Bastard Factory…I want your hard drive!


Domestically feral
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United states
He'll sign back on in a minute to see if anyone said anything about him LOL.. Hi Breakfall lol

Everytime I pop in, I have at least 10 notifications all from Flynn spazzing out foaming at his dog cum crusted maw.

It's like the retarded cretin waits for me to post and has to shoot off 5 posts in response to ever 1 post I post towards someone else lol.

What a stupid dog fucking potatoe he is.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
He'll sign back on in a minute to see if anyone said anything about him LOL.. Hi Breakfall lol

Everytime I pop in, I have at least 10 notifications all from Flynn spazzing out foaming at his dog cum crusted maw.

It's like the retarded cretin waits for me to post and has to shoot off 5 posts in response to ever 1 post I post towards someone else lol.

What a stupid dog fucking potatoe he is.
I just don't know where his anger is coming from??? I stuck up for the guy and he's still angry with me. I can't worry too much about it. Definitely something I'm not going to lose sleep over. He thinks I'm on some team or something. wth? I've known Shampy and few others here for years, so yeah.. I have a bond with some of them. That doesn't mean I don't disagree with some of the stuff they post. I'm an individual with my own thoughts.. Unlike "someone else" ( x) that won't call out a person when they're wrong out of fear.. huh? . Anyway,, it is what it is. I'm photoshopping on Fagbook.. a little less drama ;)
Last edited:


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
He'll sign back on in a minute to see if anyone said anything about him LOL.. Hi Breakfall lol

Everytime I pop in, I have at least 10 notifications all from Flynn spazzing out foaming at his dog cum crusted maw.

It's like the retarded cretin waits for me to post and has to shoot off 5 posts in response to ever 1 post I post towards someone else lol.

What a stupid dog fucking potatoe he is.
I just don't know where his anger is coming from??? I stuck up for the guy and he's still angry with me. I can't worry too much about it. Definitely something I'm not going to lose sleep over. He thinks I'm on some team or something. wth? I've known Shampy and few others here for years, so yeah.. I have a bond with some of them. That doesn't mean I don't disagree with some of the stuff they post. I'm an individual with my own thoughts.. Unlike "someone else" that won't call out a person when they're wrong out of fear.. huh? . Anyway,, it is what it is. I'm photoshopping on Fagbook.. a little less drama ;)

I dont either. One day he showed up, announced that he is a liberal who was trolling, and started taking shots.

And when i started engaging him, he just kept blathering how I repeat myself (which I dont....unless I have to because my opponent keeps repeating points even after they were addressed) and then taking personal shots.

And it just devolved from there.

Now he got sucked into Oak and Murds one sided personal toxic drama they have with me that I wont even waste my time engaging. So he is seeing "sides".

It's a narcissistic mentality. You either agree with him, and take his side or he will turn on you and blame YOU for it.

You didnt do anything wrong. That's about him and what kind of shitty and selfish person he is. It's about control.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I'll also add in that a person who claims to be your friend, but then turns around and uses that friendship as leverage to manipulate you to align with them or agree with them on something that you do not agree NOT your friend.

That is a toxic and controling person who uses "friendship" as a weapon to control people. Break wants Raven to be like " you are right! I totally agree with you! Dont take your friendship away! I'm so sorry that I asserted my own thoughts and stance on this and I will now bow down and adopt yours so you will continue to be nice to me!"

That sort of toxic and conditional "friendship" that fails to support and appreciate differences and deal with those maturely and respectfully from a person who just wants you to be their unconditional cheerleader.... that's not friendship. That's toxic.

And it's a popular saying in recovery that addicts do not have friends. They have hostages.

He fits in perfectly with the likes of Oak and Murd. They both have that same conditional approach that if you challange or disagree with them....they turn and go rabid. It's about control and they rate the value of others based on how useful that person is to them.

