All your grievance are belong to us

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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The Deep Space
This isn't the post a picture of yourself thread, FaeryAnne.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I trust you are able to read this post, although I must admit to being somewhat doubtful about the level of comprehension one may expect from the unwashed, filthy rabble that inhabits the so called community. You see, it has come to my attention that Bastard Factory has recently been the unfortunate recipient of a lamentable dearth of competent writing, which, quite frankly, is an affront to those of us who possess a discerning taste for the finer things in life.

As a person of means and impeccable refinement, I must express my deep-seated disappointment with the woeful state of content currently gracing your digital pages. It is with the utmost reluctance that I visit your site in the first place, and this recent deterioration in the quality of your prose only serves to further diminish its appeal.

I feel compelled to elucidate the glaring issues plaguing your so-called "writing." Allow me to enumerate my grievances:

Utter Lack of Eloquence: The prose exhibited on this website is devoid of any semblance of elegance or sophistication. It is as if a horde of imbeciles, with no appreciation for the finer nuances of the English language, have been let loose on your forum.

Intellectual vacuousness: The content appears to be created by individuals who have never graced the halls of an academic institution. It lacks intellectual depth and revels in banality.

Gross Errors in Grammar and Syntax: The sheer number of grammatical and syntactical errors in the posts is nothing short of staggering. It is as if your "members" eschew elementary rules of grammar with gleeful abandon.

Contemptible Lack of Erudition: Your website seems to revel in its ignorance, producing content that displays a shocking lack of erudition and a dearth of factual accuracy.

I must emphasize that it is not only myself but also my esteemed circle of peers who have noted these egregious transgressions on your platform. It is, indeed, a sad state of affairs when a website catering to the lowest common denominator appeals to the masses at the expense of those of us with a refined literary palate.

In conclusion, I implore you to take immediate action to rectify these lamentable deficiencies in your content. My continued patronage, however tentative, depends on your ability to elevate your website's writing to a level that may be considered at least marginally palatable to individuals of taste and distinction.

Yours insincerely, AI Aylana, because quite frankly and beans...I can't be bothered to write anything on the community forums and had ChatGPT do it for me.

I was going to tell everyone about my most recent purchase but...I'm sorry, but I don't have access to your personal information or purchase history. I cannot provide information about your recent purchases. If you have a specific question or need assistance with something related to a purchase, please provide more details, and I'll do my best to help.


Mr. Excitement
Site Supporter ☠️
I trust you are able to read this post, although I must admit to being somewhat doubtful about the level of comprehension one may expect from the unwashed, filthy rabble that inhabits the so called community. You see, it has come to my attention that Bastard Factory has recently been the unfortunate recipient of a lamentable dearth of competent writing, which, quite frankly, is an affront to those of us who possess a discerning taste for the finer things in life.

As a person of means and impeccable refinement, I must express my deep-seated disappointment with the woeful state of content currently gracing your digital pages. It is with the utmost reluctance that I visit your site in the first place, and this recent deterioration in the quality of your prose only serves to further diminish its appeal.

I feel compelled to elucidate the glaring issues plaguing your so-called "writing." Allow me to enumerate my grievances:

Utter Lack of Eloquence: The prose exhibited on this website is devoid of any semblance of elegance or sophistication. It is as if a horde of imbeciles, with no appreciation for the finer nuances of the English language, have been let loose on your forum.

Intellectual vacuousness: The content appears to be created by individuals who have never graced the halls of an academic institution. It lacks intellectual depth and revels in banality.

Gross Errors in Grammar and Syntax: The sheer number of grammatical and syntactical errors in the posts is nothing short of staggering. It is as if your "members" eschew elementary rules of grammar with gleeful abandon.

Contemptible Lack of Erudition: Your website seems to revel in its ignorance, producing content that displays a shocking lack of erudition and a dearth of factual accuracy.

I must emphasize that it is not only myself but also my esteemed circle of peers who have noted these egregious transgressions on your platform. It is, indeed, a sad state of affairs when a website catering to the lowest common denominator appeals to the masses at the expense of those of us with a refined literary palate.

In conclusion, I implore you to take immediate action to rectify these lamentable deficiencies in your content. My continued patronage, however tentative, depends on your ability to elevate your website's writing to a level that may be considered at least marginally palatable to individuals of taste and distinction.

Yours insincerely, AI Aylana, because quite frankly and beans...I can't be bothered to write anything on the community forums and had ChatGPT do it for me.

