Any opinions on when the covid vaccine hysteria will end?


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Shieeet... I'd love consequence-less and unfetted access to all the pussy I want without worrying that it may one day cost me 18% of my gross income for 21 years.

But when the option includes murdering an innocent child my conscience simply forces a pump on the brakes

But I am a moral man with integrity so this line of thought is a given for real men Like me.
Cool story lunkhead.
How did I know this post would draw the noodle neck sissy boi into an ankle biting frenzy :LOL3:

Don't cry lopsided head guy, don't cry.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Shieeet... I'd love consequence-less and unfetted access to all the pussy I want without worrying that it may one day cost me 18% of my gross income for 21 years.

But when the option includes murdering an innocent child my conscience simply forces a pump on the brakes

But I am a moral man with integrity so this line of thought is a given for real men Like me.
Cool story lunkhead.
How did I know this post would draw the noodle neck sissy boi into an ankle biting frenzy :LOL3:

Don't cry lopsided head guy, don't cry.
Don't bite the ankles noodle neck

use a tampon up your ass instead
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Wont be ending here in Canada , Trudope just invested in a Moderna lab and has now made all childrens school vaccines mandatory.. even without parental consent
The tyranny is unbelievable
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
good news, admong

now you can bite my ankles to your heart's content

noodle neck sissy, lol


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Shieeet... I'd love consequence-less and unfetted access to all the pussy I want without worrying that it may one day cost me 18% of my gross income for 21 years.

But when the option includes murdering an innocent child my conscience simply forces a pump on the brakes

But I am a moral man with integrity so this line of thought is a given for real men Like me.
Cool story lunkhead.
How did I know this post would draw the noodle neck sissy boi into an ankle biting frenzy :LOL3:

He knows way more about womens experiences than women do.

He insight here is more valuable than mine, even.

Typical fucking male priviledge.
Well, he has spent an inordinate amount of time pretending to be a woman.

Especially during his time spent in the NAVY

How's your girdle holding up today, you disgusting fat body?
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Shieeet... I'd love consequence-less and unfetted access to all the pussy I want without worrying that it may one day cost me 18% of my gross income for 21 years.

But when the option includes murdering an innocent child my conscience simply forces a pump on the brakes

But I am a moral man with integrity so this line of thought is a given for real men Like me.
Cool story lunkhead.
How did I know this post would draw the noodle neck sissy boi into an ankle biting frenzy :LOL3:

He knows way more about womens experiences than women do.

He insight here is more valuable than mine, even.

Typical fucking male priviledge.
Well, he has spent an inordinate amount of time pretending to be a woman.

Especially during his time spent in the NAVY

How's your girdle holding up today, you disgusting fat body?
How's digs at your gloryhole today? Swallowing a good amount of sperm, noodle neck?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Crossing the border into Canada is an issue right now. I guess their psycho PM shut it down over the truckers and I'm not sure if its opened back up. We wanted to go play in Ontario.

Ah it ain't that bad @Dove y.

Just tell the Canadian border guard yer a new convert ta Liberalism an' yer a handmaiden refugee escapee from Texas & yer in fer sure. ;-) Trudeau likes converts eh.

Either that er go ta Quebec tell em you wanna be French so you can bring yer children along & raise them ta become French speaking too. They need all the help they can get ta boost the French speaking population & save ther language/ culture. Great social programs & free government subsidized daycare available too. Quebec actually has a separate immigration program eh?

They're almost like a separate country.

Why would I lie?

I dont need any of that shit, Joe. I want less government. Not more.

Why would I ever support legal killing of human beings and a "procedure" that destroyed my life? You know who got to walk away from that completely unscathed? My ex. The "man".

Stop trying to convince me that I'm a "handmaid" because I do not support men profiting and benefiting from being able to pay for abortions and walk away. I'll call that out EVERY time I see it. You guys talk like abortion (mens escape hatch) is the end all be all of womens rights because you view us as fuck objects.

Meanwhile our ACTUAL rights are being completely removed so men can feel pretty.
Crossing the border into Canada is an issue right now. I guess their psycho PM shut it down over the truckers and I'm not sure if its opened back up. We wanted to go play in Ontario.

Ah it ain't that bad @Dove y.

Just tell the Canadian border guard yer a new convert ta Liberalism an' yer a handmaiden refugee escapee from Texas & yer in fer sure. ;-) Trudeau likes converts eh.

Either that er go ta Quebec tell em you wanna be French so you can bring yer children along & raise them ta become French speaking too. They need all the help they can get ta boost the French speaking population & save ther language/ culture. Great social programs & free government subsidized daycare available too. Quebec actually has a separate immigration program eh?

They're almost like a separate country.

Why would I lie?

