Does this bother anyone else?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
You know it's pretty problematic to me that the same people ignorantly claiming that poor people and poor minorities will not be able to vote if ID is required to vote.

You also need to show ID to receive food benefits and state medical assistance.

So basically you have these people who think that poor and poor minorities dont have IDs and also do not have easy accessibility to obtain such. And then the fact you need one to get food benefits.

So this tells me that it's more important and an urgent issue to make sure these people can vote without ID.....but it's not even a conversation that if they cant get an ID to vote, they are not getting FOOD either. Or medical help. So what it's more important to just fight against IDs to vote than it is to maybe HELP people get an ID so they can not only vote but get HELP WITH FOOD?

Maybe the people arguing this know that it's all crap and know the truth that poor and poor minorities have ID just like everyone else. Thrre are homeless people on the streets who have ID. This is not some huge obstacle and even if it was.... even if the people saying this utter insulting crap truly believed it.....WHY wouldnt they just HELP people get an ID? You know so they do more than just vote (and vote democrat btw)? Like welfare requires ID. Getting a job requires an ID. I have NEVER seen a tiny bit of worry that poor and poor minorities are starving or going without healthcare or a way to get a job because it all requires an ID and ID is so hard for them to get.

If I believed(and I dont, btw. I've been poor and hanging out among the poor ALL my life.... everyone has an ID) that they couldnt easily get ID, I would be far more worried about their children going hungry. But that's just me. Apparently.

This crap is just an excuse to fight against fair and secure voting. Period. This is just partisan exploitation.

There are TWO requirements to vote in this country. And they both make sense. You must be 18, and you must be a citizen. We SHOULD be requiring proof that the voter meets these requirements. It actually disenfranchises the votes of citizens if our voting system isnt secure and fair.

The arguments against requiring ID are an insulting, condescending and classist JOKE. What other basic everyday thing do poor people struggle with? Do you guys also think we should have helmets to walk or bibs to wear? Honest question. How stupid, helpless and incompetent do people think the poor are?

It would be far MORE helpful to start an initiative to help Americans who have issues getting their required legal documents and obtaining IDs than it would be to just let anyone vote with no proof of age or citizenship. Requiring ID will also help the massive distrust people have with our election process. There is nothing wrong with this and everything wrong with the arguments against it.

And I will personally help anyone who asks me if they struggle with getting an ID. Its like 6 bucks and a few miserable hours at the DMV.....its not some giant obstacle.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Libruls r gooder.

So it doesnt bother you at all that the argument is poor and poor minorities shouldnt have to get ID to vote.....but food stamps require ID?

This doesnt bother you?

Everything has to be bullshit with you? You cant give an opinion like a normal, thinking and empathetic person?


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Libruls r gooder.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Libruls r gooder.

So it doesnt bother you at all that the argument is poor and poor minorities shouldnt have to get ID to vote.....but food stamps require ID?

This doesnt bother you?

Everything has to be bullshit with you? You cant give an opinion like a normal, thinking and empathetic person?
The point is you are missing the point, the "right" is making Voting less convenient in more ways that just this one. Dove you attempt to act objective, what if Trump did come back and win in 2024, and then a "Liberal" judge overturned the election, because partisan hackery, would you be OK with that?


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis

That's absolutely awful. I doubt its real.....but it's still awful :(
But don't say politics in the chit chat board cuz that is really bad!
Listen fuckwit this is an ALMOST anything goes board, always has been, in fact it was much more hardcore the first time it was launched COPE! Are you wanting a board where every thread is the same with arguments? You seething?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis

That's absolutely awful. I doubt its real.....but it's still awful :(
Yeah the way it cuts to the end is a bit sus... Although it does look real... Yeah it's pretty fucked up...

"Was Winston-Salem Student Kendra Shanice Reid Murdered on Video? |"
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I think this is talking about that gif
It says it wasn't her... I guess that's the video yeah, I'm calling it fake though... Probably had a brace or something on? A self loathing black girl maybe or paid?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Libruls r gooder.
Is this real?

Libruls r gooder.

So it doesnt bother you at all that the argument is poor and poor minorities shouldnt have to get ID to vote.....but food stamps require ID?

