O My! Justice Department Under Threat From Retards and Hillbullies With Guns


Put your glasses on!
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Most of the inflation has been caused by COVID shit downs, giving people money to not work, printing money to pay for all that, sanctions. You are a fool lacking any comprehension if you blame that on just two people as it ignore most of the issues.

The printing of money was a big one, but other factors played off Covid too, like availability. That caused lots of items to soar. Then, when Biden caused oil to go up, gas went up, thus inflation took off like a rocket, jus' like it did in 2008.


Put your glasses on!
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Did you miss the 80's? This feels like the 80's all over again, except with more shenanigans.

Relax. It's whatever.

Lol, the 80's were the bestest!!! I was a Bicentennial Baby.... '76!

Everyone told Noah to relax too, until the rain came down, lulz.


Put your glasses on!
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Yeah, well when that happens you'll be long dead, so you don't have to worry about it.

I'd be more worried about the poles shifting or any number of natural disasters that surely will come before this apocalyptic nightmare you're always envisioning.

Crazy enough, the poles have indeed been shifting at a greater speed lately, way faster than normal.

The 2012 Mayan thing, I thought we might experience the shift then lol. I had no idea what would happen, but I prepared me and my family for it, best I could, jus' in case.

Supposedly we've experienced 5 pole shifts before, and we are currently past due for another.

As far as my apocalyptic vision, the proof is already there. The media wont show you. The food crisis is real, and its getting worse. Cause a disaster, implement a solution, its how they roll, only their solution involves ruling over us. When folks get hungry, you will see humanity turn on itself.


Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
I cant listen to vocaroos at work! Hopefully I dont get too stoned later and forget to listen to it lol. Its a Jam night, so I wont be home for a bit!

I was only saying 1980s were the bomb diggity.
I graduated high school in 1983 so I didn't exactly "grow up" during them like you and the other puppies of the time, but I was still young enough to experience them all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.



Factory Bastard
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Enjoy your pineanal!!!

I know you and your cousins cherish that photo. Next time you’re gonna squirt all over Jethro, look at the photo again and note the way my feet are pointing. Weird that you’re half blind as well as being way stupid.


Put your glasses on!
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I was only saying 1980s were the bomb diggity.
I graduated high school in 1983 so I didn't exactly "grow up" during them like you and the other puppies of the time, but I was still young enough to experience them all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.


Hell, I thought you were only a tad older than me! Must be something about the Blue Ridge Mountains that keeps us young lol.



Put your glasses on!
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I know you and your cousins cherish that photo. Next time you’re gonna squirt all over Jethro, look at the photo again and note the way my feet are pointing. Weird that you’re half blind as well as being way stupid.

Did you at least give your son a reach around while you fucked him in the ass?


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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