All right you Trumptards, "Stop The Steal" is a 'Deep State' Operation.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Trouble in the QAnon universe is brewing as Trump ally Lin Wood accuses 'Stop the Steal' of being a deep-state campaign

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Ruh roh!
Yes, but where do the Aliens come in?
Are the aliens with you now, faggit?
Well, you're here.
Am I in the room with you, faggit?
Why don't ya jump of a cliff, lemming? See if I care.

Oh...PS: ..and take your other lemming friends with you.
Is the cliff in the room with you? Me and my friends dont wanna travel very far.
You'll only have to go as far as the bottom.....promise.
If I fire my shottys at the ground akimbo on the way down, it should soften the landing. My shotty's are in the room with me BTW.
.Do you mean because the recoil will slow your fall,
or because the bullets will soften the ground on which you will smoosh?

Here's an idea:

..Why not have a couple more drinks and you won't feel a thing when the flying stops.
Are the drinks in the room with you?


Trouble in the QAnon universe is brewing as Trump ally Lin Wood accuses 'Stop the Steal' of being a deep-state campaign

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Ruh roh!
Yes, but where do the Aliens come in?
Are the aliens with you now, faggit?
Well, you're here.
Am I in the room with you, faggit?
Why don't ya jump of a cliff, lemming? See if I care.

Oh...PS: ..and take your other lemming friends with you.
Is the cliff in the room with you? Me and my friends dont wanna travel very far.
You'll only have to go as far as the bottom.....promise.
If I fire my shottys at the ground akimbo on the way down, it should soften the landing. My shotty's are in the room with me BTW.
.Do you mean because the recoil will slow your fall,
or because the bullets will soften the ground on which you will smoosh?

Here's an idea:

..Why not have a couple more drinks and you won't feel a thing when the flying stops.
Are the drinks in the room with you?
It's all over, dude(?).

You've hit bottom.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Trouble in the QAnon universe is brewing as Trump ally Lin Wood accuses 'Stop the Steal' of being a deep-state campaign

Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

Ruh roh!
Yes, but where do the Aliens come in?
Are the aliens with you now, faggit?
Well, you're here.
Am I in the room with you, faggit?
Why don't ya jump of a cliff, lemming? See if I care.

Oh...PS: ..and take your other lemming friends with you.
Is the cliff in the room with you? Me and my friends dont wanna travel very far.
You'll only have to go as far as the bottom.....promise.
If I fire my shottys at the ground akimbo on the way down, it should soften the landing. My shotty's are in the room with me BTW.
.Do you mean because the recoil will slow your fall,
or because the bullets will soften the ground on which you will smoosh?

Here's an idea:

..Why not have a couple more drinks and you won't feel a thing when the flying stops.
Are the drinks in the room with you?
It's all over, dude(?).

You've hit bottom.
Bottoms in the room with you now?


An Claidheam Anam
I'm still waiting for a filthy vermin Registrered Democrat piece of greasy dried cat shit to explain to me how Maricopa County in Arizona managed to count over 2,000 more mail-in ballots than were mailed out.

It was in the report that was issued a few weeks back, but I'm quite sure none of our third-rate leftist gedruls read all the way through it.

I've a number of questions regarding the veracity of the 2020 Presidential election that I would pose to any Leftist vermin scum piece of traitorous garbage residing here, but I already know that not a single one of them could answer even the first two that I might pose, so the exercise is pointless.


^^^^^ Hopeless Retard ALERT! ^^^^^

.I bet that Hopeless Retard posts some more retard drivel and then
waits and waits and waits for a reply that will never come.
Last edited:


An Claidheam Anam
^^^^^ Hopeless Retard ALERT! ^^^^^

Catch any smallies in your polluted slough today, Holliday?

Maybe an intellectual giant like you can explain to me how a single county in Arizona managed to count over 2,000 MORE mail in ballots than they mailed out?

Any approved theories from your betters who don't even bother to have you lick their boots because you're too small a fishy to matter to them?


Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
...we support Him no matter what...

One day, DL, when the sun grows dim, and all you can taste on your tongue is the ash of failed utopias, I swear you'll look back on this comment and then you'll pull out your gun and shoot yourself.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
That's why we should only put our trust in TRUMP himself, maybe Donnie jr.
Exactly - Orwell would be pleased to know how right he was.

Does it upset you that idiots support Trump? I'm not bothered in the least that they do so. I expect idiots to behave idiotically.

Trump is offensive, but now that the American people resoundingly rejected him he doesn't bother me anymore. He's just taking the last gasps of a dying man as we say in Spanish.
. What is worrisome is how ready these tards are to follow lemminglike off a cliff - leaping without looking.
The problem is that unlike the lemming, who leap together alone, these followers want to take every other living thing with them over the edge. I wouldn't mind in the least if they all jumped off a cliff otherwise.

What worries me is that there is one single person on the planet who believes that Trump has anything at all to offer a single solitary citizen of the US. It stuns and concerns me that anyone thinks the man is good for anything other than grifting and tooting his own malignantly narcissistic horn.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I'm still waiting for a filthy vermin Registrered Democrat piece of greasy dried cat shit to explain to me how Maricopa County in Arizona managed to count over 2,000 more mail-in ballots than were mailed out.

It was in the report that was issued a few weeks back, but I'm quite sure none of our third-rate leftist gedruls read all the way through it.

I've a number of questions regarding the veracity of the 2020 Presidential election that I would pose to any Leftist vermin scum piece of traitorous garbage residing here, but I already know that not a single one of them could answer even the first two that I might pose, so the exercise is pointless.

What report? And, assuming what you claim is true, which is doubtful, do you think those 2000 ballots would have changed the course of history?


An Claidheam Anam
I'm still waiting for a filthy vermin Registrered Democrat piece of greasy dried cat shit to explain to me how Maricopa County in Arizona managed to count over 2,000 more mail-in ballots than were mailed out.

It was in the report that was issued a few weeks back, but I'm quite sure none of our third-rate leftist gedruls read all the way through it.

I've a number of questions regarding the veracity of the 2020 Presidential election that I would pose to any Leftist vermin scum piece of traitorous garbage residing here, but I already know that not a single one of them could answer even the first two that I might pose, so the exercise is pointless.

What report? And, assuming what you claim is true, which is doubtful, do you think those 2000 ballots would have changed the course of history?

That's merely one single little tip of the massive iceberg of ballot corruption, dear.

But you know that already, or you should.

But you don't care because you're an ideologue who is even moar whacked out than your average Registered Democrat vermin whack job.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I'm still waiting for a filthy vermin Registrered Democrat piece of greasy dried cat shit to explain to me how Maricopa County in Arizona managed to count over 2,000 more mail-in ballots than were mailed out.

It was in the report that was issued a few weeks back, but I'm quite sure none of our third-rate leftist gedruls read all the way through it.

I've a number of questions regarding the veracity of the 2020 Presidential election that I would pose to any Leftist vermin scum piece of traitorous garbage residing here, but I already know that not a single one of them could answer even the first two that I might pose, so the exercise is pointless.

What report? And, assuming what you claim is true, which is doubtful, do you think those 2000 ballots would have changed the course of history?

That's merely one single little tip of the massive iceberg of ballot corruption, dear.

But you know that already, or you should.

But you don't care because you're an ideologue who is even moar whacked out than your average Registered Democrat vermin whack job.

So, no source for that "report." Not surprising.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
That's why we should only put our trust in TRUMP himself, maybe Donnie jr.
Exactly - Orwell would be pleased to know how right he was.

Does it upset you that idiots support Trump? I'm not bothered in the least that they do so. I expect idiots to behave idiotically.

