"We don't know Donald Trump, he may have offered us a Diet Coke in the WH once" The Kusher's


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner distance themselves from the former President and his constant complaints

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For sure...it'd be a tough loss for Trump & his followers to swallow.

However, I don't think it was the Democrats who cheated or stole the election.

It was China's external interference & their man-made Pandemic that did the trick.

Meanwhile, Xi Jin Pig is smiling & the Chinese Politburo is laughing while MAGA supporters blame the wrong villain for their troubles.

He's your villain, Repubs:


The only people on the planet who dont understand the threat China is....is our American modern left.

So they dont really care Bejing Biden was the establishment choice. They just want the orange man gone because fuck Americans.

I wanted the fat fuCK gone, and now he is, by a mile

Right. For no real reason that applies to anything that impacts us.

You know dead headless babies are being pulled out of the water at the border again and Biden wont do anything about the crisis going on?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner distance themselves from the former President and his constant complaints

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For sure...it'd be a tough loss for Trump & his followers to swallow.

However, I don't think it was the Democrats who cheated or stole the election.

It was China's external interference & their man-made Pandemic that did the trick.

Meanwhile, Xi Jin Pig is smiling & the Chinese Politburo is laughing while MAGA supporters blame the wrong villain for their troubles.

He's your villain, Repubs:


The only people on the planet who dont understand the threat China is....is our American modern left.

So they dont really care Bejing Biden was the establishment choice. They just want the orange man gone because fuck Americans.

I wanted the fat fuCK gone, and now he is, by a mile

Right. For no real reason that applies to anything that impacts us.

You know dead headless babies are being pulled out of the water at the border again and Biden wont do anything about the crisis going on?

Got a link, or simply bullshit?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Of course corporate media wont report any of what's happening but I see the shit all day from news down there and the people who live there


I really dont want to post the pictures :(


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Very long post ahead

The Impact

My name is Ben, and I’m a cop. There’s nothing really remarkable about that statement, there are hundreds of thousands of us in this country, the vast majority good, well-meaning public servants. This isn’t a story about my life or my career. This really isn’t a story about me, I just happen to be in it as a consequence of my chosen role in society.

It is however, a story, and I think it’s as good a story as any. It’s a true story, and I lived it.

It’s not an uncommon tale or something unexpected but, it was impactful on many levels. I am not a hero and whatever opinions you take away from this story, just know that I am not due any more credit than any other first responder out there every day serving others.

I chose to write this as a mean of encouragement. I want to encourage my fellow first responders to push forward, identify those areas in need of improvement and seek out the training needed to remedy any deficiency.

Names have been intentionally changed out of respect for privacy.

On March 15th, 2021, at about 13:30, I responded to a report of a pursuit. DPS Troopers were in pursuit of yet another human smuggler on U.S. 277 an interstate highway which runs partially through the county in which I work.

Judging by the radio traffic, the chase was a long way from entering the portion of U.S. 277 inside my county but, I decided to hustle up and get to the highway to prepare stop sticks on the off chance the pursuit continued that far north.

At the time I was issued an old 2014 F-150 with a top speed of 96 mph, downhill with a good tail wind. I had to go about 30 miles up State Highway 55 before I even reached U.S. 277. I remember thinking that I was being foolish and overzealous with the pedal mashed to the floor. The whole truck vibrates and wobbles at that speed and of course, what were the odds that the pursuit would even reach me? Nine times out of ten, these pursuits end quickly and the load of Illegal aliens scatter into someone’s ranch along with the smuggler.

Nevertheless, I pushed on, lights and sirens cutting the clear and quiet afternoon. It was a Monday and traffic was sparse. I monitored the radio traffic as best I could over the hum of the wind and engine. Much to my surprise, when I reached the intersection of State Highway 55 and U.S 277, the pursuit was still on. Speeds being broadcast at 110-120 mph.

At that rate I knew I didn’t have a lot of time to find a safe place to set up my spikes. I proceeded south on U.S. 277 and just as I reached a decent spot, I heard DPS call out the inevitable, “10-50, 10-50, Vehicle went head on with another truck!”

