10 Year Old Ohio Victim of Child Abuse Travels to Indiana for Abortion.


Factory Bastard
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The quote Murdock posted:

"The unborn" are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don't resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don't ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don't need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don't bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. It's almost as if, by being born, they have died to you. You can love the unborn and advocate for them withoutsubstantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone.

They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus but actually dislike people who

Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor?

Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn.

Yeah, that was a waste of time to read!

The person that wrote that is no "Christian".

Shall I sing you a song?

Jesus loves the little children.
ALL the children of the world.
Red and yellow
Black and white
They are precious
in his sight
Jesus loves the little children of the world!
The person who wrote that is far more Christian than any of you hate-filled hysterics.

Wrong lol.

He or she says we dont love babies when they are born. A good Christian loves their child.

He or she also says we dont care for imperfect people.... wow, way to judge, when the bible says not to judge. Only He gets to judge.

A good Christian loves all chldren and doesn't vote against school lunches.

Hey! Something we can agree on!

Pissed me the fuck off when Biden recently said if states dont support abortion, that state doesnt get lunch money for the poor kids. I mean WTF!!!

Link to him saying that.


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
under biden the entire house is burning but fools will base their vote on this one trigger issue
You voted for Trump, you forfeited your opinion.
its been scientifically proven, u leftards r mental cases




I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Why are you asking so many questions about the details, and skipping right over the truly serious issues? None of your questions get around the FACT that she had to leave the state to get an abortion.
I wonder how many desperate questions would be asked, if the rapist looked like Kyle Rittenhouse?

I've already posted his pic. He looks like all the folks coming across the border that were invited by Biden!

OMG. You completely didn't get Admin's point. No wonder he posts memes. You people don't understand more complex sentences.

Maybe you could explain his point. Please tell me, what his point was, saying "Does the rapist look like Kyle, durhur"

He didn't say that. He said: if the rapist looked like Kyle... SMDH
I think half the problems this country faces, is that like Trump, Trumptards refuse to read or listen to anyone.
Blazor read something about this rapist being Biden's fault, and he can't unwrap his mind from around that idea.

Well, he sure thinks it's the mom's fault, and therefore the 10 year old should also become a mother. I guess Biden made the mother evil.

Please show where I said the 10 year old should be a Mom.

Also, these illegals, are saying "10 years old is normal where Im from". So maybe you should judge them, not me, toots.

See, this is what I mean when I say you can't read. I have posted too many times already about the rapist. So I really need to say again that he is a piece of shit, and that I have definitely judged him already?

You are twisting yourself into multiple pretzels to give reasons why the abortion law that sent her to another state doesn't matter here. THAT is what I am arguing against. Stick to the facts.

A heartbeat is a heartbeat. THATS why she had to go to another state.

Like recently, MSM put out a story that a gal had to go to another state to kill her child. Only problem is, it was at 6 months, and her state didnt allow past 3 months. So the MSM is bitching, cause she couldnt get a late term abortion.
You are making yourself look even more ridiculous, maybe you should let go of this for a while.

Really? I think Im bringing light to the situation at hand.

Y'all only care about kids when MSM tells you too.

Remind me who Canon is, and I might give you a break so your brain dont explode.
That's weak even for you, save some Vodka for your Daughter's Dinner.

Yeah I didnt think you knew who Canon was.

Cause you sure didnt make a fuss, not even a PEEP, when he died! No matter how much I brought it to your attention. OH, thats right, MSM didnt bring it to your attention!

There are millions of people who suffer injustices who are never mentioned in the MSM. Why should we know this guy, as opposed to any of the many, many other people whose stories we do not know?

It went against the narrative is why.

It was in the news but not your LEFTY sources.

Perhaps you should question the information your sources are giving you. They are making you behave like they want you to. To be against corporate, you sure to lap up all the info they give you.

I have posted this many, many, many times on sites you were on. I do not read the MSM. I only post links to Yahoo-sourced stuff here because their articles are usually written at a 5th grade level, so I usually think you people can understand them.

I have three college degrees, and all of them called for extensive research. I only remind you of that because as a result, I know how to research, and like I said, my sources are not MSM. I make up my own mind about issues based on my ability to locate factual information, or as close to it as I or anyone can get. You need to stop making false accusations against me. You also need to learn how to do proper research.

But Yahoo IS MSM Lottty! You being fooled!

I do research too! I've got a Masters degree in research, lulz.

There's no such thing as an MA in research.
"You have a Masters in Research, what are you currently working on?" "We fixing to lurn how them eyetalian satellites changed the votes in all them voting machines!"


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
under biden the entire house is burning but fools will base their vote on this one trigger issue
You voted for Trump, you forfeited your opinion.
its been scientifically proven, u leftards r mental cases



A precise description of CONs, except they say, "You hate whites," and run away.