Trump is offensive, but now that the American people resoundingly rejected him he doesn't bother me anymore. He's just taking the last gasps of a dying man as we say in Spanish.
. What is worrisome is how ready these tards are to follow lemminglike off a cliff - leaping without looking.
The problem is that unlike the lemming, who leap together alone, these followers want to take every other living thing with them over the edge. I wouldn't mind in the least if they all jumped off a cliff otherwise.

What worries me is that there is one single person on the planet who believes that Trump has anything at all to offer a single solitary citizen of the US. It stuns and concerns me that anyone thinks the man is good for anything other than grifting and tooting his own malignantly narcissistic horn.
Back to the rape dumpster with ye, filthy libtarded subhuman indoctrinator!!!!

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
That's why we should only put our trust in TRUMP himself, maybe Donnie jr.
Exactly - Orwell would be pleased to know how right he was.

Does it upset you that idiots support Trump? I'm not bothered in the least that they do so. I expect idiots to behave idiotically.

Trump is offensive, but now that the American people resoundingly rejected him he doesn't bother me anymore. He's just taking the last gasps of a dying man as we say in Spanish.
. What is worrisome is how ready these tards are to follow lemminglike off a cliff - leaping without looking.
The problem is that unlike the lemming, who leap together alone, these followers want to take every other living thing with them over the edge. I wouldn't mind in the least if they all jumped off a cliff otherwise.

What worries me is that there is one single person on the planet who believes that Trump has anything at all to offer a single solitary citizen of the US. It stuns and concerns me that anyone thinks the man is good for anything other than grifting and tooting his own malignantly narcissistic horn.
meanwhile in nov 2020 gas was less than 2 bucks a gallon

1 year later under biden it's 4 bucks a gallon and rising

stick your head back up your ass, idiot


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
That's why we should only put our trust in TRUMP himself, maybe Donnie jr.
Exactly - Orwell would be pleased to know how right he was.

Does it upset you that idiots support Trump? I'm not bothered in the least that they do so. I expect idiots to behave idiotically.

Trump is offensive, but now that the American people resoundingly rejected him he doesn't bother me anymore. He's just taking the last gasps of a dying man as we say in Spanish.
. What is worrisome is how ready these tards are to follow lemminglike off a cliff - leaping without looking.
The problem is that unlike the lemming, who leap together alone, these followers want to take every other living thing with them over the edge. I wouldn't mind in the least if they all jumped off a cliff otherwise.

What worries me is that there is one single person on the planet who believes that Trump has anything at all to offer a single solitary citizen of the US. It stuns and concerns me that anyone thinks the man is good for anything other than grifting and tooting his own malignantly narcissistic horn.
meanwhile in nov 2020 gas was less than 2 bucks a gallon

1 year later under biden it's 4 bucks a gallon and rising

stick your head back up your ass, idiot

Oh, grow the fuck up, you whinger. It's 7 bucks a gallon here. About the same in the UK, and they have that fuckwit Boris in charge.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I'm still waiting for a filthy vermin Registrered Democrat piece of greasy dried cat shit to explain to me how Maricopa County in Arizona managed to count over 2,000 more mail-in ballots than were mailed out.

It was in the report that was issued a few weeks back, but I'm quite sure none of our third-rate leftist gedruls read all the way through it.

I've a number of questions regarding the veracity of the 2020 Presidential election that I would pose to any Leftist vermin scum piece of traitorous garbage residing here, but I already know that not a single one of them could answer even the first two that I might pose, so the exercise is pointless.

What report? And, assuming what you claim is true, which is doubtful, do you think those 2000 ballots would have changed the course of history?
Dear filthy lying stinking leftist whore:

Az. was called VERY VERY early for biden. Way to early to know if he had actually won. bidens fraudulent votes in Az. only put him over by 10,000 votes. Subtracting 2000 votes knock that down to 8000 votes. We all know way more than that are fraudulent. biden was lucky to have gotten 50 million votes. nobody liked him and theres no fukin way he got more votes than the first nigger president who notoriously said "Never underestimate joes ability to fuck things up!". Trump got more votes than any other president in history, way more votes than his first election. Trump is the legitimate president of the U.S.