The location broadcast was right on the county line and still a good fifteen miles or so south of my current position on U.S. 277. I pressed the gas again and this time, I knew what I was headed towards. No cop worth his salt is ignorant or naive about what happens to bodies during head on collision at speeds over 100mph.

But, I thought to myself, “Who knows, maybe I can be of some help. Maybe someone is still alive.”

I got there and traffic had already stopped. The highway was completely blocked by the wreckage. I saw a lone white Ford F-150 in the middle of the road. It looked crushed, kind of like an empty soda can that a kid just can’t seem to crush all the way down.

I then saw what was left of another truck, make and model unrecognizable, shredded against a fence. I grabbed gloves and my small personal IFAK (an Individual First Aid Kit) and walked briskly to the carnage.

When I say there were bodies everywhere, what I mean is that it looked like an airplane had dropped bodies from the sky. I counted at least six, thrown as far as 30 yards from the wreckage. I went body to body checking for signs of life.

One young guy was still alive. There was nothing I could really do for him. He was bleeding from his head so I wrapped that up and tried to calm him as best I could in my broken Spanish.

Realizing quickly that the rest were dead, I looked back at the lone white pickup truck, dripping fluids and still hissing in the road. I couldn’t see anyone inside but walked closer to get a better look.

When I got to the white truck, I saw a man in the driver’s seat. He was miraculously very much alive and even more amazing, he was still conscious. He was praying loudly and would drift into old gospel hymns.

I looked into the front seat passenger side and I saw a little girl. Not little like a toddler but young, ten or eleven years old. She wasn’t moving and there was a lot of blood. Medical help of any kind was at least thirty minutes out, maybe more. This girl didn’t look like she’d last another five.

I wanted in that truck, I wanted to help. I don’t know what I thought I was going to do, my basic first aid training and a couple of combat trauma classes would be about as helpful as a squirt gun at a house fire.

The truck was badly damaged, and the doors wouldn’t open. I don’t honestly remember how I ended up prying the rear driver’s side door open, but I got it open just enough. The space was too tight for me to fit with all my vest, gear and last year’s holiday pie still stuck to my waistline. So, I took off my plate carrier, threw my med kit inside and managed to squeeze in there.

The smell was a familiar one, airbags have a distinct scent as does blood and bone when combined correctly.

I could see now that the little girl was in fact breathing, short, shallow and rapid breaths. Her pulse was weak and fast. It was hard to figure out where all the blood was coming from, but I knew enough to know that the bleeding needed to be stopped if nothing else.

I just decided to start there. It’s what I knew how to do and I guess in the moment I figured it beat doing nothing at all.

I found some open wounds on her head and applied bandages while trying to keep her head perfectly still. I introduced myself to who I assumed was her father. He said his name was Jake and he was a Youth Pastor from El Paso, TX on a father and daughter fishing trip to Lake Amistad.

I could see he was in a lot of pain, his legs were trapped, crushed under the dash and engine. There was nothing I could do for him and I knew it. He wouldn’t have wanted me to try and help him either. His child was all that mattered to him and I knew that feeling. If you are a parent and reading this, then you know it too.

I knew my time with Jake would be short and he would likely lose consciousness soon from the shock or pain. I asked him about his daughter, he told me her name and I told him to keep talking to her. He couldn’t find her hand so I put their hands together on top of the blood covered console.

He couldn’t really move to see her but he asked me, “How is she doing?”. Everything in me wanted to lie. I wanted so badly to say, “Don’t worry, she’s gonna be just fine!” but even in my lack of experience I knew deep down that she was in rough shape and the exterior wounds probably didn’t hold a candle to the interior damage.

I saw the blood in her ears and running out of her nose and mouth and I felt certain that she was dying.

I guess my lack of response to his question was enough of an answer because he squeezed her hand tight and said, “Lord, my daughter is coming home to you now. You take good care of her and tell her I’ll be there soon.” Then he directed his voice toward his daughter and said, “It’s ok baby, you can go if you need to go.”

