Floriduh-ians are pissing Covid



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Illinois has a high vax rate and its getting its ass kicked right now. LMFAO!

How is that funny? If you catch this virus, it can affect you for life and we don’t even know to what extent. I wouldn’t wish this sickness on anyone tbh. Not even a toothless hick stuck in his own corn maze like you, FIP.

How will the jab affect a person though...

I was lethargic for a few days and my arm was kinda sore. Nothing too serious. I told my mom that I was a hypochondriac because I thought I was feeling shooting pains in my joints after and she said your sister (my 27 yo half sister) gets brain scans after she has a headache, so I’m clearly not the paranoia winner in my fam bam.

I had pains in my knees and other joints after getting the first jab.

Those have gone away, but still have tightness of the muscles in the left arm.

I wish they had another alternative(s) to the products currently on the market.

I dunno about this mRNA stuff.

You guys have J&J yet?
THe J&J is the only one I'd actually take

It's the only one I was willing to take. I'm very happy with my choice.

People who got Pfizer here are boosting the shit with J&J lol.

I don't want a clot shot or a neurological spazz jab....

No thank you....

I suggest Pfeizer then. They need you alive so you can keep buying their boner meds.

I will have no experimental shot...

I want to live in full health. You idiots can get jabbed and die....but hear this, I will not bury Youse... I will go remote until your bones are picked clean by rodents.

Just don’t bury me in my garden. I want my ashes scattered on the ocean like a mermaid.
Illinois has a high vax rate and its getting its ass kicked right now. LMFAO!

How is that funny? If you catch this virus, it can affect you for life and we don’t even know to what extent. I wouldn’t wish this sickness on anyone tbh. Not even a toothless hick stuck in his own corn maze like you, FIP.

How will the jab affect a person though...

I was lethargic for a few days and my arm was kinda sore. Nothing too serious. I told my mom that I was a hypochondriac because I thought I was feeling shooting pains in my joints after and she said your sister (my 27 yo half sister) gets brain scans after she has a headache, so I’m clearly not the paranoia winner in my fam bam.

I had pains in my knees and other joints after getting the first jab.

Those have gone away, but still have tightness of the muscles in the left arm.

I wish they had another alternative(s) to the products currently on the market.

I dunno about this mRNA stuff.

You guys have J&J yet?
THe J&J is the only one I'd actually take

It's the only one I was willing to take. I'm very happy with my choice.

People who got Pfizer here are boosting the shit with J&J lol.

I don't want a clot shot or a neurological spazz jab....

No thank you....

I suggest Pfeizer then. They need you alive so you can keep buying their boner meds.

I will have no experimental shot...

I want to live in full health. You idiots can get jabbed and die....but hear this, I will not bury Youse... I will go remote until your bones are picked clean by rodents.

Just don’t bury me in my garden. I want my ashes scattered on the ocean like a mermaid.

You might have to settle with dying besides someone with an uneaten tin of sardines in their pocket...

I seriously doubt I’ll die from a little prick. I’m immune to them at this point.

I expect you will die from these experimental jabs... and cities will rot because they can't carry away the dead quick enough...

So, I had my jab in early April. When do you think I will die?

The next couple of years... you're no spring chicken.... whatever co-morbidities you've got are going to swamp your body soon....

Says the guy who swore I was going to run home two years after arriving in Portugal.

Been here more than two years and the entrenchment is complete.

You'll flee Europe at the first sign of strife... 2 years isn't even enough to get melancholy for home.

You're not a world traveller. You're fragile...

How do you know this about me? You're a fool. And you swore over at SG that I would run home after two years. Keep moving those goal posts. Pretty soon, you'll be saying "Five years isn't enough to get melancholy for home," then, "Seven," and so on and so on...


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Illinois has a high vax rate and its getting its ass kicked right now. LMFAO!

How is that funny? If you catch this virus, it can affect you for life and we don’t even know to what extent. I wouldn’t wish this sickness on anyone tbh. Not even a toothless hick stuck in his own corn maze like you, FIP.

How will the jab affect a person though...

I was lethargic for a few days and my arm was kinda sore. Nothing too serious. I told my mom that I was a hypochondriac because I thought I was feeling shooting pains in my joints after and she said your sister (my 27 yo half sister) gets brain scans after she has a headache, so I’m clearly not the paranoia winner in my fam bam.

I had pains in my knees and other joints after getting the first jab.

Those have gone away, but still have tightness of the muscles in the left arm.

I wish they had another alternative(s) to the products currently on the market.

I dunno about this mRNA stuff.

You guys have J&J yet?
THe J&J is the only one I'd actually take

It's the only one I was willing to take. I'm very happy with my choice.

People who got Pfizer here are boosting the shit with J&J lol.

I don't want a clot shot or a neurological spazz jab....

No thank you....

I suggest Pfeizer then. They need you alive so you can keep buying their boner meds.

I will have no experimental shot...

I want to live in full health. You idiots can get jabbed and die....but hear this, I will not bury Youse... I will go remote until your bones are picked clean by rodents.

Just don’t bury me in my garden. I want my ashes scattered on the ocean like a mermaid.
Illinois has a high vax rate and its getting its ass kicked right now. LMFAO!

How is that funny? If you catch this virus, it can affect you for life and we don’t even know to what extent. I wouldn’t wish this sickness on anyone tbh. Not even a toothless hick stuck in his own corn maze like you, FIP.

How will the jab affect a person though...

I was lethargic for a few days and my arm was kinda sore. Nothing too serious. I told my mom that I was a hypochondriac because I thought I was feeling shooting pains in my joints after and she said your sister (my 27 yo half sister) gets brain scans after she has a headache, so I’m clearly not the paranoia winner in my fam bam.

I had pains in my knees and other joints after getting the first jab.

Those have gone away, but still have tightness of the muscles in the left arm.

I wish they had another alternative(s) to the products currently on the market.

I dunno about this mRNA stuff.

You guys have J&J yet?
THe J&J is the only one I'd actually take

It's the only one I was willing to take. I'm very happy with my choice.

People who got Pfizer here are boosting the shit with J&J lol.

I don't want a clot shot or a neurological spazz jab....

No thank you....

I suggest Pfeizer then. They need you alive so you can keep buying their boner meds.

I will have no experimental shot...

I want to live in full health. You idiots can get jabbed and die....but hear this, I will not bury Youse... I will go remote until your bones are picked clean by rodents.

Just don’t bury me in my garden. I want my ashes scattered on the ocean like a mermaid.

You might have to settle with dying besides someone with an uneaten tin of sardines in their pocket...

I seriously doubt I’ll die from a little prick. I’m immune to them at this point.

I expect you will die from these experimental jabs... and cities will rot because they can't carry away the dead quick enough...

I’m scared that is going to happen anyways…. Someone was walking around Seattle wearing one of the plague bird masks with a leather trench and was photographed and put in the paper when this all kicked off and it felt eerily like a premonition.

That's the least of it... America and China are gearing up to go hard war in the near future....

so while the USA lobs nukes, China will shoot back with more viruses and pandemics?

It will probably start with Taiwan...

Joint Base McChord-Lewis is currently mobilising...

Let's see what happens..

Yeah that whole 30k troops in Tiawan statement has them all riled up saying if we have 30k troops in Tiawan that China will receive that as a declaration of war.

It's coming, no doubt.
Can you imagine jelly fish non binary retards like admin going to war with china?

We'd be toast.
BTDT Cupcake. What have you done for your God & Country?


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️



Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Illinois has a high vax rate and its getting its ass kicked right now. LMFAO!

How is that funny? If you catch this virus, it can affect you for life and we don’t even know to what extent. I wouldn’t wish this sickness on anyone tbh. Not even a toothless hick stuck in his own corn maze like you, FIP.

How will the jab affect a person though...

I was lethargic for a few days and my arm was kinda sore. Nothing too serious. I told my mom that I was a hypochondriac because I thought I was feeling shooting pains in my joints after and she said your sister (my 27 yo half sister) gets brain scans after she has a headache, so I’m clearly not the paranoia winner in my fam bam.

I had pains in my knees and other joints after getting the first jab.

Those have gone away, but still have tightness of the muscles in the left arm.

I wish they had another alternative(s) to the products currently on the market.

I dunno about this mRNA stuff.

You guys have J&J yet?
THe J&J is the only one I'd actually take

It's the only one I was willing to take. I'm very happy with my choice.

People who got Pfizer here are boosting the shit with J&J lol.

I don't want a clot shot or a neurological spazz jab....

No thank you....

I suggest Pfeizer then. They need you alive so you can keep buying their boner meds.

I will have no experimental shot...

I want to live in full health. You idiots can get jabbed and die....but hear this, I will not bury Youse... I will go remote until your bones are picked clean by rodents.

Just don’t bury me in my garden. I want my ashes scattered on the ocean like a mermaid.
Illinois has a high vax rate and its getting its ass kicked right now. LMFAO!

