old

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The Prowler

Factory Bastard
He's saying that the vaccines didn't work because those people died. Of course, he's not going to mention that the average age of those that died was 83.8 years old

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Hopefully pictures will help the "All Vaccines are Good Vaccines" group...


"Effective vaccine"


The Prowler

Factory Bastard
the average age of those that died was 83.8 years old

That is true everywhere in the world. Covid killed old and sickly people.

It does nothing to explain why after two years of Covid not too many people died, then after mass vaccinations, way more people at a way faster rate died.

"Effective vaccine"



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
That is true everywhere in the world. Covid killed old and sickly people.

It does nothing to explain why after two years of Covid not too many people died, then after mass vaccinations, way more people at a way faster rate died.

"Effective vaccine"


Masses of people, in every country of the world, got covid. Did most people live or die?

Your ball...

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
@Lily In fact, in my home province the government posted stats of "deaths per 1,000 cases by vaccine status".

Obviously for a while the numbers for unvaccinated deaths was quite bad, because they included the early stages when

(A) the oldest and sickliest were dying
(B) nobody was vaccinated (i.e. every death of oldest and sickliest was "unvaccinated")
(C) the only real test they had for Covid was blood test, so they only tested the really sick, hospitalized people (i.e. cases where people did not get sick enough to be hospitalized were not included in the stats)

But, over time, they noticed something. The "deaths per 1,000 cases of vaccinated" was higher than the unvaccinated rate.

It was looking like the vaccines were ineffective.

So for a while they tried to spin it: "Well, it is the old and sickly who are vaccinated, so that is skewing the results."

But then when they vaccinated all the way down to teenagers, they were having a hard time explaining why the death rate amongst vaccinated was higher than amongst unvaccinated.

It was really looking like the vaccines were really ineffective.

So they stopped publishing the data.