Another one of those ironic "Conservative" accusation deals.

senior penor

Factory Bastard
This is not giving off the message you think it is. A guy who gets 19 year old interns drunk and fucks them even recognizes fully-grown men shouldn't gyrating their dick in a kid's face.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
This is not giving off the message you think it is. A guy who gets 19 year old interns drunk and fucks them even recognizes fully-grown men shouldn't gyrating their dick in a kid's face.
Excuse are like you assholes everybody has one. Would you want your College Daughter getting dosed and fucked by some guy older than you?

senior penor

Factory Bastard
Excuse are like you assholes everybody has one. Would you want your College Daughter getting dosed and fucked by some guy older than you?
And now you pissed off the feminists and the far-leftists by trying to tell women what they can and can't do with their bodies.
You're really falling behind on your own narrative, assmin.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
This is not giving off the message you think it is. A guy who gets 19 year old interns drunk and fucks them even recognizes fully-grown men shouldn't gyrating their dick in a kid's face.

He somehow thinks this scum bag being conservative means no parents anywhere can oppose exposing children to adult content.

He thinks this asshole fucking an internet is some "gotacha" against parents and voters who are opposing sexually graphic material and shows and politics being shoved on vulnerable children.

He does shit like this all the time and refuses to actually unpack his stupid logic here. It helps to keep in mind that Admin doesn't see any human beings. He just sees hyper partisan objects.

He flat out ignores rape and assault that happens directly from allowing males I female facilities but he somehow thinks this incident means no one is allowed to protect kids.

He won't have any arguments here and he will just claim we are all just stupid.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
He somehow thinks this scum bag being conservative means no parents anywhere can oppose exposing children to adult content.

He thinks this asshole fucking an internet is some "gotacha" against parents and voters who are opposing sexually graphic material and shows and politics being shoved on vulnerable children.

He does shit like this all the time and refuses to actually unpack his stupid logic here. It helps to keep in mind that Admin doesn't see any human beings. He just sees hyper partisan objects.

He flat out ignores rape and assault that happens directly from allowing males I female facilities but he somehow thinks this incident means no one is allowed to protect kids.

He won't have any arguments here and he will just claim we are all just stupid.
So your going on record as supporting adults in a position of authority plying teenagers with alcohol, and fucking them when they're drunk and vulnerable? Is it because he is by appearances a "normal" heterosexual, ie not a Drag Queen or "troon"?

Would you want your 17 year old interning for him?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
So your going on record as supporting adults in a position of authority plying teenagers with alcohol, and fucking them when they're drunk and vulnerable? Is it because he is by appearances a "normal" heterosexual, ie not a Drag Queen or "troon"?

Would you want your 17 year old interning for him?

You really need to be beyond stupid and delusional fucking liar to read my post and see that utter garbage in it when NOTHING like that was said at all.

You just make up what YOU want to see people say and you never read what they actually say.

I was raped at 14, but I know how little leftists actually care about rape survivors so go ahead and lie and claim that I somehow went on record supporting sexual assaults when my post is right there and says nothing of the sort.

YOU support rape though. Like rape of female inmates. Rape of minors like the girl in VA.

You aren't interested in any discussion. You probably got excited over this awful incident so you had something to try to gaslight people you hate with and pretend we are all somehow condoning it whether we comment on the incident or not.

I don't want any of my daughters around people like this scum bag or people like YOU who are fine with sexual assaults and PLEASE ASS BOX ME! so long as it happens on the left. You guys all support the ass rape of that girl in VA. None of you assholes commented on it. And you still support the policies that allow males to attack females in our spaces.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
You really need to be beyond stupid and delusional fucking liar to read my post and see that utter garbage in it when NOTHING like that was said at all.

You just make up what YOU want to see people say and you never read what they actually say.

I was raped at 14, but I know how little leftists actually care about rape survivors so go ahead and lie and claim that I somehow went on record supporting sexual assaults when my post is right there and says nothing of the sort.