When someone who presents to you as a friend goes this route? Let them go on it. Its trash taking itself out. They WANT you to bend. They want to control you. Just stand ground and laugh at the tantrum and be glad it came out.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I'm thinking that if everyone that Breakfall dislikes left this forum, he would turn on his leftover "friends" that are supporting him right now!! I'd bet on it!!! If something didn't go his way, or someone disagreed with his views, there would be problems. Think about that peeps ;) There is no making this man happy unless you agree and support him on everything. Dare speak out or even have the appearance of dissension.. you're toast :/ Okay.. I'm over this now. LOLOLOLOL..


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I'm thinking that if everyone that Breakfall dislikes left this forum, he would turn on his leftover "friends" that are supporting him right now!! I'd bet on it!!! If something didn't go his way, or someone disagreed with his views, there would be problems. Think about that peeps ;) There is no making this man happy unless you agree and support him on everything. Dare speak out or even have the appearance of dessension.. you're toast :/ Okay.. I'm over this now. LOLOLOLOL..

Dude it's a matter if time before they turn on eachother anyway. People like this always do. They always have some issue or drama with someone.

When it happens I'll likely take them off ignore so I can watch lol.


You wanna play doxxing?..
It means your chin is HUUUUGE and you need to haul it around, jackass :LOL3:
Jackass? Jesus…you’re a tool at best! You sat back and allowed my daughter to be trolled. That’s why you lost me. Are you even a woman?
I DID NOT... I STUCK UP FOR YOU!!! and you still call me a cunt.. I'm over it LOLOLOL.. :D
No you didn’t. And that’s why most of you mean nothing to me. This troll has existed for 15 years. A fabrication. My own daughter.
I understand... I don't like it either, but I can't change what people post :( I can only speak out against it. Sorry if that's not good enough.
You fucking can! Stand up for your would-be friend! Are you not a parent?

Nobody likes the white knight

Let them go for it. Seriously. I'll tell you why.

I love being able to rub their faces in their own shit.

Also....when they use shit like this? It's because they actually believe they can embarrass or humiliate their opponent. They seek to "punish" someone who butthurted them.

And because they are narcissists who carry deep insecurity and shame about their OWN life and they deeply care about the image they think they have and preserving that(even when its completely disconnected from the reality that most people see right through that grandiose idiocy)......they imagine that trying to "ruin" another person image would be the same large hit to their targets ego as it would be to theirs.

They fear exposure of themselves so they really believe everyone else has the same fears and motives. Narcs view other humans as props on the stage of their world, lesser extensions of themselves that they can manipulate and control.

By all means, keep the TOS. I'm just saying dont think either Big OR myself have any single concern about what some alcoholic, bitter control freaks say and it just shows the truth about who THEY are. And we will use that lol.
And alcoholic yet again says the drug fiend! And on and on…

That's right. When someone has been an addict.....they recognize it very easily.

So yes.....the resident addict with 9 years of recovery sees your dysfunction VERY clearly. Shocker, isnt it? I know the signs, I recognize the tone.

It's kinda like how gay or bi people have their gaydar all sharp.
addicts are fucking idiots :LOL3:

Eh.....its actually associated with high intelligence.
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Smart people can do pretty dumb shit.
My God…lol! I missed this cracker! “High intelligence” is something you don’t possess @Dove . You don’t know how to shut up when you’re wrong and your track record proves that. People talk and you’re a nutter. If I were conducting business in America, I would essentially be paying for your existence literally. My tax would pay for your welfare. You aren’t highly intelligent…you’re just a fuck-up in situation life. And all of your own making. Let that sink in a moment before hammering the keyboard that I hypothetically paid for! Lulz!

Looks like some heavy projection.

"People talk".....code for Murd and Oak gossiping and lying about people they are mad at who butt hurt gutted them.

Break you are not the first idiot to get sucked in as a flying monkey for those two psychos. You are just one of the very few to fall for their routine.

Have you verified anything told to you? Or do you just believe it because you cannot hold your own in a discussion and you need some sort of personal "ammo" to fire off at your opposition?

