9-5s are Scams! Capitalism is trash and I hate working!


Emotionally dead, but gives great head ;)
Kansas City
The 9 to 5 is a scam to make those at the top rich and the rest of us miserable. Even those with high paying jobs and a degree are miserable.

I have no passion anymore, not for anything. I only work so that I can survive and I hate it. I just want to be a trophy wife and raise hairless cats. I've considered several other careers but nothing in particular calls to me. I can't do this for 30+ more years, i just can't.


Emotionally dead, but gives great head ;)
Kansas City
Is life just hopping from one job you hate to the next job you hate a little less? I want to be happy but most of my jobs have made me depressed, numb, or sad. I just feel like I'm either looking for a job or hating the one I'm in currently. There's gotta be more to life, please tell me there is! Whats the alternative? Entrepreneurship? Finding a sugar daddy? WFH?

Lord, if I'm a bum just say that!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
The 9 to 5 is a scam to make those at the top rich and the rest of us miserable. Even those with high paying jobs and a degree are miserable.

I have no passion anymore, not for anything. I only work so that I can survive and I hate it. I just want to be a trophy wife and raise hairless cats. I've considered several other careers but nothing in particular calls to me. I can't do this for 30+ more years, i just can't.

How old are you if I may ask?


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
My girlfriends and I are the former somewhat privileged preppy white girls of gen X and we still meet occasionally for brunch and to support one another in our lives. We have all noticed a major shift post pandemic. I think it’s important to realize that the world went through a major depression and everyone has been affected. We have coined the phrase “I don’t have the bandwidth for this” to described our energy levels and attention to detail post pandemic, which we note to be significantly less than what they were before the pandemic.

My best advice is to buckle down on your finances and wait this recession out. Make time for YOU to do recreational and leisure activities. Focus on positive thinking and always remember that tomorrow is another day. Xoxo
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Is life just hopping from one job you hate to the next job you hate a little less? I want to be happy but most of my jobs have made me depressed, numb, or sad. I just feel like I'm either looking for a job or hating the one I'm in currently. There's gotta be more to life, please tell me there is! Whats the alternative? Entrepreneurship? Finding a sugar daddy? WFH?

Lord, if I'm a bum just say that!

It's hard no matter what. I think being an entrepreneur can work if you have a product that sells. It is always hard work. I don't know if you're a bum. I think you know that better than anyone.

Ask yourself these questions:

Is it the people that make you unhappy at any particular job?

Is it the job itself, what you actually do day after day?

My career was good because I did different things all the time. But, I worked in the bureaucracy with Queen Bureaucrats and that wore me down.

If you have a skill set and can consult, that might be a way to go.


Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
Site Supporter ☠️
This is exactly why I did what I did

So many of my friends these days stuck with middle class jobs

The ones who work for the government are doing better, less stress and more money, but still, they have to follow schedule

The ones working for the private sector always look the same. Stressed, big belly, bald and drunk.

I grew up seeing how the coffee business worked.

Two decades ago, you had some years it wasn't profitable, but after China and other Asian countries started enjoying coffee more, it was never bad again.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The reality of the recession is people are going to need to buckle down their fina ces and make as much money as they can. Pay off debts if possible.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The 9 to 5 is a scam to make those at the top rich and the rest of us miserable. Even those with high paying jobs and a degree are miserable.

I have no passion anymore, not for anything. I only work so that I can survive and I hate it. I just want to be a trophy wife and raise hairless cats. I've considered several other careers but nothing in particular calls to me. I can't do this for 30+ more years, i just can't.

Lol... my husband worked 7 to 3 for 50 years.. AND he broke his back in 2 places at the age of 18 in a car accident.

The Queen worked for 70 years.. 363 days a year.. I think she got Good Friday and Christmas day off.

You lost your passion for living.... you haven't given us much to work with here.

You have to create times to look forward to like small parties/dinner parties... movies... hikes and shit like that...

The other thing is when I worked, I worked for myself...

But really, catch a hard working man with the same spiritual values you have.. that is built like a brick shithouse and get him to do all the earning... you manage the house, the kids, the pets, the money unless you are a silly spendthrift then .... you need a plan B.

Not that far back we couldn't afford to go on holidays because we were stuck attending to obligations so I thought I would tour my own town... go to places only tourists go...go to restaurants I had never been to. Take pictures of the event... and create our own fun.

Do not envy the rich... they only eat more lobster than you more times... they still have to work and are stuck with obligations and arsehole friends and users.

