Influential Trumper demands Death for Democrat Pedophiles! (No really!)



I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
It just stuns me there are so many grown ass adults defending the little prick. A lot of grown men with the brains of stupid ass teenagers.
It doesn't stun me that you worthless mopes are defending pedophiles and other assorted criminals tho

just sayin
Sorry, this is not the whataboutism Board.

Pointing out an established CHILD RAPIST went after a kid to attack him and the kid shot him in self defense isnt a "whataboutism".

It isnt fucking difficult to understand these men were established to be violent men and they were rioting when they went after Kyle.

I suppose you think they were going to cuddle him with that gun and skateboard.
At which point did Kyle discern that this person of interest was a PLEASE ASS BOX ME!?

He didn't. What he DID discern was this guy was attacking him and trying to grab his gun. By law(and common sense) that makes Rosenbuam the aggressor.

It's perfectly reasonable to believe someone who was verbally threatening you, chasing you and going for your weapon intends to kill or maim you.

It just SO happened Rosenbuam was a scum bag drug user who had raped several little boys.

A reasonable person would see this and understand this man has a history of violence, against helpless children.....was going after Kyke and intended to kill or seriously harm him and that Kyle had a right and was right to defend himself.

YOU just see " of thier guys shot one of our guys! He has to pay now! Take that trumptard!!" while the rest of us see a human being who was forced to shoot in self defense.
Shh, just let it go.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Admin getting bigger mad now
Pouty Pauncho getting his White Claw face on now, as he holds back the tears.
dont melt because we're making fun of all those years you spent sucking cock on a boat.

Thought you libs were proud of such deviant behavior
Read it and weep, Butterball


Look at what Strawberry Shortcake pulls out of her Stash!

hahaha...Strawberry Shortcake...:GiggleBitch:

you look like you've down a strawberry short cake or 2 million

you look like you've down a
Did you mean "downed"
or did you a know, like that?

I actually meant downs: as in Your dad fucked his sister and because of decades of habitual inbreeding she couldn't figure out which hole the coat hanger enters so boom, here you are.

That was a really sad effort,
even for a diminutive 10 year old such as yereself.

He's out of sorts at the moment. He needs to go take a few deep breaths. He's very upset.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Excellent point, Dove. Just this week the progs were defending that Registered Democrat rioter that Kyle Rittenhouse took out with an amazing running head shot. You know, the one who had just gotten out of prison for assfucking all those little boys. Lotus said that that guy didn't deserve to be killed by a "Trump rioter." She actually said that. Honest to God.

That was a thing of Glory, that head shot by Kyle, a thing that Bards would have sung about in days gone by.

That he was a child molester hasth nothing to do with the events in Kenosha. My partner started down that path and I reminded him that as an attorney he had to agree that it was irrelevant to the case. He agreed that the judge would exclude that information.

Does that mean he was a good person? No, but his past crimes that are unrelated are irrelevant.
Meanwhile your dogshit prosecutor want a video of Kyle intervening in a fight on behalf of his sister to be introduced as evidence.

I’ll take. Who’s the hypocrite now for 200 alex
You mispelled video of Kyle the Kourageous beating up a girl.

He beat a girl?

A true conservative hero!!!
As opposed to being a democrat vermin dirtbag who raped little boys

I think all child molesters are garbage. I don't think the sentence for it is execution.

No one was executed for that. They were shot in self defense because they attacked others.

It is telling that all three jack offs were multi time felons though.

He murdered that person. He walked up to people with a weapon, he was the aggressor.

Lol! Open carry is legal in that stateband, no, you can't attack someone just because they are legally open carrying. It was Ziminski and Rosenbaum who hide between cars and tried to jump on Kyle after threatening to kill him. Kyle's response was to run away while Ziminski's response was to start firing his illegal 9mm pistol while Rosenbaum threw things at Kyle cornered him and tried to grab his rifle. That is an open and shut case as it gets.

If they felt threatened, yes they can. I would feel threatened if I saw a teen male walking up to me with a firearm in this country.
So if you felt threatened you'd run after this person huh?

cool story

like you could run :LOL3: :LOL3:

Yes, se
Admin getting bigger mad now
Pouty Pauncho getting his White Claw face on now, as he holds back the tears.
dont melt because we're making fun of all those years you spent sucking cock on a boat.

Thought you libs were proud of such deviant behavior

And you're a non-serving wimp
And you're a hotair blimp

And you're a moron who dates and marries drug addicts. Any relevancy for either statement to this discussion?
You tell me.
and you're the moron who sleeps on her mom's couch because even the government shit job where even monkeys can maintain employment couldn't take your awful stench anymore


An Claidheam Anam
QAnon Influencer Who Accuses Democrats of Being Pedophiles Is Identified as Convicted Child Molester Designated as ‘Sexually Violent Offender’


This doesn't surprise me. I'd say it's par for the course for scumbag projecting right-wingers.
Any accusation made by a Trumper is a tacit admission.

So one fucking jack ass applies to all of us(who want rapists and pedos given death penalty but YOU idiots wont allow that....AND you all support letting these cretins OUT of prison)

Meanwhile you cant toss a rock at a leftwing protest(riot) without hitting at LEAST 5 convicted sex offenders and domestic abusers.

You guys want a KID thrown in prison for shooting an actual convicted child rapist who was violently attacking him. You support convicted sex offenders reading to children in libraries(drag queen story hour). Your fellow leftards are calling parents domestic terrorists because they dont want sexually graphic reading material that describes sex acts between teens and older men.

You straight up said you didnt even care that a school tried to cover up the rape of one of thier students and treated the father like a criminal and allowed this predator back in school were he raped AGAIN. Jacob Blake's raping ass was worth destroying a town. Leftwing activists attacked women who were protesting a spa for allowing a convicted child molester expose himself to a little girl.

We can list SEVERAL examples of you people completely fucking ignoring rape and assault so long as its committed by someone even remotely connected to your "side".

And you find this one thing and you only give a fuck because the scum bag is Qanon. If he were antifa or BLM you wouldnt say a fucking WORD. We know this because BLM has many sex offenders who "lead" thier chapters.

Leftwing rapists are RARELY held accountable and YOU guys are okay with that. In fact dems/progs openly admitted Biden is a sex offender and supported him ANYWAY. Dem/profs even said is he had raped thier own daughter they would still vote for him

GTFO. None of us have EVER claimed there are NO sex offenders who are right wing. We have all said we dont CARE what a rapists politics are, and that they need in prison and even given death if thier crime was brutal enough to warrant it. Its YOUR sides sex offenders who are given a pass based on politics.

Do you have any daughters, Admin?

Er, he was in the Navy, dear.

You mean the people that helped beat the Japanese during WW2?

Only the Marines. The pussies like Admin all stayed on the boats.
and where you you pussy?

Laughing at wussies like you who stayed on the boat.

Which boat was that exactly Corporal Keyboard?

Whichever boat you were assigned to to get coffee for your betters.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Admin getting bigger mad now
Pouty Pauncho getting his White Claw face on now, as he holds back the tears.
dont melt because we're making fun of all those years you spent sucking cock on a boat.

Thought you libs were proud of such deviant behavior
Read it and weep, Butterball


Look at what Strawberry Shortcake pulls out of her Stash!

hahaha...Strawberry Shortcake...:GiggleBitch:

you look like you've down a strawberry short cake or 2 million

I've down?

What does that mean? English was not your first language was it?

oh if I decided to point out all of your typos.

your desperation is as thick as your pig neck :LOL3:

Only luck in the search for the SG vault?

Yes, lots of goodies


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Excellent point, Dove. Just this week the progs were defending that Registered Democrat rioter that Kyle Rittenhouse took out with an amazing running head shot. You know, the one who had just gotten out of prison for assfucking all those little boys. Lotus said that that guy didn't deserve to be killed by a "Trump rioter." She actually said that. Honest to God.

That was a thing of Glory, that head shot by Kyle, a thing that Bards would have sung about in days gone by.