Believing proven liars and taking what you believe to be a "PI" route is weak as fuck, Break. I dont believe any of the grandiose "I'm smarter and better than everyone else and you guys must validate that or ur dumbz!" from a guy who is showing such a deep lack of integrity. Who is willing to believe gossip, lies, and join in with it AND weild what you believe to be private info on a forum.

Just tell the truth. You are a gullible idiot who is annoyed that his beliefs and biases were challenged and your ego is bleeding.

Dont get me wrong, Break. You are MORE than welcome to believe and blather whatever nonsense you find compelling. It's actually pretty funny and I'm not very worried about what a grown man who posts about 5 year old little girls getting fucked by adult men and enjoying thinks he knows or what he thinks.

You are actual garbage to me. Truly. I really mean that genuinely. Not at all in a mean way....its just my judgement. I dont respect you at all. You are a weak, petty male with a shit character.

This dumbass should head on over to poarktown and gossip to his heart's content. Nobody here gives a damn anymore.


Site Supporter
I'm thinking that if everyone that Breakfall dislikes left this forum, he would turn on his leftover "friends" that are supporting him right now!! I'd bet on it!!! If something didn't go his way, or someone disagreed with his views, there would be problems. Think about that peeps ;) There is no making this man happy unless you agree and support him on everything. Dare speak out or even have the appearance of dessension.. you're toast :/ Okay.. I'm over this now. LOLOLOLOL..

Dude it's a matter if time before they turn on eachother anyway. People like this always do. They always have some issue or drama with someone.

When it happens I'll likely take them off ignore so I can watch lol.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
You wanna play doxxing?..
It means your chin is HUUUUGE and you need to haul it around, jackass :LOL3:
Jackass? Jesus…you’re a tool at best! You sat back and allowed my daughter to be trolled. That’s why you lost me. Are you even a woman?
I DID NOT... I STUCK UP FOR YOU!!! and you still call me a cunt.. I'm over it LOLOLOL.. :D
No you didn’t. And that’s why most of you mean nothing to me. This troll has existed for 15 years. A fabrication. My own daughter.
I understand... I don't like it either, but I can't change what people post :( I can only speak out against it. Sorry if that's not good enough.
You fucking can! Stand up for your would-be friend! Are you not a parent?

Nobody likes the white knight

Let them go for it. Seriously. I'll tell you why.

I love being able to rub their faces in their own shit.

Also....when they use shit like this? It's because they actually believe they can embarrass or humiliate their opponent. They seek to "punish" someone who butthurted them.

And because they are narcissists who carry deep insecurity and shame about their OWN life and they deeply care about the image they think they have and preserving that(even when its completely disconnected from the reality that most people see right through that grandiose idiocy)......they imagine that trying to "ruin" another person image would be the same large hit to their targets ego as it would be to theirs.

They fear exposure of themselves so they really believe everyone else has the same fears and motives. Narcs view other humans as props on the stage of their world, lesser extensions of themselves that they can manipulate and control.

By all means, keep the TOS. I'm just saying dont think either Big OR myself have any single concern about what some alcoholic, bitter control freaks say and it just shows the truth about who THEY are. And we will use that lol.
And alcoholic yet again says the drug fiend! And on and on…

That's right. When someone has been an addict.....they recognize it very easily.

So yes.....the resident addict with 9 years of recovery sees your dysfunction VERY clearly. Shocker, isnt it? I know the signs, I recognize the tone.

It's kinda like how gay or bi people have their gaydar all sharp.
addicts are fucking idiots :LOL3:

Eh.....its actually associated with high intelligence.
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

Smart people can do pretty dumb shit.
My God…lol! I missed this cracker! “High intelligence” is something you don’t possess @Dove . You don’t know how to shut up when you’re wrong and your track record proves that. People talk and you’re a nutter. If I were conducting business in America, I would essentially be paying for your existence literally. My tax would pay for your welfare. You aren’t highly intelligent…you’re just a fuck-up in situation life. And all of your own making. Let that sink in a moment before hammering the keyboard that I hypothetically paid for! Lulz!

