Middle Aged folks in the US compared to other countries


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
When I get the courage I'm going to write about calciphylaxis in general section...I'm in the calciphylaxis fb group where people screaming for painkillers and people die within a year... I cannot take anymore death at that place..... I am so fucking angry Americans are suffering... I want to beat the fucking Dr to death.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
When I get the courage I'm going to write about calciphylaxis in general section...I'm in the calciphylaxis fb group where people screaming for painkillers and people die within a year... I cannot take anymore death at that place..... I am so fucking angry Americans are suffering... I want to beat the fucking Dr to death.

I know. Its AWFUL.

It's not the doctors.....its the government doctors are terrified of losing their liscence over narcotics.

Its swung way too far in the other direction.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
When I get the courage I'm going to write about calciphylaxis in general section...I'm in the calciphylaxis fb group where people screaming for painkillers and people die within a year... I cannot take anymore death at that place..... I am so fucking angry Americans are suffering... I want to beat the fucking Dr to death.

I know. Its AWFUL.

It's not the doctors.....its the government
doctors are terrified of losing their liscence over narcotics.

Its swung way too far in the other direction.

I don't believe this, this is just passing the buck.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
When I get the courage I'm going to write about calciphylaxis in general section...I'm in the calciphylaxis fb group where people screaming for painkillers and people die within a year... I cannot take anymore death at that place..... I am so fucking angry Americans are suffering... I want to beat the fucking Dr to death.

I know. Its AWFUL.

It's not the doctors.....its the government
doctors are terrified of losing their liscence over narcotics.

Its swung way too far in the other direction.

I don't believe this, this is just passing the buck.

"Government crackdown on prescription opioids leaving chronic sufferers in a world of pain - ABC News"
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This was definitely one of the things about Trump I did not support. He could have done a much better job dealing with this....and it's too much government.

"How the opioid crackdown is backfiring - POLITICO"
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"Timeline of Selected FDA Activities and Significant Events Addressing Opioid Misuse and Abuse | FDA"
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Of course doctors having their hands tied is a big driver of these issues. It's like the government may as well be the doctor.....they are so involved that doctors cant even treat.

My PCP was saying he isnt even allowed to prescribe something like Norco for any period longer than a week, and he has to decide dose based on what the government allows. It's really stupid.

I can't even blame the doctors. They are the ones who get all the shit. ALL of it. Its created a very bad situation.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Doctors have more authority than the government... It is just an excuse.

My brother's daughter Amelia is going to be a Dr. She's in the second year now.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Doctors have more authority than the government... It is just an excuse.

My brother's daughter Amelia is going to be a Dr. She's in the second year now.

I wish they did, Cascur.

When Covid first hit, our stupid fucking governor banned doctors from off label use of hydroxychloroquine. She did walk back on this....but she NEVER had business doing it.

See this is one of the reasons I'm so opposed to democrats and their republican goons.....they reach way too far into the lives of citizens with tons of ridiculous regulations that kill everything from jobs to pain patients.

You seriously have to go to certain "pain doctors" and enter into contracts and any deviation will get you dropped out. If you dont have the right amount of meds in your system(too much or even too little), you are dropped. If they call you for a pill count and you CANT get there? Dropped.

Its seriously crazy.

That's awesome though for your niece! Maybe it's done differently in Australia. I mean it varies here state to state as well, some states have much tighter regulations than others. I know from experience my urologist in Florida was pretty generous with the meds, and up here in Michigan it's much much tighter.

So it's also different at the state level.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Too much white cane sugar is a hidden toxic poison added to many foods...

American food processors need to stop sneaking that poison in food.

Corn syrup is the preferred additive in the US food chain. Cane sugar is too expensive..

Fructose...one of the 4 sugars. or is here 5? I forget. I have a headache... its been going for awhile.... Dealing with the MIL has been super stressfull. They still haven't repaired her shithole.... ugh.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Taxes are way fucking lower. Do some legit research.