This doesnt bother you?

Everything has to be bullshit with you? You cant give an opinion like a normal, thinking and empathetic person?
The point is you are missing the point, the "right" is making Voting less convenient in more ways that just this one. Dove you attempt to act objective, what if Trump did come back and win in 2024, and then a "Liberal" judge overturned the election, because partisan hackery, would you be OK with that?

The right is attempting to make voting more SECURE. Because people dont trust our elections. And they haven't.

Requiring ID to vote is perfectly reasonable. It's completely insulting to poor people AND poor minorities to suggest it's too much of an obstacle. And as I pointed need a lot more documentation to get welfare benefits. Absolutely no one is challenging that or calling THAT racist.

You guys seem perfectly fine moving on and mocking millions of people who have ZERO trust in the election process while also pushing back against reasonable voting laws that will help make it more secure.

Also you are misrepresenting the other sides issue. You accuse people of "partisan hackery" JUST because they dont agree with you. You don't listen to or try to understand anyone else.

At least I'm aware of my biases and work around them. You guys act like your position is the default correct one and the only reason people would oppose it is because they are stupid, partisan hacks.

You can't "over turn" an election. Once its certified it's a done deal. That doesn't mean the people who live and work and pay taxes in this country dont have a right to investigate a controversial election that had shadey shit involved after 4 years of corporate media smearing them and the president they voted for. It becomes vastly LESS trustworthy when audits and investigations are being fought.

People have to live with the results of this. I dont think you guys realize that or care about it.

What do you expect will happen when your "side" becomes so hostile towards millions of Americans.....who have just much right to be represented in their government, and have a say in how their lives are where they dont even see the point in voting?

I get that's what you guys want. A one party country where no one can oppose or dissent without being verbally abused, or fired, or censored. Just call everyone stupid racists terrorist if they dont want most of their earnings taken by the government, or their healthcare ran by the government or spend 30k a year in energy.

You guys like to support shit that you think sounds that will help people.....but then you dont listen to the people when they are saying it doesnt help. Like the ACA. People were suffering because of it and you guys will argue with them and turn it into a partisan bullshit battle.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

That's absolutely awful. I doubt its real.....but it's still awful :(
Yeah the way it cuts to the end is a bit sus... Although it does look real... Yeah it's pretty fucked up...

"Was Winston-Salem Student Kendra Shanice Reid Murdered on Video? |"
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

I think this is talking about that gif
It says it wasn't her... I guess that's the video yeah, I'm calling it fake though... Probably had a brace or something on? A self loathing black girl maybe or paid?

I have no idea how one would fake something like that. I dont think it's real either.

Looks a bit pornish


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis

That's absolutely awful. I doubt its real.....but it's still awful :(
Yeah the way it cuts to the end is a bit sus... Although it does look real... Yeah it's pretty fucked up...

"Was Winston-Salem Student Kendra Shanice Reid Murdered on Video? |"
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

I think this is talking about that gif
It says it wasn't her... I guess that's the video yeah, I'm calling it fake though... Probably had a brace or something on? A self loathing black girl maybe or paid?

I have no idea how one would fake something like that. I dont think it's real either.

Looks a bit pornish


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
You know it's pretty problematic to me that the same people ignorantly claiming that poor people and poor minorities will not be able to vote if ID is required to vote.

You also need to show ID to receive food benefits and state medical assistance.

So basically you have these people who think that poor and poor minorities dont have IDs and also do not have easy accessibility to obtain such. And then the fact you need one to get food benefits.

So this tells me that it's more important and an urgent issue to make sure these people can vote without ID.....but it's not even a conversation that if they cant get an ID to vote, they are not getting FOOD either. Or medical help. So what it's more important to just fight against IDs to vote than it is to maybe HELP people get an ID so they can not only vote but get HELP WITH FOOD?

Maybe the people arguing this know that it's all crap and know the truth that poor and poor minorities have ID just like everyone else. Thrre are homeless people on the streets who have ID. This is not some huge obstacle and even if it was.... even if the people saying this utter insulting crap truly believed it.....WHY wouldnt they just HELP people get an ID? You know so they do more than just vote (and vote democrat btw)? Like welfare requires ID. Getting a job requires an ID. I have NEVER seen a tiny bit of worry that poor and poor minorities are starving or going without healthcare or a way to get a job because it all requires an ID and ID is so hard for them to get.