Looks like some heavy projection.

"People talk".....code for Murd and Oak gossiping and lying about people they are mad at who butt hurt gutted them.

Break you are not the first idiot to get sucked in as a flying monkey for those two psychos. You are just one of the very few to fall for their routine.

Have you verified anything told to you? Or do you just believe it because you cannot hold your own in a discussion and you need some sort of personal "ammo" to fire off at your opposition?

Believing proven liars and taking what you believe to be a "PI" route is weak as fuck, Break. I dont believe any of the grandiose "I'm smarter and better than everyone else and you guys must validate that or ur dumbz!" from a guy who is showing such a deep lack of integrity. Who is willing to believe gossip, lies, and join in with it AND weild what you believe to be private info on a forum.

Just tell the truth. You are a gullible idiot who is annoyed that his beliefs and biases were challenged and your ego is bleeding.

Dont get me wrong, Break. You are MORE than welcome to believe and blather whatever nonsense you find compelling. It's actually pretty funny and I'm not very worried about what a grown man who posts about 5 year old little girls getting fucked by adult men and enjoying thinks he knows or what he thinks.

You are actual garbage to me. Truly. I really mean that genuinely. Not at all in a mean way....its just my judgement. I dont respect you at all. You are a weak, petty male with a shit character.

This dumbass should head on over to poarktown and gossip to his heart's content. Nobody here gives a damn anymore.


So last year I was all relapsed, then I enabled the cyber sex abuse of my 12 year old (i dont have a 12 old....I have older teens and a 5 year old), and now I'm on welfare. And who the fuck knows or cares what else.

GTFO :Crazy: :GiggleBitch:

They can have another "I'm offended by Dovey" support board lol.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I'm thinking that if everyone that Breakfall dislikes left this forum, he would turn on his leftover "friends" that are supporting him right now!! I'd bet on it!!! If something didn't go his way, or someone disagreed with his views, there would be problems. Think about that peeps ;) There is no making this man happy unless you agree and support him on everything. Dare speak out or even have the appearance of dessension.. you're toast :/ Okay.. I'm over this now. LOLOLOLOL..

Dude it's a matter if time before they turn on eachother anyway. People like this always do. They always have some issue or drama with someone.

When it happens I'll likely take them off ignore so I can watch lol.

What IS it with you guys who dont like to read my posts coming at them as if other people arent allowed to read and like them?

Am I obligated to conform my content to what like 3 of you prefer? Or what the gossip hater group prefers?


Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
This thread.

Another classic Breakmelt.

I think Ozzy Boardbrain has me confused with some Puerto Rican dwarf.


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Such is life...
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Great Southern Land


ፕልክፏቹክፕ ነየርጎልረጎነፕ
Global Moderator
Poor @realgrimm .You must fuck your arse for attention. Lol

That's my man purse fella its where I keep my drugs
Dude…my foot is literally stomping on your neck. You’re insignificant here.

Uh oh not threw my phone..

Things are getting scurry @Breakfall is getting mad

But dude….you’re a drug addict! Lol

Do you still pretend to be a knight in shining armor and play counselor to domestically abused women until they get creeped out by you so you reduce them to slime in drunken benders..

Ask Mona


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
Poor @realgrimm .You must fuck your arse for attention. Lol

That's my man purse fella its where I keep my drugs
Dude…my foot is literally stomping on your neck. You’re insignificant here.

Uh oh not threw my phone..

Things are getting scurry @Breakfall is getting mad

But dude….you’re a drug addict! Lol

Do you still pretend to be a knight in shining armor and play counselor to domestically abused women until they get creeper out by you then you reduce them to slime in drunken benders..

Ask Mona
Hahahahahaaa….Mona. That bitch needs to be anally raped! Classic! Löl