Google tells me

Average US income 1920: $3,269.40
Average US income 2020: $87,864.00

Marginal tax rate paid by average earner in 1920: 4% (
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Marginal tax rate paid by average earner in 2020: 24% (
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It seems that you do not know what the fuck you are talking about, LettuceButt.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I know of someone who didnt get proper pain relief for chronic pain until they shot themselves in the chest trying to commit suicide.

I can identify with that person, Dovey.

Recently I broke a tooth & went to the dentist today. Told me it'll cost $2000 to replace it.


....I mean, ouch!

It costs money ta be middle aged, yanno.

Guess I'd better fork over lest I end up like yer friend in a couple of years writhing in pain from a future toothache.

Oh well.

This is wasnt a "friend"......he was a patient.

This man got shot in Afganistan, and I'm not kidding you....his body was full of fragments. His CT scan looked like a confetti bomb went off in his body. I didnt even know that could happen to a person. It was unbelievable. They were EVERYWHERE. Legs. Arms. All in his body. All these bright white spots all over(as seen in a CT....like a confetti bomb went off inside him)

So he chronic and severe pain....just bad all over body pain. And all they were giving him? 5mg Vicodin. Are. You. Kidding?

And I get it....addiction is viscious. I know that my addiction started with painful medical issues....so I'm not ignorant about it can start. But really, Joe I cant and wont blame ANYONE but myself. I was at a bad point in my life, one of my closest friends had suddenly died, I was in the middle of a stressful break up, and I noticed taking an extra pain pill made all my bad feelings go away. It also made me more socail, more talkative, and gave me a huge euphoric energy boost. All my ptsd symptom just went away and I felt awesome. So I GET it. I do.

But this poor man....he wasnt just wanting to be high. He was SUFFERING. And it got to the point where he didnt want to live anymore because he was in constant agony. His quality of life was in the toilet. He got tired and he shot himself in the CHEST.

His neighbor heard the gunshot and was on it, his life was miraculously saved. He missed every vital organ.. .it really is a miracle he didnt die. It went right through him JUST missing everything in his chest and went clean through his back without even nicking a lung. Total freak incident....but clearly God wanted this man alive.

So when he was in the hospital recovering, he was finally getting enough pain relief and obviously he was working with mental health....he was finally able to get the long term pain management that he had needed. But its fucked up that he had to blast his chest with a shot gun to get taken seriously.

Obviously this was all before I ever met him. When I met him, he was recovering from a surgery involving some of the fragments he has in his body from the war. They are just in there....moving around....and sometimes they remove "problematic" ones in surgeries. They cannot get all of them though.....there are A LOT. So until they shift into a bad place, his doctors just leave them.

And yes he does get infections a few times a year. What led to the surgery that saw him on my floor was sepsis.

I think about this guy everytime the topic of pain meds and addiction comes up. There are so many genuinely suffering people paying the price because of bad choices made by people like me. And it really sucks, and we need a better way of taking care of ALL patients, EVEN the ones with addiction disorders.
Makes ya wonder why men (&
now women) go off to war.

...Especially the meaningless ones nobody wants or supports.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Taxes are way fucking lower. Do some legit research.


Google tells me

Average US income 1920: $3,269.40
Average US income 2020: $87,864.00

Marginal tax rate paid by average earner in 1920: 4% (
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Marginal tax rate paid by average earner in 2020: 24% (
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It seems that you do not know what the fuck you are talking about, LettuceButt.

Adujsted for inflation, income is about the same. Houses (with a front and back yard) used to cost $1000 back then.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Taxes are way fucking lower. Do some legit research.


Google tells me

Average US income 1920: $3,269.40
Average US income 2020: $87,864.00

Marginal tax rate paid by average earner in 1920: 4% (
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Marginal tax rate paid by average earner in 2020: 24% (
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It seems that you do not know what the fuck you are talking about, LettuceButt.
in 1920, your $3,270 would buy you 130.8 oz of gold
in 2020, your $87,865 would buy you 48.8 oz of gold

This type of comparison is usually where people think WTF? Where's all my money going? Well, its the hidden taxes that cause you to make only a third of what people did way back when. Does anyone really think that corporations pay taxes? Well, idiots on the left do!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Taxes are way fucking lower. Do some legit research.


