What's the Worst Thing that Ever Happened to You?


Ignore features are for bitches.
Southern Florida
I bet it involved an older male relative and sodomy.

In this thread, we discuss the worst thing that ever happened to you in your life. It can be either your fault or something that happened by happenstance. It doesn't have to be worse in anyway except the way you describe/felt it. For instance some people will feel their dad running out in the family was the worse thing that ever happened to them

but that shit happened to me too and I'm not a pussy, fuck that old man and his only son (me lol)

Worse thing that ever happened to me was going partially blind from alcoholism and b1 vitamin deficiency (optical neuropathy) I have a blind spot in my right eye and a Blindspot below whatever I look at with my left and have to take a bunch of vitamins. I should've gotten seen for it sooner (April of last spring was when I first noticed it) than when I eventually did (September 11th) because I have irreparable damage but I couldn't shake the drinking/my big cock/smoking cigarettes/cocaine (mostly just the drinking) so now I got permanent vision problems.

How about you?


3 Felonies Hunter? Those are Rooky Numbers!
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Your Feng Shui gives me ennui.
It was a Friday night, the summer after hi skool graduation...me and my rowdy friends had decided to go out to eat at the popular after hours diner. We were all a little lit, after we all had burgers or whatev. some of us ordered desert... we were in a big corner table about 6 or 7 of us...I was in the corner...I can still see the large Hot Fudge Sunday sliding smoothly across the table...and suddenly landing right in my lap, I still think my closest buddies found it a little too amusing...


Factory Bastard
Somewhere in the US
Worse thing that ever happened to me was going partially blind from alcoholism and b1 vitamin deficiency (optical neuropathy) I have a blind spot in my right eye and a Blindspot below whatever I look at with my left and have to take a bunch of vitamins. I should've gotten seen for it sooner (April of last spring was when I first noticed it) than when I eventually did (September 11th) because I have irreparable damage but I couldn't shake the drinking/my big cock/smoking cigarettes/cocaine (mostly just the drinking) so now I got permanent vision problems.
If it's any consolation, had you been seen earlier for what is properly known as optic neuropathy, it would have made no difference, the nerve damage was already done and as you know it's irreparable, just like spinal cord victims don't suddenly become unparalyzed because they visit a specialist.

Your reluctance or outright inability to give up the alcohol is the problem, not the lack of timely medical intervention.

Keep it up and these vision problems will pale in comparison to what is headed your way.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Your reluctance or outright inability to give up the alcohol is the problem, not the lack of timely medical intervention.

Keep it up and these vision problems will pale in comparison to what is headed your way.


I love reading posts and knowing that when other people read them, they are shitting their pants.

In this case, @Murdy needs to change her diaper!!



Ignore features are for bitches.
Southern Florida
I quit drinking for two months 9/11 to Novembver 11th, got drunk for a couple days. Didn't drink until January, drank for a week, and now I'ts been about 6 weeks.

It's an adDICKtion and really HARD but once I get a couple weeks in I think it's easy to stay away from drinking. I am an alcoholic of the worst variety but once I quit for a period of time the withdrawal, cravings, compulsion to drink goes and stays away until I start with that first drink.

I went from 22 to 26 without drinking, about 3 1/2 years, so I'm quite confidant I can do it again.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
I quit drinking for two months 9/11 to Novembver 11th, got drunk for a couple days. Didn't drink until January, drank for a week, and now I'ts been about 6 weeks.

It's an adDICKtion and really HARD but once I get a couple weeks in I think it's easy to stay away from drinking. I am an alcoholic of the worst variety but once I quit for a period of time the withdrawal, cravings, compulsion to drink goes and stays away until I start with that first drink.

I went from 22 to 26 without drinking, about 3 1/2 years, so I'm quite confidant I can do it again.

You should avoid alcoholics who are not actively trying to conquer their addiction.

For example, stay away from @Murdy.


Ignore features are for bitches.
Southern Florida
Nice thing/mitigating factor about optical neuropathy is my right eye is completely fucked for like reading and shit but my peripheral vision is intact


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
I quit drinking for two months 9/11 to Novembver 11th, got drunk for a couple days. Didn't drink until January, drank for a week, and now I'ts been about 6 weeks.

It's an adDICKtion and really HARD but once I get a couple weeks in I think it's easy to stay away from drinking. I am an alcoholic of the worst variety but once I quit for a period of time the withdrawal, cravings, compulsion to drink goes and stays away until I start with that first drink.

I went from 22 to 26 without drinking, about 3 1/2 years, so I'm quite confidant I can do it again.

That’s awesome. Vices are hard habits to break.