How is that funny? If you catch this virus, it can affect you for life and we don’t even know to what extent. I wouldn’t wish this sickness on anyone tbh. Not even a toothless hick stuck in his own corn maze like you, FIP.

How will the jab affect a person though...

I was lethargic for a few days and my arm was kinda sore. Nothing too serious. I told my mom that I was a hypochondriac because I thought I was feeling shooting pains in my joints after and she said your sister (my 27 yo half sister) gets brain scans after she has a headache, so I’m clearly not the paranoia winner in my fam bam.

I had pains in my knees and other joints after getting the first jab.

Those have gone away, but still have tightness of the muscles in the left arm.

I wish they had another alternative(s) to the products currently on the market.

I dunno about this mRNA stuff.

You guys have J&J yet?
THe J&J is the only one I'd actually take

It's the only one I was willing to take. I'm very happy with my choice.

People who got Pfizer here are boosting the shit with J&J lol.

I don't want a clot shot or a neurological spazz jab....

No thank you....

I suggest Pfeizer then. They need you alive so you can keep buying their boner meds.

I will have no experimental shot...

I want to live in full health. You idiots can get jabbed and die....but hear this, I will not bury Youse... I will go remote until your bones are picked clean by rodents.

Just don’t bury me in my garden. I want my ashes scattered on the ocean like a mermaid.

You might have to settle with dying besides someone with an uneaten tin of sardines in their pocket...

I seriously doubt I’ll die from a little prick. I’m immune to them at this point.

I expect you will die from these experimental jabs... and cities will rot because they can't carry away the dead quick enough...

I’m scared that is going to happen anyways…. Someone was walking around Seattle wearing one of the plague bird masks with a leather trench and was photographed and put in the paper when this all kicked off and it felt eerily like a premonition.

That's the least of it... America and China are gearing up to go hard war in the near future....

so while the USA lobs nukes, China will shoot back with more viruses and pandemics?

It will probably start with Taiwan...

Joint Base McChord-Lewis is currently mobilising...

Let's see what happens..

Yeah that whole 30k troops in Tiawan statement has them all riled up saying if we have 30k troops in Tiawan that China will receive that as a declaration of war.

It's coming, no doubt.
Can you imagine jelly fish non binary retards like admin going to war with china?

We'd be toast.
BTDT Cupcake. What have you done for your God & Country?

Well he voted against Biden.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
@Admin ~ WOW

It’s really sad, but I can’t blame healthcare providers for putting their foot down. They have been the first line of defense and in the trenches since this all kicked off. It’s literally come down to being burdened by these people and their rights SMH.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Illinois has a high vax rate and its getting its ass kicked right now. LMFAO!

How is that funny? If you catch this virus, it can affect you for life and we don’t even know to what extent. I wouldn’t wish this sickness on anyone tbh. Not even a toothless hick stuck in his own corn maze like you, FIP.

How will the jab affect a person though...

I was lethargic for a few days and my arm was kinda sore. Nothing too serious. I told my mom that I was a hypochondriac because I thought I was feeling shooting pains in my joints after and she said your sister (my 27 yo half sister) gets brain scans after she has a headache, so I’m clearly not the paranoia winner in my fam bam.

I had pains in my knees and other joints after getting the first jab.

Those have gone away, but still have tightness of the muscles in the left arm.

I wish they had another alternative(s) to the products currently on the market.

I dunno about this mRNA stuff.

You guys have J&J yet?
THe J&J is the only one I'd actually take

It's the only one I was willing to take. I'm very happy with my choice.

People who got Pfizer here are boosting the shit with J&J lol.

I don't want a clot shot or a neurological spazz jab....

No thank you....

I suggest Pfeizer then. They need you alive so you can keep buying their boner meds.

I will have no experimental shot...

I want to live in full health. You idiots can get jabbed and die....but hear this, I will not bury Youse... I will go remote until your bones are picked clean by rodents.

Just don’t bury me in my garden. I want my ashes scattered on the ocean like a mermaid.
Illinois has a high vax rate and its getting its ass kicked right now. LMFAO!

How is that funny? If you catch this virus, it can affect you for life and we don’t even know to what extent. I wouldn’t wish this sickness on anyone tbh. Not even a toothless hick stuck in his own corn maze like you, FIP.

How will the jab affect a person though...

I was lethargic for a few days and my arm was kinda sore. Nothing too serious. I told my mom that I was a hypochondriac because I thought I was feeling shooting pains in my joints after and she said your sister (my 27 yo half sister) gets brain scans after she has a headache, so I’m clearly not the paranoia winner in my fam bam.

I had pains in my knees and other joints after getting the first jab.

Those have gone away, but still have tightness of the muscles in the left arm.

I wish they had another alternative(s) to the products currently on the market.

I dunno about this mRNA stuff.

You guys have J&J yet?
THe J&J is the only one I'd actually take

It's the only one I was willing to take. I'm very happy with my choice.

People who got Pfizer here are boosting the shit with J&J lol.

I don't want a clot shot or a neurological spazz jab....

No thank you....

I suggest Pfeizer then. They need you alive so you can keep buying their boner meds.

I will have no experimental shot...

I want to live in full health. You idiots can get jabbed and die....but hear this, I will not bury Youse... I will go remote until your bones are picked clean by rodents.

Just don’t bury me in my garden. I want my ashes scattered on the ocean like a mermaid.

You might have to settle with dying besides someone with an uneaten tin of sardines in their pocket...

I seriously doubt I’ll die from a little prick. I’m immune to them at this point.

I expect you will die from these experimental jabs... and cities will rot because they can't carry away the dead quick enough...

So, I had my jab in early April. When do you think I will die?

The next couple of years... you're no spring chicken.... whatever co-morbidities you've got are going to swamp your body soon....

Says the guy who swore I was going to run home two years after arriving in Portugal.

Been here more than two years and the entrenchment is complete.

You'll flee Europe at the first sign of strife... 2 years isn't even enough to get melancholy for home.

You're not a world traveller. You're fragile...

How do you know this about me? You're a fool. And you swore over at SG that I would run home after two years. Keep moving those goal posts. Pretty soon, you'll be saying "Five years isn't enough to get melancholy for home," then, "Seven," and so on and so on...

You're a lib from Commiefornia... the question isn't if but when you'll pack up your picnic rug, cry foul, and retreat...

I've watched it happen over nearly three decades with every leftist sort.

You lot lack spines...

You're like big babies.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
@Admin ~ WOW

It’s really sad, but I can’t blame healthcare providers for putting their foot down. They have been the first line of defense and in the trenches since this all kicked off. It’s literally come down to being burdened by these people and their rights SMH.

Shush, Proggy Garden Gnome.... the adults are trying to talk....


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Illinois has a high vax rate and its getting its ass kicked right now. LMFAO!

How is that funny? If you catch this virus, it can affect you for life and we don’t even know to what extent. I wouldn’t wish this sickness on anyone tbh. Not even a toothless hick stuck in his own corn maze like you, FIP.

How will the jab affect a person though...

I was lethargic for a few days and my arm was kinda sore. Nothing too serious. I told my mom that I was a hypochondriac because I thought I was feeling shooting pains in my joints after and she said your sister (my 27 yo half sister) gets brain scans after she has a headache, so I’m clearly not the paranoia winner in my fam bam.

I had pains in my knees and other joints after getting the first jab.

Those have gone away, but still have tightness of the muscles in the left arm.

I wish they had another alternative(s) to the products currently on the market.

I dunno about this mRNA stuff.

You guys have J&J yet?
THe J&J is the only one I'd actually take

It's the only one I was willing to take. I'm very happy with my choice.

People who got Pfizer here are boosting the shit with J&J lol.

I don't want a clot shot or a neurological spazz jab....

No thank you....

I suggest Pfeizer then. They need you alive so you can keep buying their boner meds.

I will have no experimental shot...

I want to live in full health. You idiots can get jabbed and die....but hear this, I will not bury Youse... I will go remote until your bones are picked clean by rodents.

Just don’t bury me in my garden. I want my ashes scattered on the ocean like a mermaid.
Illinois has a high vax rate and its getting its ass kicked right now. LMFAO!

How is that funny? If you catch this virus, it can affect you for life and we don’t even know to what extent. I wouldn’t wish this sickness on anyone tbh. Not even a toothless hick stuck in his own corn maze like you, FIP.

How will the jab affect a person though...

I was lethargic for a few days and my arm was kinda sore. Nothing too serious. I told my mom that I was a hypochondriac because I thought I was feeling shooting pains in my joints after and she said your sister (my 27 yo half sister) gets brain scans after she has a headache, so I’m clearly not the paranoia winner in my fam bam.

I had pains in my knees and other joints after getting the first jab.

Those have gone away, but still have tightness of the muscles in the left arm.

I wish they had another alternative(s) to the products currently on the market.

I dunno about this mRNA stuff.

You guys have J&J yet?
THe J&J is the only one I'd actually take

It's the only one I was willing to take. I'm very happy with my choice.

