I Have a Theory


Factory Feline
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Hi all,

Read below, give me feed back, ask questions, whatever. I'm so happy! Ok, here we go.....

I don't know if you could hear me or not. Don't worry about it, everything is fine. I'm having a real hard day but I think I am figuring it out and I think I'm doing better. I will say this in bullet points cause I think you will get what I'm saying. If you don't, ask me questions and hopefully I'll be awake to answer you. If not know I am ok. What you and I need, and maybe more humans and maybe humanity as a whole need this. I'm gonna stop talking in we now and just speak to me. What I need is to stop overthinking cause for me, to think in circles, fucks me up. For me I need to rest, and I'm about to. For me, I need to calm down. I need to remain calm, and I need to stop doing all the things I do. I am confusing others to the point of confusing me and my world is falling apart, in every way it can. What I need for me is to love myself, to fix myself, cause as we all seem to know, but still do, is that what we need most is love. What we need most is to know we are ok, what I think we need is to just know we are ok. When we don't know why we aren't ok we, I, make bad choices, bad decisions, and we/I start to loose our shit. I believe that is why this world is going to hell, or maybe that is just my perception. My theory though is that at the end of the day, we are all just humans, and there is nothing wrong with that. We are all doing our best. We are all scared about something, we are all living in our own private hell's. Is hell's a word? I believe we are all just doing what it is we have to do to make our own shit better. I believe this is why those who have faith seem so much happier, and some genuinely are, at least most of the time. I believe, as of now, and maybe I'll forget which is why I'm writing this out, I believe that once we find our own inner "god/goddess/whatever human word you want to put on this theory of mine, once you love yourself, once you fix your own shit, once you slow down and think it out logically. Once you figure you out you are able to help others fix themselves. As a species, my theory goes, once we can all do that, once we as the dominate species of this beautiful place we call earth, once we can figure that out, all at once or not, once we as humans can do that, we can help to heal the damage we have done and continue to do to this poor place. Once we figure it out, once we grasp it all, one we learn, I believe that we can and will fix this place. I also just now believe that I figured out my own personal meaning of life. And even if that meaning is wrong, so what? It's still a good theory. So, in my theory, if we can as a collective hive figure this shit out, if we can do that, if we can all work together, perhaps we could fix earth. Maybe we can save ourselves, maybe we can have everything we have ever wanted and maybe we can do all I just said. Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe I'm right and we don't do this and we kill our planet. Maybe that is the reason we have this planet and maybe I'm right. Maybe not, who knows, but if I'm right, wouldn't that be awesome? Fuck yeah, I'm pumped. I'm gonna fix me. I'm going to start there. I hope to succeed, I hope we all do. I hope. God damn, I am so happy I figured that out. Wow. Listen to yourself, listen to each other, love and be loved. Just because you think logically doesn't mean you are cold, it means you are using logic. And just because you use logic, it doesn't mean that you don't have emotions and are a cold person, it just means you are human. You may still get frustrated, but what are you frustrated about ultimately? Your frustrated that you are having to deal with frustration, with others, with what ever it is that is frustrating you. And just because you may react poorly, or you feel overwhelmed doesn't mean you are a bad person, it just means you are human.

I feel great.

I'm short, love yourself, be good to yourself. Even shorter? Go love. Love.


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I'm frustrated that that red print hurts mah eyes and now I have to get them re-balled ffs (:


Factory Bastard
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My Theory is that I must not allow the stupidity of others to get under my skin. Often times it isn't their fault. They were born that way. They cannot help that they are morons who do not contribute anything to humanity, its genetics. There is a portion of the population who are just meant to consume space and have no real function other than to reproduce upon the random chance that a functional combination of their chromosomes may emerge.


If my dog doesn't like you, I probably won'teither
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We don't live in a idea world and no thanks to Adam and Eve- - - - - -



If my dog doesn't like you, I probably won'teither
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Fuck that red font. You read about three lines, then say fuck that red font!
You got something better to do Master Baiter like peek at your sister in the shower- - - - - --


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
First we should scrap religion, all of them, we made that shit up when we didn’t understand things, we don’t need it now and it segregates people, god gave man dominion over all things, there’s your problem they think the world is theirs to distroy at will.