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
Why are you asking so many questions about the details, and skipping right over the truly serious issues? None of your questions get around the FACT that she had to leave the state to get an abortion.
I wonder how many desperate questions would be asked, if the rapist looked like Kyle Rittenhouse?

I've already posted his pic. He looks like all the folks coming across the border that were invited by Biden!

OMG. You completely didn't get Admin's point. No wonder he posts memes. You people don't understand more complex sentences.

Maybe you could explain his point. Please tell me, what his point was, saying "Does the rapist look like Kyle, durhur"

He didn't say that. He said: if the rapist looked like Kyle... SMDH
I think half the problems this country faces, is that like Trump, Trumptards refuse to read or listen to anyone.
Blazor read something about this rapist being Biden's fault, and he can't unwrap his mind from around that idea.

Well, he sure thinks it's the mom's fault, and therefore the 10 year old should also become a mother. I guess Biden made the mother evil.

Please show where I said the 10 year old should be a Mom.

Also, these illegals, are saying "10 years old is normal where Im from". So maybe you should judge them, not me, toots.

See, this is what I mean when I say you can't read. I have posted too many times already about the rapist. So I really need to say again that he is a piece of shit, and that I have definitely judged him already?

You are twisting yourself into multiple pretzels to give reasons why the abortion law that sent her to another state doesn't matter here. THAT is what I am arguing against. Stick to the facts.

A heartbeat is a heartbeat. THATS why she had to go to another state.

Like recently, MSM put out a story that a gal had to go to another state to kill her child. Only problem is, it was at 6 months, and her state didnt allow past 3 months. So the MSM is bitching, cause she couldnt get a late term abortion.
You are making yourself look even more ridiculous, maybe you should let go of this for a while.

Really? I think Im bringing light to the situation at hand.

Y'all only care about kids when MSM tells you too.

Remind me who Canon is, and I might give you a break so your brain dont explode.
That's weak even for you, save some Vodka for your Daughter's Dinner.

Yeah I didnt think you knew who Canon was.

Cause you sure didnt make a fuss, not even a PEEP, when he died! No matter how much I brought it to your attention. OH, thats right, MSM didnt bring it to your attention!

There are millions of people who suffer injustices who are never mentioned in the MSM. Why should we know this guy, as opposed to any of the many, many other people whose stories we do not know?

It went against the narrative is why.

It was in the news but not your LEFTY sources.

Perhaps you should question the information your sources are giving you. They are making you behave like they want you to. To be against corporate, you sure to lap up all the info they give you.

I have posted this many, many, many times on sites you were on. I do not read the MSM. I only post links to Yahoo-sourced stuff here because their articles are usually written at a 5th grade level, so I usually think you people can understand them.

I have three college degrees, and all of them called for extensive research. I only remind you of that because as a result, I know how to research, and like I said, my sources are not MSM. I make up my own mind about issues based on my ability to locate factual information, or as close to it as I or anyone can get. You need to stop making false accusations against me. You also need to learn how to do proper research.

But Yahoo IS MSM Lottty! You being fooled!

I do research too! I've got a Masters degree in research, lulz.

There's no such thing as an MA in research.
"You have a Masters in Research, what are you currently working on?" "We fixing to lurn how them eyetalian satellites changed the votes in all them voting machines!"



I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
under biden the entire house is burning but fools will base their vote on this one trigger issue
You voted for Trump, you forfeited your opinion.
its been scientifically proven, u leftards r mental cases



A precise description of CONs, except they say, "You hate whites," and run away.

"Democrats ruin everything" Duh'v Phd of Partisan Politicks.


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
under biden the entire house is burning but fools will base their vote on this one trigger issue
You voted for Trump, you forfeited your opinion.
its been scientifically proven, u leftards r mental cases



A precise description of CONs, except they say, "You hate whites," and run away.

"Democrats ruin everything" Duh'v Phd of Partisan Politicks.

Hey! Something you and I agree on as well! They do ruin everything!

Man, between you me and Lotty agreeing on things, this thread is coming along! lulz


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Why are you asking so many questions about the details, and skipping right over the truly serious issues? None of your questions get around the FACT that she had to leave the state to get an abortion.
I wonder how many desperate questions would be asked, if the rapist looked like Kyle Rittenhouse?

I've already posted his pic. He looks like all the folks coming across the border that were invited by Biden!

OMG. You completely didn't get Admin's point. No wonder he posts memes. You people don't understand more complex sentences.

Maybe you could explain his point. Please tell me, what his point was, saying "Does the rapist look like Kyle, durhur"

He didn't say that. He said: if the rapist looked like Kyle... SMDH
I think half the problems this country faces, is that like Trump, Trumptards refuse to read or listen to anyone.
Blazor read something about this rapist being Biden's fault, and he can't unwrap his mind from around that idea.

Well, he sure thinks it's the mom's fault, and therefore the 10 year old should also become a mother. I guess Biden made the mother evil.