Normal and Truthful America


An Claidheam Anam
I'm still waiting for a filthy vermin Registrered Democrat piece of greasy dried cat shit to explain to me how Maricopa County in Arizona managed to count over 2,000 more mail-in ballots than were mailed out.

It was in the report that was issued a few weeks back, but I'm quite sure none of our third-rate leftist gedruls read all the way through it.

I've a number of questions regarding the veracity of the 2020 Presidential election that I would pose to any Leftist vermin scum piece of traitorous garbage residing here, but I already know that not a single one of them could answer even the first two that I might pose, so the exercise is pointless.

What report? And, assuming what you claim is true, which is doubtful, do you think those 2000 ballots would have changed the course of history?

That's merely one single little tip of the massive iceberg of ballot corruption, dear.

But you know that already, or you should.

But you don't care because you're an ideologue who is even moar whacked out than your average Registered Democrat vermin whack job.

So, no source for that "report." Not surprising.

I'm going to assume here that your feigned ignorance is a pose -- but only because I like you and I know you are immersed in your ex-pat wonderland and probably are not aware of the entirety of the Arizona ballot audit that was all over the news a bit back.

Meanwhile, the Pennsylvania audit will be gleaned for tidbits of Leftist traitorism soon.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I'm still waiting for a filthy vermin Registrered Democrat piece of greasy dried cat shit to explain to me how Maricopa County in Arizona managed to count over 2,000 more mail-in ballots than were mailed out.

It was in the report that was issued a few weeks back, but I'm quite sure none of our third-rate leftist gedruls read all the way through it.

I've a number of questions regarding the veracity of the 2020 Presidential election that I would pose to any Leftist vermin scum piece of traitorous garbage residing here, but I already know that not a single one of them could answer even the first two that I might pose, so the exercise is pointless.

What report? And, assuming what you claim is true, which is doubtful, do you think those 2000 ballots would have changed the course of history?

That's merely one single little tip of the massive iceberg of ballot corruption, dear.

But you know that already, or you should.

But you don't care because you're an ideologue who is even moar whacked out than your average Registered Democrat vermin whack job.

So, no source for that "report." Not surprising.

I'm going to assume here that your feigned ignorance is a pose -- but only because I like you and I know you are immersed in your ex-pat wonderland and probably are not aware of the entirety of the Arizona ballot audit that was all over the news a bit back.

Link to the report, pal.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
That's why we should only put our trust in TRUMP himself, maybe Donnie jr.
Exactly - Orwell would be pleased to know how right he was.

Does it upset you that idiots support Trump? I'm not bothered in the least that they do so. I expect idiots to behave idiotically.

Trump is offensive, but now that the American people resoundingly rejected him he doesn't bother me anymore. He's just taking the last gasps of a dying man as we say in Spanish.
. What is worrisome is how ready these tards are to follow lemminglike off a cliff - leaping without looking.
The problem is that unlike the lemming, who leap together alone, these followers want to take every other living thing with them over the edge. I wouldn't mind in the least if they all jumped off a cliff otherwise.

What worries me is that there is one single person on the planet who believes that Trump has anything at all to offer a single solitary citizen of the US. It stuns and concerns me that anyone thinks the man is good for anything other than grifting and tooting his own malignantly narcissistic horn.
meanwhile in nov 2020 gas was less than 2 bucks a gallon

1 year later under biden it's 4 bucks a gallon and rising

stick your head back up your ass, idiot

Oh, grow the fuck up, you whinger. It's 7 bucks a gallon here. About the same in the UK, and they have that fuckwit Boris in charge.
whataboutism will get you nowhere cretin. you filthy vermin scum on the left claim to be for the average person and yet the average person always suffers believing in you fucking rodents


An Claidheam Anam
I'm still waiting for a filthy vermin Registrered Democrat piece of greasy dried cat shit to explain to me how Maricopa County in Arizona managed to count over 2,000 more mail-in ballots than were mailed out.