That he was a child molester hasth nothing to do with the events in Kenosha. My partner started down that path and I reminded him that as an attorney he had to agree that it was irrelevant to the case. He agreed that the judge would exclude that information.

Does that mean he was a good person? No, but his past crimes that are unrelated are irrelevant.
Meanwhile your dogshit prosecutor want a video of Kyle intervening in a fight on behalf of his sister to be introduced as evidence.

I’ll take. Who’s the hypocrite now for 200 alex
You mispelled video of Kyle the Kourageous beating up a girl.

He beat a girl?

A true conservative hero!!!
As opposed to being a democrat vermin dirtbag who raped little boys

I think all child molesters are garbage. I don't think the sentence for it is execution.

No one was executed for that. They were shot in self defense because they attacked others.

It is telling that all three jack offs were multi time felons though.

He murdered that person. He walked up to people with a weapon, he was the aggressor.

Lol! Open carry is legal in that stateband, no, you can't attack someone just because they are legally open carrying. It was Ziminski and Rosenbaum who hide between cars and tried to jump on Kyle after threatening to kill him. Kyle's response was to run away while Ziminski's response was to start firing his illegal 9mm pistol while Rosenbaum threw things at Kyle cornered him and tried to grab his rifle. That is an open and shut case as it gets.

If they felt threatened, yes they can. I would feel threatened if I saw a teen male walking up to me with a firearm in this country.
So if you felt threatened you'd run after this person huh?

cool story

like you could run :LOL3: :LOL3:

Yes, se
Admin getting bigger mad now
Pouty Pauncho getting his White Claw face on now, as he holds back the tears.
dont melt because we're making fun of all those years you spent sucking cock on a boat.

Thought you libs were proud of such deviant behavior

And you're a non-serving wimp
And you're a hotair blimp

And you're a moron who dates and marries drug addicts. Any relevancy for either statement to this discussion?
You tell me.
and you're the moron who sleeps on her mom's couch because even the government shit job where even monkeys can maintain employment couldn't take your awful stench anymore

Sure I am.



I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
QAnon Influencer Who Accuses Democrats of Being Pedophiles Is Identified as Convicted Child Molester Designated as ‘Sexually Violent Offender’


This doesn't surprise me. I'd say it's par for the course for scumbag projecting right-wingers.
Any accusation made by a Trumper is a tacit admission.

So one fucking jack ass applies to all of us(who want rapists and pedos given death penalty but YOU idiots wont allow that....AND you all support letting these cretins OUT of prison)

Meanwhile you cant toss a rock at a leftwing protest(riot) without hitting at LEAST 5 convicted sex offenders and domestic abusers.

You guys want a KID thrown in prison for shooting an actual convicted child rapist who was violently attacking him. You support convicted sex offenders reading to children in libraries(drag queen story hour). Your fellow leftards are calling parents domestic terrorists because they dont want sexually graphic reading material that describes sex acts between teens and older men.

You straight up said you didnt even care that a school tried to cover up the rape of one of thier students and treated the father like a criminal and allowed this predator back in school were he raped AGAIN. Jacob Blake's raping ass was worth destroying a town. Leftwing activists attacked women who were protesting a spa for allowing a convicted child molester expose himself to a little girl.

We can list SEVERAL examples of you people completely fucking ignoring rape and assault so long as its committed by someone even remotely connected to your "side".

And you find this one thing and you only give a fuck because the scum bag is Qanon. If he were antifa or BLM you wouldnt say a fucking WORD. We know this because BLM has many sex offenders who "lead" thier chapters.

Leftwing rapists are RARELY held accountable and YOU guys are okay with that. In fact dems/progs openly admitted Biden is a sex offender and supported him ANYWAY. Dem/profs even said is he had raped thier own daughter they would still vote for him

GTFO. None of us have EVER claimed there are NO sex offenders who are right wing. We have all said we dont CARE what a rapists politics are, and that they need in prison and even given death if thier crime was brutal enough to warrant it. Its YOUR sides sex offenders who are given a pass based on politics.

Do you have any daughters, Admin?

Er, he was in the Navy, dear.

You mean the people that helped beat the Japanese during WW2?

Only the Marines. The pussies like Admin all stayed on the boats.
and where you you pussy?

Laughing at wussies like you who stayed on the boat.

Which boat was that exactly Corporal Keyboard?

Whichever boat you were assigned to to get coffee for your betters.

I see.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
QAnon Influencer Who Accuses Democrats of Being Pedophiles Is Identified as Convicted Child Molester Designated as ‘Sexually Violent Offender’


This doesn't surprise me. I'd say it's par for the course for scumbag projecting right-wingers.
Any accusation made by a Trumper is a tacit admission.

So one fucking jack ass applies to all of us(who want rapists and pedos given death penalty but YOU idiots wont allow that....AND you all support letting these cretins OUT of prison)

Meanwhile you cant toss a rock at a leftwing protest(riot) without hitting at LEAST 5 convicted sex offenders and domestic abusers.

You guys want a KID thrown in prison for shooting an actual convicted child rapist who was violently attacking him. You support convicted sex offenders reading to children in libraries(drag queen story hour). Your fellow leftards are calling parents domestic terrorists because they dont want sexually graphic reading material that describes sex acts between teens and older men.

You straight up said you didnt even care that a school tried to cover up the rape of one of thier students and treated the father like a criminal and allowed this predator back in school were he raped AGAIN. Jacob Blake's raping ass was worth destroying a town. Leftwing activists attacked women who were protesting a spa for allowing a convicted child molester expose himself to a little girl.

We can list SEVERAL examples of you people completely fucking ignoring rape and assault so long as its committed by someone even remotely connected to your "side".

And you find this one thing and you only give a fuck because the scum bag is Qanon. If he were antifa or BLM you wouldnt say a fucking WORD. We know this because BLM has many sex offenders who "lead" thier chapters.

Leftwing rapists are RARELY held accountable and YOU guys are okay with that. In fact dems/progs openly admitted Biden is a sex offender and supported him ANYWAY. Dem/profs even said is he had raped thier own daughter they would still vote for him

GTFO. None of us have EVER claimed there are NO sex offenders who are right wing. We have all said we dont CARE what a rapists politics are, and that they need in prison and even given death if thier crime was brutal enough to warrant it. Its YOUR sides sex offenders who are given a pass based on politics.

Do you have any daughters, Admin?

Er, he was in the Navy, dear.

You mean the people that helped beat the Japanese during WW2?

Only the Marines. The pussies like Admin all stayed on the boats.
and where you you pussy?

Laughing at wussies like you who stayed on the boat.

Which boat was that exactly Corporal Keyboard?

Whichever boat you were assigned to to get coffee for your betters.

What kept you from serving? Hang nail?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
QAnon Influencer Who Accuses Democrats of Being Pedophiles Is Identified as Convicted Child Molester Designated as ‘Sexually Violent Offender’


This doesn't surprise me. I'd say it's par for the course for scumbag projecting right-wingers.
Any accusation made by a Trumper is a tacit admission.

So one fucking jack ass applies to all of us(who want rapists and pedos given death penalty but YOU idiots wont allow that....AND you all support letting these cretins OUT of prison)

Meanwhile you cant toss a rock at a leftwing protest(riot) without hitting at LEAST 5 convicted sex offenders and domestic abusers.

You guys want a KID thrown in prison for shooting an actual convicted child rapist who was violently attacking him. You support convicted sex offenders reading to children in libraries(drag queen story hour). Your fellow leftards are calling parents domestic terrorists because they dont want sexually graphic reading material that describes sex acts between teens and older men.

You straight up said you didnt even care that a school tried to cover up the rape of one of thier students and treated the father like a criminal and allowed this predator back in school were he raped AGAIN. Jacob Blake's raping ass was worth destroying a town. Leftwing activists attacked women who were protesting a spa for allowing a convicted child molester expose himself to a little girl.

