Is there a reason talk of politics gets so vitriolic?


well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society.......
Terra Firma
This @AnnaConda person seems a little thin-skinned.

Back to the subject of politics: Any chance that you are a communist? Hahahaha!!!


I’m reluctant to become a communist, there’s too many red flags.

Cookie Monster

One of the cool Kids.
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TERF Island.
I’ve always wondered why folks work themselves up to a point where they’re fixing to murder each other over ideas.

OK I'll spell this out as plain as I can.

First divide the world into economic politics and cultural politics.

Economic politics is the money in your pocket, where to live, work and eat etc.

Most people and gone through this so understand the motives so it doesn't matter if your a commie or a capitalist you assume good intent.

Cultural politics is everything else.

These issues emerge once you settle the first group and are not universally shared. Therefor you don't know the motives of others and as politics corrodes you start assuming the worst of others who do not share your views or interest in that issue.

The problem is when you start prioritising your cultural politics over other peoples economic politics and let me give you a couple of examples.

The English civil war, this is where the King wanted to impose his cultural politics on the economic politics of farmers and small land owners, that is divine rule by god.

The American civil war, this is where the north(The Republicans) imposed the cultural abolitionist views on the South's (Democrats) economic views agrarian slavery.

As you can see in one the culturalists were the good guys and in one the bad guys so you then have to ask who is getting screwed?

Well its the poor, The english farmers and the black slaves.

So who is getting screwed here? The working class who see wage and opportunities stagnate or decline by mass immigration while the wealthier indulge their cultural politics of "not being racist".

The fact the examples both involved war is not a coincidence.
Same old story isn't it?


Bastard of the Century
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This seems grossly oversimplified. Especially from one who holds a Master’s degree in Economics.

I think you may be conflating the words “politics” and “policies.”

Never heard of “cultural politics” before.

Then again, I don’t have a Master’s degree in Economics.

eta: Sorry, I was thinking of Oerdin. You two sound alike.


peace through anarchy

I’m reluctant to become a communist, there’s too many red flags.
And red salutes.

The problem I see in politics is the extremism. On both sides.

You can claim the other side is ignorant if that makes you sleep better but the extremists are the real sons of bitches here.

I assume the left leaning people applauded Anna's post because they assume by ignorant people it is meant to be conservatives. But conservatives hold back because they look twice before jumping while some progressives are so willing to push a newfound agenda they leap blindly like lemmings off cliffs. Which isn't really fucking bright either, you dig?

The lack of respect is harshest by extremists on both sides while the pragmatist im moi really hopes the majority in the middle are less apt to rip off skulls and shit down throats to prove their agendas.


peace through anarchy
OK I'll spell this out as plain as I can.

First divide the world into economic politics and cultural politics.

Economic politics is the money in your pocket, where to live, work and eat etc.

Most people and gone through this so understand the motives so it doesn't matter if your a commie or a capitalist you assume good intent.

Cultural politics is everything else.

These issues emerge once you settle the first group and are not universally shared. Therefor you don't know the motives of others and as politics corrodes you start assuming the worst of others who do not share your views or interest in that issue.

The problem is when you start prioritising your cultural politics over other peoples economic politics and let me give you a couple of examples.

The English civil war, this is where the King wanted to impose his cultural politics on the economic politics of farmers and small land owners, that is divine rule by god.

The American civil war, this is where the north(The Republicans) imposed the cultural abolitionist views on the South's (Democrats) economic views agrarian slavery.

As you can see in one the culturalists were the good guys and in one the bad guys so you then have to ask who is getting screwed?

Well its the poor, The english farmers and the black slaves.

So who is getting screwed here? The working class who see wage and opportunities stagnate or decline by mass immigration while the wealthier indulge their cultural politics of "not being racist".

The fact the examples both involved war is not a coincidence.
Same old story isn't it?
If I could LIKE this more than once, I would.

"It was James Carville who famously said, “It's the economy, stupid!” Carville was an elections strategist for then-Governor Bill Clinton, and he helped Clinton beat President George H.W. Bush in 1992 in the midst of a recession that left many Americans out of work and in debt.Nov 4, 2020"

The economy must come above all things because you want something where people have equal opportunity to prosper. The problem I have with the right is that yes some folks are just against big gov't & all regulations because they want to make money while literally killing people & the environment, BUT, the problem I have with the left is they want to regulate everything to the point where the cost ls so much to live, the gap between wealth and poor is just as egregious and all the people they have living on the streets are wasting away. And these folks don't even see that?

I've seen the narrative that blue states pay for red states. Red states are cheaper to live. Having a cheaper standard of living where MOAR people can afford to start from nothing is actually a benefit. Hello? Hi. Logic here. Nice to see you again. A homeless person can move to Alabama and work their way up. Can they do that in California? Hahaha fuck no. The stupid is too strong there.

Capitalism works. Period. Full stop. Yes, you need regulations to make sure people ain't fucking over people but when you get to California regulation levels, you done gone beyond fucked up.

I think Lincoln had to take a stand against slavery because even without the bible, the dude just knew going forward as a country the USA would never survive thinking slavery was a-okay and being divided.

I know people who are against abortion and I can see where they are coming from but if you truly want a world where no abortion exists, you must allow individual freedom and have it be a choice made rather than a mandate forced.

But I totally relate to your point that economics can be easier to breach across the political aisle than ingrained core beliefs. Although, even Obama was originally against same sex marriage.

There has to be a healthy respect but there is not. Liberals think conservatives are ignorant and conservatives think liberals are lazy. Spoiler Alert: Both are right. While conservatives may not have gone to college, they worked, they provided. And while liberals did go to college, they ended up whining about not having student loans forgiven. But hey, if we were all clones, we wouldn't be having this conversation, would we now?

Cookie Monster

One of the cool Kids.
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TERF Island.
There has to be a healthy respect but there is not. Liberals think conservatives are ignorant and conservatives think liberals are lazy. Spoiler Alert: Both are right. While conservatives may not have gone to college, they worked, they provided. And while liberals did go to college, they ended up whining about not having student loans forgiven. But hey, if we were all clones, we wouldn't be having this conversation, would we now?

Erm no. Liberals are skewed big time towards people who lack a survival instinct as individuals and as a group. They preen about safety and security but support policies that erode both. You develop a Su In by taking risks and hard endurance, its not a coincidence that Military and biker types tend to skew right.

I don't need my enemy to respect me if he fears me as respect comes through fear.

With the Right gunning up the left carry on as normal as if the worlds the same as 30 to 50 years and without the basic curiosity or skills to find out why , "Hey, lets throw their leader in jail" they say, what could go wrong?

2024 is going to be a shit show like non other.


peace through anarchy
Erm no. Liberals are skewed big time towards people who lack a survival instinct as individuals and as a group. They preen about safety and security but support policies that erode both. You develop a Su In by taking risks and hard endurance, its not a coincidence that Military and biker types tend to skew right.

I don't need my enemy to respect me if he fears me as respect comes through fear.

With the Right gunning up the left carry on as normal as if the worlds the same as 30 to 50 years and without the basic curiosity or skills to find out why , "Hey, lets throw their leader in jail" they say, what could go wrong?

2024 is going to be a shit show like non other.

There is an original Star Trek episode in which the transporter splits Captain Kirk into two halves. The battle hardened stark pragmatic and yet full of fear of the unknown half. And the educated, overly thinking, analysis paralysis half.

Neither can survive without the other. It is a delicate balance of evolutionary perfection. Wrought with doubt and yet a paragon of potential. The fire within each and every one of us is one we stoke and yet must at the same time keep in check from becoming a wildfire of destruction. We need to be smart enough to think for ourselves yet strong enough to do for ourselves. The right and the left need each other. They are halves of the same whole.

People who fight, suffer, endure and can live on their own will eventually spawn those who benefit from it and question all of it. But they have a purpose as well.

George Santayana (16 December 1863 in Madrid, Spain – 26 September 1952 in Rome, Italy) was a philosopher, essayist, poet and novelist. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

Either that or evolution's sick joke of balance is to create those who protest for a living wage when no job in existence can afford the living wage because the end is nigh.

I've often thought, what if China goes capitalistic and workers form unions?

Do liberals realize the fact we can afford anything now is because China pays slave wages for all the shit you enjoy? You proclaim to fight for people while people suffer to provide for you.

Even Mexicans. You want a more porous border because as you say Americans don't or won't want to do these jobs but unless legal immigration is enforced, by allowing illegal immigrants to come and go you are just allowing a neverending second class citizen to exist which is not very goddamned progressive now is it?

Maybe the Matrix balances itself out because Neo wants to save everyone and Smith wants to destroy everyone. The very same way conservatives want to keep traditions while liberals want to fuck them all.

Evolution is challenging us. And most of us don't even realize it.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
There is an original Star Trek episode in which the transporter splits Captain Kirk into two halves. The battle hardened stark pragmatic and yet full of fear of the unknown half. And the educated, overly thinking, analysis paralysis half.

Neither can survive without the other. It is a delicate balance of evolutionary perfection. Wrought with doubt and yet a paragon of potential. The fire within each and every one of us is one we stoke and yet must at the same time keep in check from becoming a wildfire of destruction. We need to be smart enough to think for ourselves yet strong enough to do for ourselves. The right and the left need each other. They are halves of the same whole.

People who fight, suffer, endure and can live on their own will eventually spawn those who benefit from it and question all of it. But they have a purpose as well.

George Santayana (16 December 1863 in Madrid, Spain – 26 September 1952 in Rome, Italy) was a philosopher, essayist, poet and novelist. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

Either that or evolution's sick joke of balance is to create those who protest for a living wage when no job in existence can afford the living wage because the end is nigh.

I've often thought, what if China goes capitalistic and workers form unions?

Do liberals realize the fact we can afford anything now is because China pays slave wages for all the shit you enjoy? You proclaim to fight for people while people suffer to provide for you.

Even Mexicans. You want a more porous border because as you say Americans don't or won't want to do these jobs but unless legal immigration is enforced, by allowing illegal immigrants to come and go you are just allowing a neverending second class citizen to exist which is not very goddamned progressive now is it?

Maybe the Matrix balances itself out because Neo wants to save everyone and Smith wants to destroy everyone. The very same way conservatives want to keep traditions while liberals want to fuck them all.

Evolution is challenging us. And most of us don't even realize it.

Dude, what strain of weed do you use?


peace through anarchy
Dude, what strain of weed do you use?
I don't smoke. I drink. Because drink = taste.

You may taste a hash brownie but it is a simple baked good whereas I have sampled the endless craft brews of inspired peoples who attain a congregation of oneness with the almighty mash.

Your time will come. My time is now. The difference between what is accepted to fuck one up and what will be accepted to fuck one up in the future.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I don't smoke. I drink. Because drink = taste.

You may taste a hash brownie but it is a simple baked good whereas I have sampled the endless craft brews of inspired peoples who attain a congregation of oneness with the almighty mash.

Your time will come. My time is now. The difference between what is accepted to fuck one up and what will be accepted to fuck one up in the future.

Okay, :GdBy:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Oak Bay

Is there a reason talk of politics gets so vitriolic?​

Yes, the rent is too damned high!



Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
Site Supporter ☠️
What we have in many western countries these days is now politics anymore.

It's people who insist in old methods and ideologies that are not only evil, but also complete failures.

They've failed in every single country they were implemented and yet, some people insist that they're good.

And it doesn't matter how much proof you post, it doesn't work

In the end, it becomes obvious that the main goal are civil wars to eliminate as many people as possible, since population reduction and control has been the main point of globalist leaders.

And it's also obvious that they'll reach their goal, given how blind and disconnected so many have become.


An Claidheam Anam
What we have in many western countries these days is now politics anymore.

It's people who insist in old methods and ideologies that are not only evil, but also complete failures.

They've failed in every single country they were implemented and yet, some people insist that they're good.

And it doesn't matter how much proof you post, it doesn't work

In the end, it becomes obvious that the main goal are civil wars to eliminate as many people as possible, since population reduction and control has been the main point of globalist leaders.

And it's also obvious that they'll reach their goal, given how blind and disconnected so many have become.
I'm afraid you are right, Rancid. It's become clear that the vile Leftist scum in this country - The Democrat Traitors and the unelected Administrative Bureaucracy - are trying to incite a violent reaction from the right. From we normal freedom loving Americans.

Look at how these Leftist filth cretins reacted to the ONE conservative protest that got out-of-hand, January 6. They immediately went into hyperbolic overdrive, calling it an "insurrection" and holding hearings and engaging in massive investigations and tracking down little old ladies from Idaho who were waved into the Capitol building by the police themselves. We still don't know how many operatives the FBI had in the crowd that day because the FBI Director refuses to answer that question.

Meanwhile, throughout the entire summer of 2020 there were riots, mayhem and violence perpetrated by Black Leftist Racists and Antifa college kids - but there's no investigations, no arrests. And Leftist swine filth, like Poarka, Admin and Hollowgay are just fine with all that because those were "Leftist" protests and therefore good in their fucked up eyes.

None of this will end well.


Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
Site Supporter ☠️
I'm afraid you are right, Rancid. It's become clear that the vile Leftist scum in this country - The Democrat Traitors and the unelected Administrative Bureaucracy - are trying to incite a violent reaction from the right. From we normal freedom loving Americans.

Look at how these Leftist filth cretins reacted to the ONE conservative protest that got out-of-hand, January 6. They immediately went into hyperbolic overdrive, calling it an "insurrection" and holding hearings and engaging in massive investigations and tracking down little old ladies from Idaho who were waved into the Capitol building by the police themselves. We still don't know how many operatives the FBI had in the crowd that day because the FBI Director refuses to answer that question.

Meanwhile, throughout the entire summer of 2020 there were riots, mayhem and violence perpetrated by Black Leftist Racists and Antifa college kids - but there's no investigations, no arrests. And Leftist swine filth, like Poarka, Admin and Hollowgay are just fine with all that because those were "Leftist" protests and therefore good in their fucked up eyes.

None of this will end well.

And guess what?

The EXACT same scenario is playing here right now.

They invaded congress, supreme court and other federal building here this year on January 8th and they immediately blamed Bolsonaro. Then, they arrested thousands of people who were in encampments around Brasilia, even though most weren't present in the invasion.

And when the images started appearing, the ones who committed most of the vandalism were never identified, but those who were helping financially the peacefully demonstrators were quickly persecuted and arrested.

And now the truth is surfaced, it has become clear that the new government not only knew of the possibility of invasion, but they also told security to stand down and even open doors for the people to enter the buildings.

There's footage showing who's responsible and yet, they're keeping a bunch of innocent people in jail.

The US is lucky that the supreme court there is still working for the people. Here in Brazil, they're basically a judiciary dictatorship these days, arresting reporters and anyone speaking against them.

The other, the "president" who sat in jail for almost two years and was freed after one of the biggest judicial travesties in history, cleared called for the "extirpation" of every single conservative. Yep. That's how deep in shit we are.

They are following EXACTLY the same playbook that ruined Venezuela here, bit by bit.


An Claidheam Anam
And guess what?

The EXACT same scenario is playing here right now.

They invaded congress, supreme court and other federal building here this year on January 8th and they immediately blamed Bolsonaro. Then, they arrested thousands of people who were in encampments around Brasilia, even though most weren't present in the invasion.

And when the images started appearing, the ones who committed most of the vandalism were never identified, but those who were helping financially the peacefully demonstrators were quickly persecuted and arrested.

And now the truth is surfaced, it has become clear that the new government not only knew of the possibility of invasion, but they also told security to stand down and even open doors for the people to enter the buildings.

There's footage showing who's responsible and yet, they're keeping a bunch of innocent people in jail.

The US is lucky that the supreme court there is still working for the people. Here in Brazil, they're basically a judiciary dictatorship these days, arresting reporters and anyone speaking against them.

The other, the "president" who sat in jail for almost two years and was freed after one of the biggest judicial travesties in history, cleared called for the "extirpation" of every single conservative. Yep. That's how deep in shit we are.

They are following EXACTLY the same playbook that ruined Venezuela here, bit by bit.
So your Leftist filth are using the same playbook for your Jan 8 as our Leftist filth used for our Jan 6, huh? Interesting.

We still have people in jail, like that little old Lady from Idaho who was waved into the Capitol building by the Capitol police. But Leftist vermin like Lilly, Admin and Holowgay think that's totally cool. Meanwhile, there's not one person being investigated, much less jailed, for any of the violence in 2020. In fact, all of the charges brought against the few BLM niggers and Antifa commies who attacked the White House in May 2020 that were charged with anything were recently dropped by a corrupt, Leftist, Washington D.C. court.

Like I said, none of this will end well. Freedom cannot be "extirpated" without violence. I believe that Freedom will win in the end because freedom loving people will always choose to die on their feet rather than live on their knees as slaves to tyranny.

In the end, freedom will win out, and the clapping seal useful idiots like Poarka, Admin and Hollowgay will be strung up from lamp posts and tree limbs, and the children of the patriots who string them up will poke their twitching corpses with pointed sticks and laugh.

And as they take their last, gurgling breaths, their last thoughts will be "Damn! Reggie and Rancid were right."


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
What we have in many western countries these days is now politics anymore.

It's people who insist in old methods and ideologies that are not only evil, but also complete failures.

They've failed in every single country they were implemented and yet, some people insist that they're good.

And it doesn't matter how much proof you post, it doesn't work

In the end, it becomes obvious that the main goal are civil wars to eliminate as many people as possible, since population reduction and control has been the main point of globalist leaders.

And it's also obvious that they'll reach their goal, given how blind and disconnected so many have become.

I've told you time and again, people go to "leftist" ideologies after they've lived in a "righty" world. If Latin America doesn't showcase that I don't know what region does.

People are too freakin' stupid in most of the world to do it the way the Scandinavian countries do, right down the middle. They have capitalism, but also have a strong social safety net without the rich crying too much about taxation. If people have money in their pocket to spend, that works for their economies.

This isn't hard stuff, it's that the world has too many greedy motherfuckers.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I'm afraid you are right, Rancid. It's become clear that the vile Leftist scum in this country - The Democrat Traitors and the unelected Administrative Bureaucracy - are trying to incite a violent reaction from the right. From we normal freedom loving Americans.

Look at how these Leftist filth cretins reacted to the ONE conservative protest that got out-of-hand, January 6. They immediately went into hyperbolic overdrive, calling it an "insurrection" and holding hearings and engaging in massive investigations and tracking down little old ladies from Idaho who were waved into the Capitol building by the police themselves. We still don't know how many operatives the FBI had in the crowd that day because the FBI Director refuses to answer that question.

Meanwhile, throughout the entire summer of 2020 there were riots, mayhem and violence perpetrated by Black Leftist Racists and Antifa college kids - but there's no investigations, no arrests. And Leftist swine filth, like Poarka, Admin and Hollowgay are just fine with all that because those were "Leftist" protests and therefore good in their fucked up eyes.

None of this will end well.

Yeah, because it's good normal average Americans that take flag poles, gallows, bear spray and other weapons to "peacefully protest".


An Claidheam Anam
Yeah, because it's good normal average Americans that take flag poles, gallows, bear spray and other weapons to "peacefully protest".
I guess you never saw the coolers full of frozen water bottles your wonderful Democrat BLM niggers and Antifa college Democrats had strategically placed at all of their "mostly peaceful" protests in 2020, huh?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I guess you never saw the coolers full of frozen water bottles your wonderful Democrat BLM niggers and Antifa college Democrats had strategically placed at all of their "mostly peaceful" protests in 2020, huh?

Of course I did. I never said that they didn't get violent.

I'm not a liar like your kind.


An Claidheam Anam
Of course I did. I never said that they didn't get violent.

I'm not a liar like your kind.

Then where is the massive FBI investigation into any of that?

There isn't one.

Why is that, Lily?

If you call Jan 6 an "insurrection," then why don't you call the three-day siege of the White House in May, 2020, an "insurrection" as well?

Please explain to the good readers of Bastard Factory why January 6, 2020 was an insurrection and a threat to "our Democracy," but the siege of the White House by ravening mobs of hate-filled Registered Democrats was not?

It will be interesting to hear your take on the difference.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Then where is the massive FBI investigation into any of that?

There isn't one.

Why is that, Lily?

If you call Jan 6 an "insurrection," then why don't you call the three-day siege of the White House in May, 2020, an "insurrection" as well?

Please explain to the good readers of Bastard Factory why January 6, 2020 was an insurrection and a threat to "our Democracy," but the siege of the White House by ravening mobs of hate-filled Registered Democrats was not?

It will be interesting to hear your take on the difference.

You believe the FBI has jurisdiction over protests that went wrong in different cities across America? Why do you believe that?

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
People are too freakin' stupid in most of the world to do it the way the Scandinavian countries do

This countries are almost 100% white. A higher average IQ does wonders.

Also, they do not have a major political party, like the one currently in the White House, always pushing divisive narratives.


Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
This thread has turned vitriolic.

Maybe we shouldn’t have a Politics sub?