I dont need any of that shit, Joe. I want less government. Not more.

Why would I ever support legal killing of human beings and a "procedure" that destroyed my life? You know who got to walk away from that completely unscathed? My ex. The "man".

Stop trying to convince me that I'm a "handmaid" because I do not support men profiting and benefiting from being able to pay for abortions and walk away. I'll call that out EVERY time I see it. You guys talk like abortion (mens escape hatch) is the end all be all of womens rights because you view us as fuck objects.

Meanwhile our ACTUAL rights are being completely removed so men can feel pretty.

You've got that a little bass ackwards, my dear. Conservative men are the front runners in the charge against the right to choose abortion. They're trying to force women to have children. Why are you so afraid of leaving it to individual women to decide their fates? Just because you let a man decide yours doesn't mean the rest of the women in the country are going to do what you did. Millions of women are able to make their own choices, and child bearing should not be forced on them because you made a giant mistake.
Look, I'm one of the most vocal CON's on abortion here. My position always has been the following and I've repeated it over and over and over:
Liberals keep defending 2nd and 3rd trimester abortions which are so repulsive, it will eventually cause them to lose the abortion argument entirely and abortion will be outlawed.
Congrats, YOU DID IT!!!!

Years and years of people reading about abortion parts being sold for profit and research, seeing fully developed human corpses in buckets, the complete nonsense argument for the need to pull a baby out to the neck then zombie piking it in the spinal cord to kill it, refusing to give treatment to babies after they are aborted live, has caused public opinion to turn against you and in more than half the states, the common sense approach is going to be abortion stopped dead at no more than 15 weeks.....about 3 weeks longer that necessary.

Pro aborts are gonna burn in hell for all eternity....rightfully so too! ENJOY!

I think yer gonna burn in hell @Lokmar!

You have so many sins on yer plate like a rap sheet a mile long, Bud.

St Luce'll be waiting fer ya...Lokmeer!
Maybe josephine, but its not going to be because I believe abortion isnt murder.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
hmmmmm what will the lotus excuse here be

a) non sequitur
b) it's all nuanced
c) you're a bonehead and I'm not going to waste my time
d) I've already proven this dozens of times

The logic that men want to "control women" by getting RID of abortion is so fucking stupid at this point you HAVE to be a LIAR to claim this.

WHERE are these fucking men? Where?

Give me a fucking break. They legit support the abuse and control of women that abortion brings. They are complicit in it by ignoring it and denying it.
With child support standing at 18% of your gross income with ZERO tax exemptions im thinking NOWHERE

But of course, I’m sane and my observations are rooted in reality
Its 26% in Illinois.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
hmmmmm what will the lotus excuse here be

a) non sequitur
b) it's all nuanced
c) you're a bonehead and I'm not going to waste my time
d) I've already proven this dozens of times

The logic that men want to "control women" by getting RID of abortion is so fucking stupid at this point you HAVE to be a LIAR to claim this.

WHERE are these fucking men? Where?

Give me a fucking break. They legit support the abuse and control of women that abortion brings. They are complicit in it by ignoring it and denying it.
With child support standing at 18% of your gross income with ZERO tax exemptions im thinking NOWHERE

But of course, I’m sane and my observations are rooted in reality
Its 26% in Illinois.
Per child?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
hmmmmm what will the lotus excuse here be

a) non sequitur
b) it's all nuanced
c) you're a bonehead and I'm not going to waste my time
d) I've already proven this dozens of times

The logic that men want to "control women" by getting RID of abortion is so fucking stupid at this point you HAVE to be a LIAR to claim this.

WHERE are these fucking men? Where?

Give me a fucking break. They legit support the abuse and control of women that abortion brings. They are complicit in it by ignoring it and denying it.
With child support standing at 18% of your gross income with ZERO tax exemptions im thinking NOWHERE

But of course, I’m sane and my observations are rooted in reality
Its 26% in Illinois.
Per child?
26% for 1 and then it goes to 32% or 34% for the next one. I'm not sure what the cap is but you can pretty much fuck your life away.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
hmmmmm what will the lotus excuse here be

a) non sequitur
b) it's all nuanced
c) you're a bonehead and I'm not going to waste my time
d) I've already proven this dozens of times

The logic that men want to "control women" by getting RID of abortion is so fucking stupid at this point you HAVE to be a LIAR to claim this.

WHERE are these fucking men? Where?