We can list SEVERAL examples of you people completely fucking ignoring rape and assault so long as its committed by someone even remotely connected to your "side".

And you find this one thing and you only give a fuck because the scum bag is Qanon. If he were antifa or BLM you wouldnt say a fucking WORD. We know this because BLM has many sex offenders who "lead" thier chapters.

Leftwing rapists are RARELY held accountable and YOU guys are okay with that. In fact dems/progs openly admitted Biden is a sex offender and supported him ANYWAY. Dem/profs even said is he had raped thier own daughter they would still vote for him

GTFO. None of us have EVER claimed there are NO sex offenders who are right wing. We have all said we dont CARE what a rapists politics are, and that they need in prison and even given death if thier crime was brutal enough to warrant it. Its YOUR sides sex offenders who are given a pass based on politics.

Do you have any daughters, Admin?

Er, he was in the Navy, dear.

You mean the people that helped beat the Japanese during WW2?

Only the Marines. The pussies like Admin all stayed on the boats.
and where you you pussy?

Laughing at wussies like you who stayed on the boat.

I bet you consider yourself a patriot. lol @ you
I bet you think a tent looks good on you lol @ you


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
It just stuns me there are so many grown ass adults defending the little prick. A lot of grown men with the brains of stupid ass teenagers.
It doesn't stun me that you worthless mopes are defending pedophiles and other assorted criminals tho

just sayin
Sorry, this is not the whataboutism Board.

Pointing out an established CHILD RAPIST went after a kid to attack him and the kid shot him in self defense isnt a "whataboutism".

It isnt fucking difficult to understand these men were established to be violent men and they were rioting when they went after Kyle.

I suppose you think they were going to cuddle him with that gun and skateboard.
At which point did Kyle discern that this person of interest was a PLEASE ASS BOX ME!?

He didn't. What he DID discern was this guy was attacking him and trying to grab his gun. By law(and common sense) that makes Rosenbuam the aggressor.

It's perfectly reasonable to believe someone who was verbally threatening you, chasing you and going for your weapon intends to kill or maim you.

It just SO happened Rosenbuam was a scum bag drug user who had raped several little boys.

A reasonable person would see this and understand this man has a history of violence, against helpless children.....was going after Kyke and intended to kill or seriously harm him and that Kyle had a right and was right to defend himself.

YOU just see " of thier guys shot one of our guys! He has to pay now! Take that trumptard!!" while the rest of us see a human being who was forced to shoot in self defense.
Shh, just let it go.


You guys are arguing against our rights to protect ourselves.

If you want that precedent set, you need to do more than sit there chuckling like Butthead posting memes and gifs

So if male leftwing rioters come after me or my kids in public, you are telling me I have to allow myself and/or kids to be brutalized or killed.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Admin getting bigger mad now
Pouty Pauncho getting his White Claw face on now, as he holds back the tears.
dont melt because we're making fun of all those years you spent sucking cock on a boat.

Thought you libs were proud of such deviant behavior
Read it and weep, Butterball


Look at what Strawberry Shortcake pulls out of her Stash!

hahaha...Strawberry Shortcake...:GiggleBitch:

you look like you've down a strawberry short cake or 2 million

you look like you've down a
Did you mean "downed"
or did you a know, like that?

I actually meant downs: as in Your dad fucked his sister and because of decades of habitual inbreeding she couldn't figure out which hole the coat hanger enters so boom, here you are.

Ooh, you're Biggly Mad, bro

Ooh, you're biggly fat, pig

You're a couple bricks short of a load, shorty.

You're never a couple of cocks short of a bukakke tho, GavyBoi


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
It just stuns me there are so many grown ass adults defending the little prick. A lot of grown men with the brains of stupid ass teenagers.
It doesn't stun me that you worthless mopes are defending pedophiles and other assorted criminals tho

just sayin
Sorry, this is not the whataboutism Board.

Pointing out an established CHILD RAPIST went after a kid to attack him and the kid shot him in self defense isnt a "whataboutism".

It isnt fucking difficult to understand these men were established to be violent men and they were rioting when they went after Kyle.

I suppose you think they were going to cuddle him with that gun and skateboard.
At which point did Kyle discern that this person of interest was a PLEASE ASS BOX ME!?

He didn't. What he DID discern was this guy was attacking him and trying to grab his gun. By law(and common sense) that makes Rosenbuam the aggressor.

It's perfectly reasonable to believe someone who was verbally threatening you, chasing you and going for your weapon intends to kill or maim you.

It just SO happened Rosenbuam was a scum bag drug user who had raped several little boys.

A reasonable person would see this and understand this man has a history of violence, against helpless children.....was going after Kyke and intended to kill or seriously harm him and that Kyle had a right and was right to defend himself.

YOU just see " of thier guys shot one of our guys! He has to pay now! Take that trumptard!!" while the rest of us see a human being who was forced to shoot in self defense.
Shh, just let it go.


You guys are arguing against our rights to protect themselves.

If you want that precedent set, you need to do more than sit there chuckling like Butthead posting memes and gifs

So if male leftwing rioters come after me or my kids in public, you are telling me I have to allow myself and/or kids to be brutalized or killed.
LOL, that's funny. But no you are incorrect.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
QAnon Influencer Who Accuses Democrats of Being Pedophiles Is Identified as Convicted Child Molester Designated as ‘Sexually Violent Offender’


This doesn't surprise me. I'd say it's par for the course for scumbag projecting right-wingers.
Any accusation made by a Trumper is a tacit admission.

So one fucking jack ass applies to all of us(who want rapists and pedos given death penalty but YOU idiots wont allow that....AND you all support letting these cretins OUT of prison)

Meanwhile you cant toss a rock at a leftwing protest(riot) without hitting at LEAST 5 convicted sex offenders and domestic abusers.

You guys want a KID thrown in prison for shooting an actual convicted child rapist who was violently attacking him. You support convicted sex offenders reading to children in libraries(drag queen story hour). Your fellow leftards are calling parents domestic terrorists because they dont want sexually graphic reading material that describes sex acts between teens and older men.

You straight up said you didnt even care that a school tried to cover up the rape of one of thier students and treated the father like a criminal and allowed this predator back in school were he raped AGAIN. Jacob Blake's raping ass was worth destroying a town. Leftwing activists attacked women who were protesting a spa for allowing a convicted child molester expose himself to a little girl.

We can list SEVERAL examples of you people completely fucking ignoring rape and assault so long as its committed by someone even remotely connected to your "side".

And you find this one thing and you only give a fuck because the scum bag is Qanon. If he were antifa or BLM you wouldnt say a fucking WORD. We know this because BLM has many sex offenders who "lead" thier chapters.

Leftwing rapists are RARELY held accountable and YOU guys are okay with that. In fact dems/progs openly admitted Biden is a sex offender and supported him ANYWAY. Dem/profs even said is he had raped thier own daughter they would still vote for him

GTFO. None of us have EVER claimed there are NO sex offenders who are right wing. We have all said we dont CARE what a rapists politics are, and that they need in prison and even given death if thier crime was brutal enough to warrant it. Its YOUR sides sex offenders who are given a pass based on politics.

Do you have any daughters, Admin?

Er, he was in the Navy, dear.

You mean the people that helped beat the Japanese during WW2?

Only the Marines. The pussies like Admin all stayed on the boats.
and where you you pussy?

Laughing at wussies like you who stayed on the boat.

Which boat was that exactly Corporal Keyboard?

Whichever boat you were assigned to to get coffee for your betters.

What kept you from serving? Hang nail?
what keeps you from a gym membership? Gravity?


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Admin getting bigger mad now
Pouty Pauncho getting his White Claw face on now, as he holds back the tears.
dont melt because we're making fun of all those years you spent sucking cock on a boat.

Thought you libs were proud of such deviant behavior
Read it and weep, Butterball


Look at what Strawberry Shortcake pulls out of her Stash!

hahaha...Strawberry Shortcake...:GiggleBitch:

you look like you've down a strawberry short cake or 2 million

you look like you've down a
Did you mean "downed"
or did you a know, like that?

