Why are people who use drugs seen as bad people


Apparatus Of Satan
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Rockford, IL
"Drug" is a buzzword with negative connotations these days, as is substance.

Not everyone that uses drugs is a meth head that enjoys beating up homeless people behind a Denny's at 3 AM.

I'd argue that most people who use drugs are just like me or you, it is even possible that the majority of people on earth use drugs. Think about, Caffeine, Nicotine, Alcohol, and so many more.

Also why do some people say that some drugs are "worse" than others. How can you possibly attribute a human quality such as moral value to an inanimate object such as ketamine or a plant like cannabis.


Mr. Excitement
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Because all humans by nature are judgmental pricks deep down. In my experience the bulk of the people who consider drug users as "Bad People" have never done a drug in their life. They watch a few movies, see news about cartels on TV and from that just assume that every user is a bad person.

Also, many addicts depending on what they're hooked on break the law to get their fix. This of course, is frowned upon. I believe that some drugs are worse than others simply by seeing the results of what taking them does to people and myself. I've been smoking pot for 25+ years and have never had any real problems other than a lot of coughing and eating like a Goddamn pig, that can lead to weight gain.

At one point in my life I got hooked on Demerol and it fucking turned my life upside down. I couldn't breathe right, I couldn't piss right and I began to steal to support the addiction. Prescription painkillers are no joke, they can and do kill people all the time when abused. There are people who can take or leave drugs and live a normal life, but then there's hardcore addicts who can't get through the day without getting high. Addiction is a serious affliction completely misunderstood by those who have never tried a drug in their lives.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
I mostly feel compassion for addicts. Sometimes when they do the crazy ass shit, I do feel a bit exasperated.

However, for myself, I don't approve of drugs. It was drilled into my head that weak people that can't cope with their life situation(s) and emotions are escaping momentarily. And that when you come down from the escape, the problems are still there.

My parents were raised old school, keep moving forward and dig yourself out of the hole you're in the best you can. There isn't a lot of room for what is considered anti-social behavior.

That being said, I don't go around condemning everyone that uses drugs...live and let live is a very integral part of culture here in California.


Mr. Excitement
Site Supporter ☠️
I mostly feel compassion for addicts. Sometimes when they do the crazy ass shit, I do feel a bit exasperated.

However, for myself, I don't approve of drugs. It was drilled into my head that weak people that can't cope with their life situation(s) and emotions are escaping momentarily. And that when you come down from the escape, the problems are still there.

My parents were raised old school, keep moving forward and dig yourself out of the hole you're in the best you can. There isn't a lot of room for what is considered anti-social behavior.

That being said, I don't go around condemning everyone that uses drugs...live and let live is a very integral part of culture here in California.
You're half right. There are those that use them to cope, but many like myself, get high because it's fun. Roll up some joints, have your chosen drink and sweets on your night table beside you and a PS4 controller in your hand. Now that's a good time.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
You're half right. There are those that use them to cope, but many like myself, get high because it's fun. Roll up some joints, have your chosen drink and sweets on your night table beside you and a PS4 controller in your hand. Now that's a good time.

Well, on occasion I'll have a glass of wine and get a little buzz from it, so I understand where you're coming from.


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
Who doesn’t enjoy escapism? I love to have FUN. I don’t think drugs are bad for occasional recreational usage. If my friends get their hands on it, I’m likely to join then. But the older you get, the more it takes out of you…

I had to walk away from alcohol because I enjoyed it too much.

:PuffPuffPass: … on the daily
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