People who got Pfizer here are boosting the shit with J&J lol.

I don't want a clot shot or a neurological spazz jab....

No thank you....

I suggest Pfeizer then. They need you alive so you can keep buying their boner meds.

I will have no experimental shot...

I want to live in full health. You idiots can get jabbed and die....but hear this, I will not bury Youse... I will go remote until your bones are picked clean by rodents.

Just don’t bury me in my garden. I want my ashes scattered on the ocean like a mermaid.

You might have to settle with dying besides someone with an uneaten tin of sardines in their pocket...

I seriously doubt I’ll die from a little prick. I’m immune to them at this point.

I expect you will die from these experimental jabs... and cities will rot because they can't carry away the dead quick enough...

I’m scared that is going to happen anyways…. Someone was walking around Seattle wearing one of the plague bird masks with a leather trench and was photographed and put in the paper when this all kicked off and it felt eerily like a premonition.

That's the least of it... America and China are gearing up to go hard war in the near future....

so while the USA lobs nukes, China will shoot back with more viruses and pandemics?

It will probably start with Taiwan...

Joint Base McChord-Lewis is currently mobilising...

Let's see what happens..

Yeah that whole 30k troops in Tiawan statement has them all riled up saying if we have 30k troops in Tiawan that China will receive that as a declaration of war.

It's coming, no doubt.
Can you imagine jelly fish non binary retards like admin going to war with china?

We'd be toast.
BTDT Cupcake. What have you done for your God & Country?

He voted Republican and will continue to do so, which guarantees we will inevitably be at war with any country that has the last remaining resources on this planet.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Illinois has a high vax rate and its getting its ass kicked right now. LMFAO!

How is that funny? If you catch this virus, it can affect you for life and we don’t even know to what extent. I wouldn’t wish this sickness on anyone tbh. Not even a toothless hick stuck in his own corn maze like you, FIP.

How will the jab affect a person though...

I was lethargic for a few days and my arm was kinda sore. Nothing too serious. I told my mom that I was a hypochondriac because I thought I was feeling shooting pains in my joints after and she said your sister (my 27 yo half sister) gets brain scans after she has a headache, so I’m clearly not the paranoia winner in my fam bam.

I had pains in my knees and other joints after getting the first jab.

Those have gone away, but still have tightness of the muscles in the left arm.

I wish they had another alternative(s) to the products currently on the market.

I dunno about this mRNA stuff.

You guys have J&J yet?
THe J&J is the only one I'd actually take

It's the only one I was willing to take. I'm very happy with my choice.

People who got Pfizer here are boosting the shit with J&J lol.

I don't want a clot shot or a neurological spazz jab....

No thank you....

I suggest Pfeizer then. They need you alive so you can keep buying their boner meds.

I will have no experimental shot...

I want to live in full health. You idiots can get jabbed and die....but hear this, I will not bury Youse... I will go remote until your bones are picked clean by rodents.

Just don’t bury me in my garden. I want my ashes scattered on the ocean like a mermaid.
Illinois has a high vax rate and its getting its ass kicked right now. LMFAO!

How is that funny? If you catch this virus, it can affect you for life and we don’t even know to what extent. I wouldn’t wish this sickness on anyone tbh. Not even a toothless hick stuck in his own corn maze like you, FIP.

How will the jab affect a person though...

I was lethargic for a few days and my arm was kinda sore. Nothing too serious. I told my mom that I was a hypochondriac because I thought I was feeling shooting pains in my joints after and she said your sister (my 27 yo half sister) gets brain scans after she has a headache, so I’m clearly not the paranoia winner in my fam bam.

I had pains in my knees and other joints after getting the first jab.

Those have gone away, but still have tightness of the muscles in the left arm.

I wish they had another alternative(s) to the products currently on the market.

I dunno about this mRNA stuff.

You guys have J&J yet?
THe J&J is the only one I'd actually take

It's the only one I was willing to take. I'm very happy with my choice.

People who got Pfizer here are boosting the shit with J&J lol.

I don't want a clot shot or a neurological spazz jab....

No thank you....

I suggest Pfeizer then. They need you alive so you can keep buying their boner meds.

I will have no experimental shot...

I want to live in full health. You idiots can get jabbed and die....but hear this, I will not bury Youse... I will go remote until your bones are picked clean by rodents.

Just don’t bury me in my garden. I want my ashes scattered on the ocean like a mermaid.

You might have to settle with dying besides someone with an uneaten tin of sardines in their pocket...

I seriously doubt I’ll die from a little prick. I’m immune to them at this point.

I expect you will die from these experimental jabs... and cities will rot because they can't carry away the dead quick enough...

So, I had my jab in early April. When do you think I will die?

The next couple of years... you're no spring chicken.... whatever co-morbidities you've got are going to swamp your body soon....

Says the guy who swore I was going to run home two years after arriving in Portugal.

Been here more than two years and the entrenchment is complete.

You'll flee Europe at the first sign of strife... 2 years isn't even enough to get melancholy for home.

You're not a world traveller. You're fragile...

How do you know this about me? You're a fool. And you swore over at SG that I would run home after two years. Keep moving those goal posts. Pretty soon, you'll be saying "Five years isn't enough to get melancholy for home," then, "Seven," and so on and so on...

You're a lib from Commiefornia... the question isn't if but when you'll pack up your picnic rug, cry foul, and retreat...

I've watched it happen over nearly three decades with every leftist sort.

You lot lack spines...

You're like big babies.

What is it exactly that Californians have done? I mean, besides bust your balls by challenging every ideology you were force fed by disgruntled southerners your entire life?

I’ll remind you now that everyone came out here trying to escape your side of the country lol


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states


This is exactly the kind of bullshit ignorant partisan propaganda you ignorant fucking people buy into.

The entire reason this was being discussed was in terms of likelihood to survive. Its NOT about refusing patients care based on whether or not they were vaccinated. It's about considering whether or not a patients vaccination status impacts their likelihood of survival....thusly using resources on the most likely to benefit in the event resources run low.

They are not even there at that point......these ethics guidelines are revised all the time.

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You know this why our country is being destroyed. Because you guys are too stupid and partisan to discern and understand information. You just swallow clear and obvious propaganda and pat your own backs for being so much smarter than everyone when really you are worlds dumber.

This country is screwed because you guys are not intelligent enough to see past bullshit or get over your hateful stupid selves.
Last edited:


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Illinois has a high vax rate and its getting its ass kicked right now. LMFAO!

How is that funny? If you catch this virus, it can affect you for life and we don’t even know to what extent. I wouldn’t wish this sickness on anyone tbh. Not even a toothless hick stuck in his own corn maze like you, FIP.

How will the jab affect a person though...

I was lethargic for a few days and my arm was kinda sore. Nothing too serious. I told my mom that I was a hypochondriac because I thought I was feeling shooting pains in my joints after and she said your sister (my 27 yo half sister) gets brain scans after she has a headache, so I’m clearly not the paranoia winner in my fam bam.

I had pains in my knees and other joints after getting the first jab.

Those have gone away, but still have tightness of the muscles in the left arm.

I wish they had another alternative(s) to the products currently on the market.

I dunno about this mRNA stuff.

You guys have J&J yet?
THe J&J is the only one I'd actually take

It's the only one I was willing to take. I'm very happy with my choice.

People who got Pfizer here are boosting the shit with J&J lol.

I don't want a clot shot or a neurological spazz jab....

No thank you....

I suggest Pfeizer then. They need you alive so you can keep buying their boner meds.

I will have no experimental shot...

I want to live in full health. You idiots can get jabbed and die....but hear this, I will not bury Youse... I will go remote until your bones are picked clean by rodents.

Just don’t bury me in my garden. I want my ashes scattered on the ocean like a mermaid.
Illinois has a high vax rate and its getting its ass kicked right now. LMFAO!

How is that funny? If you catch this virus, it can affect you for life and we don’t even know to what extent. I wouldn’t wish this sickness on anyone tbh. Not even a toothless hick stuck in his own corn maze like you, FIP.

How will the jab affect a person though...

I was lethargic for a few days and my arm was kinda sore. Nothing too serious. I told my mom that I was a hypochondriac because I thought I was feeling shooting pains in my joints after and she said your sister (my 27 yo half sister) gets brain scans after she has a headache, so I’m clearly not the paranoia winner in my fam bam.

I had pains in my knees and other joints after getting the first jab.

Those have gone away, but still have tightness of the muscles in the left arm.

I wish they had another alternative(s) to the products currently on the market.

I dunno about this mRNA stuff.

You guys have J&J yet?
THe J&J is the only one I'd actually take

It's the only one I was willing to take. I'm very happy with my choice.

People who got Pfizer here are boosting the shit with J&J lol.

I don't want a clot shot or a neurological spazz jab....

No thank you....

I suggest Pfeizer then. They need you alive so you can keep buying their boner meds.

I will have no experimental shot...