I actually meant downs: as in Your dad fucked his sister and because of decades of habitual inbreeding she couldn't figure out which hole the coat hanger enters so boom, here you are.

Ooh, you're Biggly Mad, bro

Ooh, you're biggly fat, pig

You're a couple bricks short of a load, shorty.

You're never a couple of cocks short of a bukakke tho, GavyBoi

This is not your turn on taxi cab confessions, would you like to rephrase that.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Admin getting bigger mad now
Pouty Pauncho getting his White Claw face on now, as he holds back the tears.
dont melt because we're making fun of all those years you spent sucking cock on a boat.

Thought you libs were proud of such deviant behavior
Read it and weep, Butterball


Look at what Strawberry Shortcake pulls out of her Stash!

hahaha...Strawberry Shortcake...:GiggleBitch:

you look like you've down a strawberry short cake or 2 million

you look like you've down a
Did you mean "downed"
or did you a know, like that?

I actually meant downs: as in Your dad fucked his sister and because of decades of habitual inbreeding she couldn't figure out which hole the coat hanger enters so boom, here you are.

Ooh, you're Biggly Mad, bro

Ooh, you're biggly fat, pig

You're a couple bricks short of a load, shorty.

You're never a couple of cocks short of a bukakke tho, GavyBoi

This is not your turn on taxi cab confessions, would like to rephrase that.

Do you think he asks his local drug dealer about which addicts he can hook up with?


An Claidheam Anam
QAnon Influencer Who Accuses Democrats of Being Pedophiles Is Identified as Convicted Child Molester Designated as ‘Sexually Violent Offender’


This doesn't surprise me. I'd say it's par for the course for scumbag projecting right-wingers.
Any accusation made by a Trumper is a tacit admission.

So one fucking jack ass applies to all of us(who want rapists and pedos given death penalty but YOU idiots wont allow that....AND you all support letting these cretins OUT of prison)

Meanwhile you cant toss a rock at a leftwing protest(riot) without hitting at LEAST 5 convicted sex offenders and domestic abusers.

You guys want a KID thrown in prison for shooting an actual convicted child rapist who was violently attacking him. You support convicted sex offenders reading to children in libraries(drag queen story hour). Your fellow leftards are calling parents domestic terrorists because they dont want sexually graphic reading material that describes sex acts between teens and older men.

You straight up said you didnt even care that a school tried to cover up the rape of one of thier students and treated the father like a criminal and allowed this predator back in school were he raped AGAIN. Jacob Blake's raping ass was worth destroying a town. Leftwing activists attacked women who were protesting a spa for allowing a convicted child molester expose himself to a little girl.

We can list SEVERAL examples of you people completely fucking ignoring rape and assault so long as its committed by someone even remotely connected to your "side".

And you find this one thing and you only give a fuck because the scum bag is Qanon. If he were antifa or BLM you wouldnt say a fucking WORD. We know this because BLM has many sex offenders who "lead" thier chapters.

Leftwing rapists are RARELY held accountable and YOU guys are okay with that. In fact dems/progs openly admitted Biden is a sex offender and supported him ANYWAY. Dem/profs even said is he had raped thier own daughter they would still vote for him

GTFO. None of us have EVER claimed there are NO sex offenders who are right wing. We have all said we dont CARE what a rapists politics are, and that they need in prison and even given death if thier crime was brutal enough to warrant it. Its YOUR sides sex offenders who are given a pass based on politics.

Do you have any daughters, Admin?

Er, he was in the Navy, dear.

You mean the people that helped beat the Japanese during WW2?

Only the Marines. The pussies like Admin all stayed on the boats.
and where you you pussy?

Laughing at wussies like you who stayed on the boat.

Which boat was that exactly Corporal Keyboard?

Whichever boat you were assigned to to get coffee for your betters.

I see.

Not very well.


An Claidheam Anam
QAnon Influencer Who Accuses Democrats of Being Pedophiles Is Identified as Convicted Child Molester Designated as ‘Sexually Violent Offender’


This doesn't surprise me. I'd say it's par for the course for scumbag projecting right-wingers.
Any accusation made by a Trumper is a tacit admission.

So one fucking jack ass applies to all of us(who want rapists and pedos given death penalty but YOU idiots wont allow that....AND you all support letting these cretins OUT of prison)

Meanwhile you cant toss a rock at a leftwing protest(riot) without hitting at LEAST 5 convicted sex offenders and domestic abusers.

You guys want a KID thrown in prison for shooting an actual convicted child rapist who was violently attacking him. You support convicted sex offenders reading to children in libraries(drag queen story hour). Your fellow leftards are calling parents domestic terrorists because they dont want sexually graphic reading material that describes sex acts between teens and older men.

You straight up said you didnt even care that a school tried to cover up the rape of one of thier students and treated the father like a criminal and allowed this predator back in school were he raped AGAIN. Jacob Blake's raping ass was worth destroying a town. Leftwing activists attacked women who were protesting a spa for allowing a convicted child molester expose himself to a little girl.

We can list SEVERAL examples of you people completely fucking ignoring rape and assault so long as its committed by someone even remotely connected to your "side".

And you find this one thing and you only give a fuck because the scum bag is Qanon. If he were antifa or BLM you wouldnt say a fucking WORD. We know this because BLM has many sex offenders who "lead" thier chapters.

Leftwing rapists are RARELY held accountable and YOU guys are okay with that. In fact dems/progs openly admitted Biden is a sex offender and supported him ANYWAY. Dem/profs even said is he had raped thier own daughter they would still vote for him

GTFO. None of us have EVER claimed there are NO sex offenders who are right wing. We have all said we dont CARE what a rapists politics are, and that they need in prison and even given death if thier crime was brutal enough to warrant it. Its YOUR sides sex offenders who are given a pass based on politics.

Do you have any daughters, Admin?

Er, he was in the Navy, dear.

You mean the people that helped beat the Japanese during WW2?

Only the Marines. The pussies like Admin all stayed on the boats.
and where you you pussy?

Laughing at wussies like you who stayed on the boat.

Which boat was that exactly Corporal Keyboard?

Whichever boat you were assigned to to get coffee for your betters.

What kept you from serving? Hang nail?

I have a philosophical geisse against sucking a living from my fellow taxpayers, something that doesn't seem to bother you people.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
QAnon Influencer Who Accuses Democrats of Being Pedophiles Is Identified as Convicted Child Molester Designated as ‘Sexually Violent Offender’


This doesn't surprise me. I'd say it's par for the course for scumbag projecting right-wingers.
Any accusation made by a Trumper is a tacit admission.

So one fucking jack ass applies to all of us(who want rapists and pedos given death penalty but YOU idiots wont allow that....AND you all support letting these cretins OUT of prison)

Meanwhile you cant toss a rock at a leftwing protest(riot) without hitting at LEAST 5 convicted sex offenders and domestic abusers.

You guys want a KID thrown in prison for shooting an actual convicted child rapist who was violently attacking him. You support convicted sex offenders reading to children in libraries(drag queen story hour). Your fellow leftards are calling parents domestic terrorists because they dont want sexually graphic reading material that describes sex acts between teens and older men.

You straight up said you didnt even care that a school tried to cover up the rape of one of thier students and treated the father like a criminal and allowed this predator back in school were he raped AGAIN. Jacob Blake's raping ass was worth destroying a town. Leftwing activists attacked women who were protesting a spa for allowing a convicted child molester expose himself to a little girl.

We can list SEVERAL examples of you people completely fucking ignoring rape and assault so long as its committed by someone even remotely connected to your "side".

And you find this one thing and you only give a fuck because the scum bag is Qanon. If he were antifa or BLM you wouldnt say a fucking WORD. We know this because BLM has many sex offenders who "lead" thier chapters.

