The most offensive image


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Yes a few times I did. And I disagree that Aryans "white nationalism" is racism.

And yeah, they are socialists. There are a lot of differences between the actual nazis and today's UK nationalists. The Nazis were a specific party and had stances that whites were the master race and such. Today's white nationalists are just against globalism and want to keep their country homogenous.

Racist in my view is believing people are superior or inferior based on their skin color. I guess you could see wanting to keep your homogenous as racist....but they don't think other races are inferior, they just don't want to lose their own.

There are nuances here. And just because I take the time to notice them doesn't mean I'm in agreement with it or defending it. I find it lazy when people try to oversimplify an opposing view and start labeling and judging and dismissing it. It adds to the deepening divisions and no one ever changes their mind when that's done to them. It just drives them further into echo chambers where they radicalize eachother.

Not saying Aryan is off getting radicalized in some echo chamber....but no one is going to make him think more or consider anything if they are calling him a nazi racist and oversimplying his position.

So. You still don't think that white nationalism is a racist ideology, even with all the facts presented to you? You're either a tard or You're just a fucking dumb ass.

Hey stupid, any time a group of people partake in ethnic cleansing based on race, color, creed and religion IS THE VERY DEFINITION OF RACISM AND BIGOTRY. You are just now proving my point that you actually don't know jack shit about this subject. No. The white nationalists are anything but "socialists." Do you even know what a "Socialist" is?

You defend an admitted Nazi. You have no other counter argument after that. Everything you post is either YOUR OPINION or is way off base. As far as that dickhead Aryan goes, no one is trying to change that stupid fucker, but he cries just like you when a spade is called a fucking spade.

Your argument is like that of Hitler an Austrian Jew killing off his own people, in the name of Anglo power.
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Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Also he has never insulted my looks by saying I have black features as if having black features make people ugly so....there is that. I don't see having any black features as a bad thing. I have hair that isn't much like "white person" hair as well.

Am I supposed to be upset or offended if someone thinks I look somewhat black? It sure looks like you think black people are ugly, Flynn. And that my nose is a "n*gger nose".

You do have a nigger nose and Aryan being the fucking hypocritical bitch he is looks past that because you defend him. I actually said you also have little slanty beady pig eyes, like a Chinese person with Downs.

I like how you you're trying to turn this into "Flynn said I gotta nigger nose, so therefore me defending a proven racist is okay."

Fuck off slag. Your "arguments" fall flat on their flat faces as you keep openly defending a self professed Nazi.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I will un-dismiss you for one post.

I don't care that you're a Jew. I'm not anti-semitic.

But you are an asshole, therefore I will dismiss you again.


Oh, I crack myself up. :LOL3:

Hairy Hair Plugged creeper needs his back and knuckles shaved :Killa:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
BS. It's because I know a true racist from someone that's trolling.

Nuance escapes people on the other side of the aisle. Everything with you people is black or white, you don't see shades of gray. You're simplistic like that.

And who is "us"? You and your gang of idiots?

Adam Hitler's white nationalism is not racist and here is online course taught by Marjorie Taylor Greene and Dove...derp derp. I sometimes can't tell if these people are serious or trolling.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Adam Hitler's white nationalism is not racist and here is online course taught by Marjorie Taylor Greene and Dove...derp derp. I sometimes can't tell if these people are serious or trolling.

That's a good point. However, knowing their brain power (oxymoron - emphasis on moron) I suspect they're serious.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Adam Hitler has been posting his Holocaust is a hoax charts and graphs for ages here and at's quite sad really especially when CC used to kick him in his nuts and send his ass crying back to BF.
It is a hoax, or at least the "official" narrative is.

The truth doesn't fear scrutiny or require laws to protect it from being questioned.

The fact that so many of you believe such outlandish nonsense is a testimony to the effectiveness of jewish propaganda.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
It is a hoax, or at least the "official" narrative is.

The truth doesn't fear scrutiny or require laws to protect it from being questioned.

The fact that so many of you believe such outlandish nonsense is a testimony to the effectiveness of jewish propaganda.

You're the only one that believes in the shit you post. Why don't you stay at TBC as there are too many "trannies" here for your liking. Go hang out with the other like minded dullards.

You're not even witty or funny. You're just a racist faglamer. Doesn't take brains to be cruel and ignorant.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
So. You still don't think that white nationalism is a racist ideology, even with all the facts presented to you? You're either a tard or You're just a fucking dumb ass.

Hey stupid, any time a group of people partake in ethnic cleansing based on race, color, creed and religion IS THE VERY DEFINITION OF RACISM AND BIGOTRY.
So, you have a problem with Israel presumably?
Your argument is like that of Hitler an Austrian Jew
Wait wut? :LOL3:


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
So, you have a problem with Israel presumably?

Wait wut? :LOL3:

I have a problem with dickheads like you that have such a problem with this forum, but you continue to come here. Why don't you just leave and you'll be happy and so will the rest of the members here. Go play with your fucked up friends at TBC.


Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
I have a problem with dickheads like you that have such a problem with this forum, but you continue to come here. Why don't you just leave and you'll be happy and so will the rest of the members here. Go play with your fucked up friends at TBC.

I have a problem with you and your merry band of fatties & faggots.

And no, Hitler wasn't a kike, you shit stain.