I want to live in full health. You idiots can get jabbed and die....but hear this, I will not bury Youse... I will go remote until your bones are picked clean by rodents.

Just don’t bury me in my garden. I want my ashes scattered on the ocean like a mermaid.

You might have to settle with dying besides someone with an uneaten tin of sardines in their pocket...

I seriously doubt I’ll die from a little prick. I’m immune to them at this point.

I expect you will die from these experimental jabs... and cities will rot because they can't carry away the dead quick enough...

I’m scared that is going to happen anyways…. Someone was walking around Seattle wearing one of the plague bird masks with a leather trench and was photographed and put in the paper when this all kicked off and it felt eerily like a premonition.

That's the least of it... America and China are gearing up to go hard war in the near future....

so while the USA lobs nukes, China will shoot back with more viruses and pandemics?

It will probably start with Taiwan...

Joint Base McChord-Lewis is currently mobilising...

Let's see what happens..

Yeah that whole 30k troops in Tiawan statement has them all riled up saying if we have 30k troops in Tiawan that China will receive that as a declaration of war.

It's coming, no doubt.
Can you imagine jelly fish non binary retards like admin going to war with china?

We'd be toast.
BTDT Cupcake. What have you done for your God & Country?

He voted Republican and will continue to do so, which guarantees we will inevitably be at war with any country that has the last remaining resources on this planet.

I didn't see any Democrat ever that didn't love a good drone strike, rendition, or bipartisan call to war...


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land


This is exactly the kind of bullshit ignorant partisan propaganda you ignorant fucking people buy into.

The entire reason this was being discussed was in terms of likelihood to survive. Its NOT about refusing patients care based on whether or not they were vaccinated. It's about considering whether or not a patients vaccination status impacts their likelihood of survival....thusly using resources on the most likely to benefit in the event resources run low.

They are not even there at that point......these ethics guidelines are revised all the time.

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You know this why our country is being destroyed. Because you guys are too stupid and partisan to discern and understand information.

I know people on FB who deleted her because she was running around like a loonatic saying it’s a fake virus when this all kicked off lol


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Illinois has a high vax rate and its getting its ass kicked right now. LMFAO!

How is that funny? If you catch this virus, it can affect you for life and we don’t even know to what extent. I wouldn’t wish this sickness on anyone tbh. Not even a toothless hick stuck in his own corn maze like you, FIP.

How will the jab affect a person though...

I was lethargic for a few days and my arm was kinda sore. Nothing too serious. I told my mom that I was a hypochondriac because I thought I was feeling shooting pains in my joints after and she said your sister (my 27 yo half sister) gets brain scans after she has a headache, so I’m clearly not the paranoia winner in my fam bam.

I had pains in my knees and other joints after getting the first jab.

Those have gone away, but still have tightness of the muscles in the left arm.

I wish they had another alternative(s) to the products currently on the market.

I dunno about this mRNA stuff.

You guys have J&J yet?
THe J&J is the only one I'd actually take

It's the only one I was willing to take. I'm very happy with my choice.

People who got Pfizer here are boosting the shit with J&J lol.

I don't want a clot shot or a neurological spazz jab....

No thank you....

I suggest Pfeizer then. They need you alive so you can keep buying their boner meds.

I will have no experimental shot...

I want to live in full health. You idiots can get jabbed and die....but hear this, I will not bury Youse... I will go remote until your bones are picked clean by rodents.

Just don’t bury me in my garden. I want my ashes scattered on the ocean like a mermaid.
Illinois has a high vax rate and its getting its ass kicked right now. LMFAO!

How is that funny? If you catch this virus, it can affect you for life and we don’t even know to what extent. I wouldn’t wish this sickness on anyone tbh. Not even a toothless hick stuck in his own corn maze like you, FIP.

How will the jab affect a person though...

I was lethargic for a few days and my arm was kinda sore. Nothing too serious. I told my mom that I was a hypochondriac because I thought I was feeling shooting pains in my joints after and she said your sister (my 27 yo half sister) gets brain scans after she has a headache, so I’m clearly not the paranoia winner in my fam bam.

I had pains in my knees and other joints after getting the first jab.

Those have gone away, but still have tightness of the muscles in the left arm.

I wish they had another alternative(s) to the products currently on the market.

I dunno about this mRNA stuff.

You guys have J&J yet?
THe J&J is the only one I'd actually take

It's the only one I was willing to take. I'm very happy with my choice.

People who got Pfizer here are boosting the shit with J&J lol.

I don't want a clot shot or a neurological spazz jab....

No thank you....

I suggest Pfeizer then. They need you alive so you can keep buying their boner meds.

I will have no experimental shot...

I want to live in full health. You idiots can get jabbed and die....but hear this, I will not bury Youse... I will go remote until your bones are picked clean by rodents.

Just don’t bury me in my garden. I want my ashes scattered on the ocean like a mermaid.

You might have to settle with dying besides someone with an uneaten tin of sardines in their pocket...

I seriously doubt I’ll die from a little prick. I’m immune to them at this point.

I expect you will die from these experimental jabs... and cities will rot because they can't carry away the dead quick enough...

I’m scared that is going to happen anyways…. Someone was walking around Seattle wearing one of the plague bird masks with a leather trench and was photographed and put in the paper when this all kicked off and it felt eerily like a premonition.

That's the least of it... America and China are gearing up to go hard war in the near future....

so while the USA lobs nukes, China will shoot back with more viruses and pandemics?

It will probably start with Taiwan...

Joint Base McChord-Lewis is currently mobilising...

Let's see what happens..

Yeah that whole 30k troops in Tiawan statement has them all riled up saying if we have 30k troops in Tiawan that China will receive that as a declaration of war.

It's coming, no doubt.
Can you imagine jelly fish non binary retards like admin going to war with china?

We'd be toast.
BTDT Cupcake. What have you done for your God & Country?

He voted Republican and will continue to do so, which guarantees we will inevitably be at war with any country that has the last remaining resources on this planet.

I didn't see any Democrat ever that didn't love a good drone strike, rendition, or bipartisan call to war...

I’m not a democrat. I was also married to the military for 20+ years.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Illinois has a high vax rate and its getting its ass kicked right now. LMFAO!

How is that funny? If you catch this virus, it can affect you for life and we don’t even know to what extent. I wouldn’t wish this sickness on anyone tbh. Not even a toothless hick stuck in his own corn maze like you, FIP.

How will the jab affect a person though...

I was lethargic for a few days and my arm was kinda sore. Nothing too serious. I told my mom that I was a hypochondriac because I thought I was feeling shooting pains in my joints after and she said your sister (my 27 yo half sister) gets brain scans after she has a headache, so I’m clearly not the paranoia winner in my fam bam.

I had pains in my knees and other joints after getting the first jab.

Those have gone away, but still have tightness of the muscles in the left arm.

I wish they had another alternative(s) to the products currently on the market.

I dunno about this mRNA stuff.

You guys have J&J yet?
THe J&J is the only one I'd actually take

It's the only one I was willing to take. I'm very happy with my choice.

People who got Pfizer here are boosting the shit with J&J lol.

I don't want a clot shot or a neurological spazz jab....

No thank you....

I suggest Pfeizer then. They need you alive so you can keep buying their boner meds.

I will have no experimental shot...

I want to live in full health. You idiots can get jabbed and die....but hear this, I will not bury Youse... I will go remote until your bones are picked clean by rodents.

Just don’t bury me in my garden. I want my ashes scattered on the ocean like a mermaid.
Illinois has a high vax rate and its getting its ass kicked right now. LMFAO!

How is that funny? If you catch this virus, it can affect you for life and we don’t even know to what extent. I wouldn’t wish this sickness on anyone tbh. Not even a toothless hick stuck in his own corn maze like you, FIP.

How will the jab affect a person though...

I was lethargic for a few days and my arm was kinda sore. Nothing too serious. I told my mom that I was a hypochondriac because I thought I was feeling shooting pains in my joints after and she said your sister (my 27 yo half sister) gets brain scans after she has a headache, so I’m clearly not the paranoia winner in my fam bam.

I had pains in my knees and other joints after getting the first jab.

Those have gone away, but still have tightness of the muscles in the left arm.

I wish they had another alternative(s) to the products currently on the market.

I dunno about this mRNA stuff.

You guys have J&J yet?
THe J&J is the only one I'd actually take

It's the only one I was willing to take. I'm very happy with my choice.

People who got Pfizer here are boosting the shit with J&J lol.

I don't want a clot shot or a neurological spazz jab....

No thank you....

I suggest Pfeizer then. They need you alive so you can keep buying their boner meds.

I will have no experimental shot...

I want to live in full health. You idiots can get jabbed and die....but hear this, I will not bury Youse... I will go remote until your bones are picked clean by rodents.

Just don’t bury me in my garden. I want my ashes scattered on the ocean like a mermaid.

You might have to settle with dying besides someone with an uneaten tin of sardines in their pocket...

