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Mr. Excitement
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Mr. Excitement
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Nintendo was founded more than 130 years ago as a toy manufacturer in Kyoto, Japan, and is above all known for its pioneering spirit, of which we are very proud. We helped the video game market to grow, and continue to make a distinctive mark on it with surprising and innovative products. Consoles such as NES, Game Boy, Wii, Nintendo DS, Wii U, Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo Switch are constantly setting new industry standards.

A wholly-owned subsidiary of Nintendo Co., Ltd., Nintendo of Europe (based in Frankfurt am Main, Germany) was established in 1990 and handles Nintendo's operations in Europe. As a company, we operate on an international scale with locations in the UK, France, Italy, Germany and Spain, among others. Nintendo Co., Ltd., headquartered in Kyoto, Japan, has created franchises that have become household names worldwide, including Mario™, Donkey Kong™, The Legend of Zelda™, Metroid™, Pokémon™, Animal Crossing™, Pikmin™ and Splatoon™, through its integrated hardware and software products.

Nintendo aims to deliver unique, intuitive entertainment experiences for everyone, manufacturing and marketing video game devices such as the Nintendo Switch™ family of systems, developing and operating applications for smart devices, and collaborating with partners on a range of other entertainment initiatives like visual content and theme parks.

Nintendo has sold more than 5.1 billion video games and over 800 million hardware units globally. From the launch of the Nintendo Entertainment System™ more than 30 years ago, through today and into the future, Nintendo’s continuing mission is to create unique entertainment that puts smiles on the faces of people all over the world.

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Mr. Excitement
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The megalodon, which went extinct millions of years ago, was the largest shark ever to prowl the oceans and one of the largest fish on record. The scientific name, Otodus megalodon, means "giant tooth," and for good reason: Its massive teeth are almost three times larger than the teeth of a modern great white shark(opens in new tab). The megalodon shark's fossilized bones and teeth give scientists major clues about what the creature was like and when it died off.While the popular 2018 movie, "The Meg," pits modern humans against an enormous megalodon sharks, it's actually more than likely that the beast died out before humans even evolved. But it's difficult to pinpoint the exact date that the megalodon went extinct because the fossil record is incomplete.

In 2014, a research group at the University of Zurich studied megalodon fossils using a technique called optimal linear estimation to determine their age. Their research, published in the journal PLOS ONE, found that most of the fossils date back to the middle Miocene epoch to the Pliocene epoch (15.9 million to 2.6 million years ago). All signs of the creature's existence ended 2.6 million years ago in the current fossil record, the authors wrote. For comparison, our earliest Homo sapiens ancestors emerged only 2.5 million years ago, during the Pleistocene epoch, according to the University of California Museum of Paleontology(opens in new tab).

A very small portion of the Zurich study's data — 6 out of 10,000 simulations — showed a 1% chance that these giant sharks could still be alive. That chance seems pretty slim, and the researchers wrote in the study that they rejected "popular claims of present-day survival of O. megalodon."

Because no one has discovered any recent evidence of the monster — not even fossils that are any younger than 2.6 million years old — scientists agree that megalodon sharks are long gone.

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Mr. Excitement
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The one thing most people “know” about the Great Wall of China—that it is one of the only man-made structures visible from space—is not actually true. Since the wall looks a lot like the stone and soil that surround it, it is difficult to discern with the human eye even from low Earth orbit, and is difficult to make out in most orbital photos. However, this does not detract from the wonder of this astounding ancient structure.

For millennia, Chinese leaders instituted wall-building projects to protect the land from northern, nomadic invaders. One surviving section of such an ancient wall, in the Shandong province, is made of hard-packed soil called “rammed earth” and is estimated to be 2,500 years old. For centuries during the Warring States Period, before China was unified into one nation, such walls defended the borders.

Around 220 B.C.E., Qin Shi Huang, also called the First Emperor, united China. He masterminded the process of uniting the existing walls into one. At that time, rammed earth and wood made up most of the wall. Emperor after emperor strengthened and extended the wall, often with the aim of keeping out the northern invaders. In some places, the wall was constructed of brick. Elsewhere, quarried granite or even marble blocks were used. The wall was continuously brought up to date as building techniques advanced.

Zhu Yuanzhang, who became the Hongwu Emperor, took power in 1368 C.E. He founded the Ming Dynasty, famous for its achievements in the arts of ceramics and painting. The Ming emperors improved the wall with watchtowers and platforms. Most of the familiar images of the wall show Ming-era construction in the stone. Depending on how the wall is measured, it stretches somewhere between 4,000 and 5,500 kilometers (2,500 and 3,400 miles).