Google tells me

Average US income 1920: $3,269.40
Average US income 2020: $87,864.00

Marginal tax rate paid by average earner in 1920: 4% (
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Marginal tax rate paid by average earner in 2020: 24% (
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It seems that you do not know what the fuck you are talking about, LettuceButt.
in 1920, your $3,270 would buy you 130.8 oz of gold
in 2020, your $87,865 would buy you 48.8 oz of gold

This type of comparison is usually where people think WTF? Where's all my money going? Well, its the hidden taxes that cause you to make only a third of what people did way back when. Does anyone really think that corporations pay taxes? Well, idiots on the left do!

Not many people had that kinda money in them days...Lokmeer!

Took a long time to save it up $3,000

Typical hourly wage was like 15 to 20 cents an hour. But that d probably be like $15 or $20 an hour in today's money.

I think my grandfather told me he made 15 cents an hour for 12 to 14 hour shifts 6 days a week in 1920 shoveling coal into locomotive furnaces for the railway.

He got accepted into the University of Wisconsin Medical school but had to forgo those dreams to support a family. So he could have become a doctor but had to fulfill other obligations instead.
Last edited:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Taxes are way fucking lower. Do some legit research.


Google tells me

Average US income 1920: $3,269.40
Average US income 2020: $87,864.00

Marginal tax rate paid by average earner in 1920: 4% (
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Marginal tax rate paid by average earner in 2020: 24% (
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It seems that you do not know what the fuck you are talking about, LettuceButt.
in 1920, your $3,270 would buy you 130.8 oz of gold
in 2020, your $87,865 would buy you 48.8 oz of gold

This type of comparison is usually where people think WTF? Where's all my money going? Well, its the hidden taxes that cause you to make only a third of what people did way back when. Does anyone really think that corporations pay taxes? Well, idiots on the left do!

Not many people had that kinda money in them days...Lokmeer!

Took a long time to save it up $3,000

Typical hourly wage was like 15 to 20 cents an hour. But that d probably be like $15 or $20 an hour in today's money.
Look dickhead. My Great Grandpa made $65/week pre market crash. AS A MECHANIC!!!! People were well off then. After the market crash, he made $35/wk, some of it in tools. So, pre 1929, he made 2.6 gold bars per week, post 1929, he made 1 gold bar per week. So josephine, is the average pay even 1 gold bar per week today? Fukin idiot.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Taxes are way fucking lower. Do some legit research.


Google tells me

Average US income 1920: $3,269.40
Average US income 2020: $87,864.00

Marginal tax rate paid by average earner in 1920: 4% (
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Marginal tax rate paid by average earner in 2020: 24% (
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It seems that you do not know what the fuck you are talking about, LettuceButt.
in 1920, your $3,270 would buy you 130.8 oz of gold
in 2020, your $87,865 would buy you 48.8 oz of gold

This type of comparison is usually where people think WTF? Where's all my money going? Well, its the hidden taxes that cause you to make only a third of what people did way back when. Does anyone really think that corporations pay taxes? Well, idiots on the left do!

Not many people had that kinda money in them days...Lokmeer!

Took a long time to save it up $3,000

Typical hourly wage was like 15 to 20 cents an hour. But that d probably be like $15 or $20 an hour in today's money.
Look dickhead. My Great Grandpa made $65/week pre market crash. AS A MECHANIC!!!! People were well off then. After the market crash, he made $35/wk, some of it in tools. So, pre 1929, he made 2.6 gold bars per week, post 1929, he made 1 gold bar per week. So josephine, is the average pay even 1 gold bar per week today? Fukin idiot.

Why are so uppity, Hoppity?
Get outta the wrong side of the bed this morning?

Yeah mechanics were well paid in those days. As a relatively new technology the car or motorized vehicle was a bit like the computer today. There was a shortage of such people, they were in high demand so their wages were probably higher in real terms than today.

But my grandfather was a common laborer who didn't get paid much.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Taxes are way fucking lower. Do some legit research.


