Brazil, Launches its own January 6 Style Temper Tantrum, looting and pillaging the Federal Government Offices.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Why don’t you stop posting shit politics here and stop sucking so much cock? Cindy‘s been dipping must be such a drag for you these days eh?
One has to wonder why he doesn't keep his tedious tripe confined to Cindy's minge is dripping -- huh?

Fucking spastic


Such is life...
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Great Southern Land
Faaaaark there’s a lot of coons in Brazil aye! The monkey nation looks like a fucking Banana Republic governed by Africa herself! Lol


Such is life...
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Great Southern Land
If I was a Brazilian and I found out my Presidente was taking political theater lessons from a lunatic American, so crazy even Trump "Fired" him. I'd be disconcerted.
Election disinformation isn’t new…no wonder the American conservatives are disconcerted! Löl

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Election disinformation isn’t new…no wonder the American conservatives are disconcerted! Löl
Remember one thing. In 2016 a handful of Russian trolls saying naughty things about Hillary on facebook constituted massive election interference requiring a two year and 34 million dollar investigation to appease the leaking crybabies. Which produced nothing and yet they persisted in their delusional hysteria for another two years costing millions in damage and dozens of innocent lives lost in the process.

Fast forward 4 years and conveniently less than one year before the election a virus is deliberately released and brought into our country - voting rules are changed drastically in response which coincidentally made fraud much easier and between 2 and 6 am when 94% of the vote had already been tallied a deluge of mysterious votes suddenly appears. Of course swinging the election on behalf of a guy who could barely communicate, spent the majority of his time in a basement and couldn't even fill a school yard with interest - to the tune of 81 million vote! The highest in American history. They didn't even bother to fake the funk with this farce to make it less obvious that they stacked the count in the wee hours of the morning. And any mathematician worth his salt could tell you what happened in those swing states is about as possible statistically speaking as getting struck twice by lighting as you are on your way to the lottery office holding two winning tickets.

But yeah, there was no reason to launch an investigation similar to that of the Mueller probe. Why waste the money? What you saw there was all above board.

And they wonder why a bunch of hillbillies became disenfranchised enough to engage in the type of premeditated trespassing and other terrorizing activity one would only expect to see when the system was on the verge of a complete takeover complete with horrifying scenes of furniture displacement and broken glass!

I was on the edge of my seat that day and remember thinking to myself if a painting is removed off the wall we may never return to democracy and what will become of us then?!?


Factory Bastard
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Seems both sides are sore losers in America Bigly. The Democrats could never get over Hillary's subpar election campaign & accept Trump as their president. Likewise many Republicans havent gotten over Trumps defeat and will never accept Biden as their president either.


Such is life...
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Great Southern Land
Seems both sides are sore losers in America Bigly. The Democrats could never get over Hillary's subpar election campaign & accept Trump as their president. Likewise many Republicans havent gotten over Trumps defeat and will never accept Biden as their president either.
Pretty fucked really?? And they call it the United States of America. Couldn’t be more far from the truth…


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Domestically feral
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United states
Election disinformation isn’t new…no wonder the American conservatives are disconcerted! Löl

It's the first time ever center and right wing people ever fussed though. It's usually dems and the left screaming how its fraud.

That's the theme here in the country. As conservatives and people right of Stalin lived their lives and went to work and raised their families....left wing people and dems were radicalized, brainwashed to hate the country and everyone in other parties, and they want to take over entirely.

Part of that is being hysterically opposed to other parties when the other parties do pretty much the SAME things to a much lesser extent than lefties did.

Most people want to talk the issues out. But we cant do that because a lot of these dems/progs view us as the enemy.

I really dont blame conservatives for feeling as if the elections are rigged. Even some Democrats think the 2020 election was rigged in Bidens favor.

I really cannot imagine any scenario in which getting rid of Trump and putting Biden there is rational if you care about the country and the world.....unless you've been brainwashed and are not looking at policies. Which is were we are today. No one seems to care about actual policies at all. Biden is pushing the world closer to a nuclear crisis, abusing American tax payers...dems do not care.

They cannot even tell you what they want. They also think nothing else matters except the woke hysterics. I personally think they pretend to care about the woke hysterics....they just see it as politcs to blather about to shut down opposition but none of them really believe elections or policies matter.

Like how Admin thinks people should just "calm down" because nothing can really be radically changed so it's not important. But when the left takes to the streets and murders and brutally beats innocent people, burns down communities and businesses .....its all "yeah! Revolution! Change! Fight teh powah!!"

What does disturb me is how they dont oppose or condemn violence against innocent people but they will over oppose a mild riot at the capitol and blow it up into some insurrection and demand people are jailed.

Like how they all kiss Ukraine presidents ass and say that Ukraine is some paragon of democracy when it's really an authoritarian shit hole that jails politcal opposition. That's exactly what they mean by "democracy" and what they want here.

You've been through a civil war, right? So you should know it's not really something wake up one day and individually decide. No one (at least not on our end) WANTS any civil war. We are already in a cold one that none of us want.
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Factory Bastard
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Fatso certainly has got his hands full

This is what I mean about you being ignorant the stroke was deemed natural causes and unrelated to any events from the previous day. That is the official medical examiner's report. Clearly, ambulance chasers have convinced his family they can get a ghetto payday.


Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
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BRazil's stock market is melting and we're getting closer and closer to a major civil war.

BTW, Lula doesn't want a committee investigating the vandalism, after many of the ones who did the worst damage were proven to be leftards infiltrated.