In the 17th century, the Manchu emperors extended Chinese rule into Inner Mongolia, making the wall less important as a defense. However, it has retained its importance as a symbol of Chinese identity and culture. Countless visitors view the wall every year. It may not be clearly visible from space, but it is considered “an absolute masterpiece” here on Earth.

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Mr. Excitement
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From its early days as a military fortress and prison to its most infamous tenure as a federal penitentiary, Alcatraz looms large in the American psyche as a place of contradiction, violence and competing historical narratives. Today its modern incarnation as a cultural attraction offers many opportunities to experience the past and influence the future. For nearly 80 years, Alcatraz island was the site of the first US fortress and military prison on the West Coast. Beginning when the island was designated as a disciplinary barrack in 1868, most prisoners were US military personnel, but some notable exceptions included southern sympathizers during the Civil War, WWI conscientious objectors and Native Americans.

In the 1930s, the federal government developed a new type of prison for the nation's most incorrigible bad boys. The facilities at Alcatraz were modernized to become a maximum-security, minimum-privilege penitentiary specially designed for inmates that other prisons couldn't contain or control. During its 29 years of operation from 1934-1963, more than 1,500 convicts were incarcerated here.From November 1969 through June 1971, Alcatraz was taken over by Native American activists who called themselves Indians of All Tribes. The protest drew attention to the plight of native peoples across the US. Many lived in severe poverty on reservation land and faced serious discrimination from the greater US. The activists, many of whom were students who'd relocated to the Bay Area, selected Alcatraz for the occupation because it was surplus government land. It also had the distinct practical advantage of being difficult for federal authorities to access.

The dramatic nature of the occupation was effective in capturing national attention, especially since it was an on-going action that dominated TV news for several months. The takeover resulted in a series of federal reforms with regard to the treatment of American Indians.

According to the architects, the most significant impact of the occupation was to galvanize the reconnection of Native Americans to their cultural roots. The activists who first arrived on Alcatraz called for a pan-Native occupation, inviting any and all native people to join them on the island, which is exactly what happened. All the activists lived communally, some for the entirety of the occupation. In this way, a community formed that gave rise to personal bonds and cultural exploration that lasted long after the occupation was over.

The success or failure of the occupation should not be judged by whether the demands of the occupiers were realized. The underlying goals of the American Indians on Alcatraz were to awaken the American public to the reality of the plight of the first Americans and to assert the need for American Indian self-determination. As a result of the occupation, the official government policy of termination of tribes was ended and a policy of American Indian self-determination became the official US government policy. Alcatraz may have been lost, but the occupation gave birth to a political movement which continues today.

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Mr. Excitement
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In 1973, a young woman named Anneliese Michel underwent a terrifying exorcism that became a tragedy. However, the events of her exorcisms still haunt experts and witnesses.

Anneliese Michel had been experiencing strange phenomena for years leading up to her exorcism- she would see visions and hear voices. The events surrounding her ordeal were the basis for a movie called The Exorcism of Emily Rose. Anneliese Michel is said to be one of the most possessed people in history, and her story is genuinely chilling.

Let’s look at the events leading up to her exorcism and the horrific details of the ritual itself. Anneliese Michel was born in 1952 in a small town called Klingenberg in Bavaria, West Germany. Her family were devout Catholics. Her father sought to become a priest, and three of her aunts were already nuns.

Unfortunately, Michel’s mother believed her family was already dealing with a cloak of shame that the entire family had to atone. Anneliese and her three sisters endured a life of austerity. The girls were not allowed to play with other children and spent most of their time indoors praying. Unfortunately, Anneliese grew up getting sick on many occasions. She had to battle measles, mumps, and scarlet fever at a young age. In addition, the young girl was skinny and often suffered from other ailments.

In 2005, Anneliese’s mother told the Telegraph that having a child out of wedlock in 1948 brought great shame to her family name. At the time, they made her wear black on her wedding day to signify her sin. Afterward, her mother worked hard to atone for those sins and practiced extreme purity. Naturally, this pressured Anneliese to regularly atone for the sins of others while having to sleep on the floor as a penance for the drug addicts who slept on the ground themselves.