Please show where I said the 10 year old should be a Mom.

Also, these illegals, are saying "10 years old is normal where Im from". So maybe you should judge them, not me, toots.

See, this is what I mean when I say you can't read. I have posted too many times already about the rapist. So I really need to say again that he is a piece of shit, and that I have definitely judged him already?

You are twisting yourself into multiple pretzels to give reasons why the abortion law that sent her to another state doesn't matter here. THAT is what I am arguing against. Stick to the facts.

A heartbeat is a heartbeat. THATS why she had to go to another state.

Like recently, MSM put out a story that a gal had to go to another state to kill her child. Only problem is, it was at 6 months, and her state didnt allow past 3 months. So the MSM is bitching, cause she couldnt get a late term abortion.
You are making yourself look even more ridiculous, maybe you should let go of this for a while.

Really? I think Im bringing light to the situation at hand.

Y'all only care about kids when MSM tells you too.

Remind me who Canon is, and I might give you a break so your brain dont explode.
That's weak even for you, save some Vodka for your Daughter's Dinner.

Yeah I didnt think you knew who Canon was.

Cause you sure didnt make a fuss, not even a PEEP, when he died! No matter how much I brought it to your attention. OH, thats right, MSM didnt bring it to your attention!

There are millions of people who suffer injustices who are never mentioned in the MSM. Why should we know this guy, as opposed to any of the many, many other people whose stories we do not know?

It went against the narrative is why.

It was in the news but not your LEFTY sources.

Perhaps you should question the information your sources are giving you. They are making you behave like they want you to. To be against corporate, you sure to lap up all the info they give you.

I have posted this many, many, many times on sites you were on. I do not read the MSM. I only post links to Yahoo-sourced stuff here because their articles are usually written at a 5th grade level, so I usually think you people can understand them.

I have three college degrees, and all of them called for extensive research. I only remind you of that because as a result, I know how to research, and like I said, my sources are not MSM. I make up my own mind about issues based on my ability to locate factual information, or as close to it as I or anyone can get. You need to stop making false accusations against me. You also need to learn how to do proper research.

But Yahoo IS MSM Lottty! You being fooled!

I do research too! I've got a Masters degree in research, lulz.

There's no such thing as an MA in research.
"You have a Masters in Research, what are you currently working on?" "We fixing to lurn how them eyetalian satellites changed the votes in all them voting machines!"


So, someone shopped a face, putting it on 10 different bodies, to say what about whom, exactly?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
under biden the entire house is burning but fools will base their vote on this one trigger issue
You voted for Trump, you forfeited your opinion.
its been scientifically proven, u leftards r mental cases

Explain to me how Montague, the actual scientist, interprets that, and not the partisan hack on youtube.

watch this vid and tell me u feel
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
heaven forbid islam stops killing each other and unifies under one flag

forget abortion, etc.. , u bend the knee or lose your head


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
What is the point of your question? Are you claiming that because it's not mentioned in the article, liberals think it doesn't matter?

Yes. That's exactly what I'm saying. Even if the emphasis of the article regards the horrors faced by impregnated young women who might have to drive a few hundred miles to dispose of the inconvenience, good and actual journalism would have included information as to how this poor 10-year-old child came be impreganted in the first place. If it was through abuse, incest or rape, then it would have made the point that much more poignant and effective as news analysis/editorial by showing a real-world/real time example of the ramifications that the curtailment of abortion availability might have in the States that choose to curtail them.

But the writer is just a Democrat hack stenographer and utterly incapable of thinking that hard. But he or she is clearly a Democrat so that goes without saying.

Details make a difference sometimes when trying to make a point.

So, now the point of the thread is good and clear journalism, and not what the SCOTUS has done to people like this girl child. Her life was already miserable because she was being raped. Now she has to upend her life even more in order to avoid becoming a 10-year-old fucking mother. I see how much you do not give a shit about this child.

If you check you bigotry for a moment you might come to the realization that my critique of the linked article was to have it make its point better. Reread what I wrote and think about it for a moment.

To my way of thinking, which is always correct and right and true, if any free woman finds herself pregnant and wants to terminate her pregnancy at any time for any reason then she is free to do so. It's none of my business. I am a person who always puts liberty first. Most don't, but I really do.

As regards Roe, as a strict constitutional constructionist, it has always been my considered opinion that the SCOTUS never had standing to rule on the issue in the first place since the Constitution is utterly silent on the medical procedure called abortion, which is what Roe vs Wade was about. It falls outside of the Court's purview and should have been remanded back to the States in 1973.

abortion has been around since 1550

why does a 10 year old girl who has been raped have to also give birth to her predator assailant’s child?

Only since 1550? Really? I guess all those hedge witches were just grifting all those pregnant young girls for all those centuries before that.

I watched a documentary once that showed an island culture where they performed an abdominal massage to prevent pregnancy until their older child was 4 yo. But that was more recent.