Leftwing rapists are RARELY held accountable and YOU guys are okay with that. In fact dems/progs openly admitted Biden is a sex offender and supported him ANYWAY. Dem/profs even said is he had raped thier own daughter they would still vote for him

GTFO. None of us have EVER claimed there are NO sex offenders who are right wing. We have all said we dont CARE what a rapists politics are, and that they need in prison and even given death if thier crime was brutal enough to warrant it. Its YOUR sides sex offenders who are given a pass based on politics.

Do you have any daughters, Admin?

Er, he was in the Navy, dear.

You mean the people that helped beat the Japanese during WW2?

Only the Marines. The pussies like Admin all stayed on the boats.
and where you you pussy?

Laughing at wussies like you who stayed on the boat.

Which boat was that exactly Corporal Keyboard?

Whichever boat you were assigned to to get coffee for your betters.

I see.

Not very well.
Why do you profess to be more patriotic than me, when you're too fucking selfish to serve your country?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
QAnon Influencer Who Accuses Democrats of Being Pedophiles Is Identified as Convicted Child Molester Designated as ‘Sexually Violent Offender’


This doesn't surprise me. I'd say it's par for the course for scumbag projecting right-wingers.
Any accusation made by a Trumper is a tacit admission.

So one fucking jack ass applies to all of us(who want rapists and pedos given death penalty but YOU idiots wont allow that....AND you all support letting these cretins OUT of prison)

Meanwhile you cant toss a rock at a leftwing protest(riot) without hitting at LEAST 5 convicted sex offenders and domestic abusers.

You guys want a KID thrown in prison for shooting an actual convicted child rapist who was violently attacking him. You support convicted sex offenders reading to children in libraries(drag queen story hour). Your fellow leftards are calling parents domestic terrorists because they dont want sexually graphic reading material that describes sex acts between teens and older men.

You straight up said you didnt even care that a school tried to cover up the rape of one of thier students and treated the father like a criminal and allowed this predator back in school were he raped AGAIN. Jacob Blake's raping ass was worth destroying a town. Leftwing activists attacked women who were protesting a spa for allowing a convicted child molester expose himself to a little girl.

We can list SEVERAL examples of you people completely fucking ignoring rape and assault so long as its committed by someone even remotely connected to your "side".

And you find this one thing and you only give a fuck because the scum bag is Qanon. If he were antifa or BLM you wouldnt say a fucking WORD. We know this because BLM has many sex offenders who "lead" thier chapters.

Leftwing rapists are RARELY held accountable and YOU guys are okay with that. In fact dems/progs openly admitted Biden is a sex offender and supported him ANYWAY. Dem/profs even said is he had raped thier own daughter they would still vote for him

GTFO. None of us have EVER claimed there are NO sex offenders who are right wing. We have all said we dont CARE what a rapists politics are, and that they need in prison and even given death if thier crime was brutal enough to warrant it. Its YOUR sides sex offenders who are given a pass based on politics.

Do you have any daughters, Admin?

Er, he was in the Navy, dear.

You mean the people that helped beat the Japanese during WW2?

Only the Marines. The pussies like Admin all stayed on the boats.
and where you you pussy?

Laughing at wussies like you who stayed on the boat.

Which boat was that exactly Corporal Keyboard?

Whichever boat you were assigned to to get coffee for your betters.

What kept you from serving? Hang nail?

I have a philosophical geisse against sucking a living from my fellow taxpayers, something that doesn't seem to bother you people.

Something a coward would say. Good to know you "support the troops" folk see them as leeches.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
It just stuns me there are so many grown ass adults defending the little prick. A lot of grown men with the brains of stupid ass teenagers.
It doesn't stun me that you worthless mopes are defending pedophiles and other assorted criminals tho

just sayin
Sorry, this is not the whataboutism Board.

Pointing out an established CHILD RAPIST went after a kid to attack him and the kid shot him in self defense isnt a "whataboutism".

It isnt fucking difficult to understand these men were established to be violent men and they were rioting when they went after Kyle.

I suppose you think they were going to cuddle him with that gun and skateboard.
At which point did Kyle discern that this person of interest was a PLEASE ASS BOX ME!?

He didn't. What he DID discern was this guy was attacking him and trying to grab his gun. By law(and common sense) that makes Rosenbuam the aggressor.

It's perfectly reasonable to believe someone who was verbally threatening you, chasing you and going for your weapon intends to kill or maim you.

It just SO happened Rosenbuam was a scum bag drug user who had raped several little boys.

A reasonable person would see this and understand this man has a history of violence, against helpless children.....was going after Kyke and intended to kill or seriously harm him and that Kyle had a right and was right to defend himself.

YOU just see " of thier guys shot one of our guys! He has to pay now! Take that trumptard!!" while the rest of us see a human being who was forced to shoot in self defense.
Shh, just let it go.


You guys are arguing against our rights to protect themselves.

If you want that precedent set, you need to do more than sit there chuckling like Butthead posting memes and gifs

So if male leftwing rioters come after me or my kids in public, you are telling me I have to allow myself and/or kids to be brutalized or killed.
LOL, that's funny. But no you are incorrect.

I'm very correct.

If Kyle cant defend himself when he is trying to flee and being attacked, you wouldnt support anyone not on your "team" to defend themselves.

Every single time a regular person has fought back leftists condemn them as white supremacists.

You guys dont even want people in thier cars to be able to flee from these rioters. Not a peep out of any of you when these mobs are acting aggressively and threatening towards innocent people unfortunate enough to end up in a place these mobs decided to occupy and burn. But if they floor the gas, or pull a gun, or shoot when they can no longer run and flee.....THATS when you guys get outraged.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
QAnon Influencer Who Accuses Democrats of Being Pedophiles Is Identified as Convicted Child Molester Designated as ‘Sexually Violent Offender’


This doesn't surprise me. I'd say it's par for the course for scumbag projecting right-wingers.
Any accusation made by a Trumper is a tacit admission.

So one fucking jack ass applies to all of us(who want rapists and pedos given death penalty but YOU idiots wont allow that....AND you all support letting these cretins OUT of prison)

Meanwhile you cant toss a rock at a leftwing protest(riot) without hitting at LEAST 5 convicted sex offenders and domestic abusers.

You guys want a KID thrown in prison for shooting an actual convicted child rapist who was violently attacking him. You support convicted sex offenders reading to children in libraries(drag queen story hour). Your fellow leftards are calling parents domestic terrorists because they dont want sexually graphic reading material that describes sex acts between teens and older men.

You straight up said you didnt even care that a school tried to cover up the rape of one of thier students and treated the father like a criminal and allowed this predator back in school were he raped AGAIN. Jacob Blake's raping ass was worth destroying a town. Leftwing activists attacked women who were protesting a spa for allowing a convicted child molester expose himself to a little girl.

We can list SEVERAL examples of you people completely fucking ignoring rape and assault so long as its committed by someone even remotely connected to your "side".

And you find this one thing and you only give a fuck because the scum bag is Qanon. If he were antifa or BLM you wouldnt say a fucking WORD. We know this because BLM has many sex offenders who "lead" thier chapters.

Leftwing rapists are RARELY held accountable and YOU guys are okay with that. In fact dems/progs openly admitted Biden is a sex offender and supported him ANYWAY. Dem/profs even said is he had raped thier own daughter they would still vote for him

GTFO. None of us have EVER claimed there are NO sex offenders who are right wing. We have all said we dont CARE what a rapists politics are, and that they need in prison and even given death if thier crime was brutal enough to warrant it. Its YOUR sides sex offenders who are given a pass based on politics.

Do you have any daughters, Admin?

Er, he was in the Navy, dear.

You mean the people that helped beat the Japanese during WW2?

Only the Marines. The pussies like Admin all stayed on the boats.
and where you you pussy?

Laughing at wussies like you who stayed on the boat.

Which boat was that exactly Corporal Keyboard?

Whichever boat you were assigned to to get coffee for your betters.

What kept you from serving? Hang nail?

