Fascist Garth Brooks on Wrong Side of Bud Lite Controversy


Domestically feral
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United states
I didn't read all the thread.

Are the Leftists being racist jagoffs again?

One of the reasons I have no hope for the country getting better without serious conflict and struggle is because I see so many people actively and gleefully chosing hatred and using whatever bullshit excuse they can to do so.

Accusing people of being racists and nazis while they themselves demonstrate an almost shocking level of racism and authoritarianism is a big part of that. The violence they are willing to look past because they really believe and want to believe they are these heros and are in the right.

Isn't that how these things always go? It makes me devastated for my kids. I mostly distance myself from politcs these days and I'm just focusing on enjoying my life and loving hard. I want the second half of my life to be filled with peace and passion.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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One of the reasons I have no hope for the country getting better without serious conflict and struggle is because I see so many people actively and gleefully chosing hatred and using whatever bullshit excuse they can to do so.

Accusing people of being racists and nazis while they themselves demonstrate an almost shocking level of racism and authoritarianism is a big part of that. The violence they are willing to look past because they really believe and want to believe they are these heros and are in the right.

Isn't that how these things always go? It makes me devastated for my kids.
Need to remove parasites like admin and swallowallday from this country


Domestically feral
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United states
Need to remove parasites like admin and swallowallday from this country

Well we can't.

Like I said....I just wanna live my life and enjoy it. Make all the changes I need to make in order to be truly happy and not have so much stress and conflict and mistrust in my life.

Arguing politcs is just sad, frustrating and draining because no one ever wants to talk about anything. It's just all hatred and nastiness no matter what is said. Fuck these people and their never ending venom.

If they truly cared they would value peace and communication. They just want force and domination. It's a game to them where they can indulge the worst parts of themselves.

I don't understand why anyone would put effort into chosing hate and twisting the stances of others so they can have an excuse to hate. They won't ever discuss what they even actually think because they don't care really. Its all about hate.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Well we can't.

Like I said....I just wanna live my life and enjoy it. Make all the changes I need to make in order to be truly happy and not have so much stress and conflict and mistrust in my life.

Arguing politcs is just sad, frustrating and draining because no one ever wants to talk about anything. It's just all hatred and nastiness no matter what is said. Fuck these people and their never ending venom.
Just do what I do. Mock these subhuman parasites. They’re worthless so you’ll never get through to them


Domestically feral
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United states
Just do what I do. Mock these subhuman parasites. They’re worthless so you’ll never get through to them

There is no hope for the country either because that's how people are now. It's just gonna devolve further because so many people get off on seeing their neighbors as the enemy.

It's all fucked and people enjoy that.


Domestically feral
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United states
Fuck off nigger lover.


No one expects better though. You just prove my point.

You get hateful and spam at people and then when they treat you the same way you act like it's their fault you are an asshole. You shit post spam at me while I continually try to engage.

You are the reason he spams at you....you are not the one doing it back. HE is.


An Claidheam Anam
One of the reasons I have no hope for the country getting better without serious conflict and struggle is because I see so many people actively and gleefully chosing hatred and using whatever bullshit excuse they can to do so.

Accusing people of being racists and nazis while they themselves demonstrate an almost shocking level of racism and authoritarianism is a big part of that. The violence they are willing to look past because they really believe and want to believe they are these heros and are in the right.

Isn't that how these things always go? It makes me devastated for my kids. I mostly distance myself from politcs these days and I'm just focusing on enjoying my life and loving hard. I want the second half of my life to be filled with peace and passion.

Oh, I lost hope for our country years ago. The social compact has been irrevocably broken by the Leftist filth that have infected every level of our culture and government. We have a two-tiered system of Justice, weaponized federal agencies and disgusting transsexuals taking their shirts off and shaking its titties on the White House lawn ... and Leftists like our pals here see nothing wrong with any of that.

Admin and Hollowgay are perfect examples of the useful idiots of the Left who happily skip behind their Pied Pipers down the road to Tyranny. The ironic thing is that the likes of them end up in the gulags first.


Domestically feral
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United states
Oh, I lost hope for our country years ago. The social compact has been irrevocably broken by the Leftist filth that have infected every level of our culture and government. We have a two-tiered system of Justice, weaponized federal agencies and disgusting transsexuals taking their shirts off and shaking its titties on the White House lawn ... and Leftists like our pals here see nothing wrong with any of that.

Admin and Hollowgay are perfect examples of the useful idiots of the Left who happily skip behind their Pied Pipers down the road to Tyranny. The ironic thing is that the likes of them end up in the gulags first.

My boyfriend here is republican and has always been so. He cringed when I voted for Obama but didn't say anything because he wanted me to figure it out on my own. I did.

He knows a lot about politcs and history and teaches me a lot. He is a freelance writer and writes about these topics frequently.....he is really interesting to talk to.

And he would agree with you but somehow he still has hope for the country. He has some decent reasons why. I want so badly to share his optimism and sometimes I do. We both agree though that if there is any hope it's not gonna get better until it all collapses and people realize how real this all is.


Domestically feral
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United states
Because that’s what niggers do. No one ever claimed nigger Stubby was cognitively there.

So it's okay for you...a white guy even...to call a person who isn't white a nigger just because he spams the cock thing at you and he only does it because of you constant spamming about Trumptards at us?

senior penor

Factory Bastard
Absolutely no one is screaming about bud light turning anyone gay. Or even gayness. I'm Bi and my daughter is a lesbian. No one cares about gayness.