It was in the report that was issued a few weeks back, but I'm quite sure none of our third-rate leftist gedruls read all the way through it.

I've a number of questions regarding the veracity of the 2020 Presidential election that I would pose to any Leftist vermin scum piece of traitorous garbage residing here, but I already know that not a single one of them could answer even the first two that I might pose, so the exercise is pointless.

What report? And, assuming what you claim is true, which is doubtful, do you think those 2000 ballots would have changed the course of history?

That's merely one single little tip of the massive iceberg of ballot corruption, dear.

But you know that already, or you should.

But you don't care because you're an ideologue who is even moar whacked out than your average Registered Democrat vermin whack job.

So, no source for that "report." Not surprising.

I'm going to assume here that your feigned ignorance is a pose -- but only because I like you and I know you are immersed in your ex-pat wonderland and probably are not aware of the entirety of the Arizona ballot audit that was all over the news a bit back.

Link to the report, pal.

I ain't linking shit, sweetheart, unless you bring me some wine and some fresh bread.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I'm still waiting for a filthy vermin Registrered Democrat piece of greasy dried cat shit to explain to me how Maricopa County in Arizona managed to count over 2,000 more mail-in ballots than were mailed out.

It was in the report that was issued a few weeks back, but I'm quite sure none of our third-rate leftist gedruls read all the way through it.

I've a number of questions regarding the veracity of the 2020 Presidential election that I would pose to any Leftist vermin scum piece of traitorous garbage residing here, but I already know that not a single one of them could answer even the first two that I might pose, so the exercise is pointless.

What report? And, assuming what you claim is true, which is doubtful, do you think those 2000 ballots would have changed the course of history?

That's merely one single little tip of the massive iceberg of ballot corruption, dear.

But you know that already, or you should.

But you don't care because you're an ideologue who is even moar whacked out than your average Registered Democrat vermin whack job.

So, no source for that "report." Not surprising.

I'm going to assume here that your feigned ignorance is a pose -- but only because I like you and I know you are immersed in your ex-pat wonderland and probably are not aware of the entirety of the Arizona ballot audit that was all over the news a bit back.

Link to the report, pal.
Stupid cunt, its as easy to find as the local weather.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
That's why we should only put our trust in TRUMP himself, maybe Donnie jr.
Exactly - Orwell would be pleased to know how right he was.

Does it upset you that idiots support Trump? I'm not bothered in the least that they do so. I expect idiots to behave idiotically.

Trump is offensive, but now that the American people resoundingly rejected him he doesn't bother me anymore. He's just taking the last gasps of a dying man as we say in Spanish.
. What is worrisome is how ready these tards are to follow lemminglike off a cliff - leaping without looking.
The problem is that unlike the lemming, who leap together alone, these followers want to take every other living thing with them over the edge. I wouldn't mind in the least if they all jumped off a cliff otherwise.

What worries me is that there is one single person on the planet who believes that Trump has anything at all to offer a single solitary citizen of the US. It stuns and concerns me that anyone thinks the man is good for anything other than grifting and tooting his own malignantly narcissistic horn.

Pretty much because you stick to echo chambers and propaganda. You dont actually listen to other people or talk to other and you just straight ignore things you dont like.

It's actually far more frightening to have people voting who think like this.

So much irony.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
That's why we should only put our trust in TRUMP himself, maybe Donnie jr.
Exactly - Orwell would be pleased to know how right he was.

Does it upset you that idiots support Trump? I'm not bothered in the least that they do so. I expect idiots to behave idiotically.

Trump is offensive, but now that the American people resoundingly rejected him he doesn't bother me anymore. He's just taking the last gasps of a dying man as we say in Spanish.
. What is worrisome is how ready these tards are to follow lemminglike off a cliff - leaping without looking.
The problem is that unlike the lemming, who leap together alone, these followers want to take every other living thing with them over the edge. I wouldn't mind in the least if they all jumped off a cliff otherwise.