Her family also attended Mass twice a week and the family’s other activities. Anneliese struggled with the harsh life but suffered in silence, and by 16, she was diagnosed with physical and psychological disorders. Anneliese and her three sisters endured a life of austerity. The girls were not allowed to play with other children and spent most of their time indoors praying. Unfortunately, Anneliese grew up getting sick on many occasions. She had to battle measles, mumps, and scarlet fever at a young age. In addition, the young girl was skinny and often suffered from other ailments.

In 2005, Anneliese’s mother told the Telegraph that having a child out of wedlock in 1948 brought great shame to her family name. At the time, they made her wear black on her wedding day to signify her sin. Afterward, her mother worked hard to atone for those sins and practiced extreme purity. Naturally, this pressured Anneliese to regularly atone for the sins of others while having to sleep on the floor as a penance for the drug addicts who slept on the ground themselves. Her family also attended Mass twice a week and the family’s other activities. Anneliese struggled with the harsh life but suffered in silence, and by 16, she was diagnosed with physical and psychological disorders.

In 1968, Anneliese’s life started to take a drastic turn. At 16, she experienced inexplicable blackouts. According to historical accounts, Michel would go into a trance-like state during the first blackouts and walk aimlessly. Unfortunately, she would wet the bed during these “trances.” Her friends and family described these trances as disturbing. Unfortunately, Anneliese’s problems were beginning.

She suffered the same attack and wet the bed again a year later. Afterward, it seemed that Anneliese had more hardships to come. Sources say that when her family took her to the doctor, the visit was a waste of time since the physician could find nothing wrong with her. In 1970, Anneliese was hospitalized with a case of tuberculosis; while recovering, Anneliese claimed that she could hear odd sounds and voices and experienced euphoria. The family decided to visit a neurologist to determine what was wrong with her. Shortly after meeting with the neurologist, she was diagnosed with temporal lobe epilepsy.

She could suffer from seizures, loss of memory, and experience visual and auditory hallucinations. Her traumatic life also had her in the grip of depression and anxiety, to make matters worse. As a result, she started to hear voices that no one else could hear and see things that weren’t there.

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Mr. Excitement
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*Although I've included images with this post they're just for effect. Nobody knows exactly what he will look like so I included them to place emphasis on his evil nature. It is my belief that the Antichrist is among us now and living in Europe somewhere. You can expect him to be very attractive, speaking many languages and a massive lover of peace when he appears. Before he comes on the scene he must create a need for appearance. I believe he is working behind the scenes right now to do just that. He will come when the world is on the true brink of disaster politically, morally and spiritually. Much worse than it is currently. His love of peace and his amazing oratory will convince many to turn to him to fix and run things instead of today's current politicians. He is the greatest con man that ever lived who will show his fangs 3 1/2 years into a 7 year peace treaty with Israel and will demand to be worshipped as God. I have also included info on Islam's version of him. Draw your own conclusions from the material I've provided. It's your God given right.

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Nicolae Carpathia made a great villain. He was “The Antichrist,” born from an ancient Roman lineage, remarkably intelligent and athletic, manipulative and unbelievably successful in business. Naturally, that led him to politics and soon he was the Supreme Potentate. He was the sort of character we love to hate. In the book his life takes a turn with an assassination, a resurrection, the indwelling of Satan, and an eventual appointment in the Lake of Fire. This is the imaginary character of The Antichrist that many of us absorbed in the 90s. The book makes for creative fiction, but it is not about the antichrist.

To get our bearings, we need to see where the Bible mentions the antichrist. This title doesn’t show up in Revelation; it is not part of the apocalypse of John. However, it does show up in letters attributed to John. These letters speak to churches facing dire circumstances: a number of members now deny that Jesus was fully human on earth and have left community. They see Jesus as merely “appearing” as human while on earth. The author of these letters taps into the congregation’s perspective on the world as a cosmic battle between good and evil. With those categories in mind, he writes about the ones who have left the church, the ones who deny Jesus’ humanity: these are the antichrists.

This lack of proper belief in Jesus is so damaging that the author declares those who left the community are outside of the faith. They do not know or follow Jesus. In 1 John, correct Christology is not limited to theoretical ideas; belief always leads to action. Once believers understand who Jesus is and how he embodies God’s love, they must then love in the same way.[1] If Jesus is not accepted as both fully human and fully divine, then the material world no longer holds high value. The Christians who left community no longer value the embodied community of the church. They no longer value the reality of the incarnation. They no longer value God’s love. They do not live according to love.

