As defence minister for the B/F Alphas I am declaring meltdown a nigger free zone


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
All over meltdown.

You went and hid posting meme after meme.

Those are the facts and they are unassailable.

Well it's a good thing you told me because I thought I just simply got bored with the hysterics and drama and found memes to be more amusing. Why would I bother wasting more time with idiots who just want to foam at the mouth, spew repetitive angry posts and don't want to actually discuss anything?

But since you think your personal interpretations of my behavior are facts....well... Oak is the ultimate judge of everything and everyone, right?

Gaslighting isn't going to make me want to continue to interact with anyone once I've gotten bored with it.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
What have you accomplished in life other than having 4 children with 4 different men?

You tell me. You are the expert on my entire life, right?

Are you inviting me to "spin a narrative" here since only YOU can speak about what's true about me and my own life and if I do it I'm spinning a narrative?

Interesting you are so offended by opposing views that you equate them with judgement while you literally judge people harshly based on your own biases and use accomplishments as some tool to boost your own self as superior over others.

You are literally the most self righteous, sanctimonious judgey person here along with Murd.

It must be a CA thing.

Sorry but I don't need to sit and throw out anything I've accomplished in order to prove anything and I feel sorry for you that you do. Truly. I don't feel bad for having my children either. A lot of women will abort and suffer deeply due to social stigmatizing of motherhood and how people like you think women who desire nothing more than motherhood are losers who haven't accomplished anything.

A lot of people work, Oak. Most people work. I hate you tell you this but doing what you SHOULD be doing isn't exactly some big accomplishment. So you went to school, worked hard and got a job. Just like millions of other people....most of which do not expect constant validation and applause like you do.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Well it's a good thing you told me because I thought I just simply got bored with the hysterics and drama and found memes to be more amusing. Why would I bother wasting more time with idiots who just want to foam at the mouth, spew repetitive angry posts and don't want to actually discuss anything?

But since you think your personal interpretations of my behavior are facts....well... Oak is the ultimate judge of everything and everyone, right?

Gaslighting isn't going to make me want to continue to interact with anyone once I've gotten bored with it.

Doesn't take a genius to figure your dumb ass out.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
You are literally the most self righteous, sanctimonious judgey person here along with Murd.

"Judgey person???"

Is that like "The Small Judgey Person Oligarchy?"

So? You're making up words now? It's times like these that you really show how utterly fucking stupid you truly are.

I knew you'd fuck up and show your true non-intelligence again. I guess you wanted to expand that limited vocabulary by just pulling a non-existent word right out of that very loose vagina that doubles as your face and mouth piece.

You stupid fuck.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
You make that shit up, Dove.

HIGH PUMPING is always with these insecure social losers.

Guess their jobs in real life. And trust me. I invest some Bitcoins in the deep web, to get some infos on them. It is hillarious. Most of them have nothing to say in real life, and have huge debt.

Fuck them!
I might post some PI . Not here of course but maybe on another board.

Hey what good is accomplishing anything if you can use it to try to beat down other people you THINK are below you?

Everyone has to want the same things out of life that Oak wants and if you do not perform to her standards.....well she's better than you and anyone else who defies her personal standards.

She really wants me to sit here and cheapen myself listing off everything I've done in my own life that I'm proud of and everyday I serve my community so she can still judge and shit on people.

I guess if you suck that bad as a person you have to rely on your job to give you that superiority you need.

And her problem with me is that she thinks I judge other people? Please show me where I've ever lacked compassion for struggling people and judged them. That is Oaks thing. (I'm not talking about me since they have these fantasies that I'm suffering and sobbing through my tragic life just because I've posted things I've dealt with....but rather comments made about others out there struggling with addiction and mental health workers...etc)


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
I noticed that Dove has gone SILENT on accusing people of being "judgey people."

The stupidity is strong with Dove.

Look how she runs! Look how she runs!



Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Hey what good is accomplishing anything if you can use it to try to beat down other people you THINK are below you?

Everyone has to want the same things out of life that Oak wants and if you do not perform to her standards.....well she's better than you and anyone else who defies her personal standards.

She really wants me to sit here and cheapen myself listing off everything I've done in my own life that I'm proud of and everyday I serve my community so she can still judge and shit on people.

I guess if you suck that bad as a person you have to rely on your job to give you that superiority you need.

And her problem with me is that she thinks I judge other people? Please show me where I've ever lacked compassion for struggling people and judged them. That is Oaks thing. (I'm not talking about me since they have these fantasies that I'm suffering and sobbing through my tragic life just because I've posted things I've dealt with....but rather comments made about others out there struggling with addiction and mental health workers...etc)

How can anyone even take you seriously when you make up words like, "judgey?"

