CBT: Perfect Forum For 50+ Year Old White Guys Who Prey On Kids


Shen Li

Factory Bastard
None of your fucking business
I guess if the statements are TRUE, perhaps it should be reported to child services.. I think this is all political, cutthroat bullshit from long-time users who hate each other.. I can get dirty rotten, but not when it possibly could hurt someone's reputation for life if it got in the wrong hands :(
Honestly speaking. How do you view someone who said publicly they wanted to go jerk off while watching a 12 year old natatlie portman in a movie called "the professional"

a movie itself which has some very questionable undertones in it?
I did not see that, so I can't comment on it :/
Assuming for a second you saw it. Would you not be sickened by it?

Plenty of people were around back then when this person wrote that
Did the person KNOW her age, or did they find out after they made the statement? Makes a difference in determining whether they have issues :/
Take a peek at the movie "The professional" the main child actress is Natalie Portman. you tell me if you could not discern that this is a female child in that movie.

This person specifically stated he was going to turn on the movie "the professional" and ""fap"" (CBT lingo for jerk off) to Natalie Portman.
Yep, I remember that. It's a regular at CBT isn't it. Coincidence? Not fucking likely.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I got banned from CBT after three friendly posts. I don't think this trannie is of the friendly kind
I got banned for like a million years after one post
You're not banned Snowflake.

Why am I not surprised aidsman frequents a tranny PLEASE ASS BOX ME! forum?
The question you should be asking is why are so many members in this forum still crying their eyes out over being banned from your so called "tranny PLEASE ASS BOX ME!" Forum?

You should seriously start being more concerned about being so criminally obtuse.
Remember how much you cried when I banned you from SG once a week just for my personal shits and giggles?

that was fun
Yes dear, you were so heroically brave, banning me whenever I pantsed your week ass in a thread.
Admin sucks so much cock tho

One of four things you post about, over and over and over and over. You are the most boring poster on the planet.

1) Admin sucking cock, your dearest fantasy
2) Peaches' nose
3) How much you hate liberals and want to see them die brutal deaths
4) Your sad, empty McMansion

You are a snooze fest.:Bored2:


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
I got banned from CBT after three friendly posts. I don't think this trannie is of the friendly kind
I got banned for like a million years after one post
You're not banned Snowflake.

Why am I not surprised aidsman frequents a tranny PLEASE ASS BOX ME! forum?
The question you should be asking is why are so many members in this forum still crying their eyes out over being banned from your so called "tranny PLEASE ASS BOX ME!" Forum?

You should seriously start being more concerned about being so criminally obtuse.
Remember how much you cried when I banned you from SG once a week just for my personal shits and giggles?

that was fun
Yes dear, you were so heroically brave, banning me whenever I pantsed your week ass in a thread.
Admin sucks so much cock tho

One of four things you post about, over and over and over and over. You are the most boring poster on the planet.

1) Admin sucking cock, your dearest fantasy
2) Peaches' nose
3) How much you hate liberals and want to see them die brutal deaths
4) Your sad, empty McMansion

You are a snooze fest.:Bored2:
Eu fala Portugues. Voce fala Portugues? ;)

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
I got banned from CBT after three friendly posts. I don't think this trannie is of the friendly kind
Her forum her hot button rules. I am sure there is similarity to that at every forum. The more astute of us have been posting at her forum for a long fucking time.

Since when do females have a penis, you braindead cock jockey?

I know you were birthed anally by your father, but that sort of thing is unheard of outside of Oregon.


Site Supporter
Imo, the PLEASE ASS BOX ME! card just shows how fuckin butt hurt someone is. Of all things people could use to troll with, sexual abuse of a minor shouldn't be one of them. To each their own, I guess.. but I truly find it appalling and disgusting. As I said, do better, it's lame AF.
When people set out to be nasty they should be prepared for nasty in return, anyhow calling somebody a sex offender has nothing to do with any childs welfare now does it? For example if that butthurt schizo mentions my mother or my dogs he's gonna be reminded of the bubblebath screenshot... It is what it is... :Confused4: Anyhow it's creepy that any mention of diddlers on here and he's there like a dog outta trap one :LOL3:
I'll say no more...

fuicking gimp :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3:

who hurt yoo ? Dont act like yoo dont know LMFAO


Site Supporter
anyhow calling somebody a sex offender has nothing to do with any childs welfare now does it?
Yes it does..You're using children in a sexual context.. Just as bad as the person's life you're trying to ruin. BIG difference from saying something about a mother or a dog.

lol youre reasoning with a crackhead :LOL3: :LOL3:


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Imo, the PLEASE ASS BOX ME! card just shows how fuckin butt hurt someone is. Of all things people could use to troll with, sexual abuse of a minor shouldn't be one of them. To each their own, I guess.. but I truly find it appalling and disgusting. As I said, do better, it's lame AF.
When people set out to be nasty they should be prepared for nasty in return, anyhow calling somebody a sex offender has nothing to do with any childs welfare now does it? For example if that butthurt schizo mentions my mother or my dogs he's gonna be reminded of the bubblebath screenshot... It is what it is... :Confused4: Anyhow it's creepy that any mention of diddlers on here and he's there like a dog outta trap one :LOL3:
I'll say no more...

fuicking gimp :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3:

who hurt yoo ? Dont act like yoo dont know LMFAO
Skipped your COPIUM prescription today? Ya fuckin sex case!