I seriously doubt I’ll die from a little prick. I’m immune to them at this point.

I expect you will die from these experimental jabs... and cities will rot because they can't carry away the dead quick enough...

I’m scared that is going to happen anyways…. Someone was walking around Seattle wearing one of the plague bird masks with a leather trench and was photographed and put in the paper when this all kicked off and it felt eerily like a premonition.

That's the least of it... America and China are gearing up to go hard war in the near future....

so while the USA lobs nukes, China will shoot back with more viruses and pandemics?

It will probably start with Taiwan...

Joint Base McChord-Lewis is currently mobilising...

Let's see what happens..

Yeah that whole 30k troops in Tiawan statement has them all riled up saying if we have 30k troops in Tiawan that China will receive that as a declaration of war.

It's coming, no doubt.
Can you imagine jelly fish non binary retards like admin going to war with china?

We'd be toast.
BTDT Cupcake. What have you done for your God & Country?

He voted Republican and will continue to do so, which guarantees we will inevitably be at war with any country that has the last remaining resources on this planet.

I didn't see any Democrat ever that didn't love a good drone strike, rendition, or bipartisan call to war...
Trump is now a Democrat?


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Illinois has a high vax rate and its getting its ass kicked right now. LMFAO!

How is that funny? If you catch this virus, it can affect you for life and we don’t even know to what extent. I wouldn’t wish this sickness on anyone tbh. Not even a toothless hick stuck in his own corn maze like you, FIP.

How will the jab affect a person though...

I was lethargic for a few days and my arm was kinda sore. Nothing too serious. I told my mom that I was a hypochondriac because I thought I was feeling shooting pains in my joints after and she said your sister (my 27 yo half sister) gets brain scans after she has a headache, so I’m clearly not the paranoia winner in my fam bam.

I had pains in my knees and other joints after getting the first jab.

Those have gone away, but still have tightness of the muscles in the left arm.

I wish they had another alternative(s) to the products currently on the market.

I dunno about this mRNA stuff.

You guys have J&J yet?
THe J&J is the only one I'd actually take

It's the only one I was willing to take. I'm very happy with my choice.

People who got Pfizer here are boosting the shit with J&J lol.

I don't want a clot shot or a neurological spazz jab....

No thank you....

I suggest Pfeizer then. They need you alive so you can keep buying their boner meds.

I will have no experimental shot...

I want to live in full health. You idiots can get jabbed and die....but hear this, I will not bury Youse... I will go remote until your bones are picked clean by rodents.

Just don’t bury me in my garden. I want my ashes scattered on the ocean like a mermaid.
Illinois has a high vax rate and its getting its ass kicked right now. LMFAO!

How is that funny? If you catch this virus, it can affect you for life and we don’t even know to what extent. I wouldn’t wish this sickness on anyone tbh. Not even a toothless hick stuck in his own corn maze like you, FIP.

How will the jab affect a person though...

I was lethargic for a few days and my arm was kinda sore. Nothing too serious. I told my mom that I was a hypochondriac because I thought I was feeling shooting pains in my joints after and she said your sister (my 27 yo half sister) gets brain scans after she has a headache, so I’m clearly not the paranoia winner in my fam bam.

I had pains in my knees and other joints after getting the first jab.

Those have gone away, but still have tightness of the muscles in the left arm.

I wish they had another alternative(s) to the products currently on the market.

I dunno about this mRNA stuff.

You guys have J&J yet?
THe J&J is the only one I'd actually take

It's the only one I was willing to take. I'm very happy with my choice.

People who got Pfizer here are boosting the shit with J&J lol.

I don't want a clot shot or a neurological spazz jab....

No thank you....

I suggest Pfeizer then. They need you alive so you can keep buying their boner meds.

I will have no experimental shot...

I want to live in full health. You idiots can get jabbed and die....but hear this, I will not bury Youse... I will go remote until your bones are picked clean by rodents.

Just don’t bury me in my garden. I want my ashes scattered on the ocean like a mermaid.

You might have to settle with dying besides someone with an uneaten tin of sardines in their pocket...

I seriously doubt I’ll die from a little prick. I’m immune to them at this point.

I expect you will die from these experimental jabs... and cities will rot because they can't carry away the dead quick enough...

So, I had my jab in early April. When do you think I will die?

The next couple of years... you're no spring chicken.... whatever co-morbidities you've got are going to swamp your body soon....

Says the guy who swore I was going to run home two years after arriving in Portugal.

Been here more than two years and the entrenchment is complete.

You'll flee Europe at the first sign of strife... 2 years isn't even enough to get melancholy for home.

You're not a world traveller. You're fragile...

How do you know this about me? You're a fool. And you swore over at SG that I would run home after two years. Keep moving those goal posts. Pretty soon, you'll be saying "Five years isn't enough to get melancholy for home," then, "Seven," and so on and so on...

You're a lib from Commiefornia... the question isn't if but when you'll pack up your picnic rug, cry foul, and retreat...

I've watched it happen over nearly three decades with every leftist sort.

You lot lack spines...

You're like big babies.

What is it exactly that Californians have done? I mean, besides bust your balls by challenging every ideology you were force fed by disgruntled southerners your entire life?

I’ll remind you now that everyone came out here trying to escape your side of the country lol

You lot assembled in a desert then demanded water from other places...

...once you got it, you set to growing at an exponential rate beyond your resources, refused to manage your scrub and forests, but still cry like little bitches every year when the heat and lightning strikes start fires in your mismanaged state full of illegals from down south.

You are the epitome of mollycoddled fuckwits.

I'd love for the San Andreas to snap you off to the sea... the rest of the nation would throw a fucking party.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Illinois has a high vax rate and its getting its ass kicked right now. LMFAO!

How is that funny? If you catch this virus, it can affect you for life and we don’t even know to what extent. I wouldn’t wish this sickness on anyone tbh. Not even a toothless hick stuck in his own corn maze like you, FIP.

How will the jab affect a person though...

I was lethargic for a few days and my arm was kinda sore. Nothing too serious. I told my mom that I was a hypochondriac because I thought I was feeling shooting pains in my joints after and she said your sister (my 27 yo half sister) gets brain scans after she has a headache, so I’m clearly not the paranoia winner in my fam bam.

I had pains in my knees and other joints after getting the first jab.

Those have gone away, but still have tightness of the muscles in the left arm.

I wish they had another alternative(s) to the products currently on the market.

I dunno about this mRNA stuff.

You guys have J&J yet?
THe J&J is the only one I'd actually take

It's the only one I was willing to take. I'm very happy with my choice.

People who got Pfizer here are boosting the shit with J&J lol.

I don't want a clot shot or a neurological spazz jab....

No thank you....

I suggest Pfeizer then. They need you alive so you can keep buying their boner meds.

I will have no experimental shot...

I want to live in full health. You idiots can get jabbed and die....but hear this, I will not bury Youse... I will go remote until your bones are picked clean by rodents.

Just don’t bury me in my garden. I want my ashes scattered on the ocean like a mermaid.
Illinois has a high vax rate and its getting its ass kicked right now. LMFAO!

How is that funny? If you catch this virus, it can affect you for life and we don’t even know to what extent. I wouldn’t wish this sickness on anyone tbh. Not even a toothless hick stuck in his own corn maze like you, FIP.

How will the jab affect a person though...

I was lethargic for a few days and my arm was kinda sore. Nothing too serious. I told my mom that I was a hypochondriac because I thought I was feeling shooting pains in my joints after and she said your sister (my 27 yo half sister) gets brain scans after she has a headache, so I’m clearly not the paranoia winner in my fam bam.

I had pains in my knees and other joints after getting the first jab.

Those have gone away, but still have tightness of the muscles in the left arm.

I wish they had another alternative(s) to the products currently on the market.

I dunno about this mRNA stuff.

You guys have J&J yet?
THe J&J is the only one I'd actually take

It's the only one I was willing to take. I'm very happy with my choice.

People who got Pfizer here are boosting the shit with J&J lol.

I don't want a clot shot or a neurological spazz jab....

No thank you....

I suggest Pfeizer then. They need you alive so you can keep buying their boner meds.

I will have no experimental shot...

I want to live in full health. You idiots can get jabbed and die....but hear this, I will not bury Youse... I will go remote until your bones are picked clean by rodents.

Just don’t bury me in my garden. I want my ashes scattered on the ocean like a mermaid.

You might have to settle with dying besides someone with an uneaten tin of sardines in their pocket...

I seriously doubt I’ll die from a little prick. I’m immune to them at this point.

I expect you will die from these experimental jabs... and cities will rot because they can't carry away the dead quick enough...

I’m scared that is going to happen anyways…. Someone was walking around Seattle wearing one of the plague bird masks with a leather trench and was photographed and put in the paper when this all kicked off and it felt eerily like a premonition.

That's the least of it... America and China are gearing up to go hard war in the near future....

so while the USA lobs nukes, China will shoot back with more viruses and pandemics?