Factory Feline
Site Supporter
There is a few different perspectives on that, they blow my mind at times.

Am I wrong in thinking religious freedom is the same thing as white male domination?


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
There is a few different perspectives on that, they blow my mind at times.

Am I wrong in thinking religious freedom is the same thing as white male domination?
As in, bullshit? White men are not allowed to be straight white males in their own countries and are disgustingly targeted for abuse in everything in their own domain... The world has an anti white sickness that globalist media has pushed to brainwash since the 80s... Look at the interracial agenda of adverts on tv, always black guy with white female in ONLY Western countries, it is sickening! But hey! Ya’ll STAY BLACK! And don’t let the honkey cracker reptilian-shape shifting, building-a-moon-base, harp up in the north-west territories, they’re spraying chem trails, 9/11 most definitely an inside job just google building 7, they’re up in bohemian grove worshipping owls, apparently the Earth is flat there were giant trees that were cut down because the moon landing was probably fake, FEMA camps got all kinds of mass graves everywhere because maybe a huge meteorite or alien invasion is coming but they don’t want to tell us and spread mass panic, holocaust denying white man bring ya… DOOOOOOWN!

Iggy McLulz

Fucking Delightful
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York, P.A.
There is a few different perspectives on that, they blow my mind at times.

Am I wrong in thinking religious freedom is the same thing as white male domination?
Look at the interracial agenda of adverts on tv, always black guy with white female in ONLY Western countries, it is sickening! But hey! Ya’ll STAY BLACK! And don’t let the honkey cracker reptilian-shape shifting, building-a-moon-base, harp up in the north-west territories, they’re spraying chem trails, 9/11 most definitely an inside job just google building 7, they’re up in bohemian grove worshipping owls, apparently the Earth is flat there were giant trees that were cut down because the moon landing was probably fake, FEMA camps got all kinds of mass graves everywhere because maybe a huge meteorite or alien invasion is coming but they don’t want to tell us and spread mass panic, holocaust denying white man bring ya… DOOOOOOWN!


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
There is a few different perspectives on that, they blow my mind at times.

Am I wrong in thinking religious freedom is the same thing as white male domination?
Look at the interracial agenda of adverts on tv, always black guy with white female in ONLY Western countries, it is sickening! But hey! Ya’ll STAY BLACK! And don’t let the honkey cracker reptilian-shape shifting, building-a-moon-base, harp up in the north-west territories, they’re spraying chem trails, 9/11 most definitely an inside job just google building 7, they’re up in bohemian grove worshipping owls, apparently the Earth is flat there were giant trees that were cut down because the moon landing was probably fake, FEMA camps got all kinds of mass graves everywhere because maybe a huge meteorite or alien invasion is coming but they don’t want to tell us and spread mass panic, holocaust denying white man bring ya… DOOOOOOWN!
You laughing at me?

Iggy McLulz

Fucking Delightful
Site Supporter ☠️
York, P.A.
There is a few different perspectives on that, they blow my mind at times.

Am I wrong in thinking religious freedom is the same thing as white male domination?
Look at the interracial agenda of adverts on tv, always black guy with white female in ONLY Western countries, it is sickening! But hey! Ya’ll STAY BLACK! And don’t let the honkey cracker reptilian-shape shifting, building-a-moon-base, harp up in the north-west territories, they’re spraying chem trails, 9/11 most definitely an inside job just google building 7, they’re up in bohemian grove worshipping owls, apparently the Earth is flat there were giant trees that were cut down because the moon landing was probably fake, FEMA camps got all kinds of mass graves everywhere because maybe a huge meteorite or alien invasion is coming but they don’t want to tell us and spread mass panic, holocaust denying white man bring ya… DOOOOOOWN!
You laughing at me?


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
There is a few different perspectives on that, they blow my mind at times.