It didn’t really impact me then. If you work in this profession long enough, you develop an almost eerie false confidence that makes you appear unmovable in any storm no matter how fierce.

Some time had passed now and DPS Troopers would poke their heads in and ask if I was ok. They passed me some water and I would readjust my position in the truck. As one leg would cramp, I’d shift weight to the other. The young girl’s breaths were getting weaker now and I heard some gurgling. It finally dawned on me that there was a chance she wasn’t breathing due to all the blood in her airway.

Using my flashlight I was able to see just enough to see that her mouth was full of blood. Her jaw was clinched shut and it took a lot of effort just to make enough room between her teeth to get a single finger in there to scoop out some of the blood.

Thankfully, an EMS crew had arrived and through the shattered back window I was handed a suction tube, some oxygen and and a bag to assist in her breathing. The young EMT outside the truck calmly gave me directions on when to suction, how to assist in the breathing etc.

This seemed to be helping a lot. I heard the little girl start moaning and then moved a little. For a second I thought, “Wow, she’s gonna make it!”

Then, Fire and Rescue showed up and shortly thereafter, air medical. There must have been at least three helicopters landing all around us. I was feeling pretty hopeful at this point. At least help had arrived and professionals at that. The hope was short lived when it became obvious that Jake and his daughter were both pinned under the dash. All that steel and all that engine weight had their legs crushed.

Every time the Firefighters attempted to use the jaws of life to rip and roll the dash back, it just made it worse for Jake. Every attempt to free his daughter just crushed him even more.

Everyone there knew that little girl was priority number one. The medics gave Jake a whole lot of meds in an attempt to numb him as they kept pushing up on the dash trying to free his daughter and subsequently crushing his legs like a walnut in a nutcracker.

He was brave and strong. I so admired his willingness to be crushed for his daughter’s sake. I remember wondering if I would have that kind of courage if I was in his place and that was one of my children dying in the seat next to me.

Finally, it was decided to remove Jake from the truck in order to tackle one problem at a time. Fire and Rescue worked fast cutting way the metal and plastic until finally, they were able to free his lower half. He screamed in agony like I’ve never heard a man scream as they pulled his mangled legs out and put him on a stretcher.

He said his last goodbyes to his daughter as they rushed him to one of the helicopters.

Now, with all the attention on this little girl we all went to work. No matter how much the Firefighters cut away, we could not free her legs. Glass and metal popped and exploded all around us and I just leaned over that blood-soaked little girl and kept squeezing that bag of air, counting in my head between squeezes, “One one thousand, two one thousand...” until I got to five and gave another squeeze.

This seemed to go on forever and finally out of pure frustration and desperation, I asked the EMT outside the truck to take over the respirations and I ran my hand down her legs up under the dash. I thought, “How in the hell are her legs this stuck?!”

I couldn’t see anything, but I didn’t need to see it to know it was bone I was grabbing. Her tibia had compounded out of her leg and had penetrated the dash pretty deep. She was literally fused together with the truck. I relayed this information to the Medics and Fire and we decided that we would lift the dash one more time and in the absence of pressure, I would attempt to fish her bone out of the dash.

Seemed like a decent plan. It was the only plan we had and she was well on her way out of this world. Had it not been for the IV drugs, the oxygen and the assisted breathing, she’d have been dead already.

I had little to no hope at this point. It had been well over an hour since the collision and that’s just too long.

I had already told myself that this was merely a body recovery at this point and I think that mindset helped me do what needed to be done under that dash to free her leg. I wasn’t gentle about it. I grabbed hold of that bone and yanked it as hard as I could from that plastic and steel and shoved it back down towards her leg while the Medics and Firefighters pulled her up and out onto the backboard.

She was finally free and seconds later she was in the helicopter and gone.

I crawled out the same hole I crawled in, grabbed my vest, what was left of my med kit and walked the couple hundred yards back to my truck.

I felt fine. Well, I guess if I was honest, I felt numb and I suppose numb isn’t the same as fine because I as I drove away the tears started to fall. I cried the whole way back to the office. Death and dying is common place in this field but anyone who has worked in Fire, EMS or Law Enforcement will tell you that you never really get used to the “kids”. The broken bodies of children, the deep sense of loss felt when children suffer and die. I was certain that little girl wouldn’t make it. I didn’t blame myself, I did the best I could with what I had in the way of experience and training.