YOU support rape though. Like rape of female inmates. Rape of minors like the girl in VA.

You aren't interested in any discussion. You probably got excited over this awful incident so you had something to try to gaslight people you hate with and pretend we are all somehow condoning it whether we comment on the incident or not.

I don't want any of my daughters around people like this scum bag or people like YOU who are fine with sexual assaults and PLEASE ASS BOX ME! so long as it happens on the left. You guys all support the ass rape of that girl in VA. None of you assholes commented on it. And you still support the policies that allow males to attack females in our spaces.
Summation please, I don't have time to parse that much drunken drivel.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Excuse are like you assholes everybody has one. Would you want your College Daughter getting dosed and fucked by some guy older than you?

18 or over is an adult under the eyes of the law.

My wife fucked my brains out when we met. I was 19 and she was 26.

It's impossible to go back to teen girls after a hottie in her prime opens up your dick's eye.

Don't conflate adults fucking with paedophilia.

There's no comparison.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
18 or over is an adult under the eyes of the law.

My wife fucked my brains out when we met. I was 19 and she was 26.

It's impossible to go back to teen girls after a hottie in her prime opens up your dick's eye.

Don't conflate adults fucking with paedophilia.

There's no comparison.
Has anyone ever accused you of being smart?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
This is not giving off the message you think it is. A guy who gets 19 year old interns drunk and fucks them even recognizes fully-grown men shouldn't gyrating their dick in a kid's face.

The aids infected faggot is to stupid for such basic shit. Seriously, he is far to stupid.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Funny how you are the only one who can't understand anything being said.

But I'm drunk, right.
You were a hilarious drunk. I'd like to think I anused you as well.

I've still got the baggy tshirt you gave me... lulz


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Has anyone ever accused you of being smart?

Ironic much?

What this guy did was definately scum bag shit. However it's not comparable to molesting and PLEASE ASS BOX ME! children and just because this guy drunk fucked another adult unethically doesnt mean millions of parents are wrong on the subject of children being involved in drag shows (as viewers or participants)

You really have to be stupid and/or insane to find these issues comparable and you never even seem to grasp your own fucking positions. And you aren't even smart enough to discuss it.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Do you?! Aww nice!

I wanted to throw it away after we both puked all over it, then put it in your washing machine, then gave my ill prepared self with Aussie weight clothes in the deep of your Michigan winter no other option except to shiver in bed, but like a true champ, you crawled under the covers to warm me up and we agreed that no duct tape was needed down the middle of us since it was a healthcare situation and not sexual.... despite my penis and your nipples occasionally popping... but that's just human nature where skin on skin transpires.

You were a perfect gentlewomen.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I wanted to throw it away after we both puked all over it, then put it in your washing machine, then gave my ill prepared self with Aussie weight clothes in the deep of your Michigan winter no other option except to shiver in bed, but like a true champ, you crawled under the covers to warm me up and we agreed that no duct tape was needed down the middle of us since it was a healthcare situation and not sexual.... despite my penis and your nipples occasionally popping... but that's just human nature where skin on skin transpires.

You were a perfect gentlewomen.

Mine is to please, sir!


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Mine is to please, sir!
I can't imagine what would have happened if we actually got jiggy... but I was so black out, I wouldn't have remembered anything anyway.

I just remember your chest appendages almost burning holes into my lower torso, they were so hot. Obviously I'm talking heat in this instance but they looked pretty happening when the lights were still on. But our height difference was a real problem.

Every time you lost your shit in laughter, my balls would start vibrating to the sound waves.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I can't imagine what would have happened if we actually got jiggy... but I was so black out, I wouldn't have remembered anything anyway.

I just remember your chest appendages almost burning holes into my lower torso, they were so hot. Obviously I'm talking heat in this instance but they looked pretty happening when the lights were still on. But our height difference was a real problem.

Every time you lost your shit in laughter, my balls would start vibrating to the sound waves.

We DID talk about it. But you didn't want to do it without the wife so we had a rain check.
