Backlash builds after Dems vote to legalize abortion up to birth


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, which received support from 49 Democrats in the Senate and ultimately
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, would have given health care providers the "right" to provide abortion services with few limitations or requirements.

I'd be glad if they gave these same 49 demonrats the same treatment they think those babies should get.

Seriously, people like that are just as bad as the worst people you could imagine.


Factory Bastard
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, which received support from 49 Democrats in the Senate and ultimately
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, would have given health care providers the "right" to provide abortion services with few limitations or requirements.

I'd be glad if they gave these same 49 demonrats the same treatment they think those babies should get.

Seriously, people like that are just as bad as the worst people you could imagine.

Great. Except for one thing. Fox News is lying. They did not vote to "legalize abortion up to birth." You need to stop being so gullible.

The law aimed most of its protections for the procedure before the point of foetal viability - approximately 24 weeks into a pregnancy. But it also prohibited bans beyond that time, only when "in the good-faith medical judgment of the treating health care provider, continuation of the pregnancy would pose a risk to the pregnant patient's life or health".

They voted to protect the mother.

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Factory Bastard
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, which received support from 49 Democrats in the Senate and ultimately
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, would have given health care providers the "right" to provide abortion services with few limitations or requirements.

I'd be glad if they gave these same 49 demonrats the same treatment they think those babies should get.

Seriously, people like that are just as bad as the worst people you could imagine.

Great. Except for one thing. Fox News is lying. They did not vote to "legalize abortion up to birth." You need to stop being so gullible.

The law aimed most of its protections for the procedure before the point of foetal viability - approximately 24 weeks into a pregnancy. But it also prohibited bans beyond that time, only when "in the good-faith medical judgment of the treating health care provider, continuation of the pregnancy would pose a risk to the pregnant patient's life or health".

They voted to protect the mother.

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Sorry bitch, but all your libtard politicians are doubling down on late term abortion.

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Now shut your lyin cunt mouth and crawl back into the rape dumpster!


Domestically feral
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, which received support from 49 Democrats in the Senate and ultimately
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, would have given health care providers the "right" to provide abortion services with few limitations or requirements.

I'd be glad if they gave these same 49 demonrats the same treatment they think those babies should get.

Seriously, people like that are just as bad as the worst people you could imagine.

Great. Except for one thing. Fox News is lying. They did not vote to "legalize abortion up to birth." You need to stop being so gullible.

The law aimed most of its protections for the procedure before the point of foetal viability - approximately 24 weeks into a pregnancy. But it also prohibited bans beyond that time, only when "in the good-faith medical judgment of the treating health care provider, continuation of the pregnancy would pose a risk to the pregnant patient's life or health".

They voted to protect the mother.

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Except it's literally right in the bill. The fox article linked the actual bill where it states there is no limitation.

Did you read the bill itself? Because it's literally right in the bill.


Factory Bastard
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, which received support from 49 Democrats in the Senate and ultimately
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, would have given health care providers the "right" to provide abortion services with few limitations or requirements.

I'd be glad if they gave these same 49 demonrats the same treatment they think those babies should get.

Seriously, people like that are just as bad as the worst people you could imagine.

Great. Except for one thing. Fox News is lying. They did not vote to "legalize abortion up to birth." You need to stop being so gullible.

The law aimed most of its protections for the procedure before the point of foetal viability - approximately 24 weeks into a pregnancy. But it also prohibited bans beyond that time, only when "in the good-faith medical judgment of the treating health care provider, continuation of the pregnancy would pose a risk to the pregnant patient's life or health".

They voted to protect the mother.

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Except it's literally right in the bill. The fox article linked the actual bill where it states there is no limitation.

Did you read the bill itself? Because it's literally right in the bill.

Yeah. And I actually clicked on it and read it. HERE is what is actually says, so stop repeating Fox's lies.

(8) A prohibition on abortion at any point or points in time prior to fetal viability, including a prohibition or restriction on a particular abortion procedure.
(9) A prohibition on abortion after fetal viability when, in the good-faith medical judgment of the treating health care provider, continuation of the pregnancy would pose a risk to the pregnant patient’s life or health.