Jesus’ incarnation stands in direct contrast to these beliefs. Instead of being deceived by those who have left, this community is called to remember that God is love. Jesus is God’s love embodied for humanity. Jesus brings true life to those who believe and follow after him. Following Jesus always requires genuine believers to love one another (1 John 4:7-8). The antichrists, who deny Jesus’ humanity and deny God’s love, do not love others. The love of God is self-giving and communal, wanting the best for humanity: life through Jesus (1 John 4:9-10). The truth of who Jesus is comes through divine anointing (1 John 2:20, 24-27). The genuine believers who have remained in community have this anointing; they know who Jesus is and are reminded to let this truth live in them.

It is easy to grab on to caricatures like the fictional Carpathia, but that leaves us looking for someone resembling a Marvel comic villain. The reality is more subtle: the antichrists come from within our church community. Their teaching devalues the reality of Jesus full humanity and full divinity joined together. They devalue God’s love. They devalue community. They do not live in a way that gives love.

In our own context, a lack of love within the Christian community should give us pause. A church where Christ is not central should make us reflect and take stock of what is central. A community without self-giving does not truly live as community. If the center of a church is not love, it is not Christ. Reflecting the embodied life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most essential work for a community of love. This work notices those around them and recognizes the needs, hopes, and fears within the community. It moves though belief into action.

Meditating on the meaning of the incarnation is fundamental. The all-encompassing love of God is not a cheap grace where all are welcome, and none are changed. It is a costly, extravagant, precious grace where all are welcome, and all are changed. To know Christ is to live as Christ. To be a people called by God, the church must reflect God, and God is love.

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Factory Bastard

most recent ones i've watched and or read about online/books... many many more but fuck don't wanna put everyone to sleep. i just eat all this shit up. Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer started up this shit love of all things true crime when I was just a wee laddy. Worried me my ma and pa a lot but long as I wasn't turning into one of them and shit they didn't mind.. in fact I think I got them both hooked on true crime shit as well. Even horror movies too which neither was much interested in before hand. So they fucking owe me a lot too not just me owing them...even though they both dead. I want whats owed to me now.. time to dig em up!! Lmao j/k of course..


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
The Girl in the Photo, which is thee worst cases of someone slipping through the cracks of the system that I have ever seen.

The FBI profiler assigned to her case took a shot in the dark and unraveled pertinent details that solved numerous open cases. He retired before her identify was uncovered, and his impeccable investigation paved the way for this book, which I have not read.



Mr. Excitement
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Every year 703 000 people take their own life and there are many more people who attempt suicide. Every suicide is a tragedy that affects families, communities and entire countries and has long-lasting effects on the people left behind. Suicide occurs throughout the lifespan and was the fourth leading cause of death among 15-29 year-olds globally in 2019.

Suicide does not just occur in high-income countries, but is a global phenomenon in all regions of the world. In fact, over 77% of global suicides occurred in low- and middle-income countries in 2019.

Suicide is a serious public health problem; however, suicides are preventable with timely, evidence-based and often low-cost interventions. For national responses to be effective, a comprehensive multisectoral suicide prevention strategy is needed.

While the link between suicide and mental disorders (in particular, depression and alcohol use disorders) is well established in high-income countries, many suicides happen impulsively in moments of crisis with a breakdown in the ability to deal with life stresses, such as financial problems, relationship break-up or chronic pain and illness.

In addition, experiencing conflict, disaster, violence, abuse, or loss and a sense of isolation are strongly associated with suicidal behavior. Suicide rates are also high amongst vulnerable groups who experience discrimination, such as refugees and migrants; indigenous peoples; lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex (LGBTI) persons; and prisoners. By far the strongest risk factor for suicide is a previous suicide attempt.

It is estimated that around 20% of global suicides are due to pesticide self-poisoning, most of which occur in rural agricultural areas in low- and middle-income countries. Other common methods of suicide are hanging and firearms. As indicated in LIVE LIFE: An implementation guide for suicide prevention in countries, knowledge of the most commonly used suicide methods is important to devise prevention strategies which have shown to be effective, such as restriction of access to means of suicide.

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Mr. Excitement
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The Aokigahara forest in Japan has the unfortunate distinction of being a destination for people who are contemplating suicide. Since the 1950s, recorded suicides in the forest have been rising at an increasing rate of between 10 and 30 per year. In 2003, a record number of 105 suicide victims were discovered here.