Do not waste your youth...

There is a saying I learned from an Italian man, - "pay now and play later, OR play now and pay later.. "

Meaning if you waste your youth years while you still have vigor, you will suffer in old age...

Of course if you are planning a suicide.. don't forget to donate your organs.


Scrawny The Ghost

Interdimensional UltraMegaRich Luxury BLTQ+ Banker
Dimension-1218 19.20363 E 50.0266 N
lol yeah it's a scam economy. You can make more selling rat poison cut with baby forumla to poor chinese villagers with no other option, I know because I am heavily invested in the rat poison industry and I don't care if HONG BABY FOODS LTD orders 1 tonne of it, his YUAN still burns just as bright



Super Dominate Male
Brooklyn Heights, NYC
Everything is determined by birth. If you're born in the 3rd world like 90% of ppl, you have just lost.

Especially today with the internet you see all the shit you will never have and suffer.

Without internet you don't know so keep post-crying to each other.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
lol yeah it's a scam economy. You can make more selling rat poison cut with baby forumla to poor chinese villagers with no other option, I know because I am heavily invested in the rat poison industry and I don't care if HONG BABY FOODS LTD orders 1 tonne of it, his YUAN still burns just as bright



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
There is a saying I learned from an Italian man, - "pay now and play later, OR play now and pay later.. "

Meaning if you waste your youth years while you still have vigor, you will suffer in old age...

Of course if you are planning a suicide.. don't forget to donate your organs.

Well @Omnipotent Im approaching retirement years & I'd like to continue working. I'm planning to start a small business next year. Nothing high risk tho. Low overhead. Can be done out of a home or a small incubator office.

Ive see friends who worked hard all their lives who retired & theyve become old & stodgy. But even their wives cant stand them. I think 1 guy, his wife gotta menial job just to get away from him even tho she probably doesnt need the money. But shes fit n trim while hes fat bald & has a big belly. And I frequently heard her say "Oh its not good to be around your spouse all day long." Like the guy should take a hint. Me thinks she's the better half of that marriage.

Retiring like that seems glamorous but in reality its not. People should do something anything rather than waste away & become old like that.

But thats just an opinion.

Different strokes fer different folks eh.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The 9 to 5 is a scam to make those at the top rich and the rest of us miserable. Even those with high paying jobs and a degree are miserable.

I have no passion anymore, not for anything. I only work so that I can survive and I hate it. I just want to be a trophy wife and raise hairless cats. I've considered several other careers but nothing in particular calls to me. I can't do this for 30+ more years, i just can't.
Start a low risk business if you have some spare time even if you have a job or have to hold one down. There are a lot of how to tutorials on YouTube particularly from women entrepreneurs which show you how.

Im currently working part or flex time thinking how I'd fit a pt business into my schedule.

I think you can start a biz with something you like doing or are good at. Just brainstorm & figger it out.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
My girlfriends and I are the former somewhat privileged preppy white girls of gen X and we still meet occasionally for brunch and to support one another in our lives. We have all noticed a major shift post pandemic. I think it’s important to realize that the world went through a major depression and everyone has been affected. We have coined the phrase “I don’t have the bandwidth for this” to described our energy levels and attention to detail post pandemic, which we note to be significantly less than what they were before the pandemic.
The Pandemic was strange times. Every day locked down felt the same every day for 2 years. I felt I hadnt aged but at end of it woke up from a long sleep. It was a weird feeling to come out of 'the COVID tunnel' at the other end. Twas a long days journey into night until one reached light at the end of it.

Same time, contrary to what many claim, COVID was real. It was not a fake event. I knew people who got sick or died from it.

Plus as you point out, the world changed after that.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Well @Omnipotent Im approaching retirement years & I'd like to continue working. I'm planning to start a small business next year. Nothing high risk tho. Low overhead. Can be done out of a home or a small incubator office.

Ive see friends who worked hard all their lives who retired & theyve become old & stodgy. But even their wives cant stand them. I think 1 guy, his wife gotta menial job just to get away from him even tho she probably doesnt need the money. But shes fit n trim while hes fat bald & has a big belly. And I frequently heard her say "Oh its not good to be around your spouse all day long." Like the guy should take a hint. Me thinks she's the better half of that marriage.

Retiring like that seems glamorous but in reality its not. People should do something anything rather than waste away & become old like that.

But thats just an opinion.

Different strokes fer different folks eh.