Domestically feral
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United states
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, which received support from 49 Democrats in the Senate and ultimately
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, would have given health care providers the "right" to provide abortion services with few limitations or requirements.

I'd be glad if they gave these same 49 demonrats the same treatment they think those babies should get.

Seriously, people like that are just as bad as the worst people you could imagine.

Great. Except for one thing. Fox News is lying. They did not vote to "legalize abortion up to birth." You need to stop being so gullible.

The law aimed most of its protections for the procedure before the point of foetal viability - approximately 24 weeks into a pregnancy. But it also prohibited bans beyond that time, only when "in the good-faith medical judgment of the treating health care provider, continuation of the pregnancy would pose a risk to the pregnant patient's life or health".

They voted to protect the mother.

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Except it's literally right in the bill. The fox article linked the actual bill where it states there is no limitation.

Did you read the bill itself? Because it's literally right in the bill.

Yeah. And I actually clicked on it and read it. HERE is what is actually says, so stop repeating Fox's lies.

(8) A prohibition on abortion at any point or points in time prior to fetal viability, including a prohibition or restriction on a particular abortion procedure.
(9) A prohibition on abortion after fetal viability when, in the good-faith medical judgment of the treating health care provider, continuation of the pregnancy would pose a risk to the pregnant patient’s life or health.

Yes. Here is the whole thing

(a) General Rule.—A health care provider has a statutory right under this Act to provide abortion services, and may provide abortion services, and that provider’s patient has a corresponding right to receive such services, without any of the following limitations or requirements:

(1) A requirement that a health care provider perform specific tests or medical procedures in connection with the provision of abortion services, unless generally required for the provision of medically comparable procedures.
(2) A requirement that the same health care provider who provides abortion services also perform specified tests, services, or procedures prior to or subsequent to the abortion.
(3) A requirement that a health care provider offer or provide the patient seeking abortion services medically inaccurate information in advance of or during abortion services.
(4) A limitation on a health care provider’s ability to prescribe or dispense drugs based on current evidence-based regimens or the provider’s good-faith medical judgment, other than a limitation generally applicable to the medical profession.
(5) A limitation on a health care provider’s ability to provide abortion services via telemedicine, other than a limitation generally applicable to the provision of medical services via telemedicine.
(6) A requirement or limitation concerning the physical plant, equipment, staffing, or hospital transfer arrangements of facilities where abortion services are provided, or the credentials or hospital privileges or status of personnel at such facilities, that is not imposed on facilities or the personnel of facilities where medically comparable procedures are performed.
(7) A requirement that, prior to obtaining an abortion, a patient make one or more medically unnecessary in-person visits to the provider of abortion services or to any individual or entity that does not provide abortion services.
(8) A prohibition on abortion at any point or points in time prior to fetal viability, including a prohibition or restriction on a particular abortion procedure.
(9) A prohibition on abortion after fetal viability when, in the good-faith medical judgment of the treating health care provider, continuation of the pregnancy would pose a risk to the pregnant patient’s life or health.
(10) A limitation on a health care provider’s ability to provide immediate abortion services when that health care provider believes, based on the good-faith medical judgment of the provider, that delay would pose a risk to the patient’s health."


Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
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Lotus, what are you trying to do is convince us that this bill, which was full of loopholes and these tend to be exploited, will never have these loopholes exploited

I'm not saying that these kind of laws end up in societies building altars to dark deities and offering their children to them

But they could. Ok, that was a little BS but the saddest thing is, it's not impossible. Unlikely, but not imposible.

And believe me, seeing the things I've seeing today, I have to say "completely possible".


Factory Bastard
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Lotus, what are you trying to do is convince us that this bill, which was full of loopholes and these tend to be exploited, will never have these loopholes exploited

I'm not saying that these kind of laws end up in societies building altars to dark deities and offering their children to them

But they could. Ok, that was a little BS but the saddest thing is, it's not impossible. Unlikely, but not imposible.