I have a philosophical geisse against sucking a living from my fellow taxpayers, something that doesn't seem to bother you people.

Stay off my freeways and public utilities Libertariantard!

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
QAnon Influencer Who Accuses Democrats of Being Pedophiles Is Identified as Convicted Child Molester Designated as ‘Sexually Violent Offender’


This doesn't surprise me. I'd say it's par for the course for scumbag projecting right-wingers.
Any accusation made by a Trumper is a tacit admission.

So one fucking jack ass applies to all of us(who want rapists and pedos given death penalty but YOU idiots wont allow that....AND you all support letting these cretins OUT of prison)

Meanwhile you cant toss a rock at a leftwing protest(riot) without hitting at LEAST 5 convicted sex offenders and domestic abusers.

You guys want a KID thrown in prison for shooting an actual convicted child rapist who was violently attacking him. You support convicted sex offenders reading to children in libraries(drag queen story hour). Your fellow leftards are calling parents domestic terrorists because they dont want sexually graphic reading material that describes sex acts between teens and older men.

You straight up said you didnt even care that a school tried to cover up the rape of one of thier students and treated the father like a criminal and allowed this predator back in school were he raped AGAIN. Jacob Blake's raping ass was worth destroying a town. Leftwing activists attacked women who were protesting a spa for allowing a convicted child molester expose himself to a little girl.

We can list SEVERAL examples of you people completely fucking ignoring rape and assault so long as its committed by someone even remotely connected to your "side".

And you find this one thing and you only give a fuck because the scum bag is Qanon. If he were antifa or BLM you wouldnt say a fucking WORD. We know this because BLM has many sex offenders who "lead" thier chapters.

Leftwing rapists are RARELY held accountable and YOU guys are okay with that. In fact dems/progs openly admitted Biden is a sex offender and supported him ANYWAY. Dem/profs even said is he had raped thier own daughter they would still vote for him

GTFO. None of us have EVER claimed there are NO sex offenders who are right wing. We have all said we dont CARE what a rapists politics are, and that they need in prison and even given death if thier crime was brutal enough to warrant it. Its YOUR sides sex offenders who are given a pass based on politics.

Do you have any daughters, Admin?

Er, he was in the Navy, dear.

You mean the people that helped beat the Japanese during WW2?

Only the Marines. The pussies like Admin all stayed on the boats.
and where you you pussy?

Laughing at wussies like you who stayed on the boat.

Which boat was that exactly Corporal Keyboard?

Whichever boat you were assigned to to get coffee for your betters.

What kept you from serving? Hang nail?

I have a philosophical geisse against sucking a living from my fellow taxpayers, something that doesn't seem to bother you people.
hey now... over at the mediocre government job she had she once drafted some text and stick figures that actually made it's way to a public billboard

she's BIGtime you know

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
QAnon Influencer Who Accuses Democrats of Being Pedophiles Is Identified as Convicted Child Molester Designated as ‘Sexually Violent Offender’


This doesn't surprise me. I'd say it's par for the course for scumbag projecting right-wingers.
Any accusation made by a Trumper is a tacit admission.

So one fucking jack ass applies to all of us(who want rapists and pedos given death penalty but YOU idiots wont allow that....AND you all support letting these cretins OUT of prison)

Meanwhile you cant toss a rock at a leftwing protest(riot) without hitting at LEAST 5 convicted sex offenders and domestic abusers.

You guys want a KID thrown in prison for shooting an actual convicted child rapist who was violently attacking him. You support convicted sex offenders reading to children in libraries(drag queen story hour). Your fellow leftards are calling parents domestic terrorists because they dont want sexually graphic reading material that describes sex acts between teens and older men.

You straight up said you didnt even care that a school tried to cover up the rape of one of thier students and treated the father like a criminal and allowed this predator back in school were he raped AGAIN. Jacob Blake's raping ass was worth destroying a town. Leftwing activists attacked women who were protesting a spa for allowing a convicted child molester expose himself to a little girl.

We can list SEVERAL examples of you people completely fucking ignoring rape and assault so long as its committed by someone even remotely connected to your "side".

And you find this one thing and you only give a fuck because the scum bag is Qanon. If he were antifa or BLM you wouldnt say a fucking WORD. We know this because BLM has many sex offenders who "lead" thier chapters.

Leftwing rapists are RARELY held accountable and YOU guys are okay with that. In fact dems/progs openly admitted Biden is a sex offender and supported him ANYWAY. Dem/profs even said is he had raped thier own daughter they would still vote for him

GTFO. None of us have EVER claimed there are NO sex offenders who are right wing. We have all said we dont CARE what a rapists politics are, and that they need in prison and even given death if thier crime was brutal enough to warrant it. Its YOUR sides sex offenders who are given a pass based on politics.

Do you have any daughters, Admin?

Er, he was in the Navy, dear.

You mean the people that helped beat the Japanese during WW2?

Only the Marines. The pussies like Admin all stayed on the boats.
and where you you pussy?

Laughing at wussies like you who stayed on the boat.

Which boat was that exactly Corporal Keyboard?

Whichever boat you were assigned to to get coffee for your betters.

What kept you from serving? Hang nail?

I have a philosophical geisse against sucking a living from my fellow taxpayers, something that doesn't seem to bother you people.

Stay off my freeways and public utilities Libertariantard!
Your insertion dildo too?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
QAnon Influencer Who Accuses Democrats of Being Pedophiles Is Identified as Convicted Child Molester Designated as ‘Sexually Violent Offender’


This doesn't surprise me. I'd say it's par for the course for scumbag projecting right-wingers.
Any accusation made by a Trumper is a tacit admission.

So one fucking jack ass applies to all of us(who want rapists and pedos given death penalty but YOU idiots wont allow that....AND you all support letting these cretins OUT of prison)

Meanwhile you cant toss a rock at a leftwing protest(riot) without hitting at LEAST 5 convicted sex offenders and domestic abusers.

You guys want a KID thrown in prison for shooting an actual convicted child rapist who was violently attacking him. You support convicted sex offenders reading to children in libraries(drag queen story hour). Your fellow leftards are calling parents domestic terrorists because they dont want sexually graphic reading material that describes sex acts between teens and older men.

You straight up said you didnt even care that a school tried to cover up the rape of one of thier students and treated the father like a criminal and allowed this predator back in school were he raped AGAIN. Jacob Blake's raping ass was worth destroying a town. Leftwing activists attacked women who were protesting a spa for allowing a convicted child molester expose himself to a little girl.

We can list SEVERAL examples of you people completely fucking ignoring rape and assault so long as its committed by someone even remotely connected to your "side".

And you find this one thing and you only give a fuck because the scum bag is Qanon. If he were antifa or BLM you wouldnt say a fucking WORD. We know this because BLM has many sex offenders who "lead" thier chapters.

Leftwing rapists are RARELY held accountable and YOU guys are okay with that. In fact dems/progs openly admitted Biden is a sex offender and supported him ANYWAY. Dem/profs even said is he had raped thier own daughter they would still vote for him

GTFO. None of us have EVER claimed there are NO sex offenders who are right wing. We have all said we dont CARE what a rapists politics are, and that they need in prison and even given death if thier crime was brutal enough to warrant it. Its YOUR sides sex offenders who are given a pass based on politics.

Do you have any daughters, Admin?

Er, he was in the Navy, dear.

You mean the people that helped beat the Japanese during WW2?

Only the Marines. The pussies like Admin all stayed on the boats.
and where you you pussy?

Laughing at wussies like you who stayed on the boat.

Which boat was that exactly Corporal Keyboard?

Whichever boat you were assigned to to get coffee for your betters.

What kept you from serving? Hang nail?

I have a philosophical geisse against sucking a living from my fellow taxpayers, something that doesn't seem to bother you people.

Stay off my freeways and public utilities Libertariantard!
Your insertion dildo too?

Do you like your crackheads extra crispy?