Japanese spiritualists believe that the suicides committed in the forest have permeated Aokigahara’s trees, generating paranormal activity and preventing many who enter from escaping the forest’s depths. Complicating matters further is the common experience of compasses being rendered useless by the rich deposits of magnetic iron in the area’s volcanic soil.

Due to the vastness of the forest, desperate visitors are unlikely to encounter anyone once inside the so-called “Sea of Trees,” so the police have mounted signs reading “Your life is a precious gift from your parents,” and “Please consult the police before you decide to die!” on trees throughout.

This does not deter determined people from committing suicide in this dense forest. Each year dozens of corpses are found by volunteers who clean the woods, but many are forever lost in the very thick woods. Japanese authorities have discontinued publishing exact suicide numbers in order to avoid making the place even more popular.

Contemporary news outlets have noted the recent spike in suicides in the forest, blaming them more on Japan’s economic downturn than on the romantic ending of Seicho Matsumoto’s novel Kuroi Jukai, which revitalized the so-called suicide forest’s popularity among those determined to take their final walk. (The novel culminates in Aokigahara as the characters are driven to joint-suicide.)

Locals say they can easily spot the three types of visitors to the forest: trekkers interested in scenic vistas of Mount Fuji, the curious hoping for a glimpse of the macabre, and those souls who don’t plan on leaving.

What those hoping to take their lives may not consider is the impact the suicides have on those living near an area famous for being a suicide spot. A local police officer said, “I’ve seen plenty of bodies that have been really badly decomposed, or been picked at by wild animals… There’s nothing beautiful about dying in there.”

According to some reports, forest workers must carry the bodies from the forest to the local police station, where they are put in a special room used specifically to house suicide corpses. Some believe that if a corpse is left alone, it is very bad luck for the yurei (ghost) of the suicide victims. Their spirits are said to scream through the night, and that their bodies will move on their own.

In January 2018, the forest gained international attention after a YouTuber filmed and broadcast a suicide victim’s body on his popular channel. If you visit, be respectful if you do come across any victims of suicide. Contact the local authorities so they can appropriately handle the situation. It’s a somber place; one where the gravity of the circumstances should not be taken lightly.

If you’re struggling with thoughts of suicide, there are international resources available for help. Many of these mental health hotlines are available 24/7 to anyone in distress.

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Mr. Excitement
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After drawing up plans for a small engine designed to fit on a regular bike frame, William S. Harley worked with Arthur and Walter Davidson to build this “motor-bicycle.” They finished the first model in 1903. While the test was mostly successful, the bike was unable to climb hills without the rider providing pedaling assistance. But Harley and the Davidson brothers did not give up. They immediately began working on a new and improved machine. They created a bigger engine and loop-frame design. After completing the prototype in 1904, they entered the bike into a local motorcycle race at the State Fair Park, where it placed fourth.

Now that they had a working model, bare Harley-Davidson engines were listed in the January 1905 Automobile and Cycle Trade Journal. Just four months later, the motorcycles were in production. That first year, five bikes were produced – three of which were sold by the first Harley-Davidson dealer, Carl H. Lang of Chicago.

By 1906, Harley and the Davidson brothers were moving out of their shed and into their first factory, which was located at the current site of Harley-Davidson headquarters. They produced 50 motorcycles during their first year in the factory – ten times more than the year before.

Within one year of building their first factory, they were already preparing to expand it with a second floor. In September, Harley-Davidson officially incorporated. They produced 150 motorcycles in 1907 and began selling them to police departments. The company continued to grow and improve year after year. New features and designs were constantly being introduced. The factory was expanded several times to keep up with the ever-growing demand for Harley-Davidson motorcycles.

Harley-Davidson has played an important role in American history as well. The company produced over 20,000 motorcycles for the US military during World War I. And as one of only two American motorcycle companies to survive the Great Depression, Harley-Davidson also played an important part in World War II. The company produced over 90,000 motorcycles for use in the war. Harley-Davidson was awarded two Army-Navy “E” Awards for Excellence in Production, in honor of their efforts during the war.

Over 115 years, Harley-Davidson has grown from its humble beginnings to an American icon. But no matter how many things have changed over the years, one thing has always remained the same – Harley-Davidson’s commitment to producing a high quality, innovative bike.

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Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.