Google tells me

Average US income 1920: $3,269.40
Average US income 2020: $87,864.00

Marginal tax rate paid by average earner in 1920: 4% (
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Marginal tax rate paid by average earner in 2020: 24% (
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

It seems that you do not know what the fuck you are talking about, LettuceButt.
in 1920, your $3,270 would buy you 130.8 oz of gold
in 2020, your $87,865 would buy you 48.8 oz of gold

This type of comparison is usually where people think WTF? Where's all my money going? Well, its the hidden taxes that cause you to make only a third of what people did way back when. Does anyone really think that corporations pay taxes? Well, idiots on the left do!



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Taxes are way fucking lower. Do some legit research.


Google tells me

Average US income 1920: $3,269.40
Average US income 2020: $87,864.00

Marginal tax rate paid by average earner in 1920: 4% (
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

Marginal tax rate paid by average earner in 2020: 24% (
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

It seems that you do not know what the fuck you are talking about, LettuceButt.
in 1920, your $3,270 would buy you 130.8 oz of gold
in 2020, your $87,865 would buy you 48.8 oz of gold

This type of comparison is usually where people think WTF? Where's all my money going? Well, its the hidden taxes that cause you to make only a third of what people did way back when. Does anyone really think that corporations pay taxes? Well, idiots on the left do!

Not many people had that kinda money in them days...Lokmeer!

Took a long time to save it up $3,000

Typical hourly wage was like 15 to 20 cents an hour. But that d probably be like $15 or $20 an hour in today's money.
Look dickhead. My Great Grandpa made $65/week pre market crash. AS A MECHANIC!!!! People were well off then. After the market crash, he made $35/wk, some of it in tools. So, pre 1929, he made 2.6 gold bars per week, post 1929, he made 1 gold bar per week. So josephine, is the average pay even 1 gold bar per week today? Fukin idiot.

Why are so uppity, Hoppity?
Get outta the wrong side of the bed this morning?

Yeah mechanics were well paid in those days. As a relatively new technology the car or motorized vehicle was a bit like the computer today. There was a shortage of such people, they were in high demand so their wages were probably higher in real terms than today.

But my grandfather was a common laborer who didn't get paid much.
I'm sick josephine. But you still need grabbed by the pussy.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Taxes are way fucking lower. Do some legit research.


Google tells me

Average US income 1920: $3,269.40
Average US income 2020: $87,864.00

Marginal tax rate paid by average earner in 1920: 4% (
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

Marginal tax rate paid by average earner in 2020: 24% (
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

It seems that you do not know what the fuck you are talking about, LettuceButt.
in 1920, your $3,270 would buy you 130.8 oz of gold
in 2020, your $87,865 would buy you 48.8 oz of gold

This type of comparison is usually where people think WTF? Where's all my money going? Well, its the hidden taxes that cause you to make only a third of what people did way back when. Does anyone really think that corporations pay taxes? Well, idiots on the left do!

Not many people had that kinda money in them days...Lokmeer!

Took a long time to save it up $3,000

Typical hourly wage was like 15 to 20 cents an hour. But that d probably be like $15 or $20 an hour in today's money.
Look dickhead. My Great Grandpa made $65/week pre market crash. AS A MECHANIC!!!! People were well off then. After the market crash, he made $35/wk, some of it in tools. So, pre 1929, he made 2.6 gold bars per week, post 1929, he made 1 gold bar per week. So josephine, is the average pay even 1 gold bar per week today? Fukin idiot.

Why are so uppity, Hoppity?
Get outta the wrong side of the bed this morning?

Yeah mechanics were well paid in those days. As a relatively new technology the car or motorized vehicle was a bit like the computer today. There was a shortage of such people, they were in high demand so their wages were probably higher in real terms than today.

But my grandfather was a common laborer who didn't get paid much.
I'm sick josephine. But you still need grabbed by the pussy.

Well...I hope it aint COVID, Bud!

If yer sick or got pre-existing health conditions, stay Indoors.
That Delta variant is deadly.

It's a rather unsafe time to be walking around casually these days with that Delta variant 'n all.