An Claidheam Anam
QAnon Influencer Who Accuses Democrats of Being Pedophiles Is Identified as Convicted Child Molester Designated as ‘Sexually Violent Offender’


This doesn't surprise me. I'd say it's par for the course for scumbag projecting right-wingers.
Any accusation made by a Trumper is a tacit admission.

So one fucking jack ass applies to all of us(who want rapists and pedos given death penalty but YOU idiots wont allow that....AND you all support letting these cretins OUT of prison)

Meanwhile you cant toss a rock at a leftwing protest(riot) without hitting at LEAST 5 convicted sex offenders and domestic abusers.

You guys want a KID thrown in prison for shooting an actual convicted child rapist who was violently attacking him. You support convicted sex offenders reading to children in libraries(drag queen story hour). Your fellow leftards are calling parents domestic terrorists because they dont want sexually graphic reading material that describes sex acts between teens and older men.

You straight up said you didnt even care that a school tried to cover up the rape of one of thier students and treated the father like a criminal and allowed this predator back in school were he raped AGAIN. Jacob Blake's raping ass was worth destroying a town. Leftwing activists attacked women who were protesting a spa for allowing a convicted child molester expose himself to a little girl.

We can list SEVERAL examples of you people completely fucking ignoring rape and assault so long as its committed by someone even remotely connected to your "side".

And you find this one thing and you only give a fuck because the scum bag is Qanon. If he were antifa or BLM you wouldnt say a fucking WORD. We know this because BLM has many sex offenders who "lead" thier chapters.

Leftwing rapists are RARELY held accountable and YOU guys are okay with that. In fact dems/progs openly admitted Biden is a sex offender and supported him ANYWAY. Dem/profs even said is he had raped thier own daughter they would still vote for him

GTFO. None of us have EVER claimed there are NO sex offenders who are right wing. We have all said we dont CARE what a rapists politics are, and that they need in prison and even given death if thier crime was brutal enough to warrant it. Its YOUR sides sex offenders who are given a pass based on politics.

Do you have any daughters, Admin?

Er, he was in the Navy, dear.

You mean the people that helped beat the Japanese during WW2?

Only the Marines. The pussies like Admin all stayed on the boats.
and where you you pussy?

Laughing at wussies like you who stayed on the boat.

Which boat was that exactly Corporal Keyboard?

Whichever boat you were assigned to to get coffee for your betters.

I see.

Not very well.
Why do you profess to be more patriotic than me, when you too fucking selfish to serve your country?

You profess a disgusting collectivist America-hating left wing ideology. One cannot be a Leftist/Collectivist/Statist (i.e. a Registered Democrat) and be a patriot.

How can you be a patriot to a country you hate?


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
QAnon Influencer Who Accuses Democrats of Being Pedophiles Is Identified as Convicted Child Molester Designated as ‘Sexually Violent Offender’


This doesn't surprise me. I'd say it's par for the course for scumbag projecting right-wingers.
Any accusation made by a Trumper is a tacit admission.

So one fucking jack ass applies to all of us(who want rapists and pedos given death penalty but YOU idiots wont allow that....AND you all support letting these cretins OUT of prison)

Meanwhile you cant toss a rock at a leftwing protest(riot) without hitting at LEAST 5 convicted sex offenders and domestic abusers.

You guys want a KID thrown in prison for shooting an actual convicted child rapist who was violently attacking him. You support convicted sex offenders reading to children in libraries(drag queen story hour). Your fellow leftards are calling parents domestic terrorists because they dont want sexually graphic reading material that describes sex acts between teens and older men.

You straight up said you didnt even care that a school tried to cover up the rape of one of thier students and treated the father like a criminal and allowed this predator back in school were he raped AGAIN. Jacob Blake's raping ass was worth destroying a town. Leftwing activists attacked women who were protesting a spa for allowing a convicted child molester expose himself to a little girl.

We can list SEVERAL examples of you people completely fucking ignoring rape and assault so long as its committed by someone even remotely connected to your "side".

And you find this one thing and you only give a fuck because the scum bag is Qanon. If he were antifa or BLM you wouldnt say a fucking WORD. We know this because BLM has many sex offenders who "lead" thier chapters.

Leftwing rapists are RARELY held accountable and YOU guys are okay with that. In fact dems/progs openly admitted Biden is a sex offender and supported him ANYWAY. Dem/profs even said is he had raped thier own daughter they would still vote for him

GTFO. None of us have EVER claimed there are NO sex offenders who are right wing. We have all said we dont CARE what a rapists politics are, and that they need in prison and even given death if thier crime was brutal enough to warrant it. Its YOUR sides sex offenders who are given a pass based on politics.

Do you have any daughters, Admin?

Er, he was in the Navy, dear.

You mean the people that helped beat the Japanese during WW2?

Only the Marines. The pussies like Admin all stayed on the boats.
and where you you pussy?

Laughing at wussies like you who stayed on the boat.

Which boat was that exactly Corporal Keyboard?

Whichever boat you were assigned to to get coffee for your betters.

What kept you from serving? Hang nail?

I have a philosophical geisse against sucking a living from my fellow taxpayers, something that doesn't seem to bother you people.

Stay off my freeways and public utilities Libertariantard!
Your insertion dildo too?
In your dreams little guy.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
QAnon Influencer Who Accuses Democrats of Being Pedophiles Is Identified as Convicted Child Molester Designated as ‘Sexually Violent Offender’


This doesn't surprise me. I'd say it's par for the course for scumbag projecting right-wingers.
Any accusation made by a Trumper is a tacit admission.

So one fucking jack ass applies to all of us(who want rapists and pedos given death penalty but YOU idiots wont allow that....AND you all support letting these cretins OUT of prison)

Meanwhile you cant toss a rock at a leftwing protest(riot) without hitting at LEAST 5 convicted sex offenders and domestic abusers.

You guys want a KID thrown in prison for shooting an actual convicted child rapist who was violently attacking him. You support convicted sex offenders reading to children in libraries(drag queen story hour). Your fellow leftards are calling parents domestic terrorists because they dont want sexually graphic reading material that describes sex acts between teens and older men.

You straight up said you didnt even care that a school tried to cover up the rape of one of thier students and treated the father like a criminal and allowed this predator back in school were he raped AGAIN. Jacob Blake's raping ass was worth destroying a town. Leftwing activists attacked women who were protesting a spa for allowing a convicted child molester expose himself to a little girl.

We can list SEVERAL examples of you people completely fucking ignoring rape and assault so long as its committed by someone even remotely connected to your "side".

And you find this one thing and you only give a fuck because the scum bag is Qanon. If he were antifa or BLM you wouldnt say a fucking WORD. We know this because BLM has many sex offenders who "lead" thier chapters.

Leftwing rapists are RARELY held accountable and YOU guys are okay with that. In fact dems/progs openly admitted Biden is a sex offender and supported him ANYWAY. Dem/profs even said is he had raped thier own daughter they would still vote for him

GTFO. None of us have EVER claimed there are NO sex offenders who are right wing. We have all said we dont CARE what a rapists politics are, and that they need in prison and even given death if thier crime was brutal enough to warrant it. Its YOUR sides sex offenders who are given a pass based on politics.

Do you have any daughters, Admin?

Er, he was in the Navy, dear.

You mean the people that helped beat the Japanese during WW2?

Only the Marines. The pussies like Admin all stayed on the boats.
and where you you pussy?

Laughing at wussies like you who stayed on the boat.

Which boat was that exactly Corporal Keyboard?

Whichever boat you were assigned to to get coffee for your betters.

What kept you from serving? Hang nail?

I have a philosophical geisse against sucking a living from my fellow taxpayers, something that doesn't seem to bother you people.

Stay off my freeways and public utilities Libertariantard!
Your insertion dildo too?

Do you like your crackheads extra crispy?
Do you like all your cheeseburgers with extra fat?