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From its early days as a military fortress and prison to its most infamous tenure as a federal penitentiary, Alcatraz looms large in the American psyche as a place of contradiction, violence and competing historical narratives. Today its modern incarnation as a cultural attraction offers many opportunities to experience the past and influence the future. For nearly 80 years, Alcatraz island was the site of the first US fortress and military prison on the West Coast. Beginning when the island was designated as a disciplinary barrack in 1868, most prisoners were US military personnel, but some notable exceptions included southern sympathizers during the Civil War, WWI conscientious objectors and Native Americans.

In the 1930s, the federal government developed a new type of prison for the nation's most incorrigible bad boys. The facilities at Alcatraz were modernized to become a maximum-security, minimum-privilege penitentiary specially designed for inmates that other prisons couldn't contain or control. During its 29 years of operation from 1934-1963, more than 1,500 convicts were incarcerated here.From November 1969 through June 1971, Alcatraz was taken over by Native American activists who called themselves Indians of All Tribes. The protest drew attention to the plight of native peoples across the US. Many lived in severe poverty on reservation land and faced serious discrimination from the greater US. The activists, many of whom were students who'd relocated to the Bay Area, selected Alcatraz for the occupation because it was surplus government land. It also had the distinct practical advantage of being difficult for federal authorities to access.

The dramatic nature of the occupation was effective in capturing national attention, especially since it was an on-going action that dominated TV news for several months. The takeover resulted in a series of federal reforms with regard to the treatment of American Indians.

According to the architects, the most significant impact of the occupation was to galvanize the reconnection of Native Americans to their cultural roots. The activists who first arrived on Alcatraz called for a pan-Native occupation, inviting any and all native people to join them on the island, which is exactly what happened. All the activists lived communally, some for the entirety of the occupation. In this way, a community formed that gave rise to personal bonds and cultural exploration that lasted long after the occupation was over.

The success or failure of the occupation should not be judged by whether the demands of the occupiers were realized. The underlying goals of the American Indians on Alcatraz were to awaken the American public to the reality of the plight of the first Americans and to assert the need for American Indian self-determination. As a result of the occupation, the official government policy of termination of tribes was ended and a policy of American Indian self-determination became the official US government policy. Alcatraz may have been lost, but the occupation gave birth to a political movement which continues today.

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Even a former prison looks pretty in the gorgeous SF Bay Area.


Mr. Excitement
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Sex trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery in which individuals perform commercial sex through the use of force, fraud, or coercion. Minors under the age of 18 engaging in commercial sex are considered to be victims of human trafficking, regardless of the use of force, fraud, or coercion.

Sex traffickers frequently target victims and then use violence, threats, lies, false promises, debt bondage, or other forms of control and manipulation to keep victims involved in the sex industry for their own profit.

Sex trafficking exists within diverse and unique sets of venues and businesses including fake massage businesses, escort services, residential brothels, in public on city streets and in truck stops, strip clubs, hostess clubs, hotels and motels, and elsewhere. Key Statistics: In 2019, the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) estimated that 1 in 6 endangered runaways reported to them were likely sex trafficking victims. The International Labor Organization and Walk Free Foundation, in partnership with IOM, estimate that there are 4.8 million people trapped in forced sexual exploitation globally.

In the United States, the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (TVPA), as amended by the Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act of 2015 (JVTA), defines sex trafficking as “recruiting, harboring, transporting, providing, obtaining, patronizing, or soliciting of an individual through the means of force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of commercial sex”. However, it is not necessary to demonstrate force, fraud, or coercion in sex trafficking cases involving children under the age of 18. The term “commercial sex act” is defined as “any sex act on account of which anything of value is given to or received by any person” (22 U.S.C. 7102). See the Federal Laws page for more detailed definitions. Sex trafficking may be distinguished from other forms of commercial sex by applying the Action + Means + Purpose Model. Human trafficking occurs when a trafficker takes any one of the enumerated actions, and then employs the means of force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of compelling the victim to provide commercial sex acts. At a minimum, one element from each column must be present to establish a potential situation of sex trafficking.

The presence of force, fraud, or coercion indicates that the victim has not consented of his or her own free will. In addition, minors under the age of 18 engaging in commercial sex are considered victims of human trafficking regardless of the use of force, fraud, or coercion.Sex trafficking is a market-driven criminal industry that is based on the principles of supply and demand. Therefore, people who purchase commercial sex increase the demand for commercial sex and likewise provide a profit incentive for traffickers, who seek to maximize profits by exploiting trafficking victims. Therefore, buyers of commercial sex need to recognize their involvement in driving demand. By not buying sex and not participating in the commercial sex industry, community members can reduce the demand for sex trafficking.

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