Every damn one of you gun nuts has blood on your hands


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Even if Kyle is slow.....he still has the human and constitutional right to defend himself.
Yknow @Dove I saved a woman from sexual assault once.

At the end of the ordeal she was crying on the floor like a little girl. It was sad but Im glad i did. If I was around I woulda saved you too.

I aint no saint but occasionally I do the odd good deed, eh?

What I learned from that experience is if ya cant save yourself ya cant save others. Also unlike women a man cant cry in a corner when he's gettin hit. He's gotta act like a man eh?

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Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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I was faster than Kyle Rittenhouse when I was his age @Biggie Smiles and @Dove

I might still be faster than him.

I notice Kyle is a fat kid, so he must be slow.

Kyle was described as slow and it showed on the news footage.

He was running, but his attackers caught up to him.

I on the other hand, outran a bear when I was closer to his age.

so my reflexes were like a gazelle's.

I suspect I'm still fast, but not sure if my bones or muscles are strong enough since I attempted and successfully completed that feat more than 30 years ago. That time I ran so fast but in the process I tore my ligaments because I suspect the body is not normally meant to withstand that kind of punishment. I ran faster than the body was meant to.

Anywas, this is what happens when you don't make it Bigly:



Factory Bastard
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Pacifying? Only for righties. She's a full on force of hatred if you lean left.
Yeah they seem to hate you lots @LotusBud. America seems like a very right wing country. No wonder ya moved to Europe where they lean Left eh?

Didja move for political reasons like that.

Im kinda centrist myself & like to entertain views from Left and Right. But America does seem very Right Wing. Do you think that perception is correct @LotusBud?


Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
Interesting how she doesn't come across that way towards @Garraty_47

Some people aren't satisfied by having an opinion.
They must have the *correct* opinion and look down on anyone who doesn't share it.
It's an affliction that's rampant on both the "right" and "left" in 'Murica, unfortunately.
I try my best not to succumb to it. It looks really really exhausting and counterproductive.

Also- she loves cats.
She had me at loving cats. Heh


Factory Bastard
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Yeah they seem to hate you lots @LotusBud. America seems like a very right wing country. No wonder ya moved to Europe where they lean Left eh?

Didja move for political reasons like that.

Im kinda centrist myself & like to entertain views from Left and Right. But America does seem very Right Wing. Do you think that perception is correct @LotusBud?
Actually, I think it's very corporate. Most Americans have been brain washed by the corporatocracy. I moved because Europe was always closer to my soul than the US. Not blatantly political reasons, but ultimately the personal is political, I suppose.

Yes, righties in the US are major haters. It's tragic. Right wing people in Europe don't tend to be as riddled with hatred. Oerdin and Aryan aren't even American, but they have that great, frothnig hatred like Smallie and Dove. It's just really toxic.


Factory Bastard
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How the fuck am I not American, you lying unbathed stinky crone? This bitch is so stupid she just makes nonsense up in that diseased thing that passes for a brain. Also, she accuses others of "hatred" but read her thread title and most of her posts because they drip with both ignorance and hatred.
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The Prowler

Factory Bastard
I guess you lost that fight, eh @The Prowler?

Not even close @Joe. I won quickly. Although I did not inflict much damage. I was on him quickly, put him in a very vulnerable position, and accepted his yield.

He made a stupid mistake and I showed mercy.

It is funny that you think I get excited when I talk about beating your old ass @Joe. Sure, it puts a smile on my face, but I will calmly and violently dismantle you with a heart rate close to my resting heart rate.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Not even close @Joe. I won quickly. Although I did not inflict much damage. I was on him quickly, put him in a very vulnerable position, and accepted his yield.

He made a stupid mistake and I showed mercy.

It is funny that you think I get excited when I talk about beating your old ass @Joe. Sure, it puts a smile on my face, but I will calmly and violentgly dismantle you with a heart rate close to my resting heart rate.
You are a poor fighter @The Prowler. The guy gave up out of pity for you because he didnt want to destroy you. He felt badly because he was surprised how easy it was to kick you in the nuts. The guy thought you were too incompetent & dumb to fight him. You didnt belong in the ring with him.

A smart fighter knows how to protect the most vulnerable parts of his body. Evidently you don't. You'd surely get beaten to death if it was a real fight. Since you couldnt even defend your balls you'd get drstroyed in a street fight like Mike Tyson did to Mitch Green.

So Continue to watch those Chuck Norris flicks and dream on @The Prowler.

Man youre such a doufus.
You're so fucken dumb.Lol!
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The Prowler

Factory Bastard
@Joe The fight started when he kicked me in the nuts. There was no warning.

It is pretty weird that you have imagined how things transpired @Joe.

But that is what you do @Joe.

You let your imagination run wild @Joe.

Fiction becomes your reality @Joe.

And when that story broke about Tyson and Green, Green claimed that Tyson sucker punched him which is very likely. I never heard anything before about Mitch Green being a "gang leader". The story at the time was that they saw each other in the store and Mitch Green said something like "C'mon Mike, give me a rematch!" meaning a fight in the ring and Tyson suckered him. Tyson was always surrounded by body guards at that time and it is unlikely that Mitch Green would have started a fight when Tyson had so much protection.

You dumb fuck @Joe.


Factory Bastard
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:STFU Seamajor:

I wouldn’t bet you on it, but as this trend continues some laws will be changed. even an enlightened person like yourself knows that 2nd amendment rights don’t apply to MR-16s
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