If I believed(and I dont, btw. I've been poor and hanging out among the poor ALL my life.... everyone has an ID) that they couldnt easily get ID, I would be far more worried about their children going hungry. But that's just me. Apparently.

This crap is just an excuse to fight against fair and secure voting. Period. This is just partisan exploitation.

There are TWO requirements to vote in this country. And they both make sense. You must be 18, and you must be a citizen. We SHOULD be requiring proof that the voter meets these requirements. It actually disenfranchises the votes of citizens if our voting system isnt secure and fair.

The arguments against requiring ID are an insulting, condescending and classist JOKE. What other basic everyday thing do poor people struggle with? Do you guys also think we should have helmets to walk or bibs to wear? Honest question. How stupid, helpless and incompetent do people think the poor are?

It would be far MORE helpful to start an initiative to help Americans who have issues getting their required legal documents and obtaining IDs than it would be to just let anyone vote with no proof of age or citizenship. Requiring ID will also help the massive distrust people have with our election process. There is nothing wrong with this and everything wrong with the arguments against it.

And I will personally help anyone who asks me if they struggle with getting an ID. Its like 6 bucks and a few miserable hours at the DMV.....its not some giant obstacle.

...and yet there is also the issue of homelessness in the United States, Dovey.

Will the requirement of ID also come with a permanent place of residence as well?

That if a person don't have a place to live which is printed in their ID, that it might also invalidate tem when they go to vote at a polling station?

What if that becomes the next requirement?

"Oh BTW man/miss/sir, you don't have a fixed address on your ID, therefore, you can't vote here.

USA has a huge homeless problem too.

So there is more to than just flashing ID, it's also the requirements that go along with it.

States like Texas and Georgia can keep slapping on requirerments for the potential voter until they exclude all those they don't want and they get the voting list they always want to prevent the party the governing one doesn't want ever to get into power.

Plus what you seem to have in the States is no universal voting laws. for federal elections

Each state just makes up its own.

Different voting laws for each a federal election.

So a guy/girl could vote in one state in a previous election & in the next one be voting in another state with entirely different laws. And the people in the state they moved to could slap on new reqrements for him/her that weren't present in the state they moved from.'s not just a slam dunk issue about producing ID or whether a person is a citizen or not.

There may be residency requirements, tax returns, arrears, fines which the next state might use to prohibit the voter from voting. The politicians in power will just keep slapping on more requirements than just plain old ID.

For example, you could go out tomorrow and get a passpport, but now...they say stuff llike -it's gotta have a certification tha tyou have been vaccinated against COVID. Or... you get your driver's license, and then the guv turns around and sez it's gotta have an RFID chip in it.

That sorta think has or is happening in Canada. Canadian government is now talking about brining in passports which have to show that a person was vaccinated aginst COVID. Use to be Canadian citizens could travel to the USA with just a Driver's license. But now it's either gotta have an RFID chip in it or some cases the US doesn't accept them, jsut a passport. And in some cases, they need a NEXUS card in order to cross into the US, which has all the data of those passholders in some central computer in the US.

As usual, there's a lotta politics always involved, and nothing works as it should in an ideal or perfect world.

There's always more than meets the eye.
Last edited:

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Libruls r gooder.

So it doesnt bother you at all that the argument is poor and poor minorities shouldnt have to get ID to vote.....but food stamps require ID?

This doesnt bother you?

Everything has to be bullshit with you? You cant give an opinion like a normal, thinking and empathetic person?

The only thing that would bother him is if he couldn’t find a cock to suck in a community shower


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
You know it's pretty problematic to me that the same people ignorantly claiming that poor people and poor minorities will not be able to vote if ID is required to vote.

You also need to show ID to receive food benefits and state medical assistance.

So basically you have these people who think that poor and poor minorities dont have IDs and also do not have easy accessibility to obtain such. And then the fact you need one to get food benefits.