Look at those craters and that fuckin chin!!! :LOL3::LOL3:
Then there's the many times broken snout!!!

"I don't wanna wake up!!!" WAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! :LOL3::LOL3::LOL3::LOL3::LOL3::LOL3::LOL3::LOL3:


Take your copium and wring that grease out yer hair ya soap dodging old loner!!!!:LOL3::LOL3::LOL3::LOL3:


Site Supporter
Imo, the PLEASE ASS BOX ME! card just shows how fuckin butt hurt someone is. Of all things people could use to troll with, sexual abuse of a minor shouldn't be one of them. To each their own, I guess.. but I truly find it appalling and disgusting. As I said, do better, it's lame AF.
When people set out to be nasty they should be prepared for nasty in return, anyhow calling somebody a sex offender has nothing to do with any childs welfare now does it? For example if that butthurt schizo mentions my mother or my dogs he's gonna be reminded of the bubblebath screenshot... It is what it is... :Confused4: Anyhow it's creepy that any mention of diddlers on here and he's there like a dog outta trap one :LOL3:
I'll say no more...

fuicking gimp :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3:

who hurt yoo ? Dont act like yoo dont know LMFAO
Skipped your COPIUM prescription today? Ya fuckin sex case!

Look at those craters and that fuckin chin!!! :LOL3::LOL3:
Then there's the many times broken snout!!!

"I don't wanna wake up!!!" WAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! :LOL3::LOL3::LOL3::LOL3::LOL3::LOL3::LOL3::LOL3:


Take your copium and wring that grease out yer hair ya soap dodging old loner!!!!:LOL3::LOL3::LOL3::LOL3:



:LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3:


Philosopher King
Site Supporter
West Coast
This thread is a shitshow :facepalm: LMFAO!

I have to agree. The tears are running out of my laptop and ankle deep on the floor, from all the people who "hate" the denizens of CBT, especially the owner, and MIND YOU... they wouldn't be caught dead posting on such a horrible forum.

But HOW DARE Sindy deny them the right to join up and post there? Not that they'd be caught dead associating with those trannies and pedos, mind you.

Sweet sleeping Jeezus, what a tear fest.

Take a peek at the movie "The professional" the main child actress is Natalie Portman. you tell me if you could not discern that this is a female child in that movie.

This person specifically stated he was going to turn on the movie "the professional" and ""fap"" (CBT lingo for jerk off) to Natalie Portman.
Yep, I remember that. It's a regular at CBT isn't it. Coincidence? Not fucking likely.
Interesting that you would "remember that" since it supposedly occurred at least a dozen years ago, You'd have been a college student, right? What was your handle at the time, and what forum was this on, who was staff there at the time, etc.?

One suspects that what you "remember" is actually a meltdown by a sobbing Biggie a couple of years ago in the ashes of SG, where he begged folks to come forth and validate his claims about exactly what was said and by whom... a futile effort at best, and one that continues today.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
The Natalie Portman incident always ruffles monster's feathers real good and makes him cry

that's how you can tell it really happened

Shen Li

Factory Bastard
None of your fucking business
Is this the whinny commiserate thread ??
So, are you an enabler or a diddler?

I give up howbout you cry some moarrrrrr and label me
The only tears I shed are for kids because of the geriatric white male sexual predators that CBT harbours. You sick animals aren't worthy of tears or mercy.

True but Asians are well known kiddie diddlers stooch...:Beatdown2:
Mostly the Japs. They are the Germans of the East. However, it isn't as ubiquitous among them as it is among white libtards. If it was, you would see that Yamato spirit all over CBT.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
This thread is a shitshow :facepalm: LMFAO!

I have to agree. The tears are running out of my laptop and ankle deep on the floor, from all the people who "hate" the denizens of CBT, especially the owner, and MIND YOU... they wouldn't be caught dead posting on such a horrible forum.

But HOW DARE Sindy deny them the right to join up and post there? Not that they'd be caught dead associating with those trannies and pedos, mind you.

Sweet sleeping Jeezus, what a tear fest.

Take a peek at the movie "The professional" the main child actress is Natalie Portman. you tell me if you could not discern that this is a female child in that movie.

This person specifically stated he was going to turn on the movie "the professional" and ""fap"" (CBT lingo for jerk off) to Natalie Portman.
Yep, I remember that. It's a regular at CBT isn't it. Coincidence? Not fucking likely.
Interesting that you would "remember that" since it supposedly occurred at least a dozen years ago, You'd have been a college student, right? What was your handle at the time, and what forum was this on, who was staff there at the time, etc.?

One suspects that what you "remember" is actually a meltdown by a sobbing Biggie a couple of years ago in the ashes of SG, where he begged folks to come forth and validate his claims about exactly what was said and by whom... a futile effort at best, and one that continues today.

Wow. Sadly, I missed that particular meltdown. What claims was Strapon begging people to validate?