What worries me is that there is one single person on the planet who believes that Trump has anything at all to offer a single solitary citizen of the US. It stuns and concerns me that anyone thinks the man is good for anything other than grifting and tooting his own malignantly narcissistic horn.
meanwhile in nov 2020 gas was less than 2 bucks a gallon

1 year later under biden it's 4 bucks a gallon and rising

stick your head back up your ass, idiot

Oh, grow the fuck up, you whinger. It's 7 bucks a gallon here. About the same in the UK, and they have that fuckwit Boris in charge.

Hey tell you what! I'll give you my phone number and you can call and tell my 5 year to grow up and stop whining when she cries for daddy but daddy spends most of the week 3 hours south because of work/class(he needs a certain degree to move up in his feild so he HAS to be down in that area, we are also paying for that currently until his employer reimburses a portion of it....oh and he has to have a felony expunged so there is a few thousand dollars) and gas prices. You know since fucking ply wood is 58 dollars a sheet and we are renovating something and food prices just keep inching up. Oh and my cats food is never in stock anymore. I have to order it now. Having him come home more than once a week is just an expense we can avoid.

You champion of the average working family, you. And us a child tax credit once a month and us ending up having to pay it back at tax time definately isnt help. We opted out. I have a friend who was accepting unemployment. She always worked. She had to stop because of Covid. Was told unemployment was available so she took it and now she has to pay back the state a few thousand dollars she doesnt have because there was some error and she was given too much. She had no clue. Now shes stuck with that mess and they were already struggling. And its the fucking holidays. Ever heard a grown ass woman cry because democrats fucked her life? I can give you her number too. Tell her to stop whining

You never see ME whining even though I have a few valid reasons to. I'm USED to things being difficult. We have been through way worse than him staying hours away because we need to save as much as possible due to holidays and having to get a felony(it was set to a misdemeanor due to a deal in court) expunged off my husband's record.

He has never harmed a soul. Never brutalized anyone. Has never sexually assaulted or raped anyone. And he certainly isnt a domestic abuser. He never asks for anything and he never takes handouts. So I dont expect hearts to bleed for him at all and he hates leftism so.....yeah. I mean if he had just raped some kids or beat some women he wouldnt have any hassle at all.



Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
Soooo... I take it Thanksgiving is over?

Can't wait for Christmas.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Soooo... I take it Thanksgiving is over?

Can't wait for Christmas.

You know the stores here took all the damn Halloween stuff down before Halloween even happened and started putting Christmas shit up?

It was making me angry to see right up until exactly 3 days ago lol.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I'm still waiting for a filthy vermin Registrered Democrat piece of greasy dried cat shit to explain to me how Maricopa County in Arizona managed to count over 2,000 more mail-in ballots than were mailed out.

It was in the report that was issued a few weeks back, but I'm quite sure none of our third-rate leftist gedruls read all the way through it.

I've a number of questions regarding the veracity of the 2020 Presidential election that I would pose to any Leftist vermin scum piece of traitorous garbage residing here, but I already know that not a single one of them could answer even the first two that I might pose, so the exercise is pointless.

What report? And, assuming what you claim is true, which is doubtful, do you think those 2000 ballots would have changed the course of history?

That's merely one single little tip of the massive iceberg of ballot corruption, dear.

But you know that already, or you should.

But you don't care because you're an ideologue who is even moar whacked out than your average Registered Democrat vermin whack job.

So, no source for that "report." Not surprising.

I'm going to assume here that your feigned ignorance is a pose -- but only because I like you and I know you are immersed in your ex-pat wonderland and probably are not aware of the entirety of the Arizona ballot audit that was all over the news a bit back.

Link to the report, pal.

I ain't linking shit, sweetheart, unless you bring me some wine and some fresh bread.

I'll bring you wine from the Alentejo and fresh bread from a padaria when heaven is populated with people like you.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️