The whole thing just sucked and it felt a lot like getting punched in the gut. I’ve never been to war but in my limited understanding, this conflict we are having on the border between Law Enforcement and Human Smugglers felt like a war. It was at the least an ongoing conflict and people were dying. Innocent American kids were dying and they were dying right in front of me, literally in my hands.

These smugglers have no regard for the sanctity of human life. They don’t care who they hurt or kill. They move people like cattle to line their pockets. They rape and beat women for sport. In my mind, they are as good an enemy as you could ask for. This isn’t an opinion either, the smuggler driving the truck which impacted these two innocent people said, “They shouldn’t have gotten in my way!”, after being told about the destruction he had caused.

That just added to my frustration. I went from tears of empathy to tears of rage pretty quick.

I got all composed by the time I made it back to the office, some forty-five miles from the crash site. Looking tough is half the battle in my profession so, I just sat outside on the steps and watched the cigarette shake like a drum stick on a snare between my blood covered fingers.

My pity party didn’t last long, there was another call pending, another case to work.

Later that evening I looked up the air medical service and made a blind call. I didn’t know who I was actually calling but I hoped it was someone that knew something about that little girl and her dad. To my surprise it was one on the flight medics that had been with her all the way to San Antonio.

I told him who I was and why I was calling, he paused for a minute and said, “I’m really sorry but we can’t discuss patient information.” He really did sound genuinely sorry and I told him it was ok, no need to break the rules.

Then he asked me, “Hey, were you the guy in the truck?” I said, “yeah that was me.” He paused again and said, “You did really good, man, she was alive and stable when we got her to the hospital, you deserve to know that.”

I followed up again a couple weeks later. I was able to find the head Pastor of the church where Jake worked. He told me that both Jake and his daughter were expected to recover after multiple surgeries.

So few stories in my line of work have happy endings and I sure did cherish that moment. It left a mark on me in a profound way. It cemented my belief that against all odds, do your very best. Go the extra mile, try just a little bit harder.

To that end, tonight, I graduated from an Emergency Medical Responder class which I’ve been enrolled in for the past couple of months.

Everyone has their reasons for pursuing EMS training but my reason was clear. My reason was an 11 year old girl on U.S. 277.

Her name is Morgan and this is for her.

Acknowledgments: I want to thank my Command Staff, especially Sheriff Guthrie for allowing me the flexibility to attend this course. I’d like to thank TEEX and Kelly Millican for the incredible instruction. Thanks to Nueces Canyon EMS, Concan VFD and my good friend Justin Wills.


Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
fun fact :

When Seamajor isn’t here he’s out raping someone’s child


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner distance themselves from the former President and his constant complaints

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For sure...it'd be a tough loss for Trump & his followers to swallow.

However, I don't think it was the Democrats who cheated or stole the election.

It was China's external interference & their man-made Pandemic that did the trick.

Meanwhile, Xi Jin Pig is smiling & the Chinese Politburo is laughing while MAGA supporters blame the wrong villain for their troubles.

He's your villain, Repubs:


The only people on the planet who dont understand the threat China is....is our American modern left.

So they dont really care Bejing Biden was the establishment choice. They just want the orange man gone because fuck Americans.

I wanted the fat fuCK gone, and now he is, by a mile
At the expense of election integrity. Idiot!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
fun fact :

When Seamajor isn’t here he’s out raping someone’s child

Naw. Laughing at your diminutive self. Fat ugly dwarf. Stat away from Doveys children. Which theme park are you headed to this weekend?


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
It's not funny Admin. This is a serious problem.

Ivanka and Jared distancing themselves from fatso is a serious problem? Maybe they’re getting smarter?
LOL! As if that were even possible. Dumb ass child molester.

Every single news agency is reporting the same, you ignorant wife beater
Thats EX wife beater!
Ok, you can have a sticker.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner distance themselves from the former President and his constant complaints

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For sure...it'd be a tough loss for Trump & his followers to swallow.