Brazil is living 100% into the 1984 book plot now.


Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
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"Sure El Presidennte' Donaldo I would love to putt putt golf with you at Mar A Lagos."

I'd say it's gonna be a immigration nightmare for you people if Brazoo really goes to shit, but I'm guessing that would be awesome to you libtards. Same with the severe food shortage.

Maybe one day I'll understand you mongrels' psychotic urge to see the whole world burn.


Such is life...
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Great Southern Land
It's the first time ever center and right wing people ever fussed though. It's usually dems and the left screaming how its fraud.

That's the theme here in the country. As conservatives and people right of Stalin lived their lives and went to work and raised their families....left wing people and dems were radicalized, brainwashed to hate the country and everyone in other parties, and they want to take over entirely.

Part of that is being hysterically opposed to other parties when the other parties do pretty much the SAME things to a much lesser extent than lefties did.

Most people want to talk the issues out. But we cant do that because a lot of these dems/progs view us as the enemy.

I really dont blame conservatives for feeling as if the elections are rigged. Even some Democrats think the 2020 election was rigged in Bidens favor.

I really cannot imagine any scenario in which getting rid of Trump and putting Biden there is rational if you care about the country and the world.....unless you've been brainwashed and are not looking at policies. Which is were we are today. No one seems to care about actual policies at all. Biden is pushing the world closer to a nuclear crisis, abusing American tax payers...dems do not care.

They cannot even tell you what they want. They also think nothing else matters except the woke hysterics. I personally think they pretend to care about the woke hysterics....they just see it as politcs to blather about to shut down opposition but none of them really believe elections or policies matter.

Like how Admin thinks people should just "calm down" because nothing can really be radically changed so it's not important. But when the left takes to the streets and murders and brutally beats innocent people, burns down communities and businesses .....its all "yeah! Revolution! Change! Fight teh powah!!"

What does disturb me is how they dont oppose or condemn violence against innocent people but they will over oppose a mild riot at the capitol and blow it up into some insurrection and demand people are jailed.

Like how they all kiss Ukraine presidents ass and say that Ukraine is some paragon of democracy when it's really an authoritarian shit hole that jails politcal opposition. That's exactly what they mean by "democracy" and what they want here.

You've been through a civil war, right? So you should know it's not really something wake up one day and individually decide. No one (at least not on our end) WANTS any civil war. We are already in a cold one that none of us want.
Yeah, I was under 10 years old when the terrorists went absolutely apeshit. Women and children were also the targets. Teachers had to arm themselves in the event of a terrorist attack. I still remember the ID posters of various Cold War armaments that the Russians were supplying the terrorists. They were posted on the walls next to the class alphabet. We had continuous terrorist drills were most of the world had fire drills.

The most common black market assault rifle was the AK-47. The terrorists were even supplied with various land mines and even naval limpit mines.

As kids we were trained in primary school and had extensive target practice with .22 calibre rifles. We are talking as young as 11 and 12 years of age. That training went all the way through high school as army cadets. After school there was a two year compulsory conscription, where you were assessed and relegated into the army, navy, airforce or police force.

Anyway, the terrorists ultimately won and the country has spiralled into chaos under a corrupt terrorist regime as government. Those that haven’t been able to leave are virtually prisoners in their own homes. Communism is rife and the entire nation has never been so disenchanted…

A modern Civil War isn’t the answer for any country if it can be helped. The enemies of that country will be circling like vultures to pick up the scraps and swallow the rewards. End of story.


Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
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LOL I remember when that fucking terrorist ape Mandella swore his country would be a model of progress and living standards for blacks.


Such is life...
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Great Southern Land
LOL I remember when that fucking terrorist ape Mandella swore his country would be a model of progress and living standards for blacks.
He had the whole world fooled. Having him as president straight after his 27 year stint as a political terrorist was mind-boggling. There’s not many countries that go backwards from developed to disintegrating and desperate. The place can’t even run electricity around the clock because nobody is appropriately qualified or has the governmental funding to carry out basic maintenance on the power plants. A country where the police even loot stores and use their paddy wagons as “getaway” vehicles after the president gets locked up for misappropriation of government funds.

Yeah…viva Nelson Mandela!



Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
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He had the whole world fooled. Having him as president straight after his 27 year stint as a political terrorist was mind-boggling. There’s not many countries that go backwards from developed to disintegrating and desperate. The place can’t even run electricity around the clock because nobody is appropriately qualified or has the governmental funding to carry out basic maintenance on the power plants. A country where the police even loot stores and use their paddy wagons as “getaway” vehicles after the president gets locked up for misappropriation of government funds.

Yeah…viva Nelson Mandela!


And eventually, the outcome is always the same

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senior penor

Factory Bastard
I'd say it's gonna be a immigration nightmare for you people if Brazoo really goes to shit, but I'm guessing that would be awesome to you libtards. Same with the severe food shortage.

Maybe one day I'll understand you mongrels' psychotic urge to see the whole world burn.
Wouldn't it be grand if those brazilians flooded california and turned it ruby red? Joe and his blue buddies will be building a wall that made the trump one look like a mere garden fence


Such is life...
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Great Southern Land
Wouldn't it be grand if those brazilians flooded california and turned it ruby red? Joe and his blue buddies will be building a wall that made the trump one look like a mere garden fence
Is that supposed to be clever el senior penis? Knock the fucking top off it and go to sleep!