A third party perspective on the Israeli vs Palestinian conflict


Factory Bastard
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The germans started 3 major conflicts in about 50 or 60 years. They're lucky they didnt get fukin nuked like the gawdamned japs!

The Germans didn't start shit, it was, as fucking always, organised Jewry.

The Jew-orchestrated Bolshevik revolution and spread of Communism helped fuel much of the civil unrest which contributed towards the outbreak of WW2.

Hitler fought as soldier in WW1 and witnessed the horrors of Communism first hand....
hitler had no business taking over Poland and France, nor any other country other than Austria. Had he taken Austria and stopped, there wouldnt have been a WW2. The moron then decided to stab the Bolshevik's in the face. Had he not driven Stalin into the arms of the Allies, he'd have won the war despite his blunder into France and Belgium. Fuk sakes, dude, the boogyjews in Russia were allied with hitler till he went haywire. I dont know if hitler was stupid, crazy, or both, but he's a prime example of how to snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory.

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
The Bolsheviks deserved being stabbed in the face, they were savages.

You do realise that Germany invaded Poland to retake land which was confiscated after WW1? Poland was a dangerous place for Germans at the time and anti-German sentiment was rife.

War was inevitable conidering that Hitler had chosen to deport en masse the German Jewish population and removed them from their precious positions of power. He also fucked the Rothschild banksters over, do you honestly believe that those sociopathic maniacs would let things slide and allow Germans to thrive without living under the debt based economy scam?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The Bolsheviks deserved being stabbed in the face, they were savages.

You do realise that Germany invaded Poland to retake land which was confiscated after WW1? Poland was a dangerous place for Germans at the time and anti-German sentiment was rife.

War was inevitable conidering that Hitler had chosen to deport en masse the German Jewish population and removed them from their precious positions of power. He also fucked the Rothschild banksters over, do you honestly believe that those sociopathic maniacs would let things slide and allow Germans to thrive without living under the debt based economy scam?

When you fight a war and lose, it has consequences. Usually you have to cede land and money. Besides, those german cunts fucked with the American Bull and got the horn! LMAO that they thought they were gonna carve America up. I had forgotten about that. We should have stomped germany out of existence!

That shit sounds just like white liberals excusing nigger chimpouts cause niggers previously got shot for their bad behavior. Stalin was soo far shoved up hitlers ass and in denial about the upcoming ass raping from the germans that he flat out refused to believe or prepare for the german invasion.

Speaking of the russians, they pulled hitlers bullshit in the crimea. The world best keep the screws to em lest putin get an even bigger hitler complex that he already has.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
America almost sided with Germany, too bad the Zionists worked their kabbalah magic and prevented it...

The US is likely gonna be carved up anyway and balkanise due to the the huge rift between the liberals and Conservatives within the country.

I've never visited America, but Texas sure sounds like my kind of state;



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
America almost sided with Germany, too bad the Zionists worked their kabbalah magic and prevented it...

The US is likely gonna be carved up anyway and balkanise due to the the huge rift between the liberals and Conservatives within the country.

I've never visited America, but Texas sure sounds like my kind of state;

America wasnt a friend to the Jews back then. We sent more than one boatload back to europe and hitlers terds murdered some of them.

Germans are a hard headed hot tempered lot. I should know, my step dad was german. I damn near had to murder that fucker in his sleep twice. Oh well, at least he's dead now.

Anywho, its a well documented fact that hitler murdered millions of jews and no matter what propaganda you people cling to, it aint gonna change that fact. I was fortunate enough to know non jews who were the victims of both germans and japs and I continue to believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that both peoples suffered far less than what they deserved. I wish we would have carpet bombed both people with nuclear warheads.