An Claidheam Anam
QAnon Influencer Who Accuses Democrats of Being Pedophiles Is Identified as Convicted Child Molester Designated as ‘Sexually Violent Offender’


This doesn't surprise me. I'd say it's par for the course for scumbag projecting right-wingers.
Any accusation made by a Trumper is a tacit admission.

So one fucking jack ass applies to all of us(who want rapists and pedos given death penalty but YOU idiots wont allow that....AND you all support letting these cretins OUT of prison)

Meanwhile you cant toss a rock at a leftwing protest(riot) without hitting at LEAST 5 convicted sex offenders and domestic abusers.

You guys want a KID thrown in prison for shooting an actual convicted child rapist who was violently attacking him. You support convicted sex offenders reading to children in libraries(drag queen story hour). Your fellow leftards are calling parents domestic terrorists because they dont want sexually graphic reading material that describes sex acts between teens and older men.

You straight up said you didnt even care that a school tried to cover up the rape of one of thier students and treated the father like a criminal and allowed this predator back in school were he raped AGAIN. Jacob Blake's raping ass was worth destroying a town. Leftwing activists attacked women who were protesting a spa for allowing a convicted child molester expose himself to a little girl.

We can list SEVERAL examples of you people completely fucking ignoring rape and assault so long as its committed by someone even remotely connected to your "side".

And you find this one thing and you only give a fuck because the scum bag is Qanon. If he were antifa or BLM you wouldnt say a fucking WORD. We know this because BLM has many sex offenders who "lead" thier chapters.

Leftwing rapists are RARELY held accountable and YOU guys are okay with that. In fact dems/progs openly admitted Biden is a sex offender and supported him ANYWAY. Dem/profs even said is he had raped thier own daughter they would still vote for him

GTFO. None of us have EVER claimed there are NO sex offenders who are right wing. We have all said we dont CARE what a rapists politics are, and that they need in prison and even given death if thier crime was brutal enough to warrant it. Its YOUR sides sex offenders who are given a pass based on politics.

Do you have any daughters, Admin?

Er, he was in the Navy, dear.

You mean the people that helped beat the Japanese during WW2?

Only the Marines. The pussies like Admin all stayed on the boats.
and where you you pussy?

Laughing at wussies like you who stayed on the boat.

Which boat was that exactly Corporal Keyboard?

Whichever boat you were assigned to to get coffee for your betters.

What kept you from serving? Hang nail?

I have a philosophical geisse against sucking a living from my fellow taxpayers, something that doesn't seem to bother you people.

Something a coward would say. Good to know you "support the troops" folk see them as leeches.

I support patriots who serve, not filthy leftist America-hating vermin like Chelsea Manning or Admin who clearly hate the country.


An Claidheam Anam
QAnon Influencer Who Accuses Democrats of Being Pedophiles Is Identified as Convicted Child Molester Designated as ‘Sexually Violent Offender’


This doesn't surprise me. I'd say it's par for the course for scumbag projecting right-wingers.
Any accusation made by a Trumper is a tacit admission.

So one fucking jack ass applies to all of us(who want rapists and pedos given death penalty but YOU idiots wont allow that....AND you all support letting these cretins OUT of prison)

Meanwhile you cant toss a rock at a leftwing protest(riot) without hitting at LEAST 5 convicted sex offenders and domestic abusers.

You guys want a KID thrown in prison for shooting an actual convicted child rapist who was violently attacking him. You support convicted sex offenders reading to children in libraries(drag queen story hour). Your fellow leftards are calling parents domestic terrorists because they dont want sexually graphic reading material that describes sex acts between teens and older men.

You straight up said you didnt even care that a school tried to cover up the rape of one of thier students and treated the father like a criminal and allowed this predator back in school were he raped AGAIN. Jacob Blake's raping ass was worth destroying a town. Leftwing activists attacked women who were protesting a spa for allowing a convicted child molester expose himself to a little girl.

We can list SEVERAL examples of you people completely fucking ignoring rape and assault so long as its committed by someone even remotely connected to your "side".

And you find this one thing and you only give a fuck because the scum bag is Qanon. If he were antifa or BLM you wouldnt say a fucking WORD. We know this because BLM has many sex offenders who "lead" thier chapters.

Leftwing rapists are RARELY held accountable and YOU guys are okay with that. In fact dems/progs openly admitted Biden is a sex offender and supported him ANYWAY. Dem/profs even said is he had raped thier own daughter they would still vote for him

GTFO. None of us have EVER claimed there are NO sex offenders who are right wing. We have all said we dont CARE what a rapists politics are, and that they need in prison and even given death if thier crime was brutal enough to warrant it. Its YOUR sides sex offenders who are given a pass based on politics.

Do you have any daughters, Admin?

Er, he was in the Navy, dear.

You mean the people that helped beat the Japanese during WW2?

Only the Marines. The pussies like Admin all stayed on the boats.
and where you you pussy?

Laughing at wussies like you who stayed on the boat.

Which boat was that exactly Corporal Keyboard?

Whichever boat you were assigned to to get coffee for your betters.

What kept you from serving? Hang nail?

I have a philosophical geisse against sucking a living from my fellow taxpayers, something that doesn't seem to bother you people.

Stay off my freeways and public utilities Libertariantard!

You didn't pay for any of them. You've never created a single iota of wealth in your entire life to benefit the nation. You've sucked your living from my taxes and still do.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
QAnon Influencer Who Accuses Democrats of Being Pedophiles Is Identified as Convicted Child Molester Designated as ‘Sexually Violent Offender’


This doesn't surprise me. I'd say it's par for the course for scumbag projecting right-wingers.
Any accusation made by a Trumper is a tacit admission.

So one fucking jack ass applies to all of us(who want rapists and pedos given death penalty but YOU idiots wont allow that....AND you all support letting these cretins OUT of prison)

Meanwhile you cant toss a rock at a leftwing protest(riot) without hitting at LEAST 5 convicted sex offenders and domestic abusers.

You guys want a KID thrown in prison for shooting an actual convicted child rapist who was violently attacking him. You support convicted sex offenders reading to children in libraries(drag queen story hour). Your fellow leftards are calling parents domestic terrorists because they dont want sexually graphic reading material that describes sex acts between teens and older men.

You straight up said you didnt even care that a school tried to cover up the rape of one of thier students and treated the father like a criminal and allowed this predator back in school were he raped AGAIN. Jacob Blake's raping ass was worth destroying a town. Leftwing activists attacked women who were protesting a spa for allowing a convicted child molester expose himself to a little girl.

We can list SEVERAL examples of you people completely fucking ignoring rape and assault so long as its committed by someone even remotely connected to your "side".

And you find this one thing and you only give a fuck because the scum bag is Qanon. If he were antifa or BLM you wouldnt say a fucking WORD. We know this because BLM has many sex offenders who "lead" thier chapters.

Leftwing rapists are RARELY held accountable and YOU guys are okay with that. In fact dems/progs openly admitted Biden is a sex offender and supported him ANYWAY. Dem/profs even said is he had raped thier own daughter they would still vote for him

GTFO. None of us have EVER claimed there are NO sex offenders who are right wing. We have all said we dont CARE what a rapists politics are, and that they need in prison and even given death if thier crime was brutal enough to warrant it. Its YOUR sides sex offenders who are given a pass based on politics.

Do you have any daughters, Admin?

Er, he was in the Navy, dear.

You mean the people that helped beat the Japanese during WW2?

Only the Marines. The pussies like Admin all stayed on the boats.
and where you you pussy?

Laughing at wussies like you who stayed on the boat.

Which boat was that exactly Corporal Keyboard?

Whichever boat you were assigned to to get coffee for your betters.

What kept you from serving? Hang nail?

I have a philosophical geisse against sucking a living from my fellow taxpayers, something that doesn't seem to bother you people.

Something a coward would say. Good to know you "support the troops" folk see them as leeches.

I support patriots who serve, not filthy leftist America-hating vermin like Chelsea Manning or Admin who clearly hate the country.

The only thing admin served was cock in the shower during his entire time in