However, I don't think it was the Democrats who cheated or stole the election.

It was China's external interference & their man-made Pandemic that did the trick.

Meanwhile, Xi Jin Pig is smiling & the Chinese Politburo is laughing while MAGA supporters blame the wrong villain for their troubles.

He's your villain, Repubs:


The only people on the planet who dont understand the threat China is....is our American modern left.

So they dont really care Bejing Biden was the establishment choice. They just want the orange man gone because fuck Americans.

I wanted the fat fuCK gone, and now he is, by a mile

Right. For no real reason that applies to anything that impacts us.

You know dead headless babies are being pulled out of the water at the border again and Biden wont do anything about the crisis going on?

Got a link, or simply bullshit?
Now what? Ya fukin faggit. You got your link. Now pinkie swear you're a child molesting piece of shit faggit!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
It's not funny Admin. This is a serious problem.

Ivanka and Jared distancing themselves from fatso is a serious problem? Maybe they’re getting smarter?
LOL! As if that were even possible. Dumb ass child molester.

Every single news agency is reporting the same, you ignorant wife beater
Thats EX wife beater!

Once and forever Rust belt dweller


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner distance themselves from the former President and his constant complaints

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For sure...it'd be a tough loss for Trump & his followers to swallow.

However, I don't think it was the Democrats who cheated or stole the election.

It was China's external interference & their man-made Pandemic that did the trick.

Meanwhile, Xi Jin Pig is smiling & the Chinese Politburo is laughing while MAGA supporters blame the wrong villain for their troubles.

He's your villain, Repubs:


The only people on the planet who dont understand the threat China is....is our American modern left.

So they dont really care Bejing Biden was the establishment choice. They just want the orange man gone because fuck Americans.

I wanted the fat fuCK gone, and now he is, by a mile

Right. For no real reason that applies to anything that impacts us.

You know dead headless babies are being pulled out of the water at the border again and Biden wont do anything about the crisis going on?

Got a link, or simply bullshit?
Now what? Ya fukin faggit. You got your link. Now pinkie swear you're a child molesting piece of shit faggit!
Do you think Donnie could take Mike Pence in a Jello wrestling match?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Here is a better screen shot

Drowning is so cruel and inhumane, we should have militias armed with ar15s on the border, a quick double tap and good night motivated job seeker! I think that's what Jesus would do.

I wish you would just own your sociopathy. You have no empathy at all.

This isn't a human being they pulled out of the water to you. This baby doesn't matter at all. This could happen everyday(it happens a lot) and as long as people you are brainwashed to hate are not in government you are fine ignoring it or USING it into some partisan weapon.

It's just disgusting, frankly. I used to be a much kinder person but I'm gonna be honest.

I genuinely hope all this preventable suffering that's happening to innocent people as a result of the bullshit you support.....the crisis at the border, the destructive violent riots.... happens to everyone supporting it.

Maybe the only way you will realize the humanity attached to these "talking points" will be if you get knocked off your spoiled high horse and have to experience it yourself.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Very long post ahead

The Impact

My name is Ben, and I’m a cop. There’s nothing really remarkable about that statement, there are hundreds of thousands of us in this country, the vast majority good, well-meaning public servants. This isn’t a story about my life or my career. This really isn’t a story about me, I just happen to be in it as a consequence of my chosen role in society.

It is however, a story, and I think it’s as good a story as any. It’s a true story, and I lived it.

It’s not an uncommon tale or something unexpected but, it was impactful on many levels. I am not a hero and whatever opinions you take away from this story, just know that I am not due any more credit than any other first responder out there every day serving others.

I chose to write this as a mean of encouragement. I want to encourage my fellow first responders to push forward, identify those areas in need of improvement and seek out the training needed to remedy any deficiency.

Names have been intentionally changed out of respect for privacy.

On March 15th, 2021, at about 13:30, I responded to a report of a pursuit. DPS Troopers were in pursuit of yet another human smuggler on U.S. 277 an interstate highway which runs partially through the county in which I work.

