Any Respectable Girls On This Board?


Super Dominate Male
Brooklyn Heights, NYC
The ladies here seem to be extremely argumentative and seriously outclassed.

You call yourselves women?! Last time I heard so many foul mouthed was on the A train to the Bronx. Women are no longer really women, especially the ones that post here. I don't mean that your lacking cooking, cleaning and nurturing skills, although you should inherently know how to do all those things.

Women really are illogical and childish in a way that they aren't good at seeing where they are in incapable. I believe that few women should hold positions of power and authority; few women are powerful beings even with extensive training, but born followers. However, women today no longer look like women. They no longer talk like women. They no longer act like women. Women, once upon a time, had self-respect. Running a country, a company or even planning a road trip should be based off of logic, not emotion and the fear of being left behind.

Unfortunately, the majority of women that I have encountered in my life — especially as of late — don't respect themselves. They don't respect their bodies or their minds and somehow still feel it acceptable to demand respect from a random man.

Here's a few respectable things to work on ladies.
- Listen to him. You may have a dozen important things to tell him, but the moment of his arrival is not the time. Let him talk first.
- Remember, his topics of conversation are more important than yours.
- Don't greet him with complaints and problems. You have no right to question him.
- Arrange his pillows and offer to take off his shoes. Speak in a low, soothing and pleasant voice.
- Also, a good woman is also an excellent cook and doesn't use teeth during the daily BJ. Bringing this back down earth though, a mans' boring day may need a lift and its one of your duties as a lady is to provide it.

Also, don't greet me and the boys' with complaints and problems, you got to remember that us guys topics are more important than the majority of yours.


Super Dominate Male
Brooklyn Heights, NYC
The 'ladies' here need a little insight to their behaviors and maybe a correction. Whether you acknowledge it or not your man has to deal with these emotional outbursts. This is why the divorce rate is so high, woman have become confused as to what their real role is in our society. Third world countries have a hierarchy that still works and the family nucleus remains clear.

Didn't mean to upset you babeedoll.

Just know your place.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
The ladies here seem to be extremely argumentative and seriously outclassed.

You call yourselves women?! Last time I heard so many foul mouthed was on the A train to the Bronx. Women are no longer really women, especially the ones that post here. I don't mean that your lacking cooking, cleaning and nurturing skills, although you should inherently know how to do all those things.

Women really are illogical and childish in a way that they aren't good at seeing where they are in incapable. I believe that few women should hold positions of power and authority; few women are powerful beings even with extensive training, but born followers. However, women today no longer look like women. They no longer talk like women. They no longer act like women. Women, once upon a time, had self-respect. Running a country, a company or even planning a road trip should be based off of logic, not emotion and the fear of being left behind.

Unfortunately, the majority of women that I have encountered in my life — especially as of late — don't respect themselves. They don't respect their bodies or their minds and somehow still feel it acceptable to demand respect from a random man.

Here's a few respectable things to work on ladies.
- Listen to him. You may have a dozen important things to tell him, but the moment of his arrival is not the time. Let him talk first.
- Remember, his topics of conversation are more important than yours.
- Don't greet him with complaints and problems. You have no right to question him.
- Arrange his pillows and offer to take off his shoes. Speak in a low, soothing and pleasant voice.
- Also, a good woman is also an excellent cook and doesn't use teeth during the daily BJ. Bringing this back down earth though, a mans' boring day may need a lift and its one of your duties as a lady is to provide it.

Also, don't greet me and the boys' with complaints and problems, you got to remember that us guys topics are more important than the majority of yours.

That's what a post from Archie Bunker would sound like.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Lmaooo I was looking for this one, but had to share the world history one as well lol.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The ladies here seem to be extremely argumentative and seriously outclassed.

You call yourselves women?! Last time I heard so many foul mouthed was on the A train to the Bronx. Women are no longer really women, especially the ones that post here. I don't mean that your lacking cooking, cleaning and nurturing skills, although you should inherently know how to do all those things.

...I don't know what you expect from an Online forum.

Tell you the truth, I've countered much worse on other forums.

The ones here seem nice by comparison.

I think you expect too much from this medium.

Unless yer troliling, what you seem to be lacking, no forum can provide for you.

A real girlfriend.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I’m a nasty bitch.... and I mean to the degree of nasty that it’s a work of art.

Taking a dump and not flushing sure is nasty, especially for a chick.

ewww that was yucky.

I was raised right and learned how to hold a fart in for date night by 10th grade. I don’t have a butthole in my relationships. I’m also an anal virgin.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Well... I take that back... there was that time my booty was tongue raped by a millennial or 4.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Respectable Ladies? On here?

Get out. Only the most debased and feral welcome/belong here. Karens get mounted and shackled to the wall.

Next you'll be expecting us all to be wearing clothes. The fuck?

Edir: And you should be looking for women, not girls, what's wrong with you?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I always just assume certain posters are double logins by the owner or mods designed to stir the pot and drum up posts. It is still entertaining but you can't take them seriously. You can usually tell as they are two dimensional characters without any depth and usually based upon some sort of archetype.


If my dog doesn't like you, I probably won'teither
Site Supporter
Kingsley where did you find that article?I bet in some 3rd world magazine like Burma - - - - - -
What you need to do is find out the power of pussy and learn how to use it and not be dreaming of getting your wee wee sucked while you look out your window at little girls walking by and jerking off.
PS - Happy Wife = Happy Life!


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I almost fell in love online once... he was a sweet southerner and I was not prepared to handle that level of charm & manners. We were over a year deep in our cyber romance when another male poster sent me pics of his wife. I don’t do married... mostly because my ex-husband was a cheating bastard and I’m not going to do that to another woman.

Bastard Factory

Chairman of the Bored
Vegas Strip


Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
Lord knows I try to be a respectable woman... but it's hard to be respectable when you're a guy.


Super Dominate Male
Brooklyn Heights, NYC
The main difference between humans and animals is culture and civilization.

Since it's nearly exclusively, men who create culture and civilization, ask yourself, are women really humans?

In the long, cultural and civilization, no history of mankind, women have been near worthless, despite being pampered and privileged. They hardly ever compose noteworthy songs, nor did they build skyscrapers or satellites.

Even today, nearly everything women accomplish is only accomplished with the help of men or any team with men.

Their main contribution to culture remain singing and maybe posting on this board.

Their main contribution to civilization remains cleaning.

Their main contribution to society remains giving birth.

Thus, it's a legitimate question: are women human? And if so at what ratio? 3% human, 97% animal?

Shouldn't women therefore be deprived of all human rights in instead be governed by legislation concerning domestic animals? Isn't that what they are essentially?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
The main difference between humans and animals is culture and civilization.

Since it's nearly exclusively, men who create culture and civilization, ask yourself, are women really humans?

In the long, cultural and civilization, no history of mankind, women have been near worthless, despite being pampered and privileged. They hardly ever compose noteworthy songs, nor did they build skyscrapers or satellites.

Even today, nearly everything women accomplish is only accomplished with the help of men or any team with men.

Their main contribution to culture remain singing and maybe posting on this board.

Their main contribution to civilization remains cleaning.

Their main contribution to society remains giving birth.

Thus, it's a legitimate question: are women human? And if so at what ratio? 3% human, 97% animal?

Shouldn't women therefore be deprived of all human rights in instead be governed by legislation concerning domestic animals? Isn't that what they are essentially?
Honey, your only hope is a time machine.