Am I wrong in thinking religious freedom is the same thing as white male domination?
Look at the interracial agenda of adverts on tv, always black guy with white female in ONLY Western countries, it is sickening! But hey! Ya’ll STAY BLACK! And don’t let the honkey cracker reptilian-shape shifting, building-a-moon-base, harp up in the north-west territories, they’re spraying chem trails, 9/11 most definitely an inside job just google building 7, they’re up in bohemian grove worshipping owls, apparently the Earth is flat there were giant trees that were cut down because the moon landing was probably fake, FEMA camps got all kinds of mass graves everywhere because maybe a huge meteorite or alien invasion is coming but they don’t want to tell us and spread mass panic, holocaust denying white man bring ya… DOOOOOOWN!
You laughing at me?

Iggy McLulz

Fucking Delightful
Site Supporter ☠️
York, P.A.
There is a few different perspectives on that, they blow my mind at times.

Am I wrong in thinking religious freedom is the same thing as white male domination?
Look at the interracial agenda of adverts on tv, always black guy with white female in ONLY Western countries, it is sickening! But hey! Ya’ll STAY BLACK! And don’t let the honkey cracker reptilian-shape shifting, building-a-moon-base, harp up in the north-west territories, they’re spraying chem trails, 9/11 most definitely an inside job just google building 7, they’re up in bohemian grove worshipping owls, apparently the Earth is flat there were giant trees that were cut down because the moon landing was probably fake, FEMA camps got all kinds of mass graves everywhere because maybe a huge meteorite or alien invasion is coming but they don’t want to tell us and spread mass panic, holocaust denying white man bring ya… DOOOOOOWN!
You laughing at me?
Interracial agenda?????? Next you'll be saying the LGBT community has an agenda too. I skimmed after the first 2 sentences, I generally skip over most of your posts. I just don't agree with your views at all.


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
There is a few different perspectives on that, they blow my mind at times.

Am I wrong in thinking religious freedom is the same thing as white male domination?
Look at the interracial agenda of adverts on tv, always black guy with white female in ONLY Western countries, it is sickening! But hey! Ya’ll STAY BLACK! And don’t let the honkey cracker reptilian-shape shifting, building-a-moon-base, harp up in the north-west territories, they’re spraying chem trails, 9/11 most definitely an inside job just google building 7, they’re up in bohemian grove worshipping owls, apparently the Earth is flat there were giant trees that were cut down because the moon landing was probably fake, FEMA camps got all kinds of mass graves everywhere because maybe a huge meteorite or alien invasion is coming but they don’t want to tell us and spread mass panic, holocaust denying white man bring ya… DOOOOOOWN!
You laughing at me?
Interracial agenda?????? Next you'll be saying the LGBT community has an agenda too. I skimmed after the first 2 sentences, I generally skip over most of your posts. I just don't agree with your views at all.
Thanks for your honesty, means a lot... Your kind tend to skip facts to suit emotion but hey only some actual facts get to be facts in your world... You’re gonna call me wacist soon aren’t you?


Unsung Internet Celeb
Site Supporter
Kat, I think you should supersede religion with spirituality and you'll be fine.

If you allow others to define you then they will ultimately do a worse job than you would. You'll refine your theories as days go by. Rome wasn't built in a day.

Iggy McLulz

Fucking Delightful
Site Supporter ☠️
York, P.A.
There is a few different perspectives on that, they blow my mind at times.

Am I wrong in thinking religious freedom is the same thing as white male domination?
Look at the interracial agenda of adverts on tv, always black guy with white female in ONLY Western countries, it is sickening! But hey! Ya’ll STAY BLACK! And don’t let the honkey cracker reptilian-shape shifting, building-a-moon-base, harp up in the north-west territories, they’re spraying chem trails, 9/11 most definitely an inside job just google building 7, they’re up in bohemian grove worshipping owls, apparently the Earth is flat there were giant trees that were cut down because the moon landing was probably fake, FEMA camps got all kinds of mass graves everywhere because maybe a huge meteorite or alien invasion is coming but they don’t want to tell us and spread mass panic, holocaust denying white man bring ya… DOOOOOOWN!
You laughing at me?
Interracial agenda?????? Next you'll be saying the LGBT community has an agenda too. I skimmed after the first 2 sentences, I generally skip over most of your posts. I just don't agree with your views at all.
Thanks for your honesty, means a lot... Your kind tend to skip facts to suit emotion but hey only some actual facts get to be facts in your world... You’re gonna call me wacist soon aren’t you?
Why waste my time? You're no one to me.