So this tells me that it's more important and an urgent issue to make sure these people can vote without ID.....but it's not even a conversation that if they cant get an ID to vote, they are not getting FOOD either. Or medical help. So what it's more important to just fight against IDs to vote than it is to maybe HELP people get an ID so they can not only vote but get HELP WITH FOOD?

Maybe the people arguing this know that it's all crap and know the truth that poor and poor minorities have ID just like everyone else. Thrre are homeless people on the streets who have ID. This is not some huge obstacle and even if it was.... even if the people saying this utter insulting crap truly believed it.....WHY wouldnt they just HELP people get an ID? You know so they do more than just vote (and vote democrat btw)? Like welfare requires ID. Getting a job requires an ID. I have NEVER seen a tiny bit of worry that poor and poor minorities are starving or going without healthcare or a way to get a job because it all requires an ID and ID is so hard for them to get.

If I believed(and I dont, btw. I've been poor and hanging out among the poor ALL my life.... everyone has an ID) that they couldnt easily get ID, I would be far more worried about their children going hungry. But that's just me. Apparently.

This crap is just an excuse to fight against fair and secure voting. Period. This is just partisan exploitation.

There are TWO requirements to vote in this country. And they both make sense. You must be 18, and you must be a citizen. We SHOULD be requiring proof that the voter meets these requirements. It actually disenfranchises the votes of citizens if our voting system isnt secure and fair.

The arguments against requiring ID are an insulting, condescending and classist JOKE. What other basic everyday thing do poor people struggle with? Do you guys also think we should have helmets to walk or bibs to wear? Honest question. How stupid, helpless and incompetent do people think the poor are?

It would be far MORE helpful to start an initiative to help Americans who have issues getting their required legal documents and obtaining IDs than it would be to just let anyone vote with no proof of age or citizenship. Requiring ID will also help the massive distrust people have with our election process. There is nothing wrong with this and everything wrong with the arguments against it.

And I will personally help anyone who asks me if they struggle with getting an ID. Its like 6 bucks and a few miserable hours at the DMV.....its not some giant obstacle.

...and yet there is also the issue of homelessness in the United States, Dovey.

Will the requirement of ID also come with a permanent place of residence as well?

That if a person don't have a place to live which is printed in their ID, that it might also invalidate tem when they go to vote at a polling station?

What if that becomes the next requirement?

"Oh BTW man/miss/sir, you don't have a fixed address on your ID, therefore, you can't vote here.

USA has a huge homeless problem too.

So there is more to than just flashing ID, it's also the requirements that go along with it.

States like Texas and Georgia can keep slapping on requirerments for the potential voter until they exclude all those they don't want and they get the voting list they always want to prevent the party the governing one doesn't want ever to get into power.

Plus what you seem to have in the States is no universal voting laws. for federal elections

Each state just makes up its own.

Different voting laws for each a federal election.

So a guy/girl could vote in one state in a previous election & in the next one be voting in another state with entirely different laws. And the people in the state they moved to could slap on new reqrements for him/her that weren't present in the state they moved from.'s not just a slam dunk issue about producing ID or whether a person is a citizen or not.

There may be residency requirements, tax returns, arrears, fines which the next state might use to prohibit the voter from voting. The politicians in power will just keep slapping on more requirements than just plain old ID.

For example, you could go out tomorrow and get a passpport, but now...they say stuff llike -it's gotta have a certification tha tyou have been vaccinated against COVID. Or... you get your driver's license, and then the guv turns around and sez it's gotta have an RFID chip in it.

That sorta think has or is happening in Canada. Canadian government is now talking about brining in passports which have to show that a person was vaccinated aginst COVID. Use to be Canadian citizens could travel to the USA with just a Driver's license. But now it's either gotta have an RFID chip in it or some cases the US doesn't accept them, jsut a passport. And in some cases, they need a NEXUS card in order to cross into the US, which has all the data of those passholders in some central computer in the US.

As usual, there's a lotta politics always involved, and nothing works as it should in an ideal or perfect world.

There's always more than meets the eye.

People need an ID for a shelter.....crickets

People need ID for food assistance......crickets

People need ID to vote.......Democrats lose their shit.

You dont find this exploitive? It's kinda like people actually care about any of these people. Just how they vote.