No... he is sick. He might know what is wrong with himself or not..... Big belly = diabetes usually. He is on his way out. The other thing he needs checking is the valves in his heart.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The Pandemic was strange times. Every day locked down felt the same every day for 2 years. I felt I hadnt aged but at end of it woke up from a long sleep. It was a weird feeling to come out of 'the COVID tunnel' at the other end. Twas a long days journey into night until one reached light at the end of it.

Same time, contrary to what many claim, COVID was real. It was not a fake event. I knew people who got sick or died from it.

Plus as you point out, the world changed after that.

Did cc die? I heard she died.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Everything is determined by birth. If you're born in the 3rd world like 90% of ppl, you have just lost.

Especially today with the internet you see all the shit you will never have and suffer.

Without internet you don't know so keep post-crying to each other.

Yeah... check out India and Indonesian waterways. They'll make you gag.

The rich ones escape to Australia instead of cleaning up their pigstyes


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
lol yeah it's a scam economy. You can make more selling rat poison cut with baby forumla to poor chinese villagers with no other option, I know because I am heavily invested in the rat poison industry and I don't care if HONG BABY FOODS LTD orders 1 tonne of it, his YUAN still burns just as bright


I feudal times only Lords owned land. The farmers had to pay them rent.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
No... he is sick. He might know what is wrong with himself or not..... Big belly = diabetes usually. He is on his way out. The other thing he needs checking is the valves in his heart.
Yes he has heart issues and had to retire early. respiratory problems too

Still, seeing him and what an old fart he's become, I'd rather not replicate his example.
I'm completely the opposite. 120/60. normal bmi. didn't get covid.

So I'd rather not sit around like that. find something to do in retirement. start a pt business to stay sharp.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
what are good easy small businesses to get started in if you have almost no skills but are good at learning?
Just search YouTube, type in something like 'Small business startup ideas'.

Actually.....since you asked...about the easiest way you can turn a profit is selling on eBay or etsy. Just find some BNIB (brand new in a box) items never used, in their original packaging shrink wrapped and resell them. Stuff in high demand that people want. People always want something brand new at a low price As long as its legit, from a reliable source, not stolen eh?

If you buy low and resell youre always guaranteed a profit. That kinda biz requires no skill really. You just have to have an idea what people like or want. Theres no overhead and you can use a shelf to store your inventory. After ya pay yer taxes take your cut thats your profit.

Did it before, made a few thou. folks as far away from Brazil would bid on my items. About the only difficulty was packaging shipping & knowing the regulations. I suppose I never pursued it further because other than the money it wasnt terribly interesting. It wasnt very fulfilling. But...I might do it again as an easy side hustle.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Becky should be reminded that under communism both Stalin and Mao (not to mention all three Kims) have repeatedly said, and I quote "if you do not work then you do not eat." The fools always seem to think that socialism means they will never have to work, that they will get everything for free, and they can just sit around it coffee shops all day. It doesn't work that way. 99% of the population is worse off and only the communist elites live like kings.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Becky should be reminded that under communism both Stalin and Mao (not to mention all three Kims) have repeatedly said, and I quote "if you do not work then you do not eat." The fools always seem to think that socialism means they will never have to work, that they will get everything for free, and they can just sit around it coffee shops all day. It doesn't work that way. 99% of the population is worse off and only the communist elites live like kings.

They think they will work easier and more fulfilling jobs and have all their needs met and there wont be anymore poverty and "inequity".

They really think this. They see themselves as the first most educated and enlightened generation in human history who will be the saviors of the world. And the rest of us are heartless mutants in a cult.

chew the fat

Fluent In Sarcasm
Site Supporter
I have worked over a period of time for 3 different American corporations.

Two of those were very big. I never worked at any of the head offices but at the state branches, but still with lots of employees working there.

From what I've seen, I can't see how you would make real good money from a 9 to 5 job unless you have very specific skills they need and you also would have to work long hours to make a decent dollar, plus they outsource a lot of the tech stuff now but they still need someone for safety and security.

Where I worked, you had to pass a medical check and a drug check, plus they had a no alcohol policy at work for most employees. The no alcohol policy was self policed and they had an accurate test machine in the lunchroom to test yourself. It can be tough out there and if you didn't like it then leave but I don't know if these conditions are at a lot of other places.

That's all I got but I did okay by working very long hours.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
I worked hard for about 8 or 9 years. Then I took it easy running my own business for about 15 years.

Working was all right, but 9 years of having a boss was enough for me.

Now I have a pretty full schedule of leisure activities along with some volunteerism.