Dead End


It's Always 5:55, bitch.
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Are you a member of Bastard Factory? Excellent! This movie is for you.

Dead End somehow lands itself into the Horror genre by the masses while it is one of the best comedies I’ve ever seen. It’s almost Naked Gun wearing a new skin, being serious a few times throughout the movie to set up hilarity. And I really mean it here.

The reviews I’ve read about it all have it wrong, it almost troubles me that they never really caught on to what was actually going on. For fuck’s sake, the family is supposedly driving on Christmas Eve to spend the holiday with the man’s step-mother – Al Bundy style: *55-second mark*

That’s all you need to know; real families get stuck with that typa bullshit every year and assumed the trip was an important part of the plot, which practically doesn’t exist or needs to. The plot merely drives the movie forward like the family tries to do, where the first 15 minutes they unfortunately use lame campy antics to establish the characters before they quickly die horribly or go on to reveal secrets that just made me burst out laughing! Most tards think they’re supposed to be unexpected sentimental revelations between the family members, but they’re just there for eager audiences waiting for the next golden joke which the movie continuously delivers.

Watch this movie. To me, it ranks way up there with Blazing Saddles for all the uproarious wit, if you get it -- unlike everyone who rated and reviewed this gem. Again, bear with it for a little while as it annoyingly sets the characters up before the shit hits the fan. Hard.

Don’t read any of the retarded reviews until after you’ve watched it, they’re all obviously oblivious. Not to me, I caught on to the well disguised humor once things started going kinda wrong (or right!). It’s free and worth every penny of your internet bill:

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- Trust me for once and watch it ASAP.


It's Always 5:55, bitch.
Site Supporter
Place it atop your list and watch it after a few beers and some smoke, because it's an absolute blast.

I should've reviewed it as a genuine Horror, as to not tip you guys off, but you may have returned to this thread to call me an idiot who freaks out about nothing like the people y'all may have once loved.

The writers haven't gotten any real work since, which is a real damn shame when you compare it to the movies which make it into theatres these days...

- Watch it twice.