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
There is a few different perspectives on that, they blow my mind at times.

Am I wrong in thinking religious freedom is the same thing as white male domination?
Look at the interracial agenda of adverts on tv, always black guy with white female in ONLY Western countries, it is sickening! But hey! Ya’ll STAY BLACK! And don’t let the honkey cracker reptilian-shape shifting, building-a-moon-base, harp up in the north-west territories, they’re spraying chem trails, 9/11 most definitely an inside job just google building 7, they’re up in bohemian grove worshipping owls, apparently the Earth is flat there were giant trees that were cut down because the moon landing was probably fake, FEMA camps got all kinds of mass graves everywhere because maybe a huge meteorite or alien invasion is coming but they don’t want to tell us and spread mass panic, holocaust denying white man bring ya… DOOOOOOWN!
You laughing at me?
Interracial agenda?????? Next you'll be saying the LGBT community has an agenda too. I skimmed after the first 2 sentences, I generally skip over most of your posts. I just don't agree with your views at all.
Thanks for your honesty, means a lot... Your kind tend to skip facts to suit emotion but hey only some actual facts get to be facts in your world... You’re gonna call me wacist soon aren’t you?
Why waste my time? You're no one to me.
What brought this on? I guess I won’t be receiving anymore unwanted selfies from you? Shame that... lol

Oliver Shagnasty

Honky Tonk Nigger
Site Supporter
There is a few different perspectives on that, they blow my mind at times.

Am I wrong in thinking religious freedom is the same thing as white male domination?
Look at the interracial agenda of adverts on tv, always black guy with white female in ONLY Western countries, it is sickening! But hey! Ya’ll STAY BLACK! And don’t let the honkey cracker reptilian-shape shifting, building-a-moon-base, harp up in the north-west territories, they’re spraying chem trails, 9/11 most definitely an inside job just google building 7, they’re up in bohemian grove worshipping owls, apparently the Earth is flat there were giant trees that were cut down because the moon landing was probably fake, FEMA camps got all kinds of mass graves everywhere because maybe a huge meteorite or alien invasion is coming but they don’t want to tell us and spread mass panic, holocaust denying white man bring ya… DOOOOOOWN!
You laughing at me?
Interracial agenda?????? Next you'll be saying the LGBT community has an agenda too. I skimmed after the first 2 sentences, I generally skip over most of your posts. I just don't agree with your views at all.
LGBT does have an agenda to kill off all the heterosexuals .

Iggy McLulz

Fucking Delightful
Site Supporter ☠️
York, P.A.
There is a few different perspectives on that, they blow my mind at times.

Am I wrong in thinking religious freedom is the same thing as white male domination?
Look at the interracial agenda of adverts on tv, always black guy with white female in ONLY Western countries, it is sickening! But hey! Ya’ll STAY BLACK! And don’t let the honkey cracker reptilian-shape shifting, building-a-moon-base, harp up in the north-west territories, they’re spraying chem trails, 9/11 most definitely an inside job just google building 7, they’re up in bohemian grove worshipping owls, apparently the Earth is flat there were giant trees that were cut down because the moon landing was probably fake, FEMA camps got all kinds of mass graves everywhere because maybe a huge meteorite or alien invasion is coming but they don’t want to tell us and spread mass panic, holocaust denying white man bring ya… DOOOOOOWN!
You laughing at me?
Interracial agenda?????? Next you'll be saying the LGBT community has an agenda too. I skimmed after the first 2 sentences, I generally skip over most of your posts. I just don't agree with your views at all.
LGBT does have an agenda to kill off all the heterosexuals .
Yeah lol sure we do.

Oliver Shagnasty

Honky Tonk Nigger
Site Supporter
There is a few different perspectives on that, they blow my mind at times.