See how you just make shit up? Because you can't defend what you support so you gaslight.
See, that is the entire crux of the pushback. a bunch of mentally deranged leftists trying to dictate what gays believe. The whole Dylan mulveney thing was a puzzle thing for the first while because mainly i didn't know who the fuck she or he was. Then somebody explained who Dylan's audience was(zoomers and children) and then it made sense and why "she" is such a toxic-as-fuck kiss of death for any brand.
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Gay people are sick and tired of the Dylan mulveneys of the world acting like they speak for them when they don't.
You may while you're strawmaning "conservatibes are worried bud light will turn them gay", the reality is that gays are turning on you!

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senior penor

Factory Bastard
So it's okay for you...a white guy even...to call a person who isn't white a nigger just because he spams the cock thing at you and he only does it because of you constant spamming about Trumptards at us?
Why the fuck do you think i call that idiot klansadmin sometimes? lol!
He's cheerleading for hispanics and armenians to get pounded on because they stood in the way between him and PLEASE ASS BOX ME! little kids.
And don't forget muslims. now they have told him to fuck off, he now hates muslims,too.


An Claidheam Anam
My boyfriend here is republican and has always been so. He cringed when I voted for Obama but didn't say anything because he wanted me to figure it out on my own. I did.

He knows a lot about politcs and history and teaches me a lot. He is a freelance writer and writes about these topics frequently.....he is really interesting to talk to.

And he would agree with you but somehow he still has hope for the country. He has some decent reasons why. I want so badly to share his optimism and sometimes I do. We both agree though that if there is any hope it's not gonna get better until it all collapses and people realize how real this all is.
Well. we'll see, but I don't have much hope. We passed the tipping point long ago and now more than half the country is supported by the other half that create the wealth that makes it all go. And now that Trump has forever exposed the Deep State for what it is - Tyranny - there's little possibility that the blessings of liberty can be re-secured without bloodshed.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Well. we'll see, but I don't have much hope. We passed the tipping point long ago and now more than half the country is supported by the other half that create the wealth that makes it all go. And now that Trump has forever exposed the Deep State for what it is - Tyranny - there's little possibility that the blessings of liberty can be re-secured without bloodshed.

and they are determined to let anyone who tries to follow suit know what will happen to them if they get any ideas of mimicking his unbridled patriotism

we are an empire in decline.


Domestically feral
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United states
Why the fuck do you think i call that idiot klansadmin sometimes? lol!
He's cheerleading for hispanics and armenians to get pounded on because they stood in the way between him and PLEASE ASS BOX ME! little kids.
And don't forget muslims. now they have told him to fuck off, he now hates muslims,too.

The scary part is he thinks all of this is just "right wing propaganda" and lies because that's what his "side" tells him. He doesn't look for himself. Doesn't see people ditching the LGBT and starting opposing movements because he thinks it's all "right wing extremists" and of course he is brainwashed to believe right wing people are all racist bigots.

While he calls people niggers.


Domestically feral
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United states
Explain the difference Dr. Duh’v they are by slurs, and from now on I will answer Pygmy’s mindless name calling in turn, why you ask? because he’s a stupid nigger!


So I have to explain the difference between pleasuring a man with one's mouth and hating and degrading someone because of their skin color?

Fucking really?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Name callers are morally superior to name callers!



Okay I think I see what you are saying. You are just seeing the act of name calling.

Where as I'm seeing like...."levels" of name calling.

I don't think using racist slurs is on par with the cock sucking thing. Probably because I don't view sucking cock as a bad thing. I think it's fucking beautiful. Racism though? That's all kinds of bad.

Like what's better here. My boyfriend grabbing my hair and saying "that's my good girl" while I'm choking on his dick or a grand wizard patting my back and saying "that's a good girl" while I hang me a negra? One of these things is inheritantly vile and will always be wrong and sucking a cock isn't the one.

See my point?

I DO see what you are saying even though you are being a dick about it. You just see the name calling thing.


Domestically feral
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United states
Thinking about sucking cock....this is the ONLY good Garth Brooks song and it was done first by Billy Joel.

Brings back a lot of memories

"I don't break easy, I have my pride but if you need to be satisfied I'm shameless..
Honey I don't have a prayer, everytime i see you standing there...I GO DOWN UPON MY KNEES!"

Sucking cock. Not like racism at all.
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Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Okay I think I see what you are saying. You are just seeing the act of name calling.

Where as I'm seeing like...."levels" of name calling.

I don't think using racist slurs is on par with the cock sucking thing. Probably because I don't view sucking cock as a bad thing. I think it's fucking beautiful. Racism though? That's all kinds of bad.

Like what's better here. My boyfriend grabbing my hair and saying "that's my good girl" while I'm choking on his dick or a grand wizard patting my back and saying "that's a good girl" while I hang me a negra? One of these things is inheritantly vile and will always be wrong and sucking a cock isn't the one.

See my point?

I DO see what you are saying even though you are being a dick about it. You just see the name calling thing.
Here's the thing though. I got this pasty white super fairy who wanted everyone to believe he's a social justice warrior to let the real inner racist lurking deep within his uterus out.

And after all that pontificating about George Floyd and Jacob Blake too.

the ownage doesn't get much better than that.


Who am I? I am over Two Billion in Saudi Cash!
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Follow the money.
Here's the thing though. I got this pasty white super fairy who wanted everyone to believe he's a social justice warrior to let the real inner racist lurking deep within his uterus out.

And after all that pontificating about George Floyd and Jacob Blake too.

the ownage doesn't get much better than that.
