Dovid, a word...


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Have you?

So you must think that's some huge burn.

Maybe you'd like to post up more of your "extracurricular" activities in your quest for Attention? How about you giving us all the rundown on your shitty life? Don't forget to blame EVERYONE else for your actions.

Being a proven bat-shit crazy slut whore is quite the "burn." Though you wouldn't realize it because you think what you do IS NORMAL FUCKING BEHAVIOR.

*Does chin up*


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!

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April 18th, 2023, 11:50 am

The Iron Dink/Shen Li/Fashionista said:

"I was curious about the great white whale's latest antics, so I took a peek at the flame forum. I couldn't find what I was looking for, but I did find this:
I feel it nessesary to point out that while I'm separated and divorcing, I'm living with my male besty and getting intensely turned on by his cooking skills, writing skills, amazing sense of humor and his enduring care for my well being and devotion to it.

If I marry this guy the weekend after my divorce is final absolutely no one should be surprised lol. The 4th pancake is usually the winner for me.
I get it Dove, you are a turmoil-junkie mess of a woman. You''ll never change. However, why the fuck do you always have to share your latest self-inflicted wounds with a tiny group of strangers on an obscure forum. Nobody needs to be reminded again, again and again what a total fuck up you are . No normal person wants to know these details of your life either."


As you can see Dove. Even one of your biggest supporters is tired of this great need to be in the center of the drama all the fucking time. Fashionista is echoing pretty much the same things I've been saying all along. Your real life must be shit because EVERYONE knows that your kind of out of body boasting is like King Martini saying that he "played you." When in reality you both were looking for love in the wrong place.

You have a habit of "residing" with a new man every 19 months. As Fashionista said, why do you think anyone wants to read your latest "fuck up" on a forum? How come you can't go and get proper counseling like the rest of the medicated fuckwits that can't make correct decisions in life? I'll tell you why. Because all these actions you take are premeditated, the intrinsic value goes up with shocking attention seeking behavior. For example:

I feel it nessesary to point out that while I'm separated and divorcing, I'm living with my male besty and getting intensely turned on by his cooking skills, writing skills, amazing sense of humor and his enduring care for my well being and devotion to it.

If I marry this guy the weekend after my divorce is final absolutely no one should be surprised lol. The 4th pancake is usually the winner for me.

Couple of questions. How come you felt it "nessesary" to come onto a public forum and without any kind of rhyme or reason you just blurt out that your 6th marriage is in shambles and now you're moving onto some guy who turns you on with his cooking skills? Who exactly asked you on either forum how your new "relationship" was going? Was there any mention of your loins stirring from your new partner's cooking? I mean if the guy makes a mean omelet, I can understand. What I can't "understand" is why you felt the need to come here and proclaim this very unroyal proclamation in dirty underwear.

Second question. Do you think you're fooling anyone? Like the old saying goes, those who brag about "having big dicks" and "Are happy going on their 312th relationship this year" are full of shit. You are and always have been full of crap. It wasn't until this very second that I now realize why we don't like each other. It's because you congregate with these people online and offline. I didn't realize how very serious you take these forums. The forums for me is a place for some good laughs and to read some excellent writing from time-to-time. I dont need to "know" everyone in passing. I don't need to meet any of these people offline and ruin what I constructed them to look like in my head. This is a place mostly made up of fantasy. Most of the people say things they can't/won't in their real lives, their personas are made up caricatures from their real world and are for entertainment value only. You're mixing in something that was never supposed to be joined at the hip.

I know you've probably had it rough. I'll never omit the fact I probably haven't gone through some of the horrid things you or anyone else here has gone through. And now you've got to face some of the same kind of mental abuse you were running from. See. The words on here have no power. The only power the words have are the one's you give it. With that being said, this will be my last correspondence to you. I dislike having to post to you soo very much that I'm just not going to do it anymore. It doesn't help you or me. I honestly feel sorry for you, and I don't say that as an insult. I understand what you want in this life because everyone wants that too. If not for circumstances beyond your control, I can see you being a Lawyer, Doctor or anything you wanted to be.