Judging by the radio traffic, the chase was a long way from entering the portion of U.S. 277 inside my county but, I decided to hustle up and get to the highway to prepare stop sticks on the off chance the pursuit continued that far north.

At the time I was issued an old 2014 F-150 with a top speed of 96 mph, downhill with a good tail wind. I had to go about 30 miles up State Highway 55 before I even reached U.S. 277. I remember thinking that I was being foolish and overzealous with the pedal mashed to the floor. The whole truck vibrates and wobbles at that speed and of course, what were the odds that the pursuit would even reach me? Nine times out of ten, these pursuits end quickly and the load of Illegal aliens scatter into someone’s ranch along with the smuggler.

Nevertheless, I pushed on, lights and sirens cutting the clear and quiet afternoon. It was a Monday and traffic was sparse. I monitored the radio traffic as best I could over the hum of the wind and engine. Much to my surprise, when I reached the intersection of State Highway 55 and U.S 277, the pursuit was still on. Speeds being broadcast at 110-120 mph.

At that rate I knew I didn’t have a lot of time to find a safe place to set up my spikes. I proceeded south on U.S. 277 and just as I reached a decent spot, I heard DPS call out the inevitable, “10-50, 10-50, Vehicle went head on with another truck!”

The location broadcast was right on the county line and still a good fifteen miles or so south of my current position on U.S. 277. I pressed the gas again and this time, I knew what I was headed towards. No cop worth his salt is ignorant or naive about what happens to bodies during head on collision at speeds over 100mph.

But, I thought to myself, “Who knows, maybe I can be of some help. Maybe someone is still alive.”

I got there and traffic had already stopped. The highway was completely blocked by the wreckage. I saw a lone white Ford F-150 in the middle of the road. It looked crushed, kind of like an empty soda can that a kid just can’t seem to crush all the way down.

I then saw what was left of another truck, make and model unrecognizable, shredded against a fence. I grabbed gloves and my small personal IFAK (an Individual First Aid Kit) and walked briskly to the carnage.

When I say there were bodies everywhere, what I mean is that it looked like an airplane had dropped bodies from the sky. I counted at least six, thrown as far as 30 yards from the wreckage. I went body to body checking for signs of life.

One young guy was still alive. There was nothing I could really do for him. He was bleeding from his head so I wrapped that up and tried to calm him as best I could in my broken Spanish.

Realizing quickly that the rest were dead, I looked back at the lone white pickup truck, dripping fluids and still hissing in the road. I couldn’t see anyone inside but walked closer to get a better look.

When I got to the white truck, I saw a man in the driver’s seat. He was miraculously very much alive and even more amazing, he was still conscious. He was praying loudly and would drift into old gospel hymns.

I looked into the front seat passenger side and I saw a little girl. Not little like a toddler but young, ten or eleven years old. She wasn’t moving and there was a lot of blood. Medical help of any kind was at least thirty minutes out, maybe more. This girl didn’t look like she’d last another five.

I wanted in that truck, I wanted to help. I don’t know what I thought I was going to do, my basic first aid training and a couple of combat trauma classes would be about as helpful as a squirt gun at a house fire.

The truck was badly damaged, and the doors wouldn’t open. I don’t honestly remember how I ended up prying the rear driver’s side door open, but I got it open just enough. The space was too tight for me to fit with all my vest, gear and last year’s holiday pie still stuck to my waistline. So, I took off my plate carrier, threw my med kit inside and managed to squeeze in there.

The smell was a familiar one, airbags have a distinct scent as does blood and bone when combined correctly.

I could see now that the little girl was in fact breathing, short, shallow and rapid breaths. Her pulse was weak and fast. It was hard to figure out where all the blood was coming from, but I knew enough to know that the bleeding needed to be stopped if nothing else.

I just decided to start there. It’s what I knew how to do and I guess in the moment I figured it beat doing nothing at all.

I found some open wounds on her head and applied bandages while trying to keep her head perfectly still. I introduced myself to who I assumed was her father. He said his name was Jake and he was a Youth Pastor from El Paso, TX on a father and daughter fishing trip to Lake Amistad.

