
Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
I don't live my life here like you do sweetheart.

I come around every so often then I leave and do real life stuff.

Unlike you, this forum isn't my primary focus.

It has been lately though hasn't it?

How much time do you normally need to figure basic things out?


Factory Bastard
Somewhere in the US
So let me see if I'm following this correctly. Yes means no, you will not rephrase the question.

That's ok because I don't even remember what the question was.
A Mile High


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
This is the UK dumbass, if you read my OP it explains why. Prison/jail,meh semantics, stop being a wanker...if you can.
Which means....

You either have mental issues (probably) or your an ex-con.

A halfway house is a halfway house. You just don't go into them if your homeless no matter what your trying to convince anybody here with.

You really wanna try and tell ppl "derp derp teh halfway houses in the UK are different derp derp" when a fucking halfway house is what it is?

Looney, you are either a nut job or a criminal. There is no in-between with this. Why you decided to invent some hair brained story that instead of living in an alley with the rest of the bums somebody in some government help office decided "well hey, let's just put this homeless idiot whose face looks like a cigar ash around grown ass men who strangled hookers as a hobby. What would possibly go wrong if Looney here just grabbed the last piece of stale bread during dinner service?".

Whatever meds they're giving you just ain't up to snuff.

Seriously, tho. Looney, you come and go on these forums quite a bit. Chances are there's photos of you at every free wifi Cafe with the words "if you see this bumpkin, don't go near him. Call the police. We have tear gas, you dont" underneath it.

How many times have you been tasered? And do you start screaming like the hulk when they twist the volts up to "omfg just kill this fucker already" voltage?


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
Let me help you out here.

Can you think of a term for a house full of freed cons that isn't a halfway house? The difference is in part descriptive and literal,

I said,
"Found myself in a halfway house full of freed lags thanks to the lying letting agents......These goons had got about a dozen rental properties, turned them in Multiple occupancy houses and given there bad rep locally filled them up with out of town villeins."

Can UK letting agents set up halfway houses? I don't know or care and neither do you.

Its all in the above quote taken from the OP all you have to do is not be a retard. Now go back to getting your prehensile buttocks to feed your anus traffic cones like a preying mantis with the munchies eating mealy worms. I'm done with your piss weak trolling.
And YOU are either one of those ex-cons or some mental popsicle who got freedom from its straight jacket. What part of that are you trying to gloss over and tuck under the rug to seem like a normal human being?

Looney, I'm having a hard time believing they just thru your pansy ass into a government funded retard farm that caters to convicted felons without you being a convicted felon. There's laws in place so shit like that doesn't happen and it doesn't matter where the fuck you live.

The home owner works with law enforcement to slot fucking bank robbers a roof over their heads when they get out of prison. Those rooms are accounted for years in advance. There's no fucking way a landlord is taking a, in your head scratching scenario, some elderly old homeless man with the mental capacity of a broken brick of concrete, over a felon who the government is paying them, the landlord, a shitload of tax payers money to house for a few months. Your supposed halfway house room is worth thousands of dollars to the landlord. They're not putting your decrepit old ass in there because your not worth it.

Just admit you are a felon, Looney. That or some lunatic who had first class accommodations in a padded cell.

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
Currently playing poker on America's Cardroom. Playing cash on a 1$/3$ table. Down $700 for the week. :Whaa?:
I was just reading an article about the demographics of the poker community. Apparently, over 90% of players are male.

Isn't that interesting?

Also, your "man" (who I really do question whether exists at all, as you literally never mention or talk about him) must be a massive pussy to allow you to waste that sort of money on gambling, regardless of how "wealthy" you claim to be. Unless of course you do it in secret, which is another conversation altogether.

Save me any hilarious claims of being millionaires or something equally ridiculous, because if that was true, you wouldn't be on here every single day.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
I was just reading an article about the demographics of the poker community. Apparently, over 90% of players are male.

Isn't that interesting?

Also, your "man" (who I really do question whether exists at all, as you literally never mention or talk about him) must be a massive pussy to allow you to waste that sort of money on gambling, regardless of how "wealthy" you claim to be. Unless of course you do it in secret, which is another conversation altogether.

Save me any hilarious claims of being millionaires or something equally ridiculous, because if that was true, you wouldn't be on here every single day.

Bye-bye, Aryan.

Cookie Monster

One of the cool Kids.
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TERF Island.
And YOU are either one of those ex-cons or some mental popsicle who got freedom from its straight jacket. What part of that are you trying to gloss over and tuck under the rug to seem like a normal human being?

Looney, I'm having a hard time believing they just thru your pansy ass into a government funded retard farm that caters to convicted felons without you being a convicted felon. There's laws in place so shit like that doesn't happen and it doesn't matter where the fuck you live.

The home owner works with law enforcement to slot fucking bank robbers a roof over their heads when they get out of prison. Those rooms are accounted for years in advance. There's no fucking way a landlord is taking a, in your head scratching scenario, some elderly old homeless man with the mental capacity of a broken brick of concrete, over a felon who the government is paying them, the landlord, a shitload of tax payers money to house for a few months. Your supposed halfway house room is worth thousands of dollars to the landlord. They're not putting your decrepit old ass in there because your not worth it.

Just admit you are a felon, Looney. That or some lunatic who had first class accommodations in a padded cell.

LOL dont let this thread be your graveyard you idiot. The system works different in the UK because of the benefit system as a means of support, its not a top down regulated thing in the UK. Its set up and people are filtered by the company running it, in this case these crooks didn't bother and started pushing anyone in there Its not well regulated in the UK.

YES they are not supposed to let any old joe in there thats why i called them CROOKS and reported them to multiple agencies and DROVE them out of business. Stop pretending you know what you are talking about, you are just making me look a cooler dude and you a clueless grasping fool.

We are done here, or you are to be more precise