It will probably start with Taiwan...

Joint Base McChord-Lewis is currently mobilising...

Let's see what happens..

Yeah that whole 30k troops in Tiawan statement has them all riled up saying if we have 30k troops in Tiawan that China will receive that as a declaration of war.

It's coming, no doubt.
Can you imagine jelly fish non binary retards like admin going to war with china?

We'd be toast.
BTDT Cupcake. What have you done for your God & Country?

He voted Republican and will continue to do so, which guarantees we will inevitably be at war with any country that has the last remaining resources on this planet.

I didn't see any Democrat ever that didn't love a good drone strike, rendition, or bipartisan call to war...

I’m not a democrat. I was also married to the military for 20+ years.

You're worse... you're a prog...


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Illinois has a high vax rate and its getting its ass kicked right now. LMFAO!

How is that funny? If you catch this virus, it can affect you for life and we don’t even know to what extent. I wouldn’t wish this sickness on anyone tbh. Not even a toothless hick stuck in his own corn maze like you, FIP.

How will the jab affect a person though...

I was lethargic for a few days and my arm was kinda sore. Nothing too serious. I told my mom that I was a hypochondriac because I thought I was feeling shooting pains in my joints after and she said your sister (my 27 yo half sister) gets brain scans after she has a headache, so I’m clearly not the paranoia winner in my fam bam.

I had pains in my knees and other joints after getting the first jab.

Those have gone away, but still have tightness of the muscles in the left arm.

I wish they had another alternative(s) to the products currently on the market.

I dunno about this mRNA stuff.

You guys have J&J yet?
THe J&J is the only one I'd actually take

It's the only one I was willing to take. I'm very happy with my choice.

People who got Pfizer here are boosting the shit with J&J lol.

I don't want a clot shot or a neurological spazz jab....

No thank you....

I suggest Pfeizer then. They need you alive so you can keep buying their boner meds.

I will have no experimental shot...

I want to live in full health. You idiots can get jabbed and die....but hear this, I will not bury Youse... I will go remote until your bones are picked clean by rodents.

Just don’t bury me in my garden. I want my ashes scattered on the ocean like a mermaid.
Illinois has a high vax rate and its getting its ass kicked right now. LMFAO!

How is that funny? If you catch this virus, it can affect you for life and we don’t even know to what extent. I wouldn’t wish this sickness on anyone tbh. Not even a toothless hick stuck in his own corn maze like you, FIP.

How will the jab affect a person though...

I was lethargic for a few days and my arm was kinda sore. Nothing too serious. I told my mom that I was a hypochondriac because I thought I was feeling shooting pains in my joints after and she said your sister (my 27 yo half sister) gets brain scans after she has a headache, so I’m clearly not the paranoia winner in my fam bam.

I had pains in my knees and other joints after getting the first jab.

Those have gone away, but still have tightness of the muscles in the left arm.

I wish they had another alternative(s) to the products currently on the market.

I dunno about this mRNA stuff.

You guys have J&J yet?
THe J&J is the only one I'd actually take

It's the only one I was willing to take. I'm very happy with my choice.

People who got Pfizer here are boosting the shit with J&J lol.

I don't want a clot shot or a neurological spazz jab....

No thank you....

I suggest Pfeizer then. They need you alive so you can keep buying their boner meds.

I will have no experimental shot...

I want to live in full health. You idiots can get jabbed and die....but hear this, I will not bury Youse... I will go remote until your bones are picked clean by rodents.

Just don’t bury me in my garden. I want my ashes scattered on the ocean like a mermaid.

You might have to settle with dying besides someone with an uneaten tin of sardines in their pocket...

I seriously doubt I’ll die from a little prick. I’m immune to them at this point.

I expect you will die from these experimental jabs... and cities will rot because they can't carry away the dead quick enough...

I’m scared that is going to happen anyways…. Someone was walking around Seattle wearing one of the plague bird masks with a leather trench and was photographed and put in the paper when this all kicked off and it felt eerily like a premonition.

That's the least of it... America and China are gearing up to go hard war in the near future....

so while the USA lobs nukes, China will shoot back with more viruses and pandemics?

It will probably start with Taiwan...

Joint Base McChord-Lewis is currently mobilising...

Let's see what happens..

Yeah that whole 30k troops in Tiawan statement has them all riled up saying if we have 30k troops in Tiawan that China will receive that as a declaration of war.

It's coming, no doubt.
Can you imagine jelly fish non binary retards like admin going to war with china?

We'd be toast.
BTDT Cupcake. What have you done for your God & Country?

He voted Republican and will continue to do so, which guarantees we will inevitably be at war with any country that has the last remaining resources on this planet.

I didn't see any Democrat ever that didn't love a good drone strike, rendition, or bipartisan call to war...
Trump is now a Democrat?

They still haven’t made the connection that the Dems can’t allow anyone who isn’t a war monger to run because of the never-ending war with the Middle East we were forced into by that side *rolls eyes*


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Illinois has a high vax rate and its getting its ass kicked right now. LMFAO!

How is that funny? If you catch this virus, it can affect you for life and we don’t even know to what extent. I wouldn’t wish this sickness on anyone tbh. Not even a toothless hick stuck in his own corn maze like you, FIP.

How will the jab affect a person though...

I was lethargic for a few days and my arm was kinda sore. Nothing too serious. I told my mom that I was a hypochondriac because I thought I was feeling shooting pains in my joints after and she said your sister (my 27 yo half sister) gets brain scans after she has a headache, so I’m clearly not the paranoia winner in my fam bam.

I had pains in my knees and other joints after getting the first jab.

Those have gone away, but still have tightness of the muscles in the left arm.

I wish they had another alternative(s) to the products currently on the market.

I dunno about this mRNA stuff.

You guys have J&J yet?
THe J&J is the only one I'd actually take

It's the only one I was willing to take. I'm very happy with my choice.

People who got Pfizer here are boosting the shit with J&J lol.

I don't want a clot shot or a neurological spazz jab....

No thank you....

I suggest Pfeizer then. They need you alive so you can keep buying their boner meds.

I will have no experimental shot...

I want to live in full health. You idiots can get jabbed and die....but hear this, I will not bury Youse... I will go remote until your bones are picked clean by rodents.

Just don’t bury me in my garden. I want my ashes scattered on the ocean like a mermaid.
Illinois has a high vax rate and its getting its ass kicked right now. LMFAO!

How is that funny? If you catch this virus, it can affect you for life and we don’t even know to what extent. I wouldn’t wish this sickness on anyone tbh. Not even a toothless hick stuck in his own corn maze like you, FIP.

How will the jab affect a person though...

I was lethargic for a few days and my arm was kinda sore. Nothing too serious. I told my mom that I was a hypochondriac because I thought I was feeling shooting pains in my joints after and she said your sister (my 27 yo half sister) gets brain scans after she has a headache, so I’m clearly not the paranoia winner in my fam bam.

I had pains in my knees and other joints after getting the first jab.

Those have gone away, but still have tightness of the muscles in the left arm.

I wish they had another alternative(s) to the products currently on the market.

I dunno about this mRNA stuff.

You guys have J&J yet?
THe J&J is the only one I'd actually take

It's the only one I was willing to take. I'm very happy with my choice.

People who got Pfizer here are boosting the shit with J&J lol.

I don't want a clot shot or a neurological spazz jab....

No thank you....

I suggest Pfeizer then. They need you alive so you can keep buying their boner meds.

I will have no experimental shot...

I want to live in full health. You idiots can get jabbed and die....but hear this, I will not bury Youse... I will go remote until your bones are picked clean by rodents.

Just don’t bury me in my garden. I want my ashes scattered on the ocean like a mermaid.

You might have to settle with dying besides someone with an uneaten tin of sardines in their pocket...

I seriously doubt I’ll die from a little prick. I’m immune to them at this point.

I expect you will die from these experimental jabs... and cities will rot because they can't carry away the dead quick enough...

I’m scared that is going to happen anyways…. Someone was walking around Seattle wearing one of the plague bird masks with a leather trench and was photographed and put in the paper when this all kicked off and it felt eerily like a premonition.

That's the least of it... America and China are gearing up to go hard war in the near future....

so while the USA lobs nukes, China will shoot back with more viruses and pandemics?

It will probably start with Taiwan...

Joint Base McChord-Lewis is currently mobilising...

Let's see what happens..

Yeah that whole 30k troops in Tiawan statement has them all riled up saying if we have 30k troops in Tiawan that China will receive that as a declaration of war.

It's coming, no doubt.
Can you imagine jelly fish non binary retards like admin going to war with china?

We'd be toast.
BTDT Cupcake. What have you done for your God & Country?

He voted Republican and will continue to do so, which guarantees we will inevitably be at war with any country that has the last remaining resources on this planet.

I didn't see any Democrat ever that didn't love a good drone strike, rendition, or bipartisan call to war...
Trump is now a Democrat?