And believe me, seeing the things I've seeing today, I have to say "completely possible".

The bill was 100% an attempt to disallow the bullshit SCOTUS is pulling now. Not about any of the dark stuff you fear.


Domestically feral
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United states
It helps that you says "a patient's right to obtain abortion services without any of the following limitations and requirements.

And then right after every number.....insert the word "without".

Because that's what this is saying. Before the points you listed....put the word "without" as the first word.


Domestically feral
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United states
Lotus, what are you trying to do is convince us that this bill, which was full of loopholes and these tend to be exploited, will never have these loopholes exploited

I'm not saying that these kind of laws end up in societies building altars to dark deities and offering their children to them

But they could. Ok, that was a little BS but the saddest thing is, it's not impossible. Unlikely, but not imposible.

And believe me, seeing the things I've seeing today, I have to say "completely possible".

The bill was 100% an attempt to disallow the bullshit SCOTUS is pulling now. Not about any of the dark stuff you fear.

What bullshit? Turning the matter of abortion over to states?

Do you know even RBG believed Roe was a bad decision?

Do you understand Roe was not saying women have a constitutional right to abortion? Why do so many abortion supporters think this and think over turning it will "ban abortion"?


Factory Bastard
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Lotus, what are you trying to do is convince us that this bill, which was full of loopholes and these tend to be exploited, will never have these loopholes exploited

I'm not saying that these kind of laws end up in societies building altars to dark deities and offering their children to them

But they could. Ok, that was a little BS but the saddest thing is, it's not impossible. Unlikely, but not imposible.

And believe me, seeing the things I've seeing today, I have to say "completely possible".

The bill was 100% an attempt to disallow the bullshit SCOTUS is pulling now. Not about any of the dark stuff you fear.

What bullshit? Turning the matter of abortion over to states?

Do you know even RBG believed Roe was a bad decision?

Do you understand Roe was not saying women have a constitutional right to abortion? Why do so many abortion supporters think this and think over turning it will "ban abortion"?

She believed it was a bad decision because it left itself to open to the bullshit that SCOTUS is pulling now, not because she thought abortion should be illegal.


Domestically feral
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United states
Lotus, what are you trying to do is convince us that this bill, which was full of loopholes and these tend to be exploited, will never have these loopholes exploited

I'm not saying that these kind of laws end up in societies building altars to dark deities and offering their children to them

But they could. Ok, that was a little BS but the saddest thing is, it's not impossible. Unlikely, but not imposible.

And believe me, seeing the things I've seeing today, I have to say "completely possible".

The bill was 100% an attempt to disallow the bullshit SCOTUS is pulling now. Not about any of the dark stuff you fear.

What bullshit? Turning the matter of abortion over to states?

Do you know even RBG believed Roe was a bad decision?

Do you understand Roe was not saying women have a constitutional right to abortion? Why do so many abortion supporters think this and think over turning it will "ban abortion"?

She believed it was a bad decision because it left itself to open to the bullshit that SCOTUS is pulling now, not because she thought abortion should be illegal.

Lotus, overturning Roe does not make abortion illegal.

Roe does not make abortion a constitutional right. PRIVACY is the constitutional right they decided abortion fell under. It was a bad decision.
Over turning Roe does nothing except turn the matter over to states. And this SHOULD be a state issue. The state legislature is more in touch with the will of the voters.

They are not "pulling" anything. You understand living in a real democracy, involves compromise with other people?


Factory Bastard
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Lotus, what are you trying to do is convince us that this bill, which was full of loopholes and these tend to be exploited, will never have these loopholes exploited

I'm not saying that these kind of laws end up in societies building altars to dark deities and offering their children to them

But they could. Ok, that was a little BS but the saddest thing is, it's not impossible. Unlikely, but not imposible.

And believe me, seeing the things I've seeing today, I have to say "completely possible".

The bill was 100% an attempt to disallow the bullshit SCOTUS is pulling now. Not about any of the dark stuff you fear.

What bullshit? Turning the matter of abortion over to states?

Do you know even RBG believed Roe was a bad decision?

Do you understand Roe was not saying women have a constitutional right to abortion? Why do so many abortion supporters think this and think over turning it will "ban abortion"?

She believed it was a bad decision because it left itself to open to the bullshit that SCOTUS is pulling now, not because she thought abortion should be illegal.

Lotus, overturning Roe does not make abortion illegal.

Roe does not make abortion a constitutional right. PRIVACY is the constitutional right they decided abortion fell under. It was a bad decision.
Over turning Roe does nothing except turn the matter over to states. And this SHOULD be a state issue. The state legislature is more in touch with the will of the voters.

You don't think any states are going to make abortion illegal? That's the concern here. you know.

Dove, believe it or not, I know what is going on. You don't need to school me on any of this.


Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
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The bill was 100% an attempt to disallow the bullshit SCOTUS is pulling now. Not about any of the dark stuff you fear.

More like trash that's easy to be interpreted anyway they want

Dark stuff, you say?

Lotus, when is it gonna be dark enough for you?

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Like I said, there's NOTHING these people aren't capable of

There's no limit to anything anymore

With all these environment-induced paranoia, how long until they start demanding forceful euthanasia on the elderly living on pensions? You know, to "save the planet", because they "waste resources".


Factory Bastard
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The bill was 100% an attempt to disallow the bullshit SCOTUS is pulling now. Not about any of the dark stuff you fear.

More like trash that's easy to be interpreted anyway they want

Dark stuff, you say?

Lotus, when is it gonna be dark enough for you?

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Like I said, there's NOTHING these people aren't capable of

There's no limit to anything anymore

With all these environment-induced paranoia, how long until they start demanding forceful euthanasia on the elderly living on pensions? You know, to "save the planet", because they "waste resources".

"These people"? The Satanic Temple has nothing to do with this abortion debate. Nothing.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Lotus, what are you trying to do is convince us that this bill, which was full of loopholes and these tend to be exploited, will never have these loopholes exploited

I'm not saying that these kind of laws end up in societies building altars to dark deities and offering their children to them

But they could. Ok, that was a little BS but the saddest thing is, it's not impossible. Unlikely, but not imposible.

And believe me, seeing the things I've seeing today, I have to say "completely possible".

The bill was 100% an attempt to disallow the bullshit SCOTUS is pulling now. Not about any of the dark stuff you fear.

What bullshit? Turning the matter of abortion over to states?

Do you know even RBG believed Roe was a bad decision?

Do you understand Roe was not saying women have a constitutional right to abortion? Why do so many abortion supporters think this and think over turning it will "ban abortion"?

She believed it was a bad decision because it left itself to open to the bullshit that SCOTUS is pulling now, not because she thought abortion should be illegal.

Lotus, overturning Roe does not make abortion illegal.

Roe does not make abortion a constitutional right. PRIVACY is the constitutional right they decided abortion fell under. It was a bad decision.
Over turning Roe does nothing except turn the matter over to states. And this SHOULD be a state issue. The state legislature is more in touch with the will of the voters.

You don't think any states are going to make abortion illegal? That's the concern here. you know.

Dove, believe it or not, I know what is going on. You don't need to school me on any of this.
^^^goal post moved.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Lotus, what are you trying to do is convince us that this bill, which was full of loopholes and these tend to be exploited, will never have these loopholes exploited

I'm not saying that these kind of laws end up in societies building altars to dark deities and offering their children to them

But they could. Ok, that was a little BS but the saddest thing is, it's not impossible. Unlikely, but not imposible.

And believe me, seeing the things I've seeing today, I have to say "completely possible".

The bill was 100% an attempt to disallow the bullshit SCOTUS is pulling now. Not about any of the dark stuff you fear.

What bullshit? Turning the matter of abortion over to states?

Do you know even RBG believed Roe was a bad decision?

Do you understand Roe was not saying women have a constitutional right to abortion? Why do so many abortion supporters think this and think over turning it will "ban abortion"?