I could see he was in a lot of pain, his legs were trapped, crushed under the dash and engine. There was nothing I could do for him and I knew it. He wouldn’t have wanted me to try and help him either. His child was all that mattered to him and I knew that feeling. If you are a parent and reading this, then you know it too.

I knew my time with Jake would be short and he would likely lose consciousness soon from the shock or pain. I asked him about his daughter, he told me her name and I told him to keep talking to her. He couldn’t find her hand so I put their hands together on top of the blood covered console.

He couldn’t really move to see her but he asked me, “How is she doing?”. Everything in me wanted to lie. I wanted so badly to say, “Don’t worry, she’s gonna be just fine!” but even in my lack of experience I knew deep down that she was in rough shape and the exterior wounds probably didn’t hold a candle to the interior damage.

I saw the blood in her ears and running out of her nose and mouth and I felt certain that she was dying.

I guess my lack of response to his question was enough of an answer because he squeezed her hand tight and said, “Lord, my daughter is coming home to you now. You take good care of her and tell her I’ll be there soon.” Then he directed his voice toward his daughter and said, “It’s ok baby, you can go if you need to go.”

It didn’t really impact me then. If you work in this profession long enough, you develop an almost eerie false confidence that makes you appear unmovable in any storm no matter how fierce.

Some time had passed now and DPS Troopers would poke their heads in and ask if I was ok. They passed me some water and I would readjust my position in the truck. As one leg would cramp, I’d shift weight to the other. The young girl’s breaths were getting weaker now and I heard some gurgling. It finally dawned on me that there was a chance she wasn’t breathing due to all the blood in her airway.

Using my flashlight I was able to see just enough to see that her mouth was full of blood. Her jaw was clinched shut and it took a lot of effort just to make enough room between her teeth to get a single finger in there to scoop out some of the blood.

Thankfully, an EMS crew had arrived and through the shattered back window I was handed a suction tube, some oxygen and and a bag to assist in her breathing. The young EMT outside the truck calmly gave me directions on when to suction, how to assist in the breathing etc.

This seemed to be helping a lot. I heard the little girl start moaning and then moved a little. For a second I thought, “Wow, she’s gonna make it!”

Then, Fire and Rescue showed up and shortly thereafter, air medical. There must have been at least three helicopters landing all around us. I was feeling pretty hopeful at this point. At least help had arrived and professionals at that. The hope was short lived when it became obvious that Jake and his daughter were both pinned under the dash. All that steel and all that engine weight had their legs crushed.

Every time the Firefighters attempted to use the jaws of life to rip and roll the dash back, it just made it worse for Jake. Every attempt to free his daughter just crushed him even more.

Everyone there knew that little girl was priority number one. The medics gave Jake a whole lot of meds in an attempt to numb him as they kept pushing up on the dash trying to free his daughter and subsequently crushing his legs like a walnut in a nutcracker.

He was brave and strong. I so admired his willingness to be crushed for his daughter’s sake. I remember wondering if I would have that kind of courage if I was in his place and that was one of my children dying in the seat next to me.

Finally, it was decided to remove Jake from the truck in order to tackle one problem at a time. Fire and Rescue worked fast cutting way the metal and plastic until finally, they were able to free his lower half. He screamed in agony like I’ve never heard a man scream as they pulled his mangled legs out and put him on a stretcher.

He said his last goodbyes to his daughter as they rushed him to one of the helicopters.

Now, with all the attention on this little girl we all went to work. No matter how much the Firefighters cut away, we could not free her legs. Glass and metal popped and exploded all around us and I just leaned over that blood-soaked little girl and kept squeezing that bag of air, counting in my head between squeezes, “One one thousand, two one thousand...” until I got to five and gave another squeeze.

This seemed to go on forever and finally out of pure frustration and desperation, I asked the EMT outside the truck to take over the respirations and I ran my hand down her legs up under the dash. I thought, “How in the hell are her legs this stuck?!”