They still haven’t made the connection that the Dems can’t allow anyone who isn’t a war monger to run because of the never-ending war with the Middle East we were forced into by that side *rolls eyes*

Shush, mongo...

Your stupidity is showing.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️


This is exactly the kind of bullshit ignorant partisan propaganda you ignorant fucking people buy into.

The entire reason this was being discussed was in terms of likelihood to survive. Its NOT about refusing patients care based on whether or not they were vaccinated. It's about considering whether or not a patients vaccination status impacts their likelihood of survival....thusly using resources on the most likely to benefit in the event resources run low.

They are not even there at that point......these ethics guidelines are revised all the time.

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You know this why our country is being destroyed. Because you guys are too stupid and partisan to discern and understand information.

I know people on FB who deleted her because she was running around like a loonatic saying it’s a fake virus when this all kicked off lol


This is exactly the kind of bullshit ignorant partisan propaganda you ignorant fucking people buy into.

The entire reason this was being discussed was in terms of likelihood to survive. Its NOT about refusing patients care based on whether or not they were vaccinated. It's about considering whether or not a patients vaccination status impacts their likelihood of survival....thusly using resources on the most likely to benefit in the event resources run low.

They are not even there at that point......these ethics guidelines are revised all the time.

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You know this why our country is being destroyed. Because you guys are too stupid and partisan to discern and understand information.

I know people on FB who deleted her because she was running around like a loonatic saying it’s a fake virus when this all kicked off lol
Illinois has a high vax rate and its getting its ass kicked right now. LMFAO!

How is that funny? If you catch this virus, it can affect you for life and we don’t even know to what extent. I wouldn’t wish this sickness on anyone tbh. Not even a toothless hick stuck in his own corn maze like you, FIP.

How will the jab affect a person though...

I was lethargic for a few days and my arm was kinda sore. Nothing too serious. I told my mom that I was a hypochondriac because I thought I was feeling shooting pains in my joints after and she said your sister (my 27 yo half sister) gets brain scans after she has a headache, so I’m clearly not the paranoia winner in my fam bam.

I had pains in my knees and other joints after getting the first jab.

Those have gone away, but still have tightness of the muscles in the left arm.

I wish they had another alternative(s) to the products currently on the market.

I dunno about this mRNA stuff.

You guys have J&J yet?
THe J&J is the only one I'd actually take

It's the only one I was willing to take. I'm very happy with my choice.

People who got Pfizer here are boosting the shit with J&J lol.

I don't want a clot shot or a neurological spazz jab....

No thank you....

I suggest Pfeizer then. They need you alive so you can keep buying their boner meds.

I will have no experimental shot...

I want to live in full health. You idiots can get jabbed and die....but hear this, I will not bury Youse... I will go remote until your bones are picked clean by rodents.

Just don’t bury me in my garden. I want my ashes scattered on the ocean like a mermaid.
Illinois has a high vax rate and its getting its ass kicked right now. LMFAO!

How is that funny? If you catch this virus, it can affect you for life and we don’t even know to what extent. I wouldn’t wish this sickness on anyone tbh. Not even a toothless hick stuck in his own corn maze like you, FIP.

How will the jab affect a person though...

I was lethargic for a few days and my arm was kinda sore. Nothing too serious. I told my mom that I was a hypochondriac because I thought I was feeling shooting pains in my joints after and she said your sister (my 27 yo half sister) gets brain scans after she has a headache, so I’m clearly not the paranoia winner in my fam bam.

I had pains in my knees and other joints after getting the first jab.

Those have gone away, but still have tightness of the muscles in the left arm.

I wish they had another alternative(s) to the products currently on the market.

I dunno about this mRNA stuff.

You guys have J&J yet?
THe J&J is the only one I'd actually take

It's the only one I was willing to take. I'm very happy with my choice.

People who got Pfizer here are boosting the shit with J&J lol.

I don't want a clot shot or a neurological spazz jab....

No thank you....

I suggest Pfeizer then. They need you alive so you can keep buying their boner meds.

I will have no experimental shot...

I want to live in full health. You idiots can get jabbed and die....but hear this, I will not bury Youse... I will go remote until your bones are picked clean by rodents.

Just don’t bury me in my garden. I want my ashes scattered on the ocean like a mermaid.

You might have to settle with dying besides someone with an uneaten tin of sardines in their pocket...

I seriously doubt I’ll die from a little prick. I’m immune to them at this point.

I expect you will die from these experimental jabs... and cities will rot because they can't carry away the dead quick enough...

So, I had my jab in early April. When do you think I will die?

The next couple of years... you're no spring chicken.... whatever co-morbidities you've got are going to swamp your body soon....

Says the guy who swore I was going to run home two years after arriving in Portugal.

Been here more than two years and the entrenchment is complete.

You'll flee Europe at the first sign of strife... 2 years isn't even enough to get melancholy for home.

You're not a world traveller. You're fragile...

How do you know this about me? You're a fool. And you swore over at SG that I would run home after two years. Keep moving those goal posts. Pretty soon, you'll be saying "Five years isn't enough to get melancholy for home," then, "Seven," and so on and so on...

You're a lib from Commiefornia... the question isn't if but when you'll pack up your picnic rug, cry foul, and retreat...

I've watched it happen over nearly three decades with every leftist sort.

You lot lack spines...

You're like big babies.

I'm not going anywhere. Except for long weekends in Italy and Switzerland and Morocco, as soon as the Covid settles down.

I have a California friend who married and birthed and raised her children here. Never moved back. You have a weird habit of deciding you know everything about a particular group based on the behaviors of someone you dislike. That's what they call stereotyping. It's a pejorative term for a reason.

You seem like you might be jealous for some weird reason.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states


This is exactly the kind of bullshit ignorant partisan propaganda you ignorant fucking people buy into.

The entire reason this was being discussed was in terms of likelihood to survive. Its NOT about refusing patients care based on whether or not they were vaccinated. It's about considering whether or not a patients vaccination status impacts their likelihood of survival....thusly using resources on the most likely to benefit in the event resources run low.

They are not even there at that point......these ethics guidelines are revised all the time.

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You know this why our country is being destroyed. Because you guys are too stupid and partisan to discern and understand information.

I know people on FB who deleted her because she was running around like a loonatic saying it’s a fake virus when this all kicked off lol


This is exactly the kind of bullshit ignorant partisan propaganda you ignorant fucking people buy into.

The entire reason this was being discussed was in terms of likelihood to survive. Its NOT about refusing patients care based on whether or not they were vaccinated. It's about considering whether or not a patients vaccination status impacts their likelihood of survival....thusly using resources on the most likely to benefit in the event resources run low.

They are not even there at that point......these ethics guidelines are revised all the time.

Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

You know this why our country is being destroyed. Because you guys are too stupid and partisan to discern and understand information.

I know people on FB who deleted her because she was running around like a loonatic saying it’s a fake virus when this all kicked off lol
Illinois has a high vax rate and its getting its ass kicked right now. LMFAO!

How is that funny? If you catch this virus, it can affect you for life and we don’t even know to what extent. I wouldn’t wish this sickness on anyone tbh. Not even a toothless hick stuck in his own corn maze like you, FIP.

How will the jab affect a person though...

I was lethargic for a few days and my arm was kinda sore. Nothing too serious. I told my mom that I was a hypochondriac because I thought I was feeling shooting pains in my joints after and she said your sister (my 27 yo half sister) gets brain scans after she has a headache, so I’m clearly not the paranoia winner in my fam bam.

I had pains in my knees and other joints after getting the first jab.

Those have gone away, but still have tightness of the muscles in the left arm.

I wish they had another alternative(s) to the products currently on the market.

I dunno about this mRNA stuff.

You guys have J&J yet?
THe J&J is the only one I'd actually take

It's the only one I was willing to take. I'm very happy with my choice.

People who got Pfizer here are boosting the shit with J&J lol.

I don't want a clot shot or a neurological spazz jab....

No thank you....

I suggest Pfeizer then. They need you alive so you can keep buying their boner meds.

I will have no experimental shot...

I want to live in full health. You idiots can get jabbed and die....but hear this, I will not bury Youse... I will go remote until your bones are picked clean by rodents.

Just don’t bury me in my garden. I want my ashes scattered on the ocean like a mermaid.
Illinois has a high vax rate and its getting its ass kicked right now. LMFAO!

How is that funny? If you catch this virus, it can affect you for life and we don’t even know to what extent. I wouldn’t wish this sickness on anyone tbh. Not even a toothless hick stuck in his own corn maze like you, FIP.

How will the jab affect a person though...

I was lethargic for a few days and my arm was kinda sore. Nothing too serious. I told my mom that I was a hypochondriac because I thought I was feeling shooting pains in my joints after and she said your sister (my 27 yo half sister) gets brain scans after she has a headache, so I’m clearly not the paranoia winner in my fam bam.

I had pains in my knees and other joints after getting the first jab.