I hardly go out anymore except for walks.

However they closed down the local park because there were all these coyote attacks on people, eh?

So I guess the forest rangers are probably trying to isolate them to cull/hunt them down.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Taxes are way fucking lower. Do some legit research.


Google tells me

Average US income 1920: $3,269.40
Average US income 2020: $87,864.00

Marginal tax rate paid by average earner in 1920: 4% (
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Marginal tax rate paid by average earner in 2020: 24% (
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

It seems that you do not know what the fuck you are talking about, LettuceButt.
in 1920, your $3,270 would buy you 130.8 oz of gold
in 2020, your $87,865 would buy you 48.8 oz of gold

This type of comparison is usually where people think WTF? Where's all my money going? Well, its the hidden taxes that cause you to make only a third of what people did way back when. Does anyone really think that corporations pay taxes? Well, idiots on the left do!

Not many people had that kinda money in them days...Lokmeer!

Took a long time to save it up $3,000

Typical hourly wage was like 15 to 20 cents an hour. But that d probably be like $15 or $20 an hour in today's money.
Look dickhead. My Great Grandpa made $65/week pre market crash. AS A MECHANIC!!!! People were well off then. After the market crash, he made $35/wk, some of it in tools. So, pre 1929, he made 2.6 gold bars per week, post 1929, he made 1 gold bar per week. So josephine, is the average pay even 1 gold bar per week today? Fukin idiot.

Why are so uppity, Hoppity?
Get outta the wrong side of the bed this morning?

Yeah mechanics were well paid in those days. As a relatively new technology the car or motorized vehicle was a bit like the computer today. There was a shortage of such people, they were in high demand so their wages were probably higher in real terms than today.

But my grandfather was a common laborer who didn't get paid much.
I'm sick josephine. But you still need grabbed by the pussy.

Well...I hope it aint COVID, Bud!

If yer sick or got pre-existing health conditions, stay Indoors.
That Delta variant is deadly.

It's a rather unsafe time to be walking around casually these days with that Delta variant 'n all.

I hardly go out anymore except for walks.

However they closed down the local park because there were all these coyote attacks on people, eh?

So I guess the forest rangers are probably trying to isolate them to cull/hunt them down.
I'll let you know if I'm a serial killer shortly.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Taxes are way fucking lower. Do some legit research.


Google tells me

Average US income 1920: $3,269.40
Average US income 2020: $87,864.00

Marginal tax rate paid by average earner in 1920: 4% (
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Marginal tax rate paid by average earner in 2020: 24% (
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

It seems that you do not know what the fuck you are talking about, LettuceButt.
in 1920, your $3,270 would buy you 130.8 oz of gold
in 2020, your $87,865 would buy you 48.8 oz of gold

This type of comparison is usually where people think WTF? Where's all my money going? Well, its the hidden taxes that cause you to make only a third of what people did way back when. Does anyone really think that corporations pay taxes? Well, idiots on the left do!

It's not hidden taxes. It's low fucking wages.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Taxes are way fucking lower. Do some legit research.


Google tells me

Average US income 1920: $3,269.40
Average US income 2020: $87,864.00

Marginal tax rate paid by average earner in 1920: 4% (
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

Marginal tax rate paid by average earner in 2020: 24% (
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

It seems that you do not know what the fuck you are talking about, LettuceButt.
in 1920, your $3,270 would buy you 130.8 oz of gold
in 2020, your $87,865 would buy you 48.8 oz of gold

This type of comparison is usually where people think WTF? Where's all my money going? Well, its the hidden taxes that cause you to make only a third of what people did way back when. Does anyone really think that corporations pay taxes? Well, idiots on the left do!

It's not hidden taxes. It's low fucking wages.
Lady, the real wages are less because more of the fukin money goes to nanny gubmints. For example, I pay 13.5% into SSI. Now on my paycheck, it says I only pay 6.25%. The company I work for pays the other half. When I was self employed, I paid ALL of it! Now why the fuck is that? Why not either have me pay it all where I can see it up front, or have my company pay it all?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Taxes are way fucking lower. Do some legit research.


