Come inside and see the violence inherent in conservatives.


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Rhode Island state Senate candidate suspends campaign after video shows him hitting opponent at protest


It is not known at this time if Democratic Candidate Jennifer Roark was in possession of any CRT during the violent attack.

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Domestically feral
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United states
But when left wing activists beat innocent people to near death, shoot 8 year old black children, run over Christmas parades threaten women with rape and death that's just hero stuff.

You fuckers breed a culture of hate and violence. Condemn it ALL or dont complain. I ain't hearing this shit.


Domestically feral
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United states
I've posted this several times and each time it gets laughed at.

And laughed at by the guy who is now posting this article and expecting people to care.

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People have to watch unfettered violence from leftwing activists and psychotic TDS people....punching children, burning down the businesses of citizens and not caring or understanding the impact that has. Innocent people being killed (Secoriea Turner, Italia Kelly, David Dorn for a quick example).

Imagine being an American 12 year old getting into American government and politcs and having an adult physically attack you because they dont like who you support.

So what's the excuse for this? Is it the same as the excuse for verbally attacking people who disagree with the left? Was the kid just too stupid for civil discourse? Was it a "waste of time to bother" with words?

Insulting, threatening, doxxing and physically attacking people and destroying communities is how the left communicate.

I'm not sure why anyone should care if someone beats up a leftist. That's what you guys promote. Civil discourse is clearly not possible and everyone who disagrees with big government stances is a racist nazi anyway right?

People who are fine with politcal violence have no business expecting anyone to care when it's going the other way. By now after witnessing how entitled to violence the left thinks they are? We are hoping to see more people knock the fuck out of lefties.

You guys wanted a 17 year old thrown in prison for life because he was forced to defend himself against left wing violence. After that and the riots? Seeing how none of you care about politcal violence committed by leftists? Calling Jan 6th an "insurrection" while completely ignoring left wing psychos trying to murder justices or any of their occupy protests? How an elderly man in Kenosha was punched and had his jaw broken for begging leftwing savages to spare his business?

Oh fuck no we dont care about this. You opened the flood gates and the restraint being shown is incredible. Fuck every single one of you people. Why the fuck should anyone care when you people get the violence you support being inflicted on everyone else?

It's not like he ran over a bunch of children and old women at a Christmas parade.


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Trump Posts Image of Joe Biden Kidnapped And Bound With Rope Trump signals approval of violent imagery targeting his political opponents


Cue the whataboutism...

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Who am I? I am over Two Billion in Saudi Cash!
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Trumptard Nation feels this is just normal political discourse. (Trump has reposted it on his poorly performing chatroom)


But this is an act of violence to be condemned and villified.


I think there is a word for that.....