Am I wrong in thinking religious freedom is the same thing as white male domination?
Look at the interracial agenda of adverts on tv, always black guy with white female in ONLY Western countries, it is sickening! But hey! Ya’ll STAY BLACK! And don’t let the honkey cracker reptilian-shape shifting, building-a-moon-base, harp up in the north-west territories, they’re spraying chem trails, 9/11 most definitely an inside job just google building 7, they’re up in bohemian grove worshipping owls, apparently the Earth is flat there were giant trees that were cut down because the moon landing was probably fake, FEMA camps got all kinds of mass graves everywhere because maybe a huge meteorite or alien invasion is coming but they don’t want to tell us and spread mass panic, holocaust denying white man bring ya… DOOOOOOWN!
You laughing at me?
Interracial agenda?????? Next you'll be saying the LGBT community has an agenda too. I skimmed after the first 2 sentences, I generally skip over most of your posts. I just don't agree with your views at all.
LGBT does have an agenda to kill off all the heterosexuals .
Yeah lol sure we do.
Most of the LGBT are terrorists like Antifa. I'm not talking bad about gay people just the organization.


Undeniably Plausible
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The Third Rail
My theory is that the reason a more advanced alien civilization hasn't contacted us is that, in our little corner of the cosmic neighborhood, we are the "advanced alien civilization." Oh, there are other sentient, even possibly sapient, alien species, maybe even near to hand: but they're still pre-Industrial. Alien hillbillies. Probably still medieval. Can you imagine that? Somewhere, maybe in the nearest exoplanet in the "Goldilocks Zone" around its star, there's a King Blorp the First, ruling over his subjects with an iron fist. And late at night, some little three eyed peasant boy is looking up at the stars -- wondering if WE'RE "out there somewhere."


Factory Feline
Site Supporter
How ironic is it that the homophobic bigotry spewer is a white bear, and a bear in general?

Every time I hear white boys cry about how they a dwindling, I laugh. Yep, you are. So are all the "races". Know why? Oh, it may be that thing your type shouldn't agree with....evolution.

Get it through your head, our race is human, and we are failing ourselves and this world.

You can bitch and moan all you want about this truth, but it won't make it false.


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
How ironic is it that the homophobic bigotry spewer is a white bear, and a bear in general?

Every time I hear white boys cry about how they a dwindling, I laugh. Yep, you are. So are all the "races". Know why? Oh, it may be that thing your type shouldn't agree with....evolution.

Get it through your head, our race is human, and we are failing ourselves and this world.

You can bitch and moan all you want about this truth, but it won't make it false.
Are black men dwindling in Africa? Are Asian men dwindling in Asia? You’re talking shit! The whites are being bred out of existence and that’s NOT a racist thing to say! Whites equal ONLY2.3% of earths population, we are the true minority that are bashed for creating the worlds most advanced civilisations! Everything will turn to shit when our race dies and that is a fact! You ghastly fucking idiots are FAR too stupid to realise there is a reason the world wants to come to white countries but for the sake of multiculturalism your children and grandchildren will live in poverty, good fucking job! Just imagine how white children will be treated when there’s only a few thousand left on the planet, sick fucking assholes need a rocket up their ass! I’ll NEVER bow down to anyone on this!


Factory Feline
Site Supporter
I'm. Thank saying I don't agree with a lot of that, but again, color of skin has zero to do with it. You should rewatch your own propoganda. It's third world coming to the west, not races. It's horrible tactics to get by in life justified by religion, not races. It's humans trying their best, given what they know, to not die or see their spawn die. You bigots only see what's easy, yet you refuse to see what is simple.


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
I'm. Thank saying I don't agree with a lot of that, but again, color of skin has zero to do with it. You should rewatch your own propoganda. It's third world coming to the west, not races. It's horrible tactics to get by in life justified by religion, not races. It's humans trying their best, given what they know, to not die or see their spawn die. You bigots only see what's easy, yet you refuse to see what is simple.
It’s anything but easy being concerned for your own people, I could post hours of reasons why I’m right but why bother, especially here... Bring on the race war! Whites NEVER LOSE that’s why you’re on the internet talking shit in your comfy house instead of struggling in third world shitholes dominated by tyrants!


Factory Feline
Site Supporter
How cute of you to presume not only my race, but my experiences in life.

You are fucking adorable.