Goodbye Dove and good luck to you.
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Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Maybe you'd really like to kick my ass really hard by posting a picture of your bald head?

Yeah, that should do the trick. To finish me off you could post a picture of the cellulitis under your musty smelling nutsack.

That would totally slay me!


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Okay. Which charity of my choosing?

Nahh... that's not how it's going to play out now that you've done a Punjabi song and dance number over the people pledging cash for YOU to unmask and expecting your stipulations be followed and not the paying customers.

So make a decision.

Will you post your real life pictures up for 1500 cash and all OUR stipulations? Or will you demand my real life pictures be posted while insisting YOUR stipulations stand?

Shit or get off the copper chamber pot, Five Guys.

- Checkmate


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Nahh... that's not how it's going to play out now that you've done a Punjabi song and dance number over the people pledging cash for YOU to unmask and expecting your stipulations be followed and not the paying customers.

So make a decision.

Will you post your real life pictures up for 1500 cash and all OUR stipulations? Or will you demand my real life pictures be posted while insisting YOUR stipulations stand?

Shit or get off the copper chamber pot, Five Guys.

- Checkmate

Bugger off clown.

You're not in charge of shit! Actually the deal was I leave the forums forever. Go reread the post.

You think you're going to sit out here wasting my time with your broke ass excuses.

Either get the $1500 or shut the fuck up.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Bugger off clown.

You're not in charge of shit! Actually the deal was I leave the forums forever. Go reread the post.

You think you're going to sit out here wasting my time with your broke ass excuses.

Either get the $1500 or shut the fuck up.

No, yuo first.

You tried to set the negotiations template. Now you have to die on that hill either way you five guys look at it.

(It's in the by-laws)

Thankyouvurrrymuch for shopping at Freudy-Mart. Please don't comeaginnn....


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
No, yuo first.

You tried to set the negotiations template. Now you have to die on that hill either way you five guys look at it.

(It's in the by-laws)

Thankyouvurrrymuch for shopping at Freudy-Mart. Please don't comeaginnn....

Wrong again.

Come up with $1500 and I'm gone forever.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Who the fuck has the inclination to read through that frozen block of infantile spew....

No thank you fucking much.

I barely read it when I saw it on BC over a week ago.

Flynn sure finds it meaningful and validating though so good for him.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Wrong again.

Come up with $1500 and I'm gone forever.

You come up with 1500 bucks or you just got punked in plain message board text by yours truly.

This is why I vetoed you ever joining any of the various crews.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
You come up with 1500 bucks or you just got punked in plain message board text by yours truly.

This is why I vetoed you ever joining any of the various crews.

Oh. But Freud, I never wanted to be on any of those "crews." Try again.

This must be where you being a "forum pro" comes in. The only thing you "punked" is yourself by backing out of our deal after saying you would try to get funding.

You're full of hot air once again.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Oh. But Freud, I never wanted to be on any of those "crews." Try again.

$1500 and I leave forever.

Nope. Now YOU have to pay 1500 bucks to be allowed to leave forever.

- employing Five Guys Mumbai slumdog logic to hilariously amusing effect.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Coming from the semen stain that thinks posting idiotic pictures of your receding hairline is comical.

^conjecture by a gaggle of third world crusty street urchins who share a refrigerator carton residence and a condom and single wet wipe every night, while sleeping toe to toe and head to head....


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
^conjecture by a gaggle of third world crusty street urchins who share a refrigerator carton residence and a condom and single wet wipe every night, while sleeping toe to toe and head to head....

Overruled on the grounds that you're an absolute untalented shit bag.

Let it be known that Freud has never seen, heard or talked to any of these "5 street urchins" he's frequently referring to because they don't fucking exist!