She believed it was a bad decision because it left itself to open to the bullshit that SCOTUS is pulling now, not because she thought abortion should be illegal.

Lotus, overturning Roe does not make abortion illegal.

Roe does not make abortion a constitutional right. PRIVACY is the constitutional right they decided abortion fell under. It was a bad decision.
Over turning Roe does nothing except turn the matter over to states. And this SHOULD be a state issue. The state legislature is more in touch with the will of the voters.

You don't think any states are going to make abortion illegal? That's the concern here. you know.

Dove, believe it or not, I know what is going on. You don't need to school me on any of this.
^^^goal post moved.

Yeah, right.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Lotus, what are you trying to do is convince us that this bill, which was full of loopholes and these tend to be exploited, will never have these loopholes exploited

I'm not saying that these kind of laws end up in societies building altars to dark deities and offering their children to them

But they could. Ok, that was a little BS but the saddest thing is, it's not impossible. Unlikely, but not imposible.

And believe me, seeing the things I've seeing today, I have to say "completely possible".

The bill was 100% an attempt to disallow the bullshit SCOTUS is pulling now. Not about any of the dark stuff you fear.

What bullshit? Turning the matter of abortion over to states?

Do you know even RBG believed Roe was a bad decision?

Do you understand Roe was not saying women have a constitutional right to abortion? Why do so many abortion supporters think this and think over turning it will "ban abortion"?

She believed it was a bad decision because it left itself to open to the bullshit that SCOTUS is pulling now, not because she thought abortion should be illegal.

Lotus, overturning Roe does not make abortion illegal.

Roe does not make abortion a constitutional right. PRIVACY is the constitutional right they decided abortion fell under. It was a bad decision.
Over turning Roe does nothing except turn the matter over to states. And this SHOULD be a state issue. The state legislature is more in touch with the will of the voters.

You don't think any states are going to make abortion illegal? That's the concern here. you know.

Dove, believe it or not, I know what is going on. You don't need to school me on any of this.
^^^goal post moved.

Yeah, right.
Yea, right.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
The bill was 100% an attempt to disallow the bullshit SCOTUS is pulling now. Not about any of the dark stuff you fear.

More like trash that's easy to be interpreted anyway they want

Dark stuff, you say?

Lotus, when is it gonna be dark enough for you?

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Like I said, there's NOTHING these people aren't capable of

There's no limit to anything anymore

With all these environment-induced paranoia, how long until they start demanding forceful euthanasia on the elderly living on pensions? You know, to "save the planet", because they "waste resources".

Theyve been doing shit like that.

One time they showed up at an abortion clinic dressed as infants in bondage gear, started writing on the ground in front of the abortion clinic door pouring milk on themselves.

It was grotesque. And I saw a follow up where one of the women that had an app there saw that and decided NOT to go in and abort. So their ghoulish "performance art" that wasnt even close to appropriate actually save a human life.

One time some satanic church member went into a clinic and received a pamphlet that actually had accurate info about pregnancy and the human in the fetal stage. And they told her an ultrasound would be required.

The satanic temple tried to SUE them for "pushing religious beliefs" and requiring ultrasound.

Do you know dangerous and irresponsible it would be to not perform an ultrasound before a surgical procedure like that? I guess they want the "doctor" to just guess which procedure would be best and hope it's not etopic. Stupid fucking psychos.

They exist to think everything they dont understand is "religious" and they try to sue people and push themselves into things. That after school bible study was something the students wanted. It wasnt being forced and wasnt during school hours.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Gee, I wonder what the founders would have done to an abortion clinic.....
Great question, and thank you for asking, have you ever heard of Benjamin Franklin?



"Derp, Murrica is all xtian and stuff" Derpmar
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I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Domestically feral
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United states
anyone who supports 'abortion up to birth' oughta be shot
link to those who do, thanks in advance

And if we did link people discussing abortion until birth (everyone celebrated when NY legalized that and also stripped protections from women whose male partners try to drug them to kill their preborn child) you would complain about the link.

Because if your chosen left wing bias sources didnt say it......its all just fake. Right?