While the fraud spends time checking on his investments in Ukraine the REAL president of the United States visits his people.


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Just about every one of them. In Atlantic City alone, his title among contractors was commonly referred to as Mr. 50%. His modus operandi was to enter into a contract, pay a small down payment, and never pay more than 50% of the remaining balance. When a contractor finished the job and looked to be paid, and he asked Rump for the balance, the ORANGE TURD would typically state that he wasn't satisfied with their work, offered them 50% of what they coming and told them to sue him for the remaining balance. Many small busimesses went under because this practice, and eventually he was chased out of Atlantic City.
The guy is a thief and a criminal and frankly after trying these shenanigans in New Jersey, I'm surprised that he's still alive since I'm sure he pissed off members of the mob. But I guess money talks and underhanded payoffs solved whatever he had to do to smooth out matters. He is and always has been a major slime ball.

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The Atomic Punk

Factory Bastard
I think he also lost his law license in the process. In any case, he was never found to be guilty or liable for rape.
No, but any person in the corporate world found taking advantage of a female subbordinate or even engaging in a consensual relationship where a power level difference existed would have been railroaded out.....both then and now......

Allegations of rape abound.....you turn a blind eye to the suffering of your gender......but you have to don't you.......its almost like Bill is raping you, that you have to fall into line. SAD!

You give ol' Slick Willie a pass to stay relevant among your progressive peers........it would be a contest who wouldctry and get to ol' Slick Willies cock to throat it ......you or Admin.

Several have been paid off and many have died.......all in the name of the Clintons


Who am I? I am over Two Billion in Saudi Cash!
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Follow the money.
No, but any person in the corporate world found taking advantage of a female subbordinate or even engaging in a consensual relationship where a power level difference existed would have been railroaded out.....both then and now......

Allegations of rape abound.....you turn a blind eye to the suffering of your gender......but you have to don't you.......its almost like Bill is raping you, that you have to fall into line. SAD!

You give ol' Slick Willie a pass to stay relevant among your progressive peers........it would be a contest who wouldctry and get to ol' Slick Willies cock to throat it ......you or Admin.

Several have been paid off and many have died.......all in the name of the Clintons
You mean like Trump barging into a beauty pageant dressing room to ogle teen aged girls?

Again Bill Clinton is not in office, try to keep up Skippy.

The Atomic Punk

Factory Bastard
You mean like Trump barging into a beauty pageant dressing room to ogle teen aged girls?

Again Bill Clinton is not in office, try to keep up Skippy.
Neither is Trump....try to keep up......bedwetter........you're not really good at this are you?

The relevance is a woman claimed Trump raped her decades before........Clinton had tge same type of claimes against him over and over........yet no trial.....can you explain why no court will hear these womes?


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
No, but any person in the corporate world found taking advantage of a female subbordinate or even engaging in a consensual relationship where a power level difference existed would have been railroaded out.....both then and now......

Allegations of rape abound.....you turn a blind eye to the suffering of your gender......but you have to don't you.......its almost like Bill is raping you, that you have to fall into line. SAD!

You give ol' Slick Willie a pass to stay relevant among your progressive peers........it would be a contest who wouldctry and get to ol' Slick Willies cock to throat it ......you or Admin.

Several have been paid off and many have died.......all in the name of the Clintons

Seek help.

The Atomic Punk

Factory Bastard
Why does Slick Willie not only get a pass for travelling with Jeffrey Epstein for sex with underage girls, but also.......numerous rape allegations.....odd I tell ya!

Sad to think that women with daughters give a pass to someone that could do it to them, and get away with it ......just like Slick Willie did.........their silence condems them and other women to a similar fate.......but, at least they still enjoy acceptance from the progressive culture they long to be part of


Who am I? I am over Two Billion in Saudi Cash!
Site Supporter ☠️
Follow the money.
Why does Slick Willie not only get a pass for travelling with Jeffrey Epstein for sex with underage girls, but also.......numerous rape allegations.....odd I tell ya!

Sad to think that women with daughters give a pass to someone that could do it to them, and get away with it ......just like Slick Willie did.........their silence condems them and other women to a similar fate.......but, at least they still enjoy acceptance from the progressive culture they long to be part of