9/11 was crazy. I was watching the news and called out, but my firm was closed and no one answered ~ which made it more scary. I had my small kids in my lap watching the news with my then husband called to the base. It was scary because I had no clue when he was coming home. It was the first time in my life that I thought the world was going to end. I haven’t watched the news since.

I used to be a bit of a part my girl way back when … but I haven’t been drunk since December 2019. I hardly drink, but it’s because I’m in my 40s and collagen production + premature aging are the main concern. Most of my GFs have ditched that evening glass of wine for yoga by now. I think we are all better for it. I’ve never seen anything negative happen to people who choose health over vices.


Apparatus Of Satan
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Rockford, IL
Being born.

On a more serious note, being homeless was pretty bad, idk if it's the worst thing that's happened to me though. My polyaddiction increased in severity at an exponential rate, the negative effects of which where potentiated by the sudden discontinuation (not tapering) of an SSRI and antipsychotic.

I delved deeper into crime than ever before, burgling/shoplifting 4-5 times a day. Eventually I got to the point where I would just jerk off in public (out of the public eye, but in public nonetheless.) because I didn't care anymore, and if I got arrested at least I would have food and shelter.

I was crunk out of my mind 24/7, there where times when I would feel my heart stop beating momentarily, only to feel it continue it's incessant rhythm a few seconds later.

I essentially would wake up, do a couple shots and some kratom, pop a couple 100mg edibles, smoke some cigarette butts I collected out in the parking lot, with lunch have another 3 or 4 drinks and more weed and tobacco, then finish out the night with more liquor, kratom, weed, DXM, tobacco, and maybe some whip-its. I barely remember any of it.

It was also at this time that I began drunk driving. I would doordash, and because I was always fucked up, I would drink and drive. A lot. Like, 20-30 hours of drinking and driving a week. Propping my BAC up to .2-.35 and just letting my foot fall asleep on the gas pedal, hoping I crashed and was killed instantly.

I would say that was the 2nd worse thing to happen to me


Apparatus Of Satan
Site Supporter ☠️
Rockford, IL
I quit drinking for two months 9/11 to Novembver 11th, got drunk for a couple days. Didn't drink until January, drank for a week, and now I'ts been about 6 weeks.

It's an adDICKtion and really HARD but once I get a couple weeks in I think it's easy to stay away from drinking. I am an alcoholic of the worst variety but once I quit for a period of time the withdrawal, cravings, compulsion to drink goes and stays away until I start with that first drink.

I went from 22 to 26 without drinking, about 3 1/2 years, so I'm quite confidant I can do it again.
It's easy for me to not drink, but when I do, It is extraordinarily difficult to stop myself from drinking and driving. I'm not sure why, but for some reason I see the 2 activities as going hand in hand. just like smoking while driving or walking through the park.

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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The Deep Space
..Some clarification on the meaning of worst thing that ever happened to you - but if it includes this that one has done to oneself then I would say smoking cigarettes - that for the lasting damage it did to my lungs. On the other hand, being accidentally gassed with chlorine (work accident) which also had an impact on lung function has to be a high ranker.
.. For a long time I considered having married the person I did right there along with the smoking, but in the long run smoking was the worser of the two. In any case both of those were what I did to myself in my way of thinking.
I might add living in the Trumpian age in America - I mean, I don't feel like I deserved that for any transgression I am aware of.

Darthinia Von Vader

Factory Bastard
In the sewers
older brother pushed me down a flight of stairs when i was 8. not going into great details on my injuries before or after the push but between the lengthy hospital stay and recovery at home it all took just under 7 months. i didn't really get back to my full self til around the 10 month mark.

besides that and some good fights at school with minor injuries i'd say thats about it. oh some work related injuries where i missed a week or so. i've been pretty fortunate though i could have it a lot worse in life

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
Site Supporter
The Deep Space
I can tell when you're angry
Well, I'm not angry, I'm just up for a little fun. You and anyone else are welcome to disagree with me any time you like, and on any subject.

Oh, now, you aren't denying the massage though.....
It's only message boards
..but I like it like it
yes I do.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Well, I'm not angry, I'm just up for a little fun. You and anyone else are welcome to disagree with me any time you like, and on any subject.

You are bitchy, though. Most people aren't bitchy over nothing. Then again, you're not most people. Maybe you are just bitchy.

I will think on it.

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
Site Supporter
The Deep Space
You are bitchy, though. Most people aren't bitchy over nothing. Then again, you're not most people. Maybe you are just bitchy.

I will think on it.
You saying something and it being so are two different things.
.. I'm just here to have a good time. :Happy5: