“Theybies” instead of babies?


Factory Bastard
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Undeniably Plausible
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The Third Rail
As an anti-Communist, I refuse to play along with post-modernist crap like this. The entire point of it is to divorce young people from logic so that they can be sold a bill of goods. I consider it one of my obligations as an adult to stand as a beacon against all forms of anti-logic, this one included.
Iggy McLulz

Iggy McLulz

Fucking Delightful
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York, P.A.
I think this is stupid and I wouldn't do it to my children. At the same time I would probably respect someone's wishes if they wanted me to use the term theybies towards their babies.


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Anal Creampie
This sounds fucking dumb. Identity politic bullshit should not be pushed on infants. I have no problem with normal transgender people but I can't stand them when their whole personality revolves around being trans. It doesn't even sound like this is a trans thing, more like it's that 72 genders nonbinary shit.



People are crazy.
Iggy McLulz

Iggy McLulz

Fucking Delightful
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York, P.A.
This sounds fucking dumb. Identity politic bullshit should not be pushed on infants. I have no problem with normal transgender people but I can't stand them when their whole personality revolves around being trans. It doesn't even sound like this is a trans thing, more like it's that 72 genders nonbinary shit.



People are crazy.
After a certain point it does get fucking ridiculous and confusing with all the extra labels. I'm never going to remember all of this and end up pissing off people unintentionally simply because I have more important stuff to wrap my brain around. This kind of stuff also makes me sit back and pick myself apart. I don't need that headache. I identify as a female bisexual leaning more towards pansexual and I don't want to be anymore complicated than that. Why can't others keep it that simple? Life is hard enough already.


Factory Feline
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I have mixed feelings on it all. I think it would be cool to be raised without the stereotypical gender bullshit thrown your way. I can't tell you how many times I heard, a pretty girl like you shouldn't be doing that. It enraged me and still does. I'm lucky I had a dad, and mom, who knew I could do anything I damn well wanted in life and weren't afraid to teach me boy things. I wanted to know how to fix things and work on cars. I liked climbing trees and playing with bugs. I loved exploring, getting out in the word and discovering things. I was not a girl who wanted to learn to cook or play with dolls. I like my fancy shit, I loved lace, lace dresses were the shit, but I'd usually be climbing fences or roofs in them. It irks the shit out of me seeing or knowing of a woman who can't change a tire. Now as an adult I experience sexism in the workplace and out in the world all the fucking time. These boys don't know how to handle a little lady like me proving them wrong and standing up to them. Very rarely am I around a man in a professional setting that can take my tenacity. They don't treat my "bimbo" counterpart the way they treat me. They may fear me, but they also respect me. They know I'll get shit done, and may collect a few heads in the process. Those who like me know I hold others accountable and are accountable themselves. Those who don't like me tend to be fuckups. I like them as people, but as workers, they are shit.

Well, I went off on a tangent there.

I've had a rough 24 hours. But yeah, would be nice to be dealt with simply for my actions and not my gender.


Factory Feline
Site Supporter
This sounds fucking dumb. Identity politic bullshit should not be pushed on infants. I have no problem with normal transgender people but I can't stand them when their whole personality revolves around being trans. It doesn't even sound like this is a trans thing, more like it's that 72 genders nonbinary shit.



People are crazy.

After a certain point it does get fucking ridiculous and confusing with all the extra labels. I'm never going to remember all of this and end up pissing off people unintentionally simply because I have more important stuff to wrap my brain around. This kind of stuff also makes me sit back and pick myself apart. I don't need that headache. I identify as a female bisexual leaning more towards pansexual and I don't want to be anymore complicated than that. Why can't others keep it that simple? Life is hard enough already.

Cause to them, their label is as simple as you think yours is. Your label isn't simple, for example, if you live in Iowa.

That BS about not wanting to upset people is an excuse to be defensive and not just take people for who they are. Ultimately it doesn't fucking matter how someone identifies, who they fuck, and how they feel about themselves. I know many many many varieties of gender identities, very few I've encounter get offended so easily, and if they do, just listen to them. Ultimately what they want is acceptance and to not walk through life being judged. Don't we all want that? Yes, there are extremes out there. Walk away from them. They need help, you aren't the one to give it to them, but someone will.
Iggy McLulz

Iggy McLulz

Fucking Delightful
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York, P.A.
Ok good point, I guess it would depend on each individuals perspective on what is or isn't a complicated label. I'm not really worried about my labels, I was just using myself as an example and still did it wrong I think cis should have been in there too somewhere. I'm still breaking habits that I learned years ago. My grandmother always did the "girls don't act like that, girls don't do that" bullshit. My dad on the other hand would encourage me to play with "boys" toys. So She-Ra could hang out with Captain America in whatever castle it was that he'd bought me, it wasn't He-man's I can't remember. I judge people on how they treat me, and I can even show people that I don't like acceptance, compassion and empathy. It's mainly the easily offended that I was referring to. I have a bad habit of not getting my words to come out as intended and then I sound like an asshole. I do find myself humbled a lot but it also does help me learn more about what's going on outside of my own little world.


Undeniably Plausible
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The Third Rail
I won't play along with it at all. Every mammal species has two sexes. That binary isn't a "social construct", it's an evolutionary construct. Gender is the psychological expression of biological sex. It's as simple as that. Those who believe that magical thinking can override biology are as full of shit as religious believers -- and it's exactly the same kind of shit, by the way.

"Alaska Thunderfuck", AKA Justin Andrew Honard, is a clown, by the by. A literal clown. That's what you call somebody who entertains under an invented persona while slathered in makeup. A clown. Granted, his makeup isn't as caulrophobia-inducing as most entertainers in his genre -- but it's still clown makeup.


Undeniably Plausible
Site Supporter
The Third Rail
This sounds fucking dumb. Identity politic bullshit should not be pushed on infants. I have no problem with normal transgender people but I can't stand them when their whole personality revolves around being trans. It doesn't even sound like this is a trans thing, more like it's that 72 genders nonbinary shit.



People are crazy.

All that shit is pure affectation. It's just "look at me I'm so different and special" artificality, adopted by trend following adolescents who grew up without structure or guidance.
Iggy McLulz

Iggy McLulz

Fucking Delightful
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York, P.A.
I won't play along with it at all. Every mammal species has two sexes. That binary isn't a "social construct", it's an evolutionary construct. Gender is the psychological expression of biological sex. It's as simple as that. Those who believe that magical thinking can override biology are as full of shit as religious believers -- and it's exactly the same kind of shit, by the way.

"Alaska Thunderfuck", AKA Justin Andrew Honard, is a clown, by the by. A literal clown. That's what you call somebody who entertains under an invented persona while slathered in makeup. A clown. Granted, his makeup isn't as caulrophobia-inducing as most entertainers in his genre -- but it's still clown makeup.
Have you forgotten intersex people? Are they made up??? Are they just one gender or 2? You're getting angry over a man dressing up in drag and yes some of us enjoy these funny and talented Drag Queen entertainers. It's not much different than any other entertainer out there slapping on costume or makeup and playing a part. Look at Tyler Perry, he plays Madea, which is a woman character. Many men have put on a makeup and women's clothing simply to play a part. Drag Queens are typically gay or bi men anyway
Aother perfect example of men playing parts that you have issue with.
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Also way back in history men played women parts and women played mens parts. So get a grip, the world is full of people who see nothing wrong with a man taking on the form of a stunning woman.


Factory Bastard
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Mentioned therein are several species that are gender fluid, so teh argument against based on biology is false. It DOES happen in nature and as I recall there are a sellect few species that are sexless..

MY consternation and I put this question to my "house pet" when she dropped by to inform me she was non-binary " Identifying as non-binary" I believe her words were. The question being;
"Please inform me how you provide an accurate depiction of a person without using gender or racial type? Filing a mission persons report? Searching for a wanted felon? Victim reports? How are you going to describe these people?"

She did not have an reply.

I really do not care if you feel you do not belong to your biological gender and are seeking to truly self identify. Great, Huzzah, respect your decision. As long as you do not insist your personal decision becomes a detriment to the welfare of society as whole.


Undeniably Plausible
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The Third Rail
I won't play along with it at all. Every mammal species has two sexes. That binary isn't a "social construct", it's an evolutionary construct. Gender is the psychological expression of biological sex. It's as simple as that. Those who believe that magical thinking can override biology are as full of shit as religious believers -- and it's exactly the same kind of shit, by the way.