If people genuinely care, they should start some initiative to help these people who dont have an ID to get an ID. You know so they do more besides vote. That would be far more helpful than leaving people on the streets to scratch for food and saying "see you at the polls!". This is another example of how democrats dont care about the people they claim to care about. Poor, poor minorities are like a booty call for democrats. They only care around election.

If this was anywhere the problem it's being made out to be, just help people get an ID. Then we can have more election security for those who dont trust the elections and the people so bad off they cant get an ID can have an ID and participate in everything else you need an ID for.

Because isnt just people without ID wont be able to vote. They also wont be able to get assistance. ID being "difficult" to get is the problem. People can help with that......rather than just using it to argue against voting laws.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Libruls r gooder.

So it doesnt bother you at all that the argument is poor and poor minorities shouldnt have to get ID to vote.....but food stamps require ID?

This doesnt bother you?

Everything has to be bullshit with you? You cant give an opinion like a normal, thinking and empathetic person?

The only thing that would bother him is if he couldn’t find a cock to suck in a community shower

Yeah he never reads anything or cares about anything

He just comes here to trash "CONS" and now he thinks he is mocking us for what he himself always.

They really just want a one party ran state where the only views represented are theirs and no one can oppose or dissent with out verbal abuse or more serious consequences like getting fired or labeled a domestic terrorists. They have to attack and twist everything another party says or does no matter what.

Seriously the most closed minded, selfish and nasty people in the country. And no self awareness whatsoever.

The only way we could have any sort of genuine progress that benefits the people would be if labels were dropped entirely, and they didn't know who was in what party, and the media had to only report objective facts. They would be forced to only look at policy and legislation.

Lol did you see Matt Walsh started a go fund me for AOCs abuela? They raised 48k as of yesterday to help with AOCs abuela's house lol. If abuela doesnt accept the will refunded back. I kicked in 50 lol.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️

Libruls r gooder.

So it doesnt bother you at all that the argument is poor and poor minorities shouldnt have to get ID to vote.....but food stamps require ID?

This doesnt bother you?

Everything has to be bullshit with you? You cant give an opinion like a normal, thinking and empathetic person?
The point is you are missing the point, the "right" is making Voting less convenient in more ways that just this one. Dove you attempt to act objective, what if Trump did come back and win in 2024, and then a "Liberal" judge overturned the election, because partisan hackery, would you be OK with that?

I want to ask her what if 2018 had been overturned. After all, Trump DID get 3 million fewer votes than Hill the Shill. He wasn't really a legit president to begin with.

And yes, the voter ID stuff, @Dove, is pretty silly. But it's nothing in comparison to all the gerrymandering the CONs do. CONs wouldn't win anything on the federal level without it. Let's outlaw gerrymandering, get rid of the electoral college, AND require voter ID. I vote yes for all three.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Libruls r gooder.

So it doesnt bother you at all that the argument is poor and poor minorities shouldnt have to get ID to vote.....but food stamps require ID?

This doesnt bother you?

Everything has to be bullshit with you? You cant give an opinion like a normal, thinking and empathetic person?

The only thing that would bother him is if he couldn’t find a cock to suck in a community shower

You spend so much time on here accusing others of doing what you are actually doing yourself. It's so transparent.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

Libruls r gooder.

So it doesnt bother you at all that the argument is poor and poor minorities shouldnt have to get ID to vote.....but food stamps require ID?

This doesnt bother you?

Everything has to be bullshit with you? You cant give an opinion like a normal, thinking and empathetic person?
The point is you are missing the point, the "right" is making Voting less convenient in more ways that just this one. Dove you attempt to act objective, what if Trump did come back and win in 2024, and then a "Liberal" judge overturned the election, because partisan hackery, would you be OK with that?

I want to ask her what if 2018 had been overturned. After all, Trump DID get 3 million fewer votes than Hill the Shill. He wasn't really a legit president to begin with.

And yes, the voter ID stuff, @Dove, is pretty silly. But it's nothing in comparison to all the gerrymandering the CONs do. CONs wouldn't win anything on the federal level without it. Let's outlaw gerrymandering, get rid of the electoral college, AND require voter ID. I vote yes for all three.

So we should never criticize democrats because CONS?