Give me a fucking break. They legit support the abuse and control of women that abortion brings. They are complicit in it by ignoring it and denying it.
With child support standing at 18% of your gross income with ZERO tax exemptions im thinking NOWHERE

But of course, I’m sane and my observations are rooted in reality
Its 26% in Illinois.
Per child?
26% for 1 and then it goes to 32% or 34% for the next one. I'm not sure what the cap is but you can pretty much fuck your life away.
Good lOrd. That's nuts

but men want to make women have their children tho!!!!!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
hmmmmm what will the lotus excuse here be

a) non sequitur
b) it's all nuanced
c) you're a bonehead and I'm not going to waste my time
d) I've already proven this dozens of times

The logic that men want to "control women" by getting RID of abortion is so fucking stupid at this point you HAVE to be a LIAR to claim this.

WHERE are these fucking men? Where?

Give me a fucking break. They legit support the abuse and control of women that abortion brings. They are complicit in it by ignoring it and denying it.
With child support standing at 18% of your gross income with ZERO tax exemptions im thinking NOWHERE

But of course, I’m sane and my observations are rooted in reality
Its 26% in Illinois.
Per child?
26% for 1 and then it goes to 32% or 34% for the next one. I'm not sure what the cap is but you can pretty much fuck your life away.
Good lOrd. That's nuts

but men want to make women have their children tho!!!!!
Hey, I was wrong! Well, a bit anyway. My state source sent me this link:
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

20% of NET income and then the judge can add more depending on your income and the kids needs.


If my dog doesn't like you, I probably won'teither
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If it's not the virus it will be something else as long as a buck can be made - - - - - -


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
hmmmmm what will the lotus excuse here be

a) non sequitur
b) it's all nuanced
c) you're a bonehead and I'm not going to waste my time
d) I've already proven this dozens of times

The logic that men want to "control women" by getting RID of abortion is so fucking stupid at this point you HAVE to be a LIAR to claim this.

WHERE are these fucking men? Where?

Give me a fucking break. They legit support the abuse and control of women that abortion brings. They are complicit in it by ignoring it and denying it.
With child support standing at 18% of your gross income with ZERO tax exemptions im thinking NOWHERE

But of course, I’m sane and my observations are rooted in reality
Its 26% in Illinois.
Per child?
26% for 1 and then it goes to 32% or 34% for the next one. I'm not sure what the cap is but you can pretty much fuck your life away.
Good lOrd. That's nuts

but men want to make women have their children tho!!!!!
Hey, I was wrong! Well, a bit anyway. My state source sent me this link:
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

20% of NET income and then the judge can add more depending on your income and the kids needs.

Men REALLY want this.

No really! They want to CONTROL women by forcing us to have their children so they can be on the hook for a good chunk of their income and run ragged through the family court system.

You can easily find SEVERAL discussions men are having where they priase family court and they are so happy to have a child to provide for.

See because handing their life and earnings in the hands of a judge in court system that overwhelmingly supports the mother is how men CONTROL us.

I have a huge ass bridge to sell you, btw.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
hmmmmm what will the lotus excuse here be

a) non sequitur
b) it's all nuanced
c) you're a bonehead and I'm not going to waste my time
d) I've already proven this dozens of times

The logic that men want to "control women" by getting RID of abortion is so fucking stupid at this point you HAVE to be a LIAR to claim this.

WHERE are these fucking men? Where?

Give me a fucking break. They legit support the abuse and control of women that abortion brings. They are complicit in it by ignoring it and denying it.
With child support standing at 18% of your gross income with ZERO tax exemptions im thinking NOWHERE

But of course, I’m sane and my observations are rooted in reality
Its 26% in Illinois.
Per child?
26% for 1 and then it goes to 32% or 34% for the next one. I'm not sure what the cap is but you can pretty much fuck your life away.
Good lOrd. That's nuts

but men want to make women have their children tho!!!!!
Hey, I was wrong! Well, a bit anyway. My state source sent me this link:
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

20% of NET income and then the judge can add more depending on your income and the kids needs.

Men REALLY want this.

No really! They want to CONTROL women by forcing us to have their children so they can be on the hook for a good chunk of their income and run ragged through the family court system.

You can easily find SEVERAL discussions men are having where they priase family court and they are so happy to have a child to provide for.

See because handing their life and earnings in the hands of a judge in court system that overwhelmingly supports the mother is how men CONTROL us.

I have a huge ass bridge to sell you, btw.
Are you kidding? What man in his right mind doesn't want to be straddled with 21 years of unreasonable financial burdens which not only include 18% of his gross income but can also include 90% of day care, unreimburse medical, schooling, extra-curricular activities and the majority of college tuition which also extends the misery until 25?

All for a child who more than likely wont give the first fuck about this father in the end

yeah, libtards got this one figured out to a science!!!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Hey, any u bishes want some of this 6 figure paycheck right here? :Popcorn: All you gotsta do is lemme blow this nut in you and make me some sprogs!!!!!! Oh yea, you have to move in and clean daily shit blast off my bowl...and you needs to put the lotion on the skin or you gets the hose again!!!