"Alaska Thunderfuck", AKA Justin Andrew Honard, is a clown, by the by. A literal clown. That's what you call somebody who entertains under an invented persona while slathered in makeup. A clown. Granted, his makeup isn't as caulrophobia-inducing as most entertainers in his genre -- but it's still clown makeup.
Have you forgotten intersex people?

Not at all. But they are a genetic anomaly, not a "third sex." There isn't a third sex, any more than Appalachian hillbillies with 18 toes on one foot are an anatomical reference for how many toes a human being is supposed to have. They are aberrations, genetic accidents.

And I don't apologize for that sounding harsh -- it's a fact. Evolution de-selects genetic anomalies like that. That's how natural selection works. It's only the fact that our technological development has divorced us from natural selection that allows genetic mistakes to crop up. Ever notice they don't have all this talk of "gender fluidity" in places like Haiti? Know why? Because natural selection is hard at work in places like that and trims the koo-koo off the species there. You don't see indigenous tribesmen in the Amazon painting up their faces like clowns and flouncing around in misogynistic caricatures of women there. They don't have time for that silly pretentious shit. They're too busy not dying.


Undeniably Plausible
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The Third Rail
Besides, as just mentioned, drag queens are misogynistic. Real women don't look like clowns. Real women aren't nasty, ugly caricatures.

Example: There isn't a woman on Earth that looks like this:


That's a god damn circus clown in a dress.


Undeniably Plausible
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The Third Rail
I want to take a moment to make it clear that I'm not attaching any moral or value judgment to any of this. I'm not saying anybody suffering from body dysmorphic disorder where their sex is concerned is a "bad person", or that any guy who paints his face up in a clownish caricature of femininity is necessarily a "bad person." I'm just pointing out that, from a scientific, materialistic perspective, no amount of solipsism or makeup is going to change your genetic or anatomical nature. Male is male. Only genetic, biological female is female. And outside of a 0.001% of genetic anomaly, you're one or the other. There's no "spectrum." Not in any other mammalian species on Earth, and not in ours. As an atheist, I don't believe in Abrahamic bullshit. But maybe I should point out that I don't believe in non-Abrahamic meta-religious bullshit, either. You can't "identify" as something you're not and then strong-arm other people into enabling your delusion.


Factory Feline
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I know it isn't all cuddly and negotiable, like a Disney movie. Gender can't be chosen, any more than order or phylum. In the words of the late Frank Zappa: You are what you is, and that's all it 'tis. :)

Thank you for proving my point. Yes, we are what we are, not all of us are you. You following along ok?

Go read about antheas, the fish. The male lives in a harem of women, one of those women is always the biggest and she makes sure to keep the females in check. If he dies, or she is alone, she turns male. There are "strange" gender roles in the real world. Male birds, beautiful to attract the ladies. Many male fish are the ones to raise the babies. And in humans, the ones who don't identify as "straight" often have a genetic reason. They aren't a simple Xx or XY. They could be XYX, XXX, XYY, etc. now tell me that someone with that going on is simply a man or simply a woman.

Do try to see the world for what it is.


Undeniably Plausible
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The Third Rail
Go read about antheas, the fish.

Was I not clear about the fact that I was talking about mammals? Yes, there are lots of "strange gender roles" in non-mammalian species. We're mammals. Those "strange gender roles" have nothing to do with us. I've also pointed out that they only arise in human populations which are technologically divorced from the evolutionary mechanism of natural selection. That's why you don't see aborigines flouncing around in dresses. They're too busy not dying off to get up to that silliness. It's in developed nations where the population isn't constantly being culled that genetic anomalies pop up most often, because the genome isn't constantly having the weirdness trimmed off it.

But that doesn't make the anomalies "a new kind of normal." It just means they aren't culled as often as they are in less technologically advanced human populations.

But the idea that somebody can just decide their gender is magical thinking, no different from the idiotic belief in a cosmic Jew living in the sky with all the nicest dead folks sitting around strumming harps.


Mrs. Jones
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my head
What’s the real fucking problem? We are too damn offended by words created to categorize, classify, and label for clarification purposes.

This shit boils down to name calling.

So, rise above the nonsense, deal and move on. Being obsessed with name calling is childish.


Filthy European
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State of confusion.