I couldn’t see anything, but I didn’t need to see it to know it was bone I was grabbing. Her tibia had compounded out of her leg and had penetrated the dash pretty deep. She was literally fused together with the truck. I relayed this information to the Medics and Fire and we decided that we would lift the dash one more time and in the absence of pressure, I would attempt to fish her bone out of the dash.

Seemed like a decent plan. It was the only plan we had and she was well on her way out of this world. Had it not been for the IV drugs, the oxygen and the assisted breathing, she’d have been dead already.

I had little to no hope at this point. It had been well over an hour since the collision and that’s just too long.

I had already told myself that this was merely a body recovery at this point and I think that mindset helped me do what needed to be done under that dash to free her leg. I wasn’t gentle about it. I grabbed hold of that bone and yanked it as hard as I could from that plastic and steel and shoved it back down towards her leg while the Medics and Firefighters pulled her up and out onto the backboard.

She was finally free and seconds later she was in the helicopter and gone.

I crawled out the same hole I crawled in, grabbed my vest, what was left of my med kit and walked the couple hundred yards back to my truck.

I felt fine. Well, I guess if I was honest, I felt numb and I suppose numb isn’t the same as fine because I as I drove away the tears started to fall. I cried the whole way back to the office. Death and dying is common place in this field but anyone who has worked in Fire, EMS or Law Enforcement will tell you that you never really get used to the “kids”. The broken bodies of children, the deep sense of loss felt when children suffer and die. I was certain that little girl wouldn’t make it. I didn’t blame myself, I did the best I could with what I had in the way of experience and training.

The whole thing just sucked and it felt a lot like getting punched in the gut. I’ve never been to war but in my limited understanding, this conflict we are having on the border between Law Enforcement and Human Smugglers felt like a war. It was at the least an ongoing conflict and people were dying. Innocent American kids were dying and they were dying right in front of me, literally in my hands.

These smugglers have no regard for the sanctity of human life. They don’t care who they hurt or kill. They move people like cattle to line their pockets. They rape and beat women for sport. In my mind, they are as good an enemy as you could ask for. This isn’t an opinion either, the smuggler driving the truck which impacted these two innocent people said, “They shouldn’t have gotten in my way!”, after being told about the destruction he had caused.

That just added to my frustration. I went from tears of empathy to tears of rage pretty quick.

I got all composed by the time I made it back to the office, some forty-five miles from the crash site. Looking tough is half the battle in my profession so, I just sat outside on the steps and watched the cigarette shake like a drum stick on a snare between my blood covered fingers.

My pity party didn’t last long, there was another call pending, another case to work.

Later that evening I looked up the air medical service and made a blind call. I didn’t know who I was actually calling but I hoped it was someone that knew something about that little girl and her dad. To my surprise it was one on the flight medics that had been with her all the way to San Antonio.

I told him who I was and why I was calling, he paused for a minute and said, “I’m really sorry but we can’t discuss patient information.” He really did sound genuinely sorry and I told him it was ok, no need to break the rules.

Then he asked me, “Hey, were you the guy in the truck?” I said, “yeah that was me.” He paused again and said, “You did really good, man, she was alive and stable when we got her to the hospital, you deserve to know that.”

I followed up again a couple weeks later. I was able to find the head Pastor of the church where Jake worked. He told me that both Jake and his daughter were expected to recover after multiple surgeries.

So few stories in my line of work have happy endings and I sure did cherish that moment. It left a mark on me in a profound way. It cemented my belief that against all odds, do your very best. Go the extra mile, try just a little bit harder.

To that end, tonight, I graduated from an Emergency Medical Responder class which I’ve been enrolled in for the past couple of months.

Everyone has their reasons for pursuing EMS training but my reason was clear. My reason was an 11 year old girl on U.S. 277.

Her name is Morgan and this is for her.

Acknowledgments: I want to thank my Command Staff, especially Sheriff Guthrie for allowing me the flexibility to attend this course. I’d like to thank TEEX and Kelly Millican for the incredible instruction. Thanks to Nueces Canyon EMS, Concan VFD and my good friend Justin Wills.

Wow, so glad I didnt read what I expected!...that she died. WOW!