I was going to tell everyone about my most recent purchase but...I'm sorry, but I don't have access to your personal information or purchase history. I cannot provide information about your recent purchases. If you have a specific question or need assistance with something related to a purchase, please provide more details, and I'll do my best to help.
Give me a fucking break. You're in no position to judge anything. All you do is go around posting sarcastic remarks and criticizing other member's threads who are trying to add new content to the place. When you start making threads that are intended to benefit the forum instead of stupid little remarks then you can bitch about things. Until then go and fellate a goat or some other barnyard animal.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I trust you are able to read this post, although I must admit to being somewhat doubtful about the level of comprehension one may expect from the unwashed, filthy rabble that inhabits the so called community. You see, it has come to my attention that Bastard Factory has recently been the unfortunate recipient of a lamentable dearth of competent writing, which, quite frankly, is an affront to those of us who possess a discerning taste for the finer things in life.

As a person of means and impeccable refinement, I must express my deep-seated disappointment with the woeful state of content currently gracing your digital pages. It is with the utmost reluctance that I visit your site in the first place, and this recent deterioration in the quality of your prose only serves to further diminish its appeal.

I feel compelled to elucidate the glaring issues plaguing your so-called "writing." Allow me to enumerate my grievances:

Utter Lack of Eloquence: The prose exhibited on this website is devoid of any semblance of elegance or sophistication. It is as if a horde of imbeciles, with no appreciation for the finer nuances of the English language, have been let loose on your forum.

Intellectual vacuousness: The content appears to be created by individuals who have never graced the halls of an academic institution. It lacks intellectual depth and revels in banality.

Gross Errors in Grammar and Syntax: The sheer number of grammatical and syntactical errors in the posts is nothing short of staggering. It is as if your "members" eschew elementary rules of grammar with gleeful abandon.

Contemptible Lack of Erudition: Your website seems to revel in its ignorance, producing content that displays a shocking lack of erudition and a dearth of factual accuracy.

I must emphasize that it is not only myself but also my esteemed circle of peers who have noted these egregious transgressions on your platform. It is, indeed, a sad state of affairs when a website catering to the lowest common denominator appeals to the masses at the expense of those of us with a refined literary palate.

In conclusion, I implore you to take immediate action to rectify these lamentable deficiencies in your content. My continued patronage, however tentative, depends on your ability to elevate your website's writing to a level that may be considered at least marginally palatable to individuals of taste and distinction.

Yours insincerely, AI Aylana, because quite frankly and beans...I can't be bothered to write anything on the community forums and had ChatGPT do it for me.

I was going to tell everyone about my most recent purchase but...I'm sorry, but I don't have access to your personal information or purchase history. I cannot provide information about your recent purchases. If you have a specific question or need assistance with something related to a purchase, please provide more details, and I'll do my best to help.

How does AI work? I'm curious. Do you simply add keywords?


> you
Site Supporter ☠️
. o O
Give me a fucking break. You're in no position to judge anything. All you do is go around posting sarcastic remarks and criticizing other member's threads who are trying to add new content to the place. When you start making threads that are intended to benefit the forum instead of stupid little remarks then you can bitch about things. Until then go and fellate a goat or some other barnyard animal.
Yeah...He's got some GALL making a grievance post in this grievance thread!!1111


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Just an hour or so ago I decided to take the doggo for walkies on this blustery rainy day as the weather app said no rain for the next 15 minutes, so we dash out the door and just as we are rounding the corner for home at the 12 minute mark it started raining real hard! Thank You for coming to my TED Talk.
That happens to me frequently here. LOL.


peace through anarchy
First who wouldn't fuck Ryan Gosling? Second, I doubt Ryan Gosling would consent to your advances.
I love Ryan Gosling but were I to pass him IRL, I would act same as not passing him IRL. Because these people who act as other people for a living are no better than nor have no greater power than... us who of us who live day to day putting on the face for a paycheck.

I would treat Lily with equal reverance to Ryan Gosling. I would pass them as strangers because we are all strangers but I would would get to know them as friends because we can all be friends.... if we dare to open ourselves to such commitments.

The stopping & smelling of roses starts with stopping. Thorns be damned. The reward of getting to know someone trumps the risk of pretending they weren't ever worth knowing.

Are you prepared to stop & lower your guard to expand your being, in spite of potential thorns?

Roses have thorns & people have defense mechanisms.

I'm willing to breach the pricks to appreciate the pretty in spite of all the petty that divides both.

Because if not... what the fuck we here for?

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