Those have gone away, but still have tightness of the muscles in the left arm.

I wish they had another alternative(s) to the products currently on the market.

I dunno about this mRNA stuff.

You guys have J&J yet?
THe J&J is the only one I'd actually take

It's the only one I was willing to take. I'm very happy with my choice.

People who got Pfizer here are boosting the shit with J&J lol.

I don't want a clot shot or a neurological spazz jab....

No thank you....

I suggest Pfeizer then. They need you alive so you can keep buying their boner meds.

I will have no experimental shot...

I want to live in full health. You idiots can get jabbed and die....but hear this, I will not bury Youse... I will go remote until your bones are picked clean by rodents.

Just don’t bury me in my garden. I want my ashes scattered on the ocean like a mermaid.

You might have to settle with dying besides someone with an uneaten tin of sardines in their pocket...

I seriously doubt I’ll die from a little prick. I’m immune to them at this point.

I expect you will die from these experimental jabs... and cities will rot because they can't carry away the dead quick enough...

So, I had my jab in early April. When do you think I will die?

The next couple of years... you're no spring chicken.... whatever co-morbidities you've got are going to swamp your body soon....

Says the guy who swore I was going to run home two years after arriving in Portugal.

Been here more than two years and the entrenchment is complete.

You'll flee Europe at the first sign of strife... 2 years isn't even enough to get melancholy for home.

You're not a world traveller. You're fragile...

How do you know this about me? You're a fool. And you swore over at SG that I would run home after two years. Keep moving those goal posts. Pretty soon, you'll be saying "Five years isn't enough to get melancholy for home," then, "Seven," and so on and so on...

You're a lib from Commiefornia... the question isn't if but when you'll pack up your picnic rug, cry foul, and retreat...

I've watched it happen over nearly three decades with every leftist sort.

You lot lack spines...

You're like big babies.

You have a weird habit of deciding you know everything about a particular group based on the behaviors of someone you dislike. That's what they call stereotyping. It's a pejorative term for a reason.


Can we get this on an auto post so we can remind people of this frequently?


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter


This is exactly the kind of bullshit ignorant partisan propaganda you ignorant fucking people buy into.

The entire reason this was being discussed was in terms of likelihood to survive. Its NOT about refusing patients care based on whether or not they were vaccinated. It's about considering whether or not a patients vaccination status impacts their likelihood of survival....thusly using resources on the most likely to benefit in the event resources run low.

They are not even there at that point......these ethics guidelines are revised all the time.

Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

You know this why our country is being destroyed. Because you guys are too stupid and partisan to discern and understand information.

I know people on FB who deleted her because she was running around like a loonatic saying it’s a fake virus when this all kicked off lol


This is exactly the kind of bullshit ignorant partisan propaganda you ignorant fucking people buy into.

The entire reason this was being discussed was in terms of likelihood to survive. Its NOT about refusing patients care based on whether or not they were vaccinated. It's about considering whether or not a patients vaccination status impacts their likelihood of survival....thusly using resources on the most likely to benefit in the event resources run low.

They are not even there at that point......these ethics guidelines are revised all the time.

Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

You know this why our country is being destroyed. Because you guys are too stupid and partisan to discern and understand information.

I know people on FB who deleted her because she was running around like a loonatic saying it’s a fake virus when this all kicked off lol
Illinois has a high vax rate and its getting its ass kicked right now. LMFAO!

How is that funny? If you catch this virus, it can affect you for life and we don’t even know to what extent. I wouldn’t wish this sickness on anyone tbh. Not even a toothless hick stuck in his own corn maze like you, FIP.

How will the jab affect a person though...

I was lethargic for a few days and my arm was kinda sore. Nothing too serious. I told my mom that I was a hypochondriac because I thought I was feeling shooting pains in my joints after and she said your sister (my 27 yo half sister) gets brain scans after she has a headache, so I’m clearly not the paranoia winner in my fam bam.

I had pains in my knees and other joints after getting the first jab.

Those have gone away, but still have tightness of the muscles in the left arm.

I wish they had another alternative(s) to the products currently on the market.

I dunno about this mRNA stuff.

You guys have J&J yet?
THe J&J is the only one I'd actually take

It's the only one I was willing to take. I'm very happy with my choice.

People who got Pfizer here are boosting the shit with J&J lol.

I don't want a clot shot or a neurological spazz jab....

No thank you....

I suggest Pfeizer then. They need you alive so you can keep buying their boner meds.

I will have no experimental shot...

I want to live in full health. You idiots can get jabbed and die....but hear this, I will not bury Youse... I will go remote until your bones are picked clean by rodents.

Just don’t bury me in my garden. I want my ashes scattered on the ocean like a mermaid.
Illinois has a high vax rate and its getting its ass kicked right now. LMFAO!

How is that funny? If you catch this virus, it can affect you for life and we don’t even know to what extent. I wouldn’t wish this sickness on anyone tbh. Not even a toothless hick stuck in his own corn maze like you, FIP.

How will the jab affect a person though...

I was lethargic for a few days and my arm was kinda sore. Nothing too serious. I told my mom that I was a hypochondriac because I thought I was feeling shooting pains in my joints after and she said your sister (my 27 yo half sister) gets brain scans after she has a headache, so I’m clearly not the paranoia winner in my fam bam.

I had pains in my knees and other joints after getting the first jab.

Those have gone away, but still have tightness of the muscles in the left arm.

I wish they had another alternative(s) to the products currently on the market.

I dunno about this mRNA stuff.

You guys have J&J yet?
THe J&J is the only one I'd actually take

It's the only one I was willing to take. I'm very happy with my choice.

People who got Pfizer here are boosting the shit with J&J lol.

I don't want a clot shot or a neurological spazz jab....

No thank you....

I suggest Pfeizer then. They need you alive so you can keep buying their boner meds.

I will have no experimental shot...

I want to live in full health. You idiots can get jabbed and die....but hear this, I will not bury Youse... I will go remote until your bones are picked clean by rodents.

Just don’t bury me in my garden. I want my ashes scattered on the ocean like a mermaid.

You might have to settle with dying besides someone with an uneaten tin of sardines in their pocket...

I seriously doubt I’ll die from a little prick. I’m immune to them at this point.

I expect you will die from these experimental jabs... and cities will rot because they can't carry away the dead quick enough...

So, I had my jab in early April. When do you think I will die?

The next couple of years... you're no spring chicken.... whatever co-morbidities you've got are going to swamp your body soon....

Says the guy who swore I was going to run home two years after arriving in Portugal.

Been here more than two years and the entrenchment is complete.

You'll flee Europe at the first sign of strife... 2 years isn't even enough to get melancholy for home.

You're not a world traveller. You're fragile...

How do you know this about me? You're a fool. And you swore over at SG that I would run home after two years. Keep moving those goal posts. Pretty soon, you'll be saying "Five years isn't enough to get melancholy for home," then, "Seven," and so on and so on...

You're a lib from Commiefornia... the question isn't if but when you'll pack up your picnic rug, cry foul, and retreat...

I've watched it happen over nearly three decades with every leftist sort.

You lot lack spines...

You're like big babies.

I'm not going anywhere. Except for long weekends in Italy and Switzerland and Morocco, as soon as the Covid settles down.

I have a California friend who married, birthed, and raised her children here. Never moved back. You have a weird habit of deciding you know everything about a particular group based on the behaviors of someone you dislike. That's what they call stereotyping. It's a pejorative term for a reason.

You seem like you might be jealous for some weird reason.

I spent 8 months in Portugal. A little too low rent and progressive for someone of my liberty based beliefs.... but you milk it for all your Cali dollars are worth.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Because Trumptards are spoiled violence prone idiots, American Airline's will stop serving Alcohol, to try and minimize the melties.

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Firstly no one but you guys give a shit what corporatists say. You either oppose them or you dont....and you guys are puppets on the strings of corporate elite fascists. You are rotting your brain and your soul being a useful idiot.

Also let's hear a word from Lotus.....ahem...

"You have a weird habit of deciding you know everything about a particular group based on the behaviors of someone you dislike. That's what they call stereotyping. It's a pejorative term for a reason."

Let me guess......a stfu emoji is all your hateful ass has.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Because Trumptards are spoiled violence prone children, American Airline's will stop serving Alcohol, to try and minimize the melties.

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It seems like they are having some sort of collective, violent nervous breakdown.

So you already forgot your own words?

Let me remind you!

"You have a weird habit of deciding you know everything about a particular group based on the behaviors of someone you dislike. That's what they call stereotyping. It's a pejorative term for a reason." ~ Lotus....like 2 minutes ago

So I thought you opposed the corporate elite? Not so much?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Because Trumptards are spoiled violence prone children, American Airline's will stop serving Alcohol, to try and minimize the melties.

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It seems like they are having some sort of collective, violent nervous breakdown.

Ok, triggered snowflake partisan hack....

Weird how they just up and inserted it's all Trump supporters.

Alcohol on planes has been a debate.