I like wearing womans panties.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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It seems that making fun of that noodle neck shit stabbing fairy really makes holidork's vagina hurt

Imma do it moar :GiggleBitch:

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Bitch, you have no idea who I am. You are a terrible reader of people.
He has no idea who he is either.

Gotta be dumb as fuck to have a hairy back and feet three sizes too big for your high heels and still think you're a woman

Unless of course your name is flynn. Then it's just bad genetics filled with a lineage littered with moose dna

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
If I were single...I'd fuck your dad and take your inheritance. All 3 bucks.

Lucky for you I have a husband and a boyfriend so I'm pretty fucking busy.
imagine 3500 dollars sending someone into a manic fit of rage and hysteria for THREE fucking years.

holy shit.. we should start a go fundme capped at 3500 and send the proceeds to her local suicide outreach center


Domestically feral
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United states
imagine 3500 dollars sending someone into a manic fit of rage and hysteria for THREE fucking years.

holy shit.. we should start a go fundme capped at 3500 and send the proceeds to her local suicide outreach center

It pisses that broke ass off that I'm not embarrassed that I enjoy a man paying for things.

Unlike Poofer its fucking manly.


Factory Bastard
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Most women do. Poofer is just a broke loser without even basic money thus his filthy mattress on the floor. Thus his disgusting house and bathroom. Normal people do not live like that.

My wife is very based and traditional, that is why I married her, but there are expectations each spouse has a right to expect on a traditional marriage. I fulfill mine and she fulfills her's. I bring I the money, she takes care of the house and kids, we are both happy.
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Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Aidsman rages against happily married people. News at 11:00. Anything other than homosexual dick sucking upsets him.
He never had kids because he could never get pregnant despite all the men that have squirted in his cock trap


Domestically feral
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United states
Most women do. Poofer is just a broke loser without even basic money thus his filthy mattress on the floor. Thus his disgusting house and bathroom. Normal people do not live like that.

My wife is very based and traditional, that is why I married her, but there are expectations each spouse has a right to expect on a traditional marriage. I fulfill mine and she fulfills her's. I bring I the money, she takes care of the house and kids, we are both happy.



> you
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. o O


Domestically feral
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United states
When my guy and I go out running errands and I grab things I want, he always pays for it. I don't ask him to. He literally gets offended if I so much as pull my bank card out in public.

He doesn't give a shit if and what I order from home and if I wanted him to pay for that stuff he would gladly do it. Even through all the years we were just friends he ALWAYS paid for me. If we went out for coffee or food, he always paid. Having drinks? He paid. Et. He just always has. He is straight up disgusted by men who allow women to pay.

A few weeks ago we went to a grocery store and I grabbed some extra stuff so I can make the smoothies I like. I pulled my card out at the check out and he had the most disgusted "what the fuck" look on his face....so I just put my card back in my purse and he said "yeah that's right" and just paid for it. It was fucking hot.

I don't ever want to feel like IM the man in any relationship ever the fuck again. I love able to relax and be the girl. I didn't even realize how deeply exhausted I was always being the one to solve and fix everything. I didn't hand the reigns over....I fucking threw that shit lol.

What Scrotini and Fuckhead here don't understand is that if a woman is paying for everything and won't let a man pay for her....it's a deep lack of trust and an unwillingness to emotionally invest. It's also a big sign of no respect. The minute a man kicks back and let's me pay, I lose some respect in him and I'm much less likely to ever be properly submissive. I'm way to dominate and untrusting and I'll butt heads and challenge a man I don't feel totally safe with. I need to know he is stronger than me, more dominate than me, more capable than me, and he has it all under control. I don't WANT to be some "equal"(I believe equal is a human value thing)....I WANT the man to be a man and a man I view as better than me.

I wouldn't even trust Ptard to change a fucking tire. I had to do all the driving (that's another thing. Nothing is more of a turn off than being the one who has to drive WTF) and pay for everything. And he needed all this emotional reassurance and would start drama and fights....like dude....If I wanted to fuck a woman, I'd have gotten a hot one and had fun. I don't want some flabby ass bum of a male bringing toxic feminity my way. What. A. Turn. Off.

I paid and drove because I wasn't investing and I had absolutely NO respect for him as a man whatsoever. I don't even view him as a man.


Domestically feral
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United states
Could you edit that down to about 15% of that non essential verbiage no one reads your wordgasms, as you should know by now.

Could you edit your personality a bit so you can be less narcissistic and avoid speaking for other people? Because there are posters who read my posts and like them and they shouldn't have to settle for you and the usual riff raff constant shit post spamming.

You realize a handful of posters don't even bother coming here anymore because of the shit post spamming you seem to enjoy so much?

Why do leftists always want to dictate what everyone else can do and enjoy?


Have kink will travel.
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Any guy that says he's never had to wear a pair of women's panties at least once in their life is either a liar or they go commando.

Any guy who enjoyed wearing women's panties is an admin.

- shit happens


Domestically feral
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United states
I hope you ever find yourself being gang stomped at a Trumpenvolksmarch.


As opposed to having your 8 year old baby girl shot in your car while you are fleeing from leftwing activists?

Or your 18 year old son ran over with a car and murdered over politcs from a drunk 40 something leftist?

Or stabbed or beaten too death for "justice"?


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
I hope you ever find yourself being gang stomped at a Trumpenvolksmarch.


Is that some kind of cocksucking fantasy of yours?

Down on the ground... closer to the dongers?

I notice you haven't said anything about wearing women's panties before...

Did I trigger you?