Absolutely no on getting rid of the electoral college. THIS is what I'm talking about when I say you guys want a one party state.

We are a Republic were the minority also gets a say. Each state gets it's own votes. A full blown majority rule democracy would put us under the tyranny of the majority.

You are talking about fundamental changing the entire country......not fixing the issues we have that would make it run more smoothly for everyone.

It's scary when the immediate response to criticism of one party is to redirect to the other. You may not realize what you are saying is "well these other people are doing sleazebag stuff so look at that and not the sleazebag stuff here".

Nothing will get better ever until all elected officials have to be accountable. So far the only accountability demanded is for the opposing parties. That's not good Lotus.

Everyone who voted for these dems needs to hold them to fire.....not the opposition. They are more worried about trying to stop other Americans having representation in government than they are keeping the people they put in power in line.

It's a cold civil war.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️

Libruls r gooder.

So it doesnt bother you at all that the argument is poor and poor minorities shouldnt have to get ID to vote.....but food stamps require ID?

This doesnt bother you?

Everything has to be bullshit with you? You cant give an opinion like a normal, thinking and empathetic person?
The point is you are missing the point, the "right" is making Voting less convenient in more ways that just this one. Dove you attempt to act objective, what if Trump did come back and win in 2024, and then a "Liberal" judge overturned the election, because partisan hackery, would you be OK with that?

I want to ask her what if 2018 had been overturned. After all, Trump DID get 3 million fewer votes than Hill the Shill. He wasn't really a legit president to begin with.

And yes, the voter ID stuff, @Dove, is pretty silly. But it's nothing in comparison to all the gerrymandering the CONs do. CONs wouldn't win anything on the federal level without it. Let's outlaw gerrymandering, get rid of the electoral college, AND require voter ID. I vote yes for all three.

So we should never criticize democrats because CONS?

Absolutely no on getting rid of the electoral college. THIS is what I'm talking about when I say you guys want a one party state.

We are a Republic were the minority also gets a say. Each state gets it's own votes. A full blown majority rule democracy would put us under the tyranny of the majority.

You are talking about fundamental changing the entire country......not fixing the issues we have that would make it run more smoothly for everyone.

It's scary when the immediate response to criticism of one party is to redirect to the other. You may not realize what you are saying is "well these other people are doing sleazebag stuff so look at that and not the sleazebag stuff here".

Nothing will get better ever until all elected officials have to be accountable. So far the only accountability demanded is for the opposing parties. That's not good Lotus.

Everyone who voted for these dems needs to hold them to fire.....not the opposition. They are more worried about trying to stop other Americans having representation in government than they are keeping the people they put in power in line.

It's a cold civil war.

Could you please highlight the part where I say you can't criticize Dems? I criticize them all the time. My point is you are a partisan. You ONLY criticize Dems. Try criticizing everyone who does wrong, which is 98% of office holders.

See, I don't believe in a civil war against my fellow Americans. I believe we need to go to war against each and every office holder who is voting in favor of the corporations that give them money and against the American worker. We have to come together on this. Partisan hackery will get workers exactly nowhere. ALL of the lawmakers are against us.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Libruls r gooder.

So it doesnt bother you at all that the argument is poor and poor minorities shouldnt have to get ID to vote.....but food stamps require ID?

This doesnt bother you?

Everything has to be bullshit with you? You cant give an opinion like a normal, thinking and empathetic person?

The only thing that would bother him is if he couldn’t find a cock to suck in a community shower

Most know it’s common practice at the village. You’re perfect size too. Win win for Stubby and his like minded pervs


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

Libruls r gooder.

So it doesnt bother you at all that the argument is poor and poor minorities shouldnt have to get ID to vote.....but food stamps require ID?

This doesnt bother you?

Everything has to be bullshit with you? You cant give an opinion like a normal, thinking and empathetic person?
The point is you are missing the point, the "right" is making Voting less convenient in more ways that just this one. Dove you attempt to act objective, what if Trump did come back and win in 2024, and then a "Liberal" judge overturned the election, because partisan hackery, would you be OK with that?

I want to ask her what if 2018 had been overturned. After all, Trump DID get 3 million fewer votes than Hill the Shill. He wasn't really a legit president to begin with.