Ignorant twat.



Site Supporter
How can anyone even take you seriously when you make up words like, "judgey?"

Ignorant twat.

Hi Flynn, feel like taking a fury break... yer gonna bust one O yer nutZ cheers


Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
Zero poutines.
One chunk of Roquefort.
One chunk of Limburger.
Ten slices of Prosciutto.
Three glasses of red wine.
Half a bottle of Listerine.


Site Supporter
Zero poutines.
One chunk of Roquefort.
One chunk of Limburger.
Ten slices of Prosciutto.
Three glasses of red wine.
Half a bottle of Listerine.

Limburger ??? HA HA My Mom LOVED that stinky shit ... thanks for the memory dude
a random connection ZZzzz sattalites allign fuckspelling and a smi9le LOL she would laugh at my complaints about the smell in the Kitchen ''fuckoff X'' :LOL3::LOL3:it still rings in my ears


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Hey what good is accomplishing anything if you can use it to try to beat down other people you THINK are below you?

Everyone has to want the same things out of life that Oak wants and if you do not perform to her standards.....well she's better than you and anyone else who defies her personal standards.

She really wants me to sit here and cheapen myself listing off everything I've done in my own life that I'm proud of and everyday I serve my community so she can still judge and shit on people.

I guess if you suck that bad as a person you have to rely on your job to give you that superiority you need.

And her problem with me is that she thinks I judge other people? Please show me where I've ever lacked compassion for struggling people and judged them. That is Oaks thing. (I'm not talking about me since they have these fantasies that I'm suffering and sobbing through my tragic life just because I've posted things I've dealt with....but rather comments made about others out there struggling with addiction and mental health workers...etc)

I'm not better that everyone. I'm clearly better than you and MAdam Shitler, though. Tweedle Dum (you) and Tweedle Dumber (Shitler)...things are looking up. You are better than someone. Yay!


Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
And if Aryan says his pics are real, then they must be...although the you know what says otherwise.

I know it's the truth as you start churning out your desperate comebacks at a higher rate of speed trying to drown out the truth as usual.
My pics are real.... you live in a mental facility LMFAO @ yUo! Fucking schizo.


> you
Site Supporter ☠️
. o O
My pics are real.... ....


Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Flynn, you've been well and truly busted this time... I sooooo want to post the google maps pic of your "home" aka nuthouse, but PI rules forbid it...

I knew there was something off about you, but this is just hilarious..... what time is dinner served? :LOL3:


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Flynn, you've been well and truly busted this time... I sooooo want to post the google maps pic of your "home" aka nuthouse, but PI rules forbid it...

I knew there was something off about you, but this is just hilarious..... what time is dinner served? :LOL3:

What a lame excuse.

Anything to try to hide your geo-located photos. Go on Aryan, I give you all the permission in the world to show where I live.

More of your unproven lies. I knew you'd start panicking, you soft cunt.

Do you really think your made up lies will trump the fact that you left a bread crumb trail highlighting that ALL YOUR PICTURES ARE FAKE?

If you're feeling extra bitchy, why not tag Bastard Factory again? Maybe he can help you out.



Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
^^It's afraid.... note the lengthy tirade and overuse of smileys.

What time is "lights out" in your asylum?


I thought you were going to post up a picture of where I allegedly live, Adolf lite?

Guess that's more of your proven bullshit that we've all come to expect.

Now. Show me this pic. Or were you full of crap yet again?

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
And get banned for posting PI? Yeah nice try...

Where is the proof that my pics are from fucking Australia?

I already gave you permission to post the evidence, so do it.


Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
I looked at the geo-tags for the alleged photo of Shitler that CW (re)posted. Oddly, that one seems genuine.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
And get banned for posting PI? Yeah nice try...

Where is the proof that my pics are from fucking Australia?

I already gave you permission to post the evidence, so do it.

Nice back pedal!

I give you a 2.5 for form but no technical value.

I've already shared it with members via PM's and we had a good long laugh. You just don't know how fucking ridiculous you sound trying to launch every excuse in the book about your not real pictures.

Well,I appreciate you not posting my P.I. that would totally not embarrass me.

Fucking full of shit again, you are.


Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
Do you mean it says it's from England?

With such a distinguished and gentlemanly powdered purple wig?

Of course it could be from no other place but England!

(Shitler denies being English but I now understand where his obsession with pastel-tinted wigs comes from.)