Google tells me

Average US income 1920: $3,269.40
Average US income 2020: $87,864.00

Marginal tax rate paid by average earner in 1920: 4% (
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

Marginal tax rate paid by average earner in 2020: 24% (
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

It seems that you do not know what the fuck you are talking about, LettuceButt.
in 1920, your $3,270 would buy you 130.8 oz of gold
in 2020, your $87,865 would buy you 48.8 oz of gold

This type of comparison is usually where people think WTF? Where's all my money going? Well, its the hidden taxes that cause you to make only a third of what people did way back when. Does anyone really think that corporations pay taxes? Well, idiots on the left do!

It's not hidden taxes. It's low fucking wages.
Lady, the real wages are less because more of the fukin money goes to nanny gubmints. For example, I pay 13.5% into SSI. Now on my paycheck, it says I only pay 6.25%. The company I work for pays the other half. When I was self employed, I paid ALL of it! Now why the fuck is that? Why not either have me pay it all where I can see it up front, or have my company pay it all?

When you worked for yourself you had to pay the entire tax?! Wow, crazy, I guess some imaginary person was supposed to pay it huh?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Taxes are way fucking lower. Do some legit research.


Google tells me

Average US income 1920: $3,269.40
Average US income 2020: $87,864.00

Marginal tax rate paid by average earner in 1920: 4% (
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

Marginal tax rate paid by average earner in 2020: 24% (
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

It seems that you do not know what the fuck you are talking about, LettuceButt.
in 1920, your $3,270 would buy you 130.8 oz of gold
in 2020, your $87,865 would buy you 48.8 oz of gold

This type of comparison is usually where people think WTF? Where's all my money going? Well, its the hidden taxes that cause you to make only a third of what people did way back when. Does anyone really think that corporations pay taxes? Well, idiots on the left do!

Not many people had that kinda money in them days...Lokmeer!

Took a long time to save it up $3,000

Typical hourly wage was like 15 to 20 cents an hour. But that d probably be like $15 or $20 an hour in today's money.
Look dickhead. My Great Grandpa made $65/week pre market crash. AS A MECHANIC!!!! People were well off then. After the market crash, he made $35/wk, some of it in tools. So, pre 1929, he made 2.6 gold bars per week, post 1929, he made 1 gold bar per week. So josephine, is the average pay even 1 gold bar per week today? Fukin idiot.

Why are so uppity, Hoppity?
Get outta the wrong side of the bed this morning?

Yeah mechanics were well paid in those days. As a relatively new technology the car or motorized vehicle was a bit like the computer today. There was a shortage of such people, they were in high demand so their wages were probably higher in real terms than today.

But my grandfather was a common laborer who didn't get paid much.
I'm sick josephine. But you still need grabbed by the pussy.

Gay AF


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Taxes are way fucking lower. Do some legit research.


Google tells me

Average US income 1920: $3,269.40
Average US income 2020: $87,864.00

Marginal tax rate paid by average earner in 1920: 4% (
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

Marginal tax rate paid by average earner in 2020: 24% (
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

It seems that you do not know what the fuck you are talking about, LettuceButt.
in 1920, your $3,270 would buy you 130.8 oz of gold
in 2020, your $87,865 would buy you 48.8 oz of gold

This type of comparison is usually where people think WTF? Where's all my money going? Well, its the hidden taxes that cause you to make only a third of what people did way back when. Does anyone really think that corporations pay taxes? Well, idiots on the left do!

It's not hidden taxes. It's low fucking wages.
Lady, the real wages are less because more of the fukin money goes to nanny gubmints. For example, I pay 13.5% into SSI. Now on my paycheck, it says I only pay 6.25%. The company I work for pays the other half. When I was self employed, I paid ALL of it! Now why the fuck is that? Why not either have me pay it all where I can see it up front, or have my company pay it all?

When you worked for yourself you had to pay the entire tax?! Wow, crazy, I guess some imaginary person was supposed to pay it huh?
The point is, YOU pay all of it either way, idiot.