And yes, the voter ID stuff, @Dove, is pretty silly. But it's nothing in comparison to all the gerrymandering the CONs do. CONs wouldn't win anything on the federal level without it. Let's outlaw gerrymandering, get rid of the electoral college, AND require voter ID. I vote yes for all three.

So we should never criticize democrats because CONS?

Absolutely no on getting rid of the electoral college. THIS is what I'm talking about when I say you guys want a one party state.

We are a Republic were the minority also gets a say. Each state gets it's own votes. A full blown majority rule democracy would put us under the tyranny of the majority.

You are talking about fundamental changing the entire country......not fixing the issues we have that would make it run more smoothly for everyone.

It's scary when the immediate response to criticism of one party is to redirect to the other. You may not realize what you are saying is "well these other people are doing sleazebag stuff so look at that and not the sleazebag stuff here".

Nothing will get better ever until all elected officials have to be accountable. So far the only accountability demanded is for the opposing parties. That's not good Lotus.

Everyone who voted for these dems needs to hold them to fire.....not the opposition. They are more worried about trying to stop other Americans having representation in government than they are keeping the people they put in power in line.

It's a cold civil war.

Could you please highlight the part where I say you can't criticize Dems? I criticize them all the time. My point is you are a partisan. You ONLY criticize Dems. Try criticizing everyone who does wrong, which is 98% of office holders.

See, I don't believe in a civil war against my fellow Americans. I believe we need to go to war against each and every office holder who is voting in favor of the corporations that give them money and against the American worker. We have to come together on this. Partisan hackery will get workers exactly nowhere. ALL of the lawmakers are against us.

Can you highlight the part where I said people cant criticize dems?

I said we cant criticize them WITHOUT someone redirecting attention to the other side.

Why can we just sit with the major fuck ups of these people and talk about the best way to fix it?

Yeah gerrymandering is a problem. They all do this shit.....we agree this is a problem.

Whether you believe in civil war or not, sadly we are in a cold one and have been. Escalating it seems to be a goal of those in "charge".

Partisan hackery gets workers nowhere. Yes. That's why party loyalty is destroying the country. You cant define "partisan hack" as everyone who doesnt agree with you. You are calling people "cons" who aren't even conservative.

We have to agree on the politicains that suck and that isnt happening. And people are too busy hating eachother we are.


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Libruls r gooder.

So it doesnt bother you at all that the argument is poor and poor minorities shouldnt have to get ID to vote.....but food stamps require ID?

This doesnt bother you?

Everything has to be bullshit with you? You cant give an opinion like a normal, thinking and empathetic person?
The point is you are missing the point, the "right" is making Voting less convenient in more ways that just this one. Dove you attempt to act objective, what if Trump did come back and win in 2024, and then a "Liberal" judge overturned the election, because partisan hackery, would you be OK with that?

I want to ask her what if 2018 had been overturned. After all, Trump DID get 3 million fewer votes than Hill the Shill. He wasn't really a legit president to begin with.

And yes, the voter ID stuff, @Dove, is pretty silly. But it's nothing in comparison to all the gerrymandering the CONs do. CONs wouldn't win anything on the federal level without it. Let's outlaw gerrymandering, get rid of the electoral college, AND require voter ID. I vote yes for all three.

So we should never criticize democrats because CONS?

Absolutely no on getting rid of the electoral college. THIS is what I'm talking about when I say you guys want a one party state.

We are a Republic were the minority also gets a say. Each state gets it's own votes. A full blown majority rule democracy would put us under the tyranny of the majority.

You are talking about fundamental changing the entire country......not fixing the issues we have that would make it run more smoothly for everyone.

It's scary when the immediate response to criticism of one party is to redirect to the other. You may not realize what you are saying is "well these other people are doing sleazebag stuff so look at that and not the sleazebag stuff here".

Nothing will get better ever until all elected officials have to be accountable. So far the only accountability demanded is for the opposing parties. That's not good Lotus.

Everyone who voted for these dems needs to hold them to fire.....not the opposition. They are more worried about trying to stop other Americans having representation in government than they are keeping the people they put in power in line.

It's a cold civil war.
I really think